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#97940 Make a wish and ruin someone else's

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 06 August 2012 - 12:22 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I have your sleepyness....
I can do that.

But now you're on fire because you didn't go to sleep & over heated.

I wish I had a DIAMOND UNICORN OF DESTINY (don't ruin the unicorn in the wish... Its all I have!)

#97932 The Huntsman's Blender Work

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 06 August 2012 - 12:14 PM in The Museum

Hello Steve.

#97928 If Wii U fails to get 3rd party games who's to blame?

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 06 August 2012 - 12:07 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo mentioned, early in the NintendoNetwork announcment, that when they spoke to devs about what they wanted in an online network... they all said "flexibility" (pretty vague). Nintendo intends to make it flexible (as far as I know), which means many different possibilities online. Nintendo may have a small advantage here.

As for the controller... yeah, its prepared for the next gen. Sony doesn't seem to change their controller much, and Microsoft isn't terribly ... creative. So the most they will do, is a touch screen. I'd say a level playing field is coming on this front.

And as for power... well because it's coming out first, and because Nintendo has spoken about their focus on game design, rather than powerful hardware.... well I expect it to be weaker than the competition. This means if (later in the generation) an Xbox or Playstation game comes out that is very complex, it will not be ported to WiiU. And this means ... bad. But I expect it to be to a much lesser degree than the Wiis late lifecycle issue.

But Nintendo knows they will need third party support. And Nintendo has acknowledged their poor 3rd-party support. They do seem to be working to fix company problems... one of which (used to be) difficult to work with.

#97186 Spam Battle

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 02 August 2012 - 07:31 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Keep calm

and wear a fez.

#97183 Wii U on the Toilet

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 02 August 2012 - 07:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I have patterned tiles on my wall.... not as entertaining, but .. it works.

I was actually excited about the WiiU's gamepad feature (regarding playing away from TV). I never thought about toilet... but I probably never would. Then again...


But using it with headphones in a different room did come to my attention.

#97179 Neat tidbit about ZombiU it's a sequel

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 02 August 2012 - 07:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think that's really cool. The game mechanics seem interesting, and the fact that the same company made them 26 years ago... AND nobody tried to replicate them, is definetly unexpected. Even though nobody tried to replicate them, I'm confident that it'll work well.

#96829 Smash Bros Memories

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 31 July 2012 - 10:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

And if anyone is going to be the first to have an 8GB game card, odds are it'll be Sakurai.

Oh... good point. He likes to throw everything and the kitchen sink into things doesn't he?

#96827 RUMOUR: Nintendo looking to buy back Rare + franchises, Retro making Banjo Wii U

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 31 July 2012 - 10:09 AM in General Gaming

This is good. I wonder if Banjo Kazooie contains "Barrel Rolls".... because the next Retro game has those, as stated in a flimsey quote a while back.

But yeah.... Killer Instinct is also something I'd like to see. And Banjo...

Hopefully Nintendo can repair what Microsoft did to RARE.

#96821 Why did Nintendo stop mass advertising?

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 31 July 2012 - 09:56 AM in General Gaming

To be blunt and honest, I think they stopped because they don't have to. Nintendo has a legion of passionate fans that talk about Nintendo for them across the internet. Then they have their less loyal consumer base, who says "Oh... I have a GameCube / Wii" and their friends look into them (The other three companies have that).  Then they have dozens of journalistic game sites (although they may not favor Nintendo, they still have to announce release dates and some details for their audience).
I find Sony does invest in mass marketing (TV, and websites)
Microsoft doesn't need it. They have a good grip on consumer base, and journalistic sites.
And Nintendo has... us. Along with game events to show off hardware & software. And now, all Nintendo fans follow the Nintendo Direct live streams.

IMO the live streams are nice because it allows fans to hear from the company directly before hearing a distorted version from websites. And I know that if I pay attention, I will be able to see the crap even through a biased Nintendo lense, where as through a website it's very loud opinions that are hard to sort through.

Honestly I don't think Nintendo will need mass marketing, they have a fanbase that seems to be passionate about the company itself. that's good advertisment.

#96815 Sony and Microsoft teaming up?

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 31 July 2012 - 09:24 AM in General Gaming

This could be AWESOME.
Sony makes a good partner... and Microsoft has ethics..
well... some.

But regardless, Sony is a good technology partner, and Microsoft is an expert at software and design. Seeing as both are doing okay... but not great, teaming up would be an interesting move... and also simplify the gaming market. I like simple... BUT NOT APPLE... @#$%^&*((*&^%$#@#$%^&*(^&*(

#96811 What do you want Retro's new title to be?

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 31 July 2012 - 08:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Starfox was my vote. Not because I'm a huge fan (if anything, I'm trying to get into Metroid), and not because it was practically confirmed months ago by a Retro quote. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO...

I want it because it has potential. It hasn't been taken online (seriously), it has only dipped into an interesting RTS gameplay mix in between the action, and IT HAD MECHS AT ONE POINT... AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGHH AAAAAHHHHHHH! MEEEEEEEEEEECHS

There are many things that could be done and, to be honest, I think it deserves a long and exciting campaign.
Miyamoto has stated that he sees many cool ideas in the WiiU pad and Metroid. He talked about the visor, and giving the player information, and that it could bring new mechanics. Then in a boring conclusion he said , he'd also like Starfox.

#96809 What game do you want POLL

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 31 July 2012 - 08:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Although Project-P-100 looks interesting, ZombieU is an exclusive, and TankTankTank! makes me happy, I voted Aliens. As much as I like platform exclusivity, Aliens just looks very interesting and polished. We haven't seen much of ZombieU (that includes any other modes other than campaign and a weird local multiplayer). TankTankTank! is going to be a Only-wanna-play-with-friends game. And P-100 hasn't showed much either. AS FOR THE OTHERS

Pikmin3 looks fun, but I've never played Pikmin before and therefore have less hype for it. But I'm sure I will end up getting it.

NSMBU looks boring. I didn't like NSMBWii very much (compared to other mario games) and I felt it lacked the adventure that fits it. NSMB2 on the other hand fits more into obstacle course grinding... and it has that... and I want it.

Tekken looks interesting, but I don't think I will get into it.

Rayman isn't my cup of tea.

Nintendo Land is neat... that is all.

Game & Wario has tarnished the Game & Watch name... and for that I hate it and will never forgive it.

WiiFit is excer*cough*... a hem... sise

Lego City isn't as open-world-adventurous as I expected (from what I've seen).

I don't want to SiNG.

Ninja Gaiden tends to grind in a genre I don't enjoy. I'm sure it will be good, but not for me.

Darksiders 2 looks fun. But I haven't seen enough of it.

Assasin's Creed never caught my attention.

Scribblenauts... I didn't enjoy for very long. I will not go for the sequel.

Batman, CallofDuty, Mass Effect.... I just don't care.

#96803 StarFox Assault 2 Could It Happen?

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 31 July 2012 - 08:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't know anyone who enjoyed Starfox Assault...

And I would much prefer a sequel to the game that never was StarFox 2 (SNES).
Considering that game was really on to something, but it was stunted by the technology, and development decisions (notably the decision to cancel the project).
But that game had a good number of levels for a 3d game on SNES. And it allowed for you to choose levels between missions, with real-time enemy movements. On top of that... the arwings turned into mechs in many of the missions... thats just awesome.
The game didn't have too many enemies, or much variation in gameplay... but that's because of circumstance, not the game. There are so many different missions and gameplay mechanics that could work with Space flight, Land Flight-Mech, and RTS type campaign. There were even missions where you had to attack, invade, and destroy giant spaceships. It was so close.  This needs to be fully investigated, and made.

And , in my opinion, if Nintendo wants a TPAction game with vehicles, they should make a new IP. Starfox was always about vehicle shooting (Tanks, submarines, Mechs, Jets), they all use a particular gameplay that doesn't work on foot. And the character heavy single-player lends itself to vehicles.

All that being said, I can definitly see the appeal of a TPS multiplayer vehicle online extravaganza.

But, but...

Peppy's retired.

He works on the ship...
but no more barrel rolls for him.
I admit the plot you speak of is very important. Starfox has always been character heavy. Everyone has a character, and an engaging voice that captures the moment (although 64 wasn't the great at it, it was good enough). So THAT needs to be in there... and the other stuff I said.

You guys are having the same reaction than when Zelda 2 was released. People complained about the fact that it was a sidescroller and that it didnt feel like Zelda. The thing that was wrong about that reasoning was that Zelda 2 was the second game of the series, so there wasnt any tendancy or rule stating that Zelda should be a top-down adventure to feel like a Zelda. But now it is considered as a classic Nintendo game. Same with StarFox Adventures. It was back then the second entry of the series (StarFox 64 was a remake) so there is no rule that says that StarFox should be a space shooter. If Mario became a beat em up game, then we could say its not a Mario. We cant do that with StarFox.
IMO StarFox Adventures was the best StarFox and my personal favorite GameCube game.

What you're missing is the fact that Starfox64 was more of a reimagining (but still a new installment) and Starfox2 (for SNES) was cancelled. Starfox fans have been beat around a bit, and to have taunted them with Adventures was a move many fans hold on to. The fans are a fan of the gameplay and the way it implements characters. To change both of those is to piss off a lot of fans who were waiting for a new game. And then to follow it up with Assault was the nail in the coffin. Nintendo seems  to like Starfox643D reception and that's why there is good reason for us to think they're making one that won't put another nail in. They want to appeal to the lovers of the Starfox that caught all that attention on N64, and then (less so) on 3DS. The one that did the best, and was said by players to deliver the best gameplay experience.
And to clarify, the reason why I think Nintendo is working on one is because after DKC:Returns was released, RetroStudios said they'd be "working on a game with barrel rolls, and its not DonkeyKong Country". Sorry I can't source... believe what you will.

Also Zelda2 isn't a classic... it's hated amongst fans... And I didn't like it either.

#96802 Smash Bros Memories

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 31 July 2012 - 07:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't trust this... but I don't think it's a terrible idea. Seeing more classic characters would be nice (even though I'm not exactly a "classic gamer" at my age). And since Namco (right?) is on the project, even more classic characters are available.

But also... a big punch in the face about SmashBrothers3D expectations is that 3DS cartridges are 2GB... SuperSmashBrosBrawl is 8GB. Even removing the virtualconsole games, story mode (& cutscenes), and stickers... that wouldn't bring the game back down to 2GB. Yes the graphics might be less detailed, and maybe less polygons, and maybe slightly less sound quality, but it will need to be portable and 2GB. So bringing in a new roster would allow them to remove much of the old one without raging players attacking. I figure this is a good way to make a smaller version of Smash seem interesting and fresh.
I find it ironic that a classic theme makes me thinks its fresh... but it does.

#96801 Wii U CPU confirmed (by respected game producer) As weak.

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 31 July 2012 - 07:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

its different architecture, doesnt really affect the overall power, no one seems to understand that

Architecture is important though. The PS3's architecture prevents some devs from using it's full power because it takes too long to program for it. So it dumbs down many of the games that could do more.

#92790 Nintendo DS games on Wii U Virtual Console?

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 10 July 2012 - 05:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Ds games are portable, they were not designed for Big-screen living room experiences. For the same reason Gameboy games are only found on the 3DS eShop (and not the Wii) I'd say this won't happen. Actually I will go a step further and say it sorta... kinda... shouldn't happen. It would waste resources (for the reason stated) and would only push the WiiU closer to the DS. Nintendo wants to emphasise the difference between the DS and the WiiU, and show the things WiiU is made for (pointing out all the differences from DS games concepts). So I highly doubt, and oppose the idea... But it makes for a good forum discussion.

#92788 Wii U CPU confirmed (by respected game producer) As weak.

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 10 July 2012 - 05:10 AM in Wii U Hardware

There was a rumor going around about the WiiU having a quadcore processor. If so, the graphics may not be affected much (lighting could be done easier) but the gameplay could be more complex.
Infact, with the controller having accurate motion controls, a real-time touch screen along with the HD graphics (720p, with many games in 1080p) I think the WiiU will be a significant player this upcoming gen. Regardless of the proccessor, It can do... things.
Although this seems less like a confirmation and more like a rumor.
The point is, the WiiU does extra things, with social applications running, and that controller I wouldn't get to worried about lacking something significant (that last statement is pointed towards any future posters... you two don't seem worried).

#83562 New Wii U Pro Controller unveiled by Iwata

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 03 June 2012 - 05:18 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well this is good. I'm glad they have a standard "light controler. Better suited for extensive gaming sessions" (or something like that). I don't expect to use this controler unless i have friends over... but its nice to see. And it means anygame with splitscreen, no matter what, will allow for player two to have all the buttons (if the game mode allows it). I was expecting to be forced to use my old classic controler (& pro) for splitscreen games using a full pad. Although i also like playing FPSs with the Wiimote & nunchuk so... im happy beyond happy. EVERYTHING JUST WORKS!

Also if a game allows me to play without the touchscreen... and i just dont want to bother using the battery power for it... I suppose i'd use it. It looks cool too.

I'll use Tablet my Brother will use the WUP and guests will use my CCP's.

I just realised... The CCP doesn't have clickable analogs... you may want to buy multiple WUPs. Which isn't so bad, considering its an awesome looking controler.

#83559 Nintendo Direct Pre-E3 Info Roundup

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 03 June 2012 - 05:07 PM in Wii U Hardware

What did I say? huh? WHAT DID I SAY!!!!!
let the record show, what i said was community features (such as text feed) for the WiiU online connectivity.
They understand what there online must do... and it does it. Fully integrated social gaming media.

#82852 Do You Want Trackmania on WiiU?

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 02 June 2012 - 11:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

untill then, i made this. :) Posted Image

You are my hero... Thankyou

Although I usually hate mmos, TM is EPIC!! I would LOVE it on Wii U :laugh: And I never realized it was 200 per race O_O lol

It's 200 per race (only on the newest TM), mainly because there is no collision physics. Its all about driving crazy tracks and getting to the end first. But there could be collision physics added... but not with 200 players.

#79497 Ubisoft employee leaks a massive load of Wii U info!

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 20 May 2012 - 09:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

Oh yeah... this isn't fake at all, in any way, and is not obviously fabricated by some forum goer. Seems ONE hundred percent legitimate in every way, shape, and form... *cough*

#78217 Shocking

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 13 May 2012 - 05:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

DUN..... DUN DA........ DUN ........ DUN DUH... (dunununananununa).... DUN .....DUN DA.... (danunuh) DUN DUN .... DUN DAAAAAAAAA

... Or liek a Valve collection... any valve game would be shocking for some reason....
Or , Borderlands2

#78216 Rumor: Xbox 720 final name is Xbox 8

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 13 May 2012 - 04:53 PM in General Gaming

I doubt they'd run it on Windows 8......... Because windows 8 sucks big time... ..............................................
Heh heh hahahahahaha!!!! ...*sigh*... mmm....................................................................................im serious.

But regardless, I think if Microsoft wants to bring together their games division with their OS and software divisions, then they would do something like... name them all a stupid name, the same stupid name.
They want a big ol' network to connect all of their costomers to more of their services, which is fine... if i cared. But this name and this (possible) concept is pushing me away from Microsoft.... and i'm not going to Apple.... soo where do i go?

*Enter Son of Ghetsis*

#77180 Nintendo confirms E3 2012 presentation date/time

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 06 May 2012 - 08:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo will have the entire thing on their site (either Nintendo direct, their E3 site, or their regular site) , and on the Nintendo Channel . I hope they allow 3Ds owners to download it, i dont want to sit at my computer to watch it

Also just a note. Considering Nintendo likes to go last in the big three confrences (and always has... right), Nintendo also likes to make announcements sudden & exciting. From what i've remembered they always act like a kid in a candy store up their... or rather a player in a game store (except that one time they had a mother go up & talk about WiiFit... :( ). So they wouldn't let a thirdparty talk about the WiiU before the confrence ( i would hope). My theory is that third parties (EA , Ubisoft, etc...) will not talk too much about the WiiU games they have coming at their confrences. Maybe some gameplay but nothing we don't already know about the sytem, nothing to blow us out of the water with amazing-ness. Then when Nintendo's confrence comes around they will show off any eye poppers at Nintendo's presentation. That way Nintendo is happy, and the company get more attention & a better presentation.
Any one else reallly reeeaaaallllllyyyy waiting for E3?......

#75912 Nintendo Gifs

Posted by SleepyGuyy on 29 April 2012 - 02:44 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

The big bang..... in reverse
Posted Image

I like this.... i like this a lot
Posted Image

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