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#268381 PC Build Recommendations...

Posted by AndyG on 24 January 2014 - 01:59 AM in The Café

Auzzie Wingman, on 24 Jan 2014 - 12:26 AM, said:

Yeah, I was gonna say $2000 USD you're rolling in it.

Also, Sydney?

Nope. Small Country town in the western district of Victoria.

Tom, on 24 Jan 2014 - 12:36 AM, said:

I was told that Broadwell was gonna still be LGA1150.

I assembled this computerbox on PCPartPicker:

Total comes to $2064.21 (aussiedollars, of course)

This is by no means price-efficient, because I used all the mainstream e-peen components, but I'll give you the high(low?)lights of this computerbox.

- H87 Motherboard means no overclocking, even if you wanted to.
- Since we're dealing with stock clocks, watercooling didn't seem necessary to me.
- Your computer will operate at a max of ~440W, but I chose a 550W power supply in case you want to slap in more hard drives/RAM.
- If you're not into the 650D, cases can only get cheaper from there.
- Wasn't sure if you wanted a Blu-Ray reader, so I picked one anyways.
- Windows 7 Home Premium only supports up to 16GB RAM, so on the off-chance that you want to download more rams, you'll have to upgrade to Windows 7 Professional.

Neato. This is pretty much everything I wanted.

Still I was thinking more along the lines of a 1-2GB graphics card , but if 3GB is what you would recommend than I guess I can make the investment.
I guess the Blu-ray would probably be a good addition, but with everything going digital I might just buy a standalone Blu-Ray for my TV instead.
But... I might get a better motherboard, but i'm not sure whether I should.

When it comes to cases I was thinking something along the lines of BitFenix, but what ever is good quality will do.
Here are some cases I have been looking at:



Anyway, thanks for your help so far.

Just going to add a list of graphics cards that are a possibility:

*Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition

*Gigabyte GV-N760OC-2GD REV2.0

*GTX 780

#268378 ~Justin Bieber Arrested!~

Posted by AndyG on 24 January 2014 - 01:34 AM in The Café

Bout time

Seriously wasn't it enough that he caused $22,000 worth of damage to his neighbours house from egging it JUST LAST WEEK.

Then there is the long list of things before it, does this kid ever learn.

#268147 PC Build Recommendations...

Posted by AndyG on 23 January 2014 - 02:37 AM in The Café



Ok...so here we go

Next year I will likely be going to uni to pursue a course along the lines of "Digital Media" or "Film & Television", naturally this fills the need to have my own PC to take along for both uni work and any other miscellaneous uses (however you wish to interpret it -_-).


To put it simply, I want to build a rig that will be powerful enough for rendering, video editing, photo editing and gaming of course.

So here is a basic outline of what I want to build:




Anywhere between $1000-2000 (more or less)



1x BenQ XL2411t

(will add more monitors later)






Preferably something in the intel i7 range ( i5 is good but I wouldn't mind a bit more power)



x2 8GB RAM sticks (No less)

Any particular brands?


Graphics Card:




x1   1-2TB HDD (Anywhere between 7200RPM-16000 RPM)

x1   50-120GB SSD (The SSD will hold the OS files and various other software files to ensure they run much faster)


Misc info:

*OS: Windows 7 64 Bit

*x1 Optical disc drive

*x1 Power supply (no idea as to what type)


*I will decide on the case later




Things to keep in mind:

1. I am no expert, so if i'm completely off mark do tell.

2. Since I'm living in Australia I won't be able to get prices as cheap as the US

3. I don't intend on over clocking ( not yet at least)

4. Water cooling isn't necessary (unless you guys recommend it) 



Anything I missed?

Anyway it would be a great help if somebody can provide suggestions (hint hint 3Dude)


#268143 nintendo NEXT GEN console specs LEAKED (RUMOR)

Posted by AndyG on 23 January 2014 - 01:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think it's safe to say this can be taken with a truckload of salt. Nintendo simply has too much in the pipeline for this to be worth the investment, they would make a greater loss if anything.

#268142 Satoru Iwata: "I'm not going resign"

Posted by AndyG on 23 January 2014 - 01:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

Firing Iwata isn't the solution, what they really need to do is rethink their direction.

#268140 “Nintendo was dead to us very quickly” says EA

Posted by AndyG on 23 January 2014 - 01:49 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Maybe it's just me but I would consider Nintendo to be appealing to a "broad" audience rather than a "kiddy" audience, I guess it doesn't really matter since EA is trying to cater for gamers like they were mindless children.

#256246 GameStop Employees Received Cat Ears To Promote Super Mario 3D World

Posted by AndyG on 14 November 2013 - 06:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software


#256245 Wii U, The Worst Holiday Gift This Season.

Posted by AndyG on 14 November 2013 - 06:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

Wow, such taste. CNET SAID IT SO IT MUST BE TRUE...

Wow, these people are up there with the likes of IGN and Patcher, such ignorance.

#251153 On the Fence of picking up the WIiU

Posted by AndyG on 12 October 2013 - 05:46 PM in Wii U Hardware

Dont buy a wii u right now abd here are the reasons
1. Most games dont have online multiplayer
2. No impressive games coming up
3. Almost all ps3 games ported to wii u lack online and dlc
4. Highly anticipated games like fifa 14, battlefield,GTA 5 are not coming to wii u
5. If you buy a digital game from eshop you cant transfer it to anthor console( even if you sold or lost you wii u)

Those are the dis advantges but i suggest you buy it if you love mario and zela

No offense to you but this is probably the most stupid comment I have seen in weeks.

1. Quite a lot of games do offer the online multiplayer, in fact at least 70% of game feature it. The only ones that don't include it, chances are the multiplayer modes weren't going to be good anyway.


2. Like other people have said, if you can't be excited by games such as X, Super Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2, Zelda U, Smash Bro.s, Mario Kart 8.....than you are just far too picky and have a most likely have a terrible taste in games.


3. Yes there are a lot of ports than are available on the PS3, however many of them have had more effort put into them with PC assets being added to the game to give it that extra graphical umph. Having little DLC support is dissapointing however the only game that I wish recieved DLC was Black Op's 2, the rest of the DLC available on other WiiU titles seems hardly worth a look.


4.Hardly anyone gives a carp about Fifa 14 considering practically nothing has changed from the past series. GTAV is a good game but has a very over rated reputation in my opinion, do you see GTAV coming to PC....or Xbox One...or PS4.....are those platforms doomed too? Battlefield does look like fun but if your so desperate to get just one game than buy another console


5. I guess this last point is kinda valid, but I wouldn't imagine Nintendo would leave it like this for long.


It's a shame that Nintendo consoles have been shunned so badly, people have no idea about the fun there missing out on. If you are the type of person that lives purely off third party titles than you should go with PS4/X1/PC just so you don't need to complain about one small feature from the WiiU version being missing. If you have enjoy games Donkey Kong, Mario, Zelda, Kirby or any other Nintendo game for that matter than now is always a good time to invest in a WiiU (especially with the price drop).

#251146 Watch_Dogs Comparison: Current Generation vs Next Generation Character Models

Posted by AndyG on 12 October 2013 - 05:24 PM in General Gaming

I wish my expectations weren't so high for the graphical performance on the WiiU version, I always stress that gameplay is important but this game is driving me insane over my bloated expectations for the graphical power on this platform alone. I really do hope that Ubi has at least tried to get this most out of the game.

#250056 Call of Duty Ghosts News

Posted by AndyG on 06 October 2013 - 05:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Wii the Wii U be getting this? ; 90


#250055 Who Has the Best First/ Second Party?

Posted by AndyG on 06 October 2013 - 05:55 PM in General Gaming

It's a close one but I would say Nintendo, Sony makes some great games but I don't feel they are quite as rememberable as Nintendo's.

#250053 How is gta online working for you?

Posted by AndyG on 06 October 2013 - 05:51 PM in General Gaming

What did you expect to happen when millions of people around the world flood their servers all at once, this is the highest anticipated game of 2013 you should expect these sorts of issues. Yes the issues are quite troublesome but it takes time for the servers to be able to maintain such a large amount of people. Rockstar are trying their hardest to get things working, patience my friends.

#250052 I wonder why most games for wii u dont include online

Posted by AndyG on 06 October 2013 - 05:45 PM in Wii U Hardware

then definitely Wii U will fail because most 3rd party developers are focusing on online .

GTA V  has even a separate online game , EA origin , Uplay passport ,PES online ,bioshock season pass.

if nintendo gives better access for all developers i just mentioned we would get more games + majority of gamers play online

Having poor online capabilities DOES NOT mean a console will fail. Online is an important feature but is not what makes or breaks the system. Remember when Xbox One was announced and there was this huge issue about the 24 online connection that was mandatory to operate the system, Internet isn't always a good solution. Also GTAV is struggling to even maintain there servers, hardly anyone is able to get on let alone play it properly, oh and Origin sucks b**ls....it's absolutely atrocious.


Basically the simple answer to your question is that there isn't enough people using online to account for the cost of renting and maintaing the servers. Multiplayer in most games is treated as a very secondary thing, by that i mean it is hardly the main focus. Call of Duty focuses a lot of resources purely on the multiplayer side while games like Assassins Creed puts far less into their multiplayer since these types of games weren't really designed for a multiplayer experience. There is fun to be had with the WiiU's online but if you're just another Nintendo hater than you will probably not find much enjoyment in this. Why do I say this, because they don't give Nintendo a chance. If you want third party, buy it on a different console so you don't have to whine about a few small features that are missing, it's as simple as that.


Posted by AndyG on 02 October 2013 - 09:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's great to see Ubi going the extra mile to make the WiiU version run properly, however after finishing AC3 I just found it to be far too dull. It would have been better if they did this with the Watch_dogs port instead, i'm sure there are just as many keen WiiU owners looking forward to this game as there are Assassins Creed fans.

#248537 What capture device to get?

Posted by AndyG on 28 September 2013 - 10:18 PM in General Gaming

If you plan to use recording software instead of a capture device you will need to ensure that your computer will have the specs to keep up. Simply retro titles on the NES and 64 should run fine but running a GC game would probably require 8GB of RAM in order to capture smooth and consistant footage, nothing is more annoying than seeing someone upload a video that runs at something like 12 fps. As mentioned before there are all sorts of capture cards, some will allow you to plug straight into your console (recent consoles), some can hook into your monitors while some others may require a bit of tinkering to get working.


Considering you only just started you should just use recording programs to ensure that this whole web series idea is for you before shelling $80 on a capture card. Make sure that you have the right sort of voice and expression when doing your videos, popular let's players usually become famous because of there accents or there humour, it may not come straight away but naturally you should become more confident when making videos. Look at how other youtubers became famous, Pewdiepie is well known for his reaction shots when playing Amnesia and various other games. Jontron and Egoraptor from Gamegrumps are known for there humour, learn from these examples and you should do well.


Remember don't give up, be persistant with your recordings or viewers will quickly lose interest.

#248535 Watchdogs WiiU visually "between current and next gen... Closer to curren...

Posted by AndyG on 28 September 2013 - 10:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

but you will be missing out on the multiplayer side of the game, the numbers online with the WiiU are tiny, i have given up with SplinterCell online as there is never anyone on it so i cannot do any of the co-op missions

Even if there was only 100 people online at a time that would be plenty, even in the WiiU port of Black Op's 2 there is plenty of people to play with, you won't always be playing the same people the following day.

#248415 Watchdogs WiiU visually "between current and next gen... Closer to curren...

Posted by AndyG on 28 September 2013 - 01:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

There has been some footage released. Limited and it doesn't look good at all. But there was no mention at what point in development it is.


No offical footage for PS3/360 has been released, there was that Ashia Tyler trailer that exhibited some pretty poor graphics but like i said there has only been footage for PS4/PC versions

Noticed today a rumour that PS4 runs better than Xbone version but WiiU version was a 360 port. However just look at GTA!
If WiiU version can be even slightly up on PS360 GTA then great!

For those with pc its ment to be 1080 60fps but no idea what spec pc this is for.

Just because GTA V looked great doesn't essentially mean the same will apply to Watch_dogs, remember GTA V has been specifically tailored for current gen consoles, Watch_dogs on the other hand is tailoring itself to 6 platforms in total, each of which has completely different graphic capabilities. Im not saying it's impossible but it's pretty unlikely.

#248385 Watchdogs WiiU visually "between current and next gen... Closer to curren...

Posted by AndyG on 27 September 2013 - 06:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I just changed my preorder from Vigilante edition to Dead-Sec edition, I really hope the best for this game.

Like others have mentioned, i don't mind if the graphics aren't completely outstanding, as long as the frame-rate is ok than i will be reasonably happy.

Hopefully it won't suffer long load times like in Blacklist or the horrible texture/model swaps that plagued AC3


Can't wait for this game :3


Now that i think of it, this is the exact same situation that were seeing with COD Ghosts.

#248384 Microsoft reveals.....Xbox Fitness for Xbox One

Posted by AndyG on 27 September 2013 - 06:23 PM in General Gaming

This seems interesting but of course it won't be to everyones taste.

I wonder how intense these exercises will be?

#247102 Media Create Sales- 9/9 - 9/15

Posted by AndyG on 20 September 2013 - 12:28 AM in General Gaming

The price is about to drop, so most even considering it have held off.....

A price drop isn't really going to change consumers minds, what Nintendo needs is advertising AND LOTS OF IT.

They really should take advantage of the Pokemon X/Y frenzy to promote the WiiU somehow. Maybe a discount on purchase.

#247101 Would you guys like to see a Zack and Wiki 2 for the wii u?

Posted by AndyG on 20 September 2013 - 12:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I personally never got into into the game, it's presentation and sound were really well done but honestly I just never got into it. There have only been a few games that haven't appealed to me (including Braid), and i love puzzle games but I really don't care much for this title. A sequel would be nice i guess but I'm doubting it will ever happen.

#247100 Japanese Nintendo Charts: September 19 2013

Posted by AndyG on 20 September 2013 - 12:20 AM in General Gaming

The sales will not likely be as sweet as the 3DS sales were, however i have high hopes that Nintendo can make some ground in time.

#246827 DuckTales Remastered getting physical discs for PS3, 360, and Wii U.

Posted by AndyG on 19 September 2013 - 12:47 AM in General Gaming

If they released it in a fancy cartridge like box I would instantly be sold, it really needs some nostalgic way to sell the product considering it's likely to be $10 more than it's digital counterpart.

#246198 Buy 2 get 1 free on all Wii U games at Target (Sept 22 - 28)

Posted by AndyG on 15 September 2013 - 08:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Im guessing this deal isn't available in Australia...

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