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#147727 Nintendo Land Reviews

Posted by Jakester897 on 13 December 2012 - 03:03 PM in Wii U Game Reviews

Cool people enjoy this game.


#144261 Did somebody call for a Wii U Musical?!

Posted by Jakester897 on 05 December 2012 - 07:04 PM in The Café

This happened to me the other day.

#142204 What is your most/least favorite Nintendo Land game? Why?

Posted by Jakester897 on 02 December 2012 - 03:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I love Octopus Dance. Sure, it's kind of an odd pick for a franchise, but it's some fun stuff.
I find Fruit Cart to be pretty awful. It just doesn't pique my interest.

But, naturally, Pikmin Adventure is my favorite. Metroid Blast is a close second.

#132256 Fave Movies Of This Year In Order, And Your Most Anticipated Of 2013

Posted by Jakester897 on 18 November 2012 - 10:34 AM in The Café

The Dark Knight Rises and Wreck-It Ralph. I'm not much of a movie person.
Most anticipated: anything but Twilight.

#131651 1000 Posts Later: A Mignaga Tale

Posted by Jakester897 on 17 November 2012 - 04:31 PM in The Café

Mignaga + girlfriend + video games = complete life.

Seriously, man. I am an on-and-off browser on these forums and I still think you are a brilliant person.

#131645 Is the "hardcore" label being used wrong?

Posted by Jakester897 on 17 November 2012 - 04:27 PM in General Gaming

Hardcore means that the center of the game is hard. So a cartridge-based game is hardcore, while a disc, which has a giant hole in the core, is not hardcore.

#131447 The Wii U should have some kind of 3DS player

Posted by Jakester897 on 17 November 2012 - 11:27 AM in Wii U Hardware

No, the idea would be that the 3DS Player would be an attachment for the Wii U that you would insert your 3DS game card into, just like the Super Game Boy and Game Boy Player peripherals for SNES and GameCube, respectively. No streaming required.

I specifically said in the original post that the Wii U would be picking up some kind of wireless signal, not playing the game directly.

#130915 The Wii U should have some kind of 3DS player

Posted by Jakester897 on 16 November 2012 - 12:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

It would be streaming the game from the 3DS, so you'd still need a 3DS to play them.

#130893 Someone explain Nintendo TVii to me?

Posted by Jakester897 on 16 November 2012 - 12:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

What exactly is confusing you?

#129471 The Wii U should have some kind of 3DS player

Posted by Jakester897 on 14 November 2012 - 06:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

I believe that the Wii U should have some kind of 3DS player software.

I know it sounds stupid, but is it? You should not forget about the Super GameBoy, which let you play GameBoy games on your SNES. There was also the GameBoy Player, which allowed you to play GameBoy Advance games on your Gamecube. Wouldn't it be great if the Wii U could play 3DS games?

Let's think about patterns.The Super GameBoy was released for the SNES. Nintendo's next console was the Nintendo 64, which had no such hardware. After that came the Gamecube, which hosted the aforementioned GameBoy Player. The Wii could not play handheld games. Keeping up with this pattern, the Wii U should logically be able to play games from its corresponding handheld, the 3DS.

Not only that, but this is totally possible. All of the required hardware exists within the Wii U: a touch screen and dual screens, as well as a 3D TV if the consumer owns one (you don't need to play in 3D). I imagine that, rather than playing 3DS games directly, the Wii U will be able to pick up some kind of wireless signal through which your 3DS will send information to the console. Plus, 3DS games don't look that bad with a blown up screen. Check out the 3DS XL for proof. You might also be able to search up some YouTube videos.

All in all, I think that this would be a fantastic capability for the Wii U to have. What are your thoughts about such a development?

#129447 Free Copy Of NSMB U When You Spend $40 Or More @ Old Navy Stores On Blac...

Posted by Jakester897 on 14 November 2012 - 05:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So I get a $20 discount on a game. Then, I have some stuff I can donate to the children in poor countries, making me nicer so that Santa gets me even more games?
Sounds legit.

#129445 If Nintendo Land was real...

Posted by Jakester897 on 14 November 2012 - 05:24 PM in The Café

Obviously, the F-Zero ride would be a really fast roller coaster.
Luigi's Mansion should be a haunted ride that you walk through.
Yoshi's ride will be a kid's ride. You ride on Yoshi, naturally.
The Zelda ride should be a log flume-like ride in which you ride on the King of Red Lions, who has animatronics and a voice box and all that stuff.

#124519 Cloud Gaming? Is it good or bad?

Posted by Jakester897 on 04 November 2012 - 06:42 PM in General Gaming

I don't mind it for online multi-player games in which you need a connection, anyway. I actually have several games on OnLive.
However, for most games, I prefer a disc, or even a digital copy. Anything but a cloud copy.

#124516 nintendo Q&A topic

Posted by Jakester897 on 04 November 2012 - 06:34 PM in General Gaming

When was Nintendo, the company, formed?
Why did the Power Glove suck so badly?
What's the best-selling e-Shop game right now?

#124508 Miyamoto Shares thoughts on Wii-U F-Zero and Metroid

Posted by Jakester897 on 04 November 2012 - 06:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

As long as the Metroid game isn't as story-based, I'm in. Seriously, I nearly broke my Other M disc in half.
I never played F-Zero, unless you count the thirty seconds that Brawl gives you.

#123794 Count to 3000!

Posted by Jakester897 on 02 November 2012 - 02:57 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

1587, the year your mother was born.
(sorry if that offended anyone)

#123792 Nintendo opens full sites for four of its Wii U games (more to come)

Posted by Jakester897 on 02 November 2012 - 02:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

These sites seem incomplete. I mean, I didn't expect them to reveal everything just yet, but it seems like a bit of a tease.

#123784 Ask Elric

Posted by Jakester897 on 02 November 2012 - 02:25 PM in The Café

Is there some kind of golden albino wizardly cure for the common cold?
Do you make potions? If so, what kind?
Are you angry at the Harry Potter series for portraying wizards incorrectly?
Do you know any celebrities?
Do you think that rap music poorly influences the behavior of teenagers?
Do you believe that video games are an art form?
Have you ever hit your hip on a table and then it hurts really badly for some reason?
Do your hands get wrinkly after a large amount of time in water?
Do you believe that Polybius existed?
Is the Snuggie genius or crap?

#122632 Count to 3000!

Posted by Jakester897 on 29 October 2012 - 08:45 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

1580 and zero tenths.


Posted by Jakester897 on 29 October 2012 - 08:37 PM in Site News and Feedback

I am posting from the year 3241 to bring you this message:
These forums will die on January 14th, 2015 due to an MLP:FiM hater sending Feld0 a virus that makes his computer burst quite literally. I have written a script that allows me to post to earlier times to bring the kind citizens of times earlier than 2013 warnings such as these. Please hear out my prophecy.


Posted by Jakester897 on 29 October 2012 - 08:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

What in the world is this shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I mean, these games aren't even anything like the series they are representing! I thought NL was trying to give you a taste of Nintendo franchises, not putting Nintendo licenses on horrible-looking mini-games.

#122625 Nintendo 4DS!

Posted by Jakester897 on 29 October 2012 - 08:20 PM in The Museum

Which fourth dimension? Time? Smell and taste? Haptic technology? The fourth spatial dimension?

Regardless, the designs are good. They just need something more unique.

#121399 Whats the one thing that has you a little worried?

Posted by Jakester897 on 25 October 2012 - 11:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

Friend codes. Nintendo took back the claim that they wouldn't be included.

#107448 Basic Bundle Worth It?/Anyone getting it?

Posted by Jakester897 on 14 September 2012 - 11:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

I wanted the white one, but I guess I'll have to suck it up.
The thing about the premium bundle is that you get a lot more value for your money. For $50, you get a (probably) $60 game, 24 extra gigabytes of flash memory, a charge cradle, and discounts on eShop titles.*

*If you buy more than 8 games, you really end up saving money.

#105356 Your Next Gen Console of Choice.

Posted by Jakester897 on 08 September 2012 - 06:45 PM in General Gaming

Wii U and PS4, assuming it's a console and not a cloud gaming box.
I would get an Ouya, but I'm not interested in any of the games yet. If it gets a must-have game, I'd consider it then.

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