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#290739 Ubisoft has Wii U titles waiting for Install Base

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 04:56 AM in Wii U News

Pun intended?

Bad puns are always intended.

#290735 Capcom open to possibility of buyout.

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 04:15 AM in General Gaming

WydrA, on 18 Jun 2014 - 12:05 AM, said:
In other words the devs are probably wishing for this almost as hard as the fans.

Dude you just know. You just KNOW, that if Nintendo got capcoms old IP's, ALL the talent would come back to them.

Kamiya would make a new viewtiful joe, Okami, and devil may cry (Dante meets bayonetta)
Shinji Mikami would make a new resident evil
Inafune would make a new megaman, megaman x, megaman legends 3.

And they would by, and far, be the best entries in the series.

I need to find a way to shift into the dimension where this actually happens.

#290730 Gameskinny: If you're over 30 and love Nintendo, you are Not a Normal human.

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 03:34 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I didn't really understand that analogy lol
And like I said before, you don't have to read it, I just don't think people shouldn't comment on it if they decide not to.
Glad to hear that :)
Don't worry, I wasn't referring to you. Honestly I don't really care what people's opinions on the article are too much as long as they've actually given it a fair read.
IIRC the two people i suspected most heavily of actually reading the article were Chrop and you. My only doubt about your post was that you mentioned the Sony fan thing. In the context it was brought up in previously, it was pretty clear it was in reference simply to the title, and by the time I was at the bottom of the page (where your post was) I was angry speed reading, so I didn't really see that you were talking about how his view appealed to a certain demographic, I mostly just saw the Sony thing. That's probably the reason I forgot to add you as an exemption :P
though i actually think it targets the Sony fan demographic and Nintendo fan equally since Nintendo fans are prone to quick on it out of anger/outrage/interest in the writer's view. Also I think it's good that the Sony fan demographic is so heavily targeted because one of the messages you could take from the article is that people who think that are wrong, and there's nothing wrong with fully grown people who play Nintendo games, and it seems a lot of people in that demographic need to hear that message.
Anyway, I went back and selected the posts that I haven't directly responded to that seemed to scream to me "I haven't read this article" most strongly, so hopefully there isn't further confusion:

It was describing the difference between the title and the content in a completely absurd manner.

Still, you are right, and I owe you and chrop an apology.

So sorry, and thanks.

#290703 Gameskinny: If you're over 30 and love Nintendo, you are Not a Normal human.

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 07:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I didn't say I'd seen the quotation here, I just said I've seen it before, and i have. Also I purposely said that people using it only to support their habits was a discussion for another day because I didn't think it applied to the current topic. If I'd thought otherwise i would have gone further into it.
And no C.S Lewis might not be the most famous write of all time, or even his time, but he is still relatively well known, and as I said I have seen this quotation before. All I'm saying is people will say this to support say, their playing of Nintendo games, and then go bash people for some other thing they enjoy that they consider "childish". I'm pretty certain that has happened sometime in history before, even if C.S Lewis isn't the most famous of authors.
I think there's been a misunderstanding here. I wasn't debating the truth of the quotation at all, it is incredibly true and probably one my favourite quotations, i was simply saying it's often misused. I agree with everything you said about the Nintendo is kiddy campaign and movements of similar nature.
I disagree with this whole thing about trying to prove you're in the right to talk about something based off the title. Yes, Zinix only named the thread after the title, but he also posted the link to the article.
The thread is obviously supposed to be a discussion about the article, that's why the article was posted. So coming into the discussion having only read the title is inexcusable, whether or not you think it's clickbait, because you don't have any actual proof of that. Either read the article so you can actually add to what the discussion is supposed to be about or move along is what I think.
I mean what everyone has done here is essentially equivalent to showing up to a book club and saying "Oh no, i didn't read to kill a mockingbird, but I can tell you it was stupid because some people need to kill mockingbirds."
Sure you sound perfectly reasonable to anyone who has not actually read the required material, but to anyone who has, you just sound dumb. In other words... the strawman argument.
I'm not saying you have to read an article that you think is clickbait.. You can make the choice not to, and it's just that; your choice. But don't then go to the thread about the article and throw it off the rails by posting your uninformed opinion of it. And that's not just aimed towards you, but everyone in this thread except for Chrop apparently (he's the only one who I get the impression actually read the article honestly).

Its more like going to a book club and having to kill a mockingbird, hidden under the cover sleeve of a 'photographic encyclopedia of flesh eating genital/anus diseases'.

This time it turned out to be something else, but I see no reason to simply open every book with a picture of a warty decomposing anus and stumps on the cover, on the off chance its actually something else.

I will however keep in mind to ask for an actual logically worthwhile excerpt of the article in question instead of just assuming the op would be of the mind to do that, so that I can see what is actually going on, without having to risk giving free cents to a worthless hack.

#290697 Gameskinny: If you're over 30 and love Nintendo, you are Not a Normal human.

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 06:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I saw that post, and I've already seen the quotation numerous times. People love to post it only when it supports their "childish" habit, but that's a discussion for a different day.

This has never happened. Ever. As if C.S. Lewis is a known commodity at large. And that statement is a very plain strawman, and is is dismissively presumptious.

The only time this has ever. EVER been brought up here is under the EXACT premise as is the Subject Of Lewis's quote.

Some idiotic mal-developed moron who thinks the idiotic marketing hes been brainwashed with is adult, because it has been specifically marketed as adult as a term of approval. They have no idea how pathetically childish they, in fact, actually were, until they look years back with horrific cringe worthy embarrassment and see this staring back at them.

I have bore witness to about a bakers dozen of these movements. Been recognizing them on first sight for about a decade and a half now.

Each and every one of them took advantadge of the groundwork of segas infamous psychological campaign against Nintendo. Confident that with each generation of children that approached adolescence, there would be an overwhelmingly profitable majority of easily hoodwinked impressionable morons ripe for the picking.

And so marketing campaign after marketing campaign played on 'Nintendo is kiddy'.

Platformers with attitude.
Embarassing focus on voilence
Embarrassing focus on profanity
embarrasing focus on sex appeal
extreme focus on system power
focus on full motion videos

And then they would repeat, switching out a gimmick here or there.

But one thing remained constant. Nintendo games, sat in the middle of it all like a rock, while the used up gimmick corpses fell around it like fall leaves.

Today, Super mario world was an undisputed classic. Bubsy is a cringworthy embarrasment. But try and bring that up to brainwashed kids 20 years ago.


It isn't applicable as an argument to what this guy is at all. Once again, he is talking about what society says about people who are over 30 that play nintendo games. He is, in NO way saying those people are right. In fact he says that nintendo games are quality, and a defense to the "video games are bad because violence" argument because people play them and still have massive amounts of fun without any of that dark and gritty stuff.
The guy does not say ONE negative thing about Nintendo, OR ITS GAMERS. All his statements about these two subjects are either neutral or positive.

If this is actually the case, which I have no way of knowing as the idiotic op only posted the clearly clickbait title, and then some moronic unrelated story that looked like the beginning of every damn 'skin care' and 'Harrison defied critics belief with the arse whisperer'thread i delete every morning before my excersize. And as per my policy, I absolutely, positively will NOT give clickbaits my click and thus 15 cents, the same as I wont give a dime to EA.

Seriously. There is no way in hell i would ever click on any article that blatantly clickbait without an excerpt showing me it wasnt. Knowing that I potentially could have given some moron a free cup of noodles for being a moron was just too high of a risk.

However, enough of you I trust seem to be converging on the same conclusion, that even without any hard evidence, it seems to just be a case of a REEEAAAAALLLYYY bad thread, article title, and op.

So then the thing that would change would be directing it at the people he is referring to voicing the fallacy, instead of him. The point itself still stands. I guess it just stands with him now.

I made a calculated command decision to not click the link because the odds of it being worthless click bait with the information provided was sky high.

Turned out to be wrong in practice this time.

#290673 new wii U sale numbers from VG..

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 02:05 PM in General Gaming

wii u sold 60k for the month of may according to npd

#290653 Xenoblade X releasing in 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 12:21 PM in E3 2014 Archive

I wonder how many Xenoblade fans will recreate Shulk as best they can. Despite my X Shulk avatar I will go more for the dude we saw in last years Trailer walking towards the mech.

They actually explicitely provide the parts to make the shulk shown in your avatar. It was made using the create a character.

Takahashi and his character trolls.

#290649 Zelda U graphics thoughts

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 11:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Internet morons been cracking me up since the gtav ps4 reveal.

When Shown Zelda U:
Whatever, thats nothing any ps360 open world game could do.

Same Exact people seeing gtav ps4:


#290646 Xenoblade X releasing in 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 11:28 AM in E3 2014 Archive

the robots and world look amazing in this game. its just the characters look crappy, which they will probably make look better. -_-

They probably wont make the characters faces look better. Thats the style the character designer decided to use. Its the same style the same artist used for Xenosaga.

On the bright side, Im giving my character a big bushy beard face. Like Charlie.


Or at least the biggest bushiest mustache I can.


No God will stand a chance before my mighty facial hair.

#290640 Gameskinny: If you're over 30 and love Nintendo, you are Not a Normal human.

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 10:23 AM in Wii U Games and Software

That Sony fangirlism.So surprising.Worse fanbase on the internet.


I am Ashamed for the actions of faux Sony fans....

Who probably cant name any sony franchises outside of naughty dog or santa monica.

#290627 Gameskinny: If you're over 30 and love Nintendo, you are Not a Normal human.

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 08:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The thing I hate the most about this artical is... he's right
No matter what evidence we have against game haters, we lose because they can't accept facts, it's like having a creationist vs evolutionist debate. You can't win. 

At the same time it's not misleading.

No, hes an idiotic man child with severe arrested development issues.

He is literally the exact opposite of 'right'.

Critics who treat 'adult' as a
term of approval, instead of as
a merely descriptive term,
cannot be adult themselves. To
be concerned about being
grown up, to admire the
grown up because it is grown
up, to blush at the suspicion of
being childish; these things are
the marks of childhood and
adolescence. And in childhood
and adolescence they are, in
moderation, healthy
symptoms. Young things ought
to want to grow. But to carry
on into middle life or even
into early manhood this
concern about being adult is a
mark of really arrested
development. When I was ten,
I read fairy tales in secret and
would have been ashamed if I
had been found doing so. Now
that I am fifty I read them
openly. When I became a man
I put away childish things,
including the fear of
childishness and the desire to
be very grown up.

C.S. Lewis.

#290621 Gameskinny: If you're over 30 and love Nintendo, you are Not a Normal human.

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 07:44 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Wow. Thats not click bait.

#290611 Capcom open to possibility of buyout.

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 04:31 AM in General Gaming

Pretty sure Japan has laws that prevent foreign companies from purchasing Japanese companies.

No, Capcom is open to public trading, and their shareholding douchers (the samne douchers forcing capcom to constantly smash their face in a brick wall until its a bloddy unreconizable pulp via throwing every resource they have at crappy, unwanted mobile garbage) just denied the Japanese companies plan for a buyback defense strategy. THey can now be publically bought out.

#290610 Ubisoft has Wii U titles waiting for Install Base

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 04:26 AM in Wii U News

True but still there games sell like hell

Well, you need to understand your audience.

These guys love crap. You can give them crap all day long, and theyll roll it up, play with it, and stuff it in their mouth and beg for more.

Try handing a steaming plate of crap to THIS guy though... And hell be somewhat less receptive.

#290606 China executes 13 over terrorism, violent crimes

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 03:51 AM in The Café

I have mixed feelings.

I dont.

#290605 Capcom open to possibility of buyout.

Posted by 3Dude on 17 June 2014 - 03:48 AM in General Gaming

Capcom does have some great IP, but i fear they would be too expensive for a company that has been losing money 3 years straight.
If possible, a question would arise: would Capcom`s talent stay within the company or go somewhere else?

99% of it already gone.

Why do you think suddenly, capcom can only make crap, but platinum appears and starts making 'capcom games'?

At this point, its pretty much only salvaging ip's, and the monster hunter team.

#290569 Capcom open to possibility of buyout.

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 07:15 PM in General Gaming

I sure hope Nintendo buys them out and proceed to un-cancel Megaman Legends 3.

If Nintendo bought out capcom, they would uncancel Legends 3, and ask Inafune to make it. And he would. And it would be awesome.

#290543 Which game do you think is the best out of this selection?

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 02:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Games are in order of my perceived value at Full Price, which is what I paid (got Mh U on sale, but got 3ds version full price). Value is a product of Content, variety, challenge/enjoyment, and hours of entertainment. Shorter games with less content, start at the beginning/bottom, whilst more challenging/rewarding games and longer games are at the end/top.

Loz: Windwaker
Great Zelda game. But one ive played many many times before. If you havent played it, its new to you! Remastered for HD with most tedious and irritating problems adressed. 10-15 hour game.

Pikmin 3
Great game, longer than pikmin, shorter than pikmin 2. Has challenge mode with high quality dlc levels. 20 hour game.

Wonderful 101

Esoteric. If you cant learn how to play high skill demand gameplay, to the point that you conciously and organically create your own combos and plan them on the fly, and in advance, while being able to respond to enemy attacks and switch plans on the fly... You will falsely find the game a frusterating, shallow, and unresponsive experience. If however, you can, you are in for dozens upon dozens upon dozens of hours of brain orgasms, across massive, MASSIVE amounts of content, in campaign and mission mode, tons of secrets, exploration, challenges, and incredible replayability, as the gameplay is fluid in dynamic, and no two fights ever need be the same. And on top of it all, is Platinums mind blowing presentation. 50-70 hour game+ Replayability for sheer joy of using the games mechanics to fight stuff.

Monster hunter ultimate: Also Esoteric. Similar explanation as w101, but less sheer volume of crazy moves to master... But level of skill demanded is still pretty consistant If, however, you are able to break the entry barrier, and begin to fundamentally gain an understanding of the game mechanics, you are in for hundreds upon hundreds of hours of action packed brain orgies, and immense feelings of comraderie and accomplishment. 100+ hour game+ Replaybilty just for the sheer joy of the hunt and teamwork.

All of these games are more than worth owning. More so than any other game on the list, and is literally a steal for free.

#290539 Xenoblade X releasing in 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 01:10 PM in E3 2014 Archive

No one is saying Dragon Quest is trying to have a deep storyline. Was just saying how the online could work similar to how DQIX worked or a different mode altogether.

Yes, I had already responded to this in an earlier post, leaving my speculation, as did you, and he. As such it seemed a pretty finished and closed deal. So that is no longer something I am talking about. I was adressing the new subject in the post that I quoted.

'my main concern was that the Dragon Quest IX style online (or any for that matter ) Wouldn't be in the game. I really hope they have the Dragon Quest IX style to this!!'.

Since the subject of whether the game had a single player story was adressed in your post he was responding too, I was just responding to his musings to have a 'dragon quest IX style story'.

Which is basically impossible as long as Takahashi breathes.

This rabbit hole goes much, much deeper. Just want to make sure people pack enough oxygen tanks for the trip beyond the outer limits.

The shock from going from the straight forward good is good, and the bad is just a misunderstanding, but is really also good deep down once those misunderstandings are cleared up, to OH MY- WAIT WHAT GOD? WEVE BEEN EATING EACH OTHER THIS WHOLE TIME AND OUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE IS A WORTHLESS SHAM!!!! Can be quite severe.

#290536 The Wii U is actually portable!

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 12:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

I also use the wii u portably.

#290528 Original watchdogs reveal graphics found in unused files in PC game.

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 10:59 AM in General Gaming


LOL so they have E3 settings? lolz

Straight finite state machine.

Wow. So finite. Many states. Much next gen.

#290511 Original watchdogs reveal graphics found in unused files in PC game.

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 08:55 AM in General Gaming

http://forums.guru3d...ad.php?t=390114She's enabling features from the engine.CoD blops did this too, disabling things it could support.I'd imagine pretty much every third party game does this now, for some reason.

This information is in the op.

As for other 3rd party games having better graphics in file thats not in game, yes, but those games didnt showcase those graphics in a bait and switch like watchdogs did.

If they enabeled all this for the wiiu version I might get it, but doubt it.

Ps4 and Xbone cant do this, wii u is out of the

#290499 Original watchdogs reveal graphics found in unused files in PC game.

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 06:42 AM in General Gaming

Okay no defending Ubisoft this time.
Oh and I guess the reason Publishers rank pc last due to piracy...as far as I know its much easier to pirate PC games than console games . A clear example is watchdogs.....Watchdogs pirated versions appeared even before launch.

Thats probably because most of those people didnt believe watch dogs was worth the asking price, and would have never bought it. Doesnt excuse rampant piracy but....

Xenoblade was also heavily pirated. Particularly when it was looking like it would never make it stateside.

Over 3 million pirated copies recorded from just 1 popular torrent.

But now, Xenoblade is on its way to selling through its fourth print run. As in nearly every single copy printed sold through, and they had to press new discs to ship, 4 times.

When something is proven worth it, even the majority of 'pirates' will actually buy it, even though they already got it for free.

When its not worth it, its usually deleted within a matter of days.

Yar, code of the pirates. Well not really a code, guidelines maybe. Suggestions really XD.

#290496 Original watchdogs reveal graphics found in unused files in PC game.

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 05:07 AM in General Gaming


#290494 Original watchdogs reveal graphics found in unused files in PC game.

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 05:03 AM in General Gaming

Is there a link to this story, or did you discover this?

Holy crap my link to 3dguru isnt there! Thanks waddle.

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