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#202349 Next Xbox Development Woes Could Spell Trouble for the PS4

Posted by Dragon on 01 May 2013 - 03:56 AM in General Gaming

Oh, rumors...

I don't really like Microsoft's attitude toward gaming. But this looks like something they would do, rumor or not. I'll be getting a PS4, and I'll also have a Wii U and PC to play games on. No need for Xbox if Microsoft goes that route. They won't get me to buy their next-gen console by simply getting some exclusive 3rd Party games.

#201263 Why DSi?

Posted by Dragon on 28 April 2013 - 03:16 PM in General Gaming

Internal wifi, Web Browser, eShop, etc.

It's just a DS with extra features.

#201262 Call of Duty Ghost coming to Wii U....Leaked?

Posted by Dragon on 28 April 2013 - 03:14 PM in General Gaming

Blake, on 28 Apr 2013 - 6:22 PM, said:I think it's a given CoD:G is coming to the Wii U. I think we all know that, and we should WANT it to release on it too.
I won't be getting this if there's no zombies mode, which most likely won't be included.

That's quite a statement to make considering Infinity Ward has never mentioned Zombies. From a rumor I read, it's an entirely new mode.

#201227 SSBB and Original Wii Games Multiplayer on WiiU

Posted by Dragon on 28 April 2013 - 01:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software Help

Julio93, on 28 Apr 2013 - 3:48 PM, said:That's a bit late for that since the Wii will be offline in June.

No it won't. Only certain channels will be going offline, unless I missed something.

#201224 Call of Duty Ghost coming to Wii U....Leaked?

Posted by Dragon on 28 April 2013 - 01:16 PM in General Gaming

Why would you hope it's photoshop?

I'm glad to see this news. I'll definitely get the Wii U version.

#195969 Earthbound finally coming to the Wii U virtual console, rejoice.

Posted by Dragon on 17 April 2013 - 07:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software


#194668 The Let's get Stupid edition 2nd annual Wii U Forum awards-Nominations!

Posted by Dragon on 14 April 2013 - 08:24 PM in The Café

Let's see if I get nominated for anything! lol

#194660 What phone do you currently have?

Posted by Dragon on 14 April 2013 - 08:12 PM in The Café

Does an iPod Touch count? lol I'll have an iPhone 5 later this year.

#194275 Video of your truck/car exhaust here

Posted by Dragon on 13 April 2013 - 07:02 PM in The Café

By far the strangest topic so far here.


Wrong. The count for pony vs. non-pony is. I honestly question its existence.

#193410 Video of your truck/car exhaust here

Posted by Dragon on 11 April 2013 - 05:14 PM in The Café

I meant to post to this thread a long time ago. Here is my truck:



It won't be too long until I can drive her! :)

#193404 Post your beautiful face

Posted by Dragon on 11 April 2013 - 05:09 PM in The Café






(I like how this one came out)




Nice pictures, Zinix. The sun adds a nice effect!

#193386 North Korean Missile Test Delayed by Windows 8

Posted by Dragon on 11 April 2013 - 04:47 PM in The Café

*Windows Vista 


If that was the case, they'd never get it to launch.

#191506 Titanic II Planned to Set Sail in 2016

Posted by Dragon on 08 April 2013 - 09:21 AM in The Café

I'm going to laugh if this one sinks too. Am I a bad person?























#191494 Titanic II Planned to Set Sail in 2016

Posted by Dragon on 08 April 2013 - 08:44 AM in The Café

It is not that irrelevant when you think about it.  In hindsight, the Titanic was a "fail boat."  So why bother having a Titanic II when the original one sank?  Obviously some people are out to make some money off the name.  I'm sure if the survivors were still living, they would be very upset about it.  Coincidentally, they announce this right after the last survivor has passed away in 2009.  Sounds fishy if you ask me!


So what does the RRS Discovery have anything to do with it?  Well, the RRS Discovery has had other namesakes.  Unlike the Titanic, none of them ever sank. 


Now if you want my opinion, I think the RMS Queen Mary has the most interesting history.


Why make a new one? It's the most famous ship in the world. People like to experience history. The ships made during the Edwardian-era have the best looks, IMO.


It has mixed feelings. But there have been some relatives of survivors who like this idea.


In case you didn't know, this is the 2nd time in history that someone is attempting to re-build the Titanic. I'm not quite sure why the original plan failed.

#191070 Spam Battle

Posted by Dragon on 07 April 2013 - 05:55 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Fallout 4

#191068 Titanic II Planned to Set Sail in 2016

Posted by Dragon on 07 April 2013 - 05:47 AM in The Café

Dragon, on 07 Apr 2013 - 13:05, said: I'm curious as to why you even posted here if you don't care about the Titanic.

Why not?


What you posted isn't even relevant. If you want to share this information, I'd be glad to read a thread about it. I'm fascinated by old ships (especially Olympic class ships).

#191061 Titanic II Planned to Set Sail in 2016

Posted by Dragon on 07 April 2013 - 05:05 AM in The Café

I find the story of RMS Titanic to be one of the most boring in the world.


I find the story of the RRS Discovery much more interesting




It was built, and remains in, my hometown Dundee. It carried Captain Scott and his crew to antarctica for the Discovery Expedition in 1901.


Titanic was just leisure ship that sank.


I'm curious as to why you even posted here if you don't care about the Titanic.


LOL I think I've seen that before.

#190732 Titanic II Planned to Set Sail in 2016

Posted by Dragon on 06 April 2013 - 03:56 AM in The Café

That's pretty cool, I would like to see it and maybe have a look around. Heck, I'm not sailing in it though!


Why not?

#190721 Do you think North Korea will attack South Korea?

Posted by Dragon on 06 April 2013 - 03:21 AM in The Café

There's not much I can say...  Inevitably, if North Korea continues this pattern, they probably will attack South Korea.  Needless to say North Korea isn't a match for the US, China, and other countries...  But that doesn't tell if their allies will try anything...


Who is North Korea's strongest ally? That could be a decision maker.

#190719 Rumor: Free DevKits for third parties; Wii U getting more support

Posted by Dragon on 06 April 2013 - 03:20 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hmmm..... Maybe I should consider getting a dev kit...


Posted by Dragon on 06 April 2013 - 03:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Awwwwwww, I'd love Mincraft on the Wii U, it's too bad Microsoft have the rights for console exclusivity at the moment, I wonder how long that lasts........


I'm almost positive it ends in May.

#190706 Titanic II Planned to Set Sail in 2016

Posted by Dragon on 06 April 2013 - 02:49 AM in The Café

So I guess this ship is unsinkable like the last one?

If you guys want to ride it that's fine, but I'm personally staying far away from anything named 'Titanic'. It's a decision I made a while back.


No ship is unsinkable. But this ship is much safer than the original. 

#190703 Titanic II Planned to Set Sail in 2016

Posted by Dragon on 06 April 2013 - 02:39 AM in The Café

I want to go on it so badly, apparantly for one night during the Titanic II's maiden voyage they will be stopping over where the original sank in memorial, that will be a very sad and happy moment all at once I think, many flowers will be thrown overboard then I think.


Amazing. I couldn't imagine how sad it will be when that happens. The Titanic never would have sunk if it could have turned better or hit the iceberg head on.


Thankfully, due to the modern technology, the chances of hitting an iceberg with the new one are very slim. So a disaster like this will probably never happen again. The Azipod propellers help with the turning A LOT.

#190697 Titanic II Planned to Set Sail in 2016

Posted by Dragon on 06 April 2013 - 02:17 AM in The Café

Oh yeah I know that Dragon, but you know this is a very special occasion, you would think an exception could be made, I mean that's where she came from, it's where she should be built again :)


China is definitely a horrible choice. They could have at least used a Finnish ship builder. A lot of modern ships are made in Finland. 


I plan to eventually go to Belfast just to see the old dry dock and museum. Titanic and her sisters are a great piece of history. If only I had the money to go deep sea diving into the Britannic....

#190695 Titanic II Planned to Set Sail in 2016

Posted by Dragon on 06 April 2013 - 02:12 AM in The Café

I'm so happy this is happening it gives a chance for the Titanic to finish the voyage it never got to finish, alot of the relatives of the people who were on the original feel that way too. Here's a fun little fact the original was supoosed to be in commission for six years and then it would have been put in a museum, this one from what I've heard will finish the maiden voyage and then go to a museum. The only thing I don't agree with is this one bieng built in China for the cheap labour, IT SHOULD be built in Belfast where the first one was, the ship yard the original Titanic was built in is still there.


Yeah, I don't agree with them building it in China. But the company who built the original ships (Harland & Wolff) do not build anymore. Their ship yard is basically a giant museum.


Here is the dry dock where the Titanic, Olympic & Britannic once set:



The dry dock is the place where they put those gigantic propellers on:



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