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#241775 Monster Hunter 4: new returning monster, arena challenges, and more

Posted by AndyG on 26 August 2013 - 04:33 PM in General Gaming

*fan-girlish scream*

#241170 Anyone playing Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Posted by AndyG on 22 August 2013 - 11:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

it's not bad, the gamepad doesn't really add much to it though, you cannot select some things like the goggles on the pad yet there is a icon on there for it also not sure about the other versions but the loading times take a age, there is no reason why it should take a minute to load up the next segment, its almost as bad as the original Resident Evil game where you had to wait for the game to load when you wanted to open a door  :mellow:

Loading times were a huge bummer in ZombiU, it was always a pain opening a door only to tell you it was loading after you had already endured a long loading screen. In fact my first death was caused by a door failing to open with a horde of zombies heading towards me because it was still loading. :(

#241168 Sonic Lost Worlds - Deadly Six Bonus Edition pre order bonus

Posted by AndyG on 22 August 2013 - 11:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I would love to try a demo out some time because this game hasn't really got me all that hyped, i need to see what the fuss is about ;)

#241167 Do you think that the ps360 could run X without any scalebacks at all?

Posted by AndyG on 22 August 2013 - 10:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

There are a ton of nitty gritties i'm still yet to understand but i think it could be done, but not without some sort of setback. That draw distance alone would melt the PS3, some of the character models i feel could be a little higher in the polygon count but it is otherwise a beautiful game. One thing i do worry is about the model swap (when a lower quality model is swapped with a higher quality when you get close by, this was only evident to me once during the E3 trailer in which a small chunk in the beams above was swapped with a larger one. It wasn't noticeable to me at first but if this thing happens quite often it can be a tad annoying, it happened all the time in the AC3 port and really started to drag me out of the game. I could upload a photo in case you need proof but i will have to do so later as my internet is playing up.

#241165 is it too late to cancel ps4 preorder?

Posted by AndyG on 22 August 2013 - 10:43 PM in General Gaming

If you cancel now you might not be able to pre-order it again if stocks are way to strict, it's pretty unlikely that will happen though. I would personally suggest just to cancel, that way you can avoid all the launch issues, the console could brick, the games could be low in stock, who knows.

#240837 Next gen cryengine supports wii u

Posted by AndyG on 21 August 2013 - 04:05 PM in Wii U Hardware

Lets just hope that developers will actually take time to make their games look good on the WiiU rather than a washed out version of the others.

#240834 Why is Sony getting so much indie love...

Posted by AndyG on 21 August 2013 - 03:59 PM in General Gaming

Sony has probably put some good incentives for those who wish to port their game to the Vita, but thats only a guess.

#240676 Minecraft is now available on Sony consoles

Posted by AndyG on 21 August 2013 - 01:54 AM in General Gaming

I would disagree, the game is by no means bad but it's appeal can go quickly for some.

To be far it would be hard to get a WiiU port on the way with 3 other ports in the works along with the other 4 they need to keep supporting (PC, IOS/Android, 360, Experia).


Anyway as good a fit as minecraft is for the WiiU it won't really draw much attention considering it's practically going to be on every mainstream system (much like "Plants vs. Zombies).

#240675 PS4 surpasses 1 million pre-orders

Posted by AndyG on 21 August 2013 - 01:49 AM in General Gaming

1,000,000 preorders....


#240673 Greatest Anti-Piracy Plan Ever in Game

Posted by AndyG on 21 August 2013 - 01:42 AM in General Gaming

-Alan Wake: If a pirated copy is detected it gives the protagonist an eye patch and gives plenty of notice to buy the game.

-Serious Sam 3: Those with a pirated copy instantly had a giant pink/red scorpion appear in the level which was invincible and dealt pretty heavy damage making the game unplayable.


I know there are heaps more but i can't remember right now, oh well.

#240398 Anyone playing Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Posted by AndyG on 20 August 2013 - 01:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

but today is the 20th :S ............    unless they sold out? but selling out on wiiu copies of the game not sure that would happen. though all the wiiu's at my walmart are gone hmmm .... .

Edit: nvm forgot its 1:43 am so that would me i went on 19th : P ololoolol 

It's likely there reducing stock as they aren't selling well, such a shame to see such a great console receive such poor sales.

This game has my attention but i'm still holding back just in case there is major issues with the WiiU port.

#240397 Why do people put down the WiiU

Posted by AndyG on 20 August 2013 - 01:17 AM in Wii U Games and Software

People tend to follow the opinions of others as it seems normal to do so, as the old saying goes "don't judge a book by it's cover" tends to go amiss in these times. The appeal for video-games have changed massively in the past 30 years, while the average gamer age is somewhere in the 30's it's impossible to ignore the huge child/teen gamer base. People want to be dazzled and are way to quick to move onto the next best thing, when i was a kid I can deny the appeal Call Of Duty had to me. Sure i loved my classic Nintendo shenanigans but you felt such a strange sense of fun stepping in the shoes of a game intended for an older user base, a sense of maturity and responsibility. Thats just how i experienced it but yeah, gamers these days are so quick to throw out a game they really couldn't care less about the gameplay, that's why many go for the same old FPS/Racer/Sport simulator.

#240396 New WW HD screenshots show smaller HUD, decreased bloom effects, download 2.6 GB

Posted by AndyG on 20 August 2013 - 01:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The bloom was a tad harsh on the eyes but i wouldn't have really cared if they scaled in back. I am rather surprised about the file size, i would have bet on at least 4GB. All though the game looks great i do feel it wouldn't have hurt to add some more polygons to some of the features in the level, those rocks on windfall island look a tad jagged (which i know is done of purpose to suit the artstyle but not so much here) but thats just my opinion. I'm not really seeing incentive to play it a second time round but for those who haven't played this really shouldn't miss the opportunity, trust me, you will be glad you picked this up.

#239977 Post your Art Academy Art here

Posted by AndyG on 18 August 2013 - 03:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software


Heehee, this reminds me a lot of "PhysicPebbles" series "Hellbenders"



Anyone know the size of the application?

#239975 Microsoft spent "hundreds of millions" designing Xbox One controller

Posted by AndyG on 18 August 2013 - 03:01 AM in General Gaming


But anyone who buys a console or controller based on "its looks" is an idiot.  I know, I am that idiot as I bought the black Wii U mainly because I didn't want a white console looking all odd amongst all my black electronics.



Yeah, i always judge a product by it's build quality than it's looks. I end up looking at at least 8 reviews before i feel comfortable about making a purchase. All though it seems that the mainstream gamer these days just want to be dazzled with flashy graphics than good gameplay, probably because many gamers just sell their games within a week of purchase.

#239528 A theory on the Wii U and 3rd party support

Posted by AndyG on 16 August 2013 - 12:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

The gamepad is quite a leap when it comes to controls, devs are either too lazy, lack creativity or don't want to take the risk of creating something unique with the gamepad.The controller is by no means a bad device but it has pushed devs away a little since devs don't really have anyway to make the WiiU version of a game special if they need to make the other version without the inclusion of a gamepad.

#239527 Splinter Cell: Blacklist Wii U Gameplay Video.

Posted by AndyG on 15 August 2013 - 11:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This might make me sound like a n00b, but what exactly is screen tearing?



Basically when the frame shifts in some areas or "tear".

It usually happens for a split second than disappears, it's pretty common if the game hasn't been properly optimised.


Anyway the gameplay looks gorgeous, sure it's not much better from the 360 versions but the devs can't make too much of a gap so 360/PS3 owners don't feel ripped off. Those cutscenes definitely could use some improvement but as others have stated, it's not a WiiU exclusive issue, or though there will still be fanboys that will use this to take a stab at the power of the WiiU.

#239526 Splinter Cell Blacklist is getting really good reviews

Posted by AndyG on 15 August 2013 - 11:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I was unsure about getting this but now im pretty confident in buying now, lets hope this game help WiiU sales a little

#239525 Microsoft spent "hundreds of millions" designing Xbox One controller

Posted by AndyG on 15 August 2013 - 11:41 PM in General Gaming

I sure hope that money went into the feel and grip because it sure isn't winning any awards in the looks department, at least in my opinion.

#238937 Full Speed DS Emulator released on Android

Posted by AndyG on 13 August 2013 - 12:04 AM in General Gaming

Great... how can this work? Displaying 2 screens and buttons at the same time on what's likely a 4" screen? I already find Gameboy emus annoying on touch devices.

I have seen them in action before, their pretty hopeless.

#238617 A genre you used to either suck at or not like but recently got into?

Posted by AndyG on 11 August 2013 - 05:29 PM in General Gaming

I never really got into fighter games, i bought Street Fighter IV on 3DS for AUS$10 but only played it a couple of times before never picking it up again, to be fair I haven't really scratched the surface of fighter games and i need more time to explore them but they don't really appeal to me (except Smash Bro's, that s**t is awesome).

#238166 Wonderful 101 direct thread

Posted by AndyG on 09 August 2013 - 10:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

IMO it would have been nice to see a slightly higher poly count in some of the heroes, however I can't really argue, Platinum has done a spectacular job with every one of those characters. I can't imagine how much work it would be trying to make every single one of those characters, they are all so unique.

#238161 Wii store games

Posted by AndyG on 09 August 2013 - 09:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

I believe you can get a discount on those you have already purchased but you can't transfer them for free, at least for now.

#237986 New monster hunter 4 trailer of 'Oh @#$& Yes'.

Posted by AndyG on 08 August 2013 - 11:18 PM in General Gaming

Can't wait, Capcom would be mad not to localise this.

#237751 What Nintendo need to do NOW

Posted by AndyG on 08 August 2013 - 12:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo really needs to advertise more.

What they should do is include them on TV shows like "The Big Bang Theory", you could have Sheldon hilariously correct someone who thought the WiiU was an add on, this would really boast product recognition. The "Whip" sound IOS app became extremely popular after one episode, same could happen for WiiU.

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