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There have been 36 items by The Last Mellon (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#78352 Crytek Testing Wii U:Effects On Par With PC

Posted by The Last Mellon on 14 May 2012 - 12:35 PM in Wii U Games and Software

No, that wasn't them. That was some rumor about a "unknown developer" saying that. The just said they will not bring Crysis 3 to the Wii U.

That would be pretty stupid of Crytek they could be missing out on a lot of $$$ not bringing it to wii u

#78351 Rumor: 3 Mario titles will be announced at E3 2012 for Wii U

Posted by The Last Mellon on 14 May 2012 - 12:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software


>New Super Mario Bros. Mii is a launch Wii U Ware title and is basically NSMBW with different levels and Mii compatibility

>Mario Strikers 3 is n the works, and there will be quick footage of a team of Mario, Toad, Hammer Bro, and Luma Vs Donkey Kong, Goomba, Shy Guy and Pianta

>Super Mario Bros. 4 is going to have a trailer and Nintendo claims that it's "too different to put into words, you can only see it and understand the concept"

Please be true! :D

This "super mario bros 4" looks interesting? I wounder what nintendo will do? How can they step it up form super mario galaxy 2?! 0.0

#78349 IGN: Wii U Gets New Controller Design?

Posted by The Last Mellon on 14 May 2012 - 12:28 PM in Wii U Hardware

I really hope this isn't final design or even considerd. The D pad and buttons are way too far form the anolog sticks for my liking and the shape it's too much a square and not nice and rounded for more confort and support. Hoping this is a false rumor

#78348 Rumor: Nintendo to offer Wii U cloud storage for save games and player profiles

Posted by The Last Mellon on 14 May 2012 - 12:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

Brilliant! more features added to nintendo network is good :D

#78028 Will the Wii U have "cross game-chat"?

Posted by The Last Mellon on 12 May 2012 - 05:19 PM in Wii U Hardware

Never thought about that. It would be a good thing to implament into the console and make Microsoft and Sony fans a little bit more jelly *troll face*

#77899 Your Favorite Video Game Music

Posted by The Last Mellon on 11 May 2012 - 04:08 PM in General Gaming

My favorite would probably have to be super mario galaxy music. I only played the game with headphones to enjoy it :P

#77483 Mario Kart U wishlist

Posted by The Last Mellon on 08 May 2012 - 03:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

needs to be a refer button for cusing in which multiple offenses will result in a suspension of the online mode

needs to be a refer button for cusing in which multiple offenses will result in a suspension of the online mode

That is an idea I like it.
Giving it a bit more thought I think voice chat might be a little to much for an E rated game (if you live in usa. I think its 3+ IN UK) might make it undesirable for parents and young children.

#76965 Rumour: Clickable Sliders :D

Posted by The Last Mellon on 04 May 2012 - 03:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

If the tablet comes with clickable anolog sticks I would be happy I mean why not?! just gives sony and microsoft fanboys a little less to troll on about.

#75855 Mario Kart Wii U Nostalgic Feature + Ideas

Posted by The Last Mellon on 29 April 2012 - 10:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software


Looks about the same dunnit?

#75687 Black Ops II Confirmed

Posted by The Last Mellon on 28 April 2012 - 04:49 PM in General Gaming

I've never played a FPS before, ever.
Besides Metroid, and that was only prime :P
If this is at launch for the Wii U, I might just play my first FPS :D

just be ready to go up agaist some pretty good people with years of xp

#75557 How Nintendo Will Transfer Wii VC Games to Wii U

Posted by The Last Mellon on 28 April 2012 - 12:13 PM in Wii U Games and Software

IIRC The Wii doesn't have one friend code per system. It has multiple friend codes depending on the game. I thought that was one reason people liked the 3DS because it only has one per system. I could be wrong though.

No I think he means the Wii message board code that is unique to each console. I think Mac address could be used as well to transfer Wii vc games like said in original post.

#75550 WiiU tablet changes and new tech surprise!

Posted by The Last Mellon on 28 April 2012 - 12:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yep that kind of thing plus the wii u is able to locate your position and stream the good image to the tablet like if youre visiting a virtual space

I'm wondering how this will be used in games. I think probably party games

#75543 Mario Kart U wishlist

Posted by The Last Mellon on 28 April 2012 - 11:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Very cool wishlist, The Lost Mellon, I agree with every single one of them.

What do you think about voice chat? Is that too much for a family game?

#75541 Just an idea on how to store digital downloads

Posted by The Last Mellon on 28 April 2012 - 11:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

I remember having this idea were you could plug in an SD card into the Upad and go somewhere where there is internet connection and download a title on the Upad and store it onto your SD card, this would be good to have this feature since Unlimited internet isn't an option for quite a lot of people.
Maybe this seems stupid to you, so i would like to know your opinion.
Or perhaps a better solution.

Hope that made sense

Great idea. Mobile gaming made easy :P

#75540 Wii u needs WIRELESS HEADSET

Posted by The Last Mellon on 28 April 2012 - 11:44 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm sure third partys will make some eventually.

#75538 WiiU tablet changes and new tech surprise!

Posted by The Last Mellon on 28 April 2012 - 11:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

You meen tablet may have this?
(Sorry if link doesn't work typing on  android . Just copy in browser)

#74822 Mario Kart U wishlist

Posted by The Last Mellon on 25 April 2012 - 05:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I like the theater mode idea. It would be awesome to upload videos doing crazy/funny things.

Yes I know how epic would it be :D
Since I'm a hardcore racer i can use the saved races as film study like in football to get better lol and it would be awesome to share with friends

#74489 Mario Kart U wishlist

Posted by The Last Mellon on 24 April 2012 - 02:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Mario Kart is epic, I have played it since Double Dash all the way up to Mario Kart Wii It has been great seing the game develop over the years and I see a huge leap possible in the wii u

I know the game is probably far from development but I want to put my ideas out there now so her goes:

Balloon battle/coin runners: To be honest I never liked eather of these battle modes but what would be great is to have free for all battle option. In mkw I found it to be anoying that you had to be on teams (More than often being paired up with noobs which is why since 2008 I only played in 43 battles) Free for all also makes the game more fast paced and harder to survive which is fun. (Team option should still be included I guess)

Ballon battle and coin runners should also be seperate instead of combined into one. I HATE coin runners and I was sad when I saw no option to play ballon battle only online which is stupid.

Adding people Online: I"m 100% sure this will happen since the Wii u's online is far better then Nintendo WFC. Being able to add random people met in ww is a must, and you should be able to have an unlimited friends list or at least have it capped at like 100,001 :P lol.

Write Messages: You can still have the default ones like "vs race" or "I"m using a bike" but being able to write custom messages is a must (since Mario kart is kind of meant for the whole family you can have the option to block people and to be unable to get written messages. There should also be censorship as well I guess).

More social interface: After a race is done maybe a globe would come up and you can send messages and stuff while a new track is chosen or something. Basically a chat room.

THEATER MODE!! (Save online replays): This would be EPIC I don't know how many times I wished I could of captured an epic moment that happens to me. SSBB had this though I am not too sure about that. Any way you should also be able to share your recordings with friends through Nintendo network :D :D

Select your team members: In private matches only. If the option to play a team race is selected you can have custom teams. This would be useful for clan wars as it would be impossible to hit your own team members ^_^

Voice chat: I'm not too sure about this... Mario Kart is played by the young and old and I don't want a 10 year old to be cursing me out. Maybe just in private rooms and in team races only your own team can hear your voice (which is also great for clan wars!!) or maybe in ww only friends can hear you? I'm not to sure about this you guys can respond ;)

Video Chat: Just for private ofc :P but maybe? or is this too far? might be fun with friends!?

MKU ELITE: LOL this would be great got idea from cod elite :P !!!! It could be were you can get DLC for new tracks (though no retro since Nintendo needs them for next mk games) and maybe user created tracks!
also maybe just like cod you can have clans and groups and stuff and it would make the experience epiccc!

Thanks for reading my thoughts hope I didn't bore you lol please tell me what you think about my ideas and suggest some of your own! Nintendo if you are reading this take note! If this comes true I will never turn off my wii u ha!

Share your ideas and opinions Below :D

#74438 Will there be differnet Wii U types?

Posted by The Last Mellon on 24 April 2012 - 11:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

Reggie stated in an Interview when asked what was Nintendos feelings when Sony got hacked? He said something like Security is 1 of the top priorities at Nintendo and we value our consumers to much to lack in the area of security. The Wii Us security is very secure and contstantly being updated. (I wouldnt be surprised if Brick was secretly put in Wii U at launch lol, The 3DS has it. And If you dont know what Brick is, it is if you try to mod the 3DS IN ANYWAY the system will detect it and turn off the system and it cant ever be turned on again. Nintendo themselfs cant even undo it. Nintendo hates hackers.)

WOOT hate hacker ruining games

#74083 Wii U Nintendo Network Online Games

Posted by The Last Mellon on 23 April 2012 - 12:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Minecraft on wii u? *_*
please Notch I will tack you down and give you a kiss

#74075 Mdden 13 Wii U

Posted by The Last Mellon on 23 April 2012 - 12:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Me to. I love madden and I dont even care if it is a port. I plan on selling my modded 360 anyways around september to throw some extra cash towards the wii u so, I will be needing madden for my new toy!

I probably might trade in/sell my wii and maybe my sisters laptop :D to try and get cash for the wii u and I have a franchise that is on season 9 LOL i need a life ( ._.)

#74073 Mario Kart Wii U DLC

Posted by The Last Mellon on 23 April 2012 - 11:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If they do have DLC for Mario Kart they probably won't have retro tracks because they need some for the next game when it comes out. I do hope they have DLC of new tracks and maybe user created tracks as well (that can only be used in sigle player and private rooms)

I also have a question. Do you think there will be voice chat in public or just private or none at all?
I think aswell that in private rooms you should be able to pick teams in team race (for clan wars) and free for all baloon battle and coin runners

#74063 Mdden 13 Wii U

Posted by The Last Mellon on 23 April 2012 - 11:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I dont know about anyone else but I play madden ALL the time and I am a huge football fan. I know EA is on board with the Wii U and I have read madden 13 is coming out for the wii but I cant find anything about the Wii U yet. Maybe they are waiting for E3 to show what it could do? I really hope some sports games come to the Wii U this fall. Anyone else agree?

I love madden too I play madden 12 alot although I get fps drop and lag online which sucks alot any way I can't wait to see how they implament the tablet.

#74059 Wii U MUST be next gen..

Posted by The Last Mellon on 23 April 2012 - 11:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

Actually, I think it would be nice if the Wii U didn't have any increase in graphical power.  Nintendo is very much a company driven by their history and nostalgia.  I think that having low graphical power is one of the best ways to give the players this feeling of nostalgia.  Also, by not being very powerful, we get a much cheaper console.  The Wii has shown that being cheaper than the competition is one of the most important factors when determining the success of a console.

glad you don't work for nintendo LOL. I do see what you mean but graphics are sort of like the icing on the gameplay cake. for example skyward sword is one of my favorite games on wii but imagine if it was 1080p I mean wow what more could you want from a game?

#73609 Will there be differnet Wii U types?

Posted by The Last Mellon on 21 April 2012 - 01:10 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks for the replys guys I understand a bit more now :D
it also better me hard to hack >_>

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