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#65896 KONY campaign discussion

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 12 March 2012 - 08:34 AM in The Café

This may be of interest

#65668 KONY campaign discussion

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 10 March 2012 - 01:35 PM in The Café


I'm not gonna help making a man rich off the real world problems of others. Kony is already known now, he's all over the internet. People tossing money at this guy is not gonna help anyone.

Oh...and I found this laying around the interwebz.

#64152 "New rumors leaked"

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 29 February 2012 - 08:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

Is it even possible to "leak rumors"? :laugh:

#68879 -

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 01 April 2012 - 07:48 AM in The Café

I haven't noticed a change in fundamentalist Christians nation wide, though according to some statistics I was looking at, there has been an increase in general Christianity.

The media decides whom they wish to give a bad image of, and whom they wish to glorify.
Sadly the media chooses to give a bad image of Christians.

They're so quick to broadcast news about the Westboro Baptist Church and their hateful acts, yet the media wouldn't dare broadcast anything about the multiple Christian organizations that are actively fighting for gay rights and/or equal treatment of gays.

Your mainstream news channels are your local propaganda outlets. You'll only see what they want you to see.
Conspiracy theory? Should I even need to explain how this is not a theory. The media has been used all throughout history to manipulate the populace into believing groups of people are bad.

Would you like examples?

Those are but a few examples.

My point, for whatever reasons, the media enjoys broadcasting news reports that give the population an anti-Christian sentiment.

Is it true there are many hateful Christian groups out there whom view everyone else as heretics? Yes, but they are but a minority nation wide. There are many Christian groups out there whom actively fight for rights for all human beings, but don't expect to hear about them on your local news channel.
Should I even need to mention how the media attempts to give anti-Islamic sentiments? That's obvious enough, I don't think I need to explain that.

Personally I don't mind what anyone is. As long as they aren't using their beliefs as a HQ to launch hateful assaults on other groups, then they are fine with me.

#63984 First or Third Person How Do You Dream?

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 28 February 2012 - 08:22 AM in The Café

First person but usually with some sort of slight third person vision happening simultaneously.

#66123 What's YOUR New Year's Resolution(s)

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 13 March 2012 - 02:35 PM in The Café

I'm a little late I know.
I didn't make one, there's nothing very special about January 1 that makes me want to start a resolution. If I wanted to do one, I would start whenever I decided I was interested in a resolution.
Besides, most people fail their resolution and then go "oh I'll wait till next January 1".

#66121 Books

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 13 March 2012 - 02:33 PM in The Café

I rarely read books for fun, if I do it's probably a Sci-Fi, the Bible or some history book of some sorts.

#66919 I don't even know.

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 18 March 2012 - 08:50 PM in Introduction Central

I suppose I'm a little late on the reply, hello and welcome to the...Wii U Forums :laugh:

#66235 Hallo, everypony!

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 14 March 2012 - 07:25 AM in Introduction Central

Hello Klopp! Nice to see you made the journey from the mlpforums!

#64265 Assassin's Creed III Protagonist revealed?

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 01 March 2012 - 04:23 PM in General Gaming

Let's see how many historical figures are marked as Templars or Assassins :laugh:

#62661 Recent Staff Changes!

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 20 February 2012 - 07:02 AM in Site News and Feedback

Congratz to AMAC and Brian ^_^

#55857 Deleting posts?

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 19 January 2012 - 06:40 PM in Site News and Feedback

Just report your own post if you want it deleted, mods are the only ones capable of deleting posts.

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