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#88857 why Miyamoto and Nintendo are the last standing

Posted by InsaneLaw on 20 June 2012 - 01:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

My point still stands. Nintendo has stood tall for so long its not even funny.

Oh, I wasn't trying to disprove your point, just pointing out it's even longer than the late 80's.

#88703 why Miyamoto and Nintendo are the last standing

Posted by InsaneLaw on 19 June 2012 - 01:05 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo has stood tall since September 23rd 1889. 123 years they have lasted. And sure it wasnt till the what late1980's with the NES they became a Video Game company but they have always been in the entertainment industry and gaming. Besides the taxi part of their business lol.

Actually, they had a few consoles before that, and arcade games, but the consoles only came out in Japan until the NES, and even that came out in japan as the Famicom years before the rest of the world got it. It was the mid 70's when they started the console business, and their first arcade game was EVR Race. Even the game and watch came out before the NES.

#88467 IGN discovered something interesting...

Posted by InsaneLaw on 18 June 2012 - 03:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

Ah, this is just a re-iteration of that stupid rumour from last month. In other words: Fake.

#87682 So, Uh- I think I might want a PS4? [Wii U Hardware stuff]

Posted by InsaneLaw on 14 June 2012 - 10:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

And now they've cancelled the pre-orders due to the mistake.

#87584 Wii U Triggers: Analog or Digital?

Posted by InsaneLaw on 13 June 2012 - 11:26 PM in Wii U Hardware

Could play like Gran Turismo and use the right analogue stick to accelerate and break, I personally choose not to do it in GT5, but on GT4, that was the only option for analogue.

#87578 So, Uh- I think I might want a PS4? [Wii U Hardware stuff]

Posted by InsaneLaw on 13 June 2012 - 11:18 PM in Wii U Hardware

that means, those who preoredered it, got it in half the price?  (londoners are horrible people and funny, I lived in the coast, east Sussex, 40 minutes by train in london or from london. So every Sunday the whole london moved in the area I lived, you couldnt MOVE.. and they loot bazillion of stuff, I remember walking in the shopping center, and the alarms ring every second!! But I also thing that "looting" is a short of tradition there... lol

I lived in the uk, at the time  with Blair government (2004-2007)... I also hate ur spiders...

Funnily enough, I live in East Sussex at the moment, in Falmer near Brighton (I go to Sussex Uni).

But yah, whoever got a pre-order in got a good deal.

#87487 Wii U Triggers: Analog or Digital?

Posted by InsaneLaw on 13 June 2012 - 03:53 PM in Wii U Hardware

They could be somewhat like the PS3 triggers, they have been stated to be "Squishy".

#87469 So, Uh- I think I might want a PS4? [Wii U Hardware stuff]

Posted by InsaneLaw on 13 June 2012 - 02:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

I know that, I've lived in the UK since I was born (21 years and counting) I'm a born and bred Londoner as a matter of fact, and that wasn't my point, release dates are usually on a Friday in the UK.

Plus, Amazon have taken it down now

#87462 So, Uh- I think I might want a PS4? [Wii U Hardware stuff]

Posted by InsaneLaw on 13 June 2012 - 02:19 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well good luck with that, because there are no game listings, and that's an incredibly unreliable source.

I know what Amazon says on it, but the 14th is a Saturday as well. Nintendo would also have announced this at E3.

Stop being gullible.

#87449 Wii U May Not Have a Built-In Storage

Posted by InsaneLaw on 13 June 2012 - 01:48 PM in Wii U Hardware


Wii U uses an internal flash memory. It also supports SD memory cards and external USB storage.

I see nothing about 8GB.

I honestly don't see where people were getting 8GB of storage from, I mean, it might be for all we know but it's like Journalists are using the "If we all say it's true then it must be true" method.

#87447 So, Uh- I think I might want a PS4? [Wii U Hardware stuff]

Posted by InsaneLaw on 13 June 2012 - 01:44 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yes because Amazon never makes rumors!!...  look what it says ... The product will be released at 14th of July!!!! thats news!!! And they accept pre-orders at that price. NOT only that... they will get the black version of wii U... look the details.

I really can't be sure if you're being serious now.

#87443 So, Uh- I think I might want a PS4? [Wii U Hardware stuff]

Posted by InsaneLaw on 13 June 2012 - 01:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

Ok I will show u something...   http://www.amazon.co...ils_o00_s00_i00

This price, is proving me, that wii U is a minor update of 360.. And Iwata said, they will not loose money from the hardware.. And normally, after the release, Amazon.. ALWAYS reduce the price by 15%... that means, wii U will cost around 169-179 pounds.

You're believing the pricing that comes out before Nintendo announce anything, if there ever was a facepalm moment, this is it. I mean, Shopto has it at £279.00

And the GC was £130 at launch, yet it was a lot more powerful than the PS2 was. Nintendo can make fairly powerful hardware at a convenient price, although they have said that the Wii U is going to be expensive.

#87440 Iwata : The other companies online is to far developed for Nintendo to Catch up.

Posted by InsaneLaw on 13 June 2012 - 01:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

Also another thing they can do for cheaters/modders is what Rockstar is going to do for Max Payne 3. They will get all the known cheaters an put them in a "cheaters pool" where they can only play with other cheaters.

"Anyone found to have used hacked saves, modded games, or other exploits to gain an unfair advantage in Max Payne 3 Multiplayer, or to circumvent the leaderboards will be quarantined from all other players into a "Cheaters Pool", where they'll only be able to compete in multiplayer matches with other confirmed miscreants."

I can just imagine a game where people are competing with their best hacks, so whoever has the best cheats wins lol.

#87369 So, Uh- I think I might want a PS4? [Wii U Hardware stuff]

Posted by InsaneLaw on 13 June 2012 - 10:42 AM in Wii U Hardware

Actually, I own three internet connected devices. A Wii, 3DS, HP Touchpad, Android smartphone, and an Apple iMac (1st gen Intel). Don't own a Windows device.

Correction, five internet devices. I have three that I use for browsing.

I don't think he meant you in particular, he just meant that Windows is by far the most popular PC operating system.

#87360 Wii U May Not Have a Built-In Storage

Posted by InsaneLaw on 13 June 2012 - 10:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

He was talking about a Hard drive, Flash storage isn't a hard drive. Plus why would he talk about adding memory if it wasn't already there.

Shoddy journalists who can't seem to read. Or know the difference between a Hard Drive and Flash Memory.

#86929 Ending the Wii U power debate once and for all

Posted by InsaneLaw on 12 June 2012 - 02:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

Pikmin 3 looks better off screen believe it or not.
Play this in 1080p, the textures and lighting look nicer.

#86776 So, Uh- I think I might want a PS4? [Wii U Hardware stuff]

Posted by InsaneLaw on 11 June 2012 - 04:21 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah, that post is complete bs, I've read wsippels posts in the past and he seems to just post random things to get attention.

Looking at clock speeds doesn't tell you the full power, and there's no way that the Wii U has a tri core PowerPC 750 cpu, that can't be clocked over 1Ghz. Also, we know that Nintendo's using a Power CPU in the console, so that totally debunks that alone.

Plus, bgAssassin reckons it's an OoOE chip rather than in order like the 360, Out of order execution (OoOE)chips can have lower clock speeds, and yet have a better performance than In order chips because they're more efficient. So someone's obviously just looked at most at the clock rate and thought that would be that.

But getting a PS4's your decision, I might get one in the future as well, nothing stopping me from getting both except for the matter of time and money.

#85257 Hands on with the Wii U Pro Gamepad (video)

Posted by InsaneLaw on 07 June 2012 - 07:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

I love Engadget and Joystiq they are better than many sites.


Black Ops

#85255 Wii u 3rd party titles look better?

Posted by InsaneLaw on 07 June 2012 - 07:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

10k's right about the texture pop-ups in Arkham City, it's a general UE3 problem though (Gears of war 1 and 2 do it all the time).

Textures on the thugs don't load properly = poor optimisation.

#85250 Apparently it will take 30 mins to receive online messages

Posted by InsaneLaw on 07 June 2012 - 07:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well, he didn't say that it would affect direct messages, only the ones that are available to everyone, and parental settings don't help when most parents obviously ignore them (i.e. this generations xbox kids).

#84589 Games WiiU is lacking and didn't show off

Posted by InsaneLaw on 05 June 2012 - 03:29 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Avengers was shown in the Sizzle reel, don't know what happened to Ghost Recon Online, and I guess more will be shown at the Round Table.

But No EA Sports games :/, no Sega games either.

Oh, and I'm guessing the Project C.A.R.S devs can't afford to go to E3.

#84583 Will the new controller be as tiring as the motion control?

Posted by InsaneLaw on 05 June 2012 - 03:21 PM in Wii U Hardware

If you found Wii Remote games tiring, you'd have to be seriously unfit.

#84577 Rumor: WiiU Dev-Kit specs leaked ?

Posted by InsaneLaw on 05 June 2012 - 03:10 PM in Wii U Hardware

The CPU isn't PowerPC now, it's Power.

#83803 Button/sticks placements, your thoughts

Posted by InsaneLaw on 04 June 2012 - 08:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

I get used to controller layouts pretty much straight away, so I'm not fussed, I literally had no learning curve what so ever with the Wii Remote (don't get how anyone does) and the Wii U gamepad and pro  should be simple.

#82866 WiiU CPU Revealed by Patent: "Enhanced PowerPC 750" ?

Posted by InsaneLaw on 02 June 2012 - 12:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

Really ? Link me to it

Easy to find.

The CPU is like 15 years old

Also, it only talks about the Power 7 in the article in the OP, the PowerPC and Power architecture are nothing alike.

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