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#34770 Zelda Skyward Sword Epic Trailer [WORK IN PROGRESS]

Posted by Makar on 02 October 2011 - 04:10 PM in The Museum


This wasn't a Japan only trailer, we had a shortened version of it on TV in the UK.

#27397 Your most powerful Zelda memory.

Posted by Makar on 10 September 2011 - 06:39 AM in General Gaming


I played through twilight princess with a friend (A friend who fancied Midna, which I never understood but each to their own I guess) and she cried at the scene before it

She also cried when I called her an idiot for going through the whole of the Temple of Time and forgetting to pick up the boss key, that's one of the great moments for me as well I guess.

#27372 Your most powerful Zelda memory.

Posted by Makar on 10 September 2011 - 06:13 AM in General Gaming

Well, like many others mine is with Ocarina of time.

When I was four, I 'played' ocarina of time on my mum's Nintendo 64 (I say played, I mainly made link run around in circles in Kokiri Forest while my sisters whined about wanting to play Mario Kart) so I'd play for a while and any time an enemy would scare me I'd drop the controller and call for my mum because I was scared, so a few years later, I was 6 and ready to take on all the challenges Ocarina of Time had to offer and there was one moment that always scared me in the spirit temple when the LikeLike would fall from the sky.
-Fast forward 8 years-
I finally had Ocarina of Time 3D! Launch day I was playing it and when I got to the spirit temple again and the LikeLike fell from the sky I had an uncontrollable feeling of nostalgia wash over me and I just stopped looking at the game (needless to say the LikeLike owned me) and thought about how there was never a point in my life where I hadn't played ocarina of time for over a year, every year since I was six I had played ocarina of time and it had almost became second nature to me yet nothing felt boring or the same, it was always fresh and new for me every time I played it, I still had difficulty with the puzzles and enemies, the dungeons still scared me somewhat and it always felt like a great game. That was the moment I realised what the magic of Ocarina of Time is.

#35522 Your Favorite Video Game Music

Posted by Makar on 08 October 2011 - 06:54 PM in General Gaming

The banjo games have such an awesome score, I am so changing what I was going to post now. I agree with you now, this is such an awesome song.
Sadly this is the last Banjo song we will have from Kirkhope, he has now left rare but what a swansong this is. Hopefully he can move onto something more amazing and supply us with some more amazing game music.

#35866 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by Makar on 11 October 2011 - 08:59 AM in General Gaming

What about this hot momma?

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#24500 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 04:19 PM in General Gaming

Between Makar from The Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker or
Judith from Tales of Vesperia.

#27387 Yo, peoples.

Posted by Makar on 10 September 2011 - 06:30 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the Wii U forums! I'm pretty new myself so I can't really give you much advice, not that you need it by the looks of things.
Banjo Kazooie and Tooie are among my favourite games of all time!
Have you played Nuts and bolts an if so did you enjoy it? I personally didn't, the lack of the old characters and the humour just wasn't what it was in the older games although maybe I'm just wearing nostalgia goggles.

Hope you enjoy it here!

#27010 Would you play on a Wii U Forums Minecraft server?

Posted by Makar on 08 September 2011 - 11:35 AM in General Gaming

also, could we have admin made dungeons?

I like this idea as well, although there will be new dungeons in the 1.8 patch, like strongholds and I'm sure there is a plug in to increase the spawning rate of dungeons.
As I said before I like this idea although I'd like to tweak it a little.

I'd love to see the TAKE 'EM ALL ON CHALLENGE!
Basically a huge tower, (admin made) that on each floor has a few mob spawners and then when you reach the top you get... A pat on the back.

#26977 Would you play on a Wii U Forums Minecraft server?

Posted by Makar on 08 September 2011 - 06:06 AM in General Gaming

I really disagree with PVP. the server is meant to be cooperative as Feld0 said, and that would really just destroy it. Plus, what's to prevent Griefers from going and killing people outside?

You can get plugins that only allow PVP in certain areas, I assume it's what he meant. I think it'd be fun with the new 1.8 combat update to have an arena, only if they're are diverse hiding spots etc not just a big circle to attack in It'd be awesome to have big archery towers to use the bow from etc. I'd be happy to build it.

#32915 Would you play on a Wii U Forums Minecraft server?

Posted by Makar on 25 September 2011 - 10:02 AM in General Gaming

I've set up a temporary 12 slot server. If anyone wants to join, the IP is :

#26981 Would you play on a Wii U Forums Minecraft server?

Posted by Makar on 08 September 2011 - 06:39 AM in General Gaming

Well still , it would still go against the very basics of a co-op sever. Plus, what happens when some accidently into the PvP zone? that's an issue that would be hard to pin down who was to blame.
Posted using my 3DS.

By PVP zone, I meant an arena, who accidentally wonders into an arena. If it was to be an entire area it would have to be walled off,the plug in I'm thinking of it pops up and says "You are now entering PVP zone" It'll never happen anyway.

#27014 Would you play on a Wii U Forums Minecraft server?

Posted by Makar on 08 September 2011 - 11:53 AM in General Gaming

But I was considering assigning ops to go out and build landmarks out in the world for the other players to discover.

Landmarks you say 'ey?
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#24493 Would you play on a Wii U Forums Minecraft server?

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 03:08 PM in General Gaming

This is an AWESOME idea, unfortunately I wouldn't be able to fund this as I am a teenager with no access to online banking D:

#27919 Would you buy additional Wii U controllers?

Posted by Makar on 11 September 2011 - 04:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

I wont need one because i'm always alone

Agreed, I only have a few friends that even play games and most of them don't care about the Wii U.

P.S I might buy one of the worst quality cheap third party awkward to hold ones and give that to my friends when if they come round.

#28930 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by Makar on 14 September 2011 - 01:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

EB already put up the Pre-Orders as to being $598.

And isn't it a whole lot less than the PS3 at launch. Wasn't that thing like... $1000?
I remember people at school getting it, and people were like "Oh how is your PS3 going, moneybags?"

Oh my lord, you have no idea how much that made me laugh. I emailed it to my friend and he wasn't too impressed but I found it rather hilarious.

#27975 Wii U Official Forums Game Of The Year Nomines (Manitory Pending)

Posted by Makar on 11 September 2011 - 07:06 AM in General Gaming

Skyward Sword all the way! I agree with Andy, Uprising for best hand held game as well.

#37598 wii u hardware already a flop

Posted by Makar on 22 October 2011 - 11:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't really think there is much more to say on the topic, we've heard from EA the Wii U will be 300-500% more powerful than the Xbox-PS3. The developers of Metro : Last Light and Darksiders 2 have both stated that the Wii U version will be superior. The Darksiders 2 producer says he is impressed with what the Wii U can do, Cytek are very happy with the Wii U, THQ says they're committed to the Wii U and plan to do more than just ports with it and the Braid creator said the Wii U has more RAM than the Xbox/PS3

I've just disproved all of your points with EVIDENCE. I also agree with N, the best graphics are at the end of a system's life.

#24467 Wii U Hard drive

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 12:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

I would much prefer a hard drive to internal flash memory.

Installing a game from the disk also helps protect the game for example, if you scratch the disk so bad the game wont play if it's installed it'll play as normal. Slightly disappointing from a next gen console, but what can you do?
Awesome article by the way!

#30520 Wii U Forums Fandom Database (Corrupted :( )

Posted by Makar on 20 September 2011 - 01:46 PM in The Café

I don't know if you're Envy or Makar. I'm getting dizzy. XD

I am all of the above!

#28044 Wii U Forums Fandom Database (Corrupted :( )

Posted by Makar on 11 September 2011 - 11:04 AM in The Café

Add me to :
The Legend of Zelda
Animal Crossing
Harry Potter
Super Smash Bros.
Kid Icarus
PHEW, That was a list. Also could you make a one person fandom for Tales and add me, thanks!

#24489 Wii Showdown Semi-Finals Results: Mario Kart Wii VS Legend of Zelda: Twilight...

Posted by Makar on 27 August 2011 - 02:57 PM in General Gaming

(Excuse the major fan boyism here.)
No, no no no no!
How can Zelda be losing?!
Twilight Princess all the way!

I love Twilight Princess, for me it's tied with Majora's mask for best game in the Zelda series.

#24899 Wii Showdown FINALS!!!: Results and Future Matches

Posted by Makar on 30 August 2011 - 06:11 AM in General Gaming

I vote Skyward Sword.
I vote Mario Kart Wii.

#27897 What's in the box?

Posted by Makar on 11 September 2011 - 02:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think Nintendo would even remotely think of putting a battery operated mechanic in the controller, quite risky too. With battery leakage and all.

They did it with with the last remote and also, every other electronics company uses batteries in their products as well, it can't be that risky.

Add to that a sensor bar.


#27921 What's in the box?

Posted by Makar on 11 September 2011 - 05:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

Didn't they confirm the censor bar is on the Wii U controller?

Did they? Oh wow! Can you give us a link or something to a source or something? This seems awesome.

#27880 What's in the box?

Posted by Makar on 11 September 2011 - 01:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

I reckon the same, although I don't think there will be a charging stand, either the Wii U controller will run on batteries and then we'll get third party charging stands or you'll have to plug it into either the wall or the Wii U console. Also, I think it'll include a nunchuck.

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