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#52375 they said I was crazy... PS4 and next box at E3 2012

Posted by GreythaGreat on 07 January 2012 - 12:36 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't expect a full blown reveal from Sony and Microsoft. However, I do think they will show a teaser to try to steal Nintendo's thunder.

Also, saying that the Wii U will be more powerful than the other consoles, well, that is foolish. The Xbox, Play Station gamers are OBSESSED with graphics. These companies won't let Nintendo win in terms of innovation AND graphical capabilities. There have been rumors that the next Xbox can display graphics on a near-Avatar (the movie) level. Of course, I seriously doubt this, but it's what they're probably striving for.

The Wii U is more powerful than a PS3, yes, but not by much. We all need to accept this. It's far more advanced in it's innovation, not graphical output.

#52380 WiiU most powerful in the next gen?

Posted by GreythaGreat on 07 January 2012 - 12:53 PM in Wii U Hardware

There is no way Sony and Microsoft can make the Wii U look like the Wii unless the want to spend millions of dollars and sell the consoles around $1500-more at a loss which won't happen.

I don't think the graphical differences will be nearly as great as it was last generation, but I do expect Nintendo to be last again in terms of graphics. And both kind of have a track record at selling consoles at a loss, I expect them to do the same thing again. I'm on Nintendo's side, as I hate the other companies' stances towards gaming, but I just call it as I see it. Nintendo's machine will be underpowered again by both consoles. Maybe not by much, but I do expect to see a clear difference, at least on some titles.

#52376 WiiU most powerful in the next gen?

Posted by GreythaGreat on 07 January 2012 - 12:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

Definitely not. The next Xbox and PS4 will certainly be more powerful; how much more powerful will depend on the release date. But they won't let Nintendo win in terms of innovation AND graphical capabilities.

Plus they probably want to make the Wii U look like the Wii did this generation. The third party support gap of this generation was mainly (but not all) because of the gap between graphical capabilities. The only reason why those two consoles weren't completely slaughtered was because of 3rd party support. They won't want Nintendo to have that either this generation.

#52374 What should Nintendo's online be called

Posted by GreythaGreat on 07 January 2012 - 12:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

I agree, I think it should be simply called Club Nintendo. Sound's legit to me.

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