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#282350 Anime Discussion

Posted by 3Dude on 23 April 2014 - 09:03 AM in The Café

No. I mean, it doesnt have a chance, you opened the floodgates to some seriously stiff competition.

#293126 Anime Discussion

Posted by 3Dude on 13 July 2014 - 08:20 PM in The Café

Was surprised to see a Steins;Gate animation a while back. Got some enjoyment out of the 'game', so figured why not.<br /><br />It was pretty good. Really, REALLY slow, but, somehow still pretty good.

#309660 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 25 February 2015 - 11:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

#309335 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 20 February 2015 - 11:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So is everyone assuming this is a 30FPS experience?

I am. Trilers have been uploaded in the 60 format, but the only thing that looked 60 to me usually is the splash screen.

Not really a big of a deal in games like this, whos combat revolve more around strategy than timely action. The resources would be better spent making a more immersive world than increasing the frame rate.

#308826 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 13 February 2015 - 01:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Jebus, the anti Xenobade trolls are at it again.

Every single article, they flood it with 'Its not doing anything Skyrim didnt do! Red dead redemption looks Way better!!!'
'It looks worse than last gen, it just has massive scale, thats all its got going for it over ps360!'

You cant discuss this game ANYWHERE outside without them showing up and crapping everywhere and circle jerking each other. How do they even believe their own garbage?

#309960 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 02 March 2015 - 07:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The white continent has no snow on it, the area is called the white sands.

A basic sense of pattern recognition should have tipped anyone off on a seemingly bland area in a Xeno game.

Satorl Marsh day:
Bland and colorless, full of vison reducing fog
Satorl marsh night:

Its called contrast and juxtaposition.

White sands day:

Dull and colorless

White sands night:


#308943 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 14 February 2015 - 03:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Good points.

But honestly, I feel Nintendo can eliminate a ton of this crap by simply marketing their games effectively. putting out high quality screenshots and videos all over the web (YouTube, create and send to ign etc...).

With X especially, unless you already own a wii u it was nigh impossible to see a good look at the footage.

If you see the YouTube videos, the "screenshots" all over the web, etc., they all look incredibly muddy, washed out, etc.

Then... You see the "direct" that moment Monolith put out and it's like "what the ohmygoshijustvomitedthewheatiesiateforbreakfastbevausethislookssofreakingamazing!"

It looks nearly like a different game because the difference between conpressed, decompressed, and decompressed again by the time it shows up anywhere. Then that crappy conpressed video gets a screen grab taken and compressed again into an even more crappy conpressed JPEG.

It actually makes me a little angry as this would be so freaking easy to fix by sending press kits with high quality screens and videos to the major players. And it would cost nearly nothing.

And the stinking media sites KNOW THIS. and they choose to use junk screens of junk videos.

When I show people the latest gameplay and tutorial video they unanimously freak out and have to have it.

Before then, they've heard of it a bit and weren't impressed.

It's all in the presentation.

Come on Nintendo.

Yes, we appreciate that you are focused on the GAME, not on swindling people out of their hard earned money.

But dadburnit, get with the program and have one or two people focus on marketing it right and leaving the industry with a proper high impression of the game.

Of course the media knows what they are doing to this game. They arent covering this game, because they are paid pr mouthpeices for AAAAAAA publishers. Nintendo refuses to play their reindeer games, so they give them gimped coverage, and the anti nintendo 'nintendo is backwards' narrative, because AAAAAAAA publishers want to make sure you know games that work the way they are advertised, work the moment you buy them and put in the disc, come complete for the buying price, instead of half a game for full price with a season pass sold seperately to get the whole game, is backwards because it doesnt have arbritrary feature that is nowhere near the big deal people have been brainwashed into thinking it is.

Voice chat is a nice feature. It is NOT a necessity for a game to not be worthless crap. The game actually WORKING when you put the disc in the machine, IS. But dont tell that to the media, thats not the picture their AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA retainers want to paint.

. There is no longer an enthusiest press for videogames, only extended pr mouthpeices.

Besides, there is no amount of advertising than cut through an entire generation of publisher media brainwashing.

People who are saying this:

Does more, and looks better, than this:


Are beyond the ability to objectively assess reality.

#310120 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 06 March 2015 - 12:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

And the big bad shown in todays video shall henceforth be known, as SquidButt.

#310996 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 25 March 2015 - 11:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Totally digging Chill Ape.

He needs some shades.

#310187 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 08 March 2015 - 02:23 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Thanks for that 3dude. So question for those that played the original one on the Wii... how does the combat differ. My NNID is gamer1984 same as my username. I am going to be hitting up the RPG experts on this forum so please add me when this game released becuase I never played one before but am up for this challenge.

Its heavily based on Xenoblade.... But after watching the translation, feels like its about 100X more in depth.

#310181 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 07 March 2015 - 10:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

#310141 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 07 March 2015 - 07:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They just had to, didn't they?

Dont forget squidbutt!

Well, we already knew the swimsuits were returning. Even if we hadnt already seen them, shulk in his skivvies is ridiculously popular in smash bros so...

But yeah, g string heavy armor appears to be back in full force from sharlas armor catalouge. Fortunately, they seem to have just as many practical looking armours as butt floss looking ones this time.

#308822 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 12 February 2015 - 08:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Monolith threw in a Gears reference.

Oh, there are peices to make pretty much every character. I saw ones that make for a Jin/citan, and a slight alteration of which to make a dunban, an elsmeralda, an ellie.... Pretty sure I saw parts you could use to make a bart complete with eye patch.

From what Ive seen they pretty much have everyone covered Well... Unless.... You are... a Man... of the Sea!

I only hope they let you really make pronounced features, like van damn style pronounced, becuase the first thing Im making if you can is Big Joe.

#308532 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 08 February 2015 - 11:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It claimed to be 100 but it's not even close to that. Not even sure it's half that. Suffice to say much smaller. However remember it's not just size but design. XCX has a better world design than anything on the market. Only Xenoblade itself comes close in utilizing full 3D space plus the art design.

Yeah, at first r* claimed it was 100, then they canged it to 49, then I guess it turns out that wasnt really the case at all, it was actually 30 square miles, and that included nearly half of it being the ocean, so it was actually only like, 18 or something.... And the city itself was only a small fraction of that...

So, going by the land that you actually play the game on, X is like, 8.5 times bigger than gta5, not even counting the fact that unlike gta5, which is basically completely flat design wise, X has layers upon layers to explore, like theres the flat ground, with the normal hills and mountains and stuff, but over it is this huge earth canopy dome thing you can fly to the top of, and theres stuff to do up there, and then theres an expansive cave system under the ground, all in the same square miles of area at times.

#307982 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 01 February 2015 - 07:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Comparing a 4 year old game to a 2015 one? That's sad, I understand you guys are hype about XBC, but abusing Skyrim to make yourself feel better is laugh worthy. Also it's clear that Nintendo and Mon-Soft aren't moving forward if they ain't getting their chosen goals. I just hope the game is known to everyone, as it could be a good sleeper hit.


Yeah, too bad we werent the ones who made those comparisons, over, and over, and over, and over and over, and over, and over again. Hell, its STILL being done on other boards. I bet desert punk has found himself a nice echo chamber to circle jerk too after he realized this game was real, and he couldnt use his bad ports=best wii u can do gimmick anymore.
So yeah, when we get confirmation that the game was 10x bigger than the game we were repeatedly told the wii u wasnt powerful enough to handle, as they pointed at every crap ps360 port as 'proof' that the wii u was weaker than ps360, yeah, were going to bring it back up and laugh at it. Get off YOUR high horse.

#307865 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 29 January 2015 - 06:42 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Can someone answer this for me. Wii U uses custom discs as they always have but it has the same capacity of blu ray at 25GB per layer. It's disc drive is a 5x cav 22MB per second. PS4 uses Blu Ray 6X cav 28 MB per second. PS3 was 2X. Can Wii U not do dual layer for some reason? Why the second disc?


My guess would be the seamless world.


The extra layer would increase the rom size capacity of the disc, but with that extra 25GB of data on that disc, well, now you have an extra 25GB of data adresses to search through when looking for, say, that texture the game wants to stream in, thats not currently in ram.... With the same search/read speed you had back with half the data to search through.


When you are watching a movie and everything is sequential, it doesnt really matter, when you are playing a game that stops to load the next area, it also does'nt really matter. When you are playing a 400 km squared seamless open world game, and you are doing tons of random access calls to your disc I bet having to deal with an extra 25GB adds up pretty fast.

Texture this game is FULL of a crazy variety of textures.

One of the first thinks I noticed. That's a TON of paint.

Even Destiny reuses a lot of textures and in Some areas takes the color palette really low.

But it till uses a ton of textures.

X however seems like and endless deluge of very large and variable graphics assets.

One of the more impressive things is looking down at the map from a high distance and not being able to notice texture tiles. That's huge. Try that with Skyrim and the like. Big difference.
Taking massive textures like that, the geometry, ai, scripting, collision detection,blighting, audio, etc... And fitting into aRam a with no loading... Whoa. That's dome serious load and memory management going on.

These guys deserve big sales just for being geniuses. Not to mention what's dhaping up to be a stellar game.


Oh, you mean like this?




I still can not believe how many people still swear up and down XcX is 'just on par with 360 open world games, its not doing anything ps360 hasnt done better in games like skyrim'


Its like they literally can not see the texture repeating every damn foot.

#307837 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 29 January 2015 - 10:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

"[Kawabata] Xenoblade Chronicles X is using up most of the space on the Wii U disk. It's really, really close to the storage limit. (To the point that at one stage we were considering using more than one disk for the game). To enjoy playing, the enormous seamless map must load quickly (which was achieved through the hard work of our programming division), but we had help from Nintendo proper implementing a further improvement to what we had. I believe we're going to reveal the details of that on the official page in the future, but to people considering purchasing the packaged version of the game, as one of the game's developers, I highly recommend you make use of this improvement."


Sounds like there will be an install from disc option.


I WILL buy the packaged version of this game. And I will absolutely take you up on your suggestion, Mr. Kawabata.

#307773 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 28 January 2015 - 04:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Just to clarify, is the reason this system is better than the thieves/assassin's/fighter/mage guild because the actual story progression happens through them? Because honestly, I would prefer 1 "guild" that covers the events of the main story arc. I can't spend 300 hours on this game and all the different guilds.
also, while I have you here, thoughts on the "loosely connected online"?? I definitely don't want to feel aware of everyone else's presence all the time, but that also doesn't confirm or deny if I can co-op stuff with my friends.

The reason its better is because those other ones are old, cliched, and played out and have the same damn crap every single time.

I have no idea whats really going to happen, this is some seriously meager info that could really end up being interperetted a hundred different ways.

But heres my take on it.

It looks like the game will have a main story, but each union will have its own events and peices of the story depending on how far you go. Its looking like super steroided colony 6, with more sensical and specific tasks for building the city, and rewards for doing such.

The 'unions' appear to be taking the place of the different places on bionis in the Xenoblade affinity chart.

In Xenoblade doing quests from a certain area, gained you affinity points, which would unlock higher level quests in those places, ultimatwly ending up with the having enough affinity points to do the quests to get the best non drop equips/gems and of course, unlock your characters, well, characterization and power up. In order to keep players from getting 'Affinity screwed' monolith soft made hundreds of throwaway quests, so nop matter how bad users screw up, how much they skip, they can (almost) always drop some time on effortless throw away quests to gain enough affinity to get to the next level. These quests were differentiated from the meaningful sidequests by being given by 'nobody' npc's. Kill x of y, collect x of y, find x etc. Meaningful quests in related questlines were given by named npc's, with the quests themselves having names, and the higher up the quest chain you want to go the more trust they have to have in you, thus building your rep in the area with 'affinity'.

This method was generous, but a little (Purposefully) hidden, and so less....astute players wound up complaining about having to do bazzilions of 'pointless sidequests' because they couldnt distinguish affinity point giveaways (Kill 5 buttsniffers) with meaningful sidequests (Break up the Nopon black market drug smuggling operation).

This method is more straight forward, and appears to be a lot more rewarding. Not just with story/lore/world building rewards, but tangible use in the game rewards that are related to the subject.

Pathfinder - In charge of data probe installation.

Installing data probes could fill in map data, and give intelligence on what creatures and resources are in the area (Man, I need 5 ratfrog terds... WHere do I find those? OH! The data probe says there are ratfrogs in area X) Could also point out things like caves they player might have otherwise missed. Perhaps going far enough in this will result in discovering other crashed colonies?

•Interceptor - In charge of exterminating protists.

I dont know what a protist is, but I guess we want them dead.

•Avalanche - In charge of hunting down dangerous life forms.
Thinning out numbers in areas could result in making outposts possible?

Unique monster hunting! Heck yeah!

•Testament - In charge of the search and recovery of debris scattered by the ship, as well as the recovery of items lost on the battlefield.

Recovering lost ship technology has got to unlock some good stuff.

•Corepedian - In charge of visiting areas and investigation/collecting materials.


•Land Bank - In charge of securing resources and collecting minerals.

More resources could improve the economy, and make better items available for purchase?

•Arms - Assists the Arms Company in charge of the development of Dolls and their inner weaponry.

This ones pretty obvious, going down this path is going to result in more customizable doll parts, and weapons, of increasing power.

•Companion - A Jack of all trades, from the mediation of petty fights to the search of stray cats.

Youre god damn right Im going to use my super jumping powers to get those kitties out of trees! Then Ill have an army of cats at my disposal!!! Look out giant alien brontosaurs, your days are numbered now!

You may be able to complete the game by focusing on just a couple of these unions. However the ending you recieve may differ depending on what path, or balance of paths you choose... These are some of the same people who worked on chrono trigger... Focus exclusively on dolls and weapons, and crush your alien oppressors... but maybe the human race will be viewed as too war like? Perhaps having another balance will result in a different outcome with the aliens in question?

The online stuff sounds like miiverse stuff. Leave messages in bottles wind waker style, or messages dark souls style. Not sure if co op is on or off the table. No idea.

#308195 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 04 February 2015 - 06:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I've actually recently got my hands on the original xenoblade, and I've already logged nearly 50 hours in and i do not see an end in sight.  I cannot wait for this game.  If it is anything like its predecessor I will be a very happy man! I do not care as much about world size as world life, and looking at the trailers i think this world has plenty of that!  Hopefully Aonuma  is taking notes and asking questions.  I'm also quite excited for the online implementation, and to take on some of those late game beasts shown off!

The reason so many people are excited about the world size is because of the original Xenoblade.

Unlike the rest of the open world games, and pretty much all modern sandbox games, Xenoblades terrain was not procedurally generated, it was actually hand designed, every inch of it. Thats the 'secret' to having big worlds that dont suck, the 'secret' being that there is no easy way out, no magic pill, no shortcuts, if you use terrain generation, you are going to have that generic sandbox game world feel, no exceptions. If you want better than that, you have to be prepared to take the time, and actually hand design your game world.... And on top of that, you STILL actually have to be GOOD at world design, Something no AAAAAAAAAAAAAA publisher would ever do today.

Thats the thing that people are so excited about with Xenoblade X's world size that the trolls just cant figure out in their endless ignorant and identical efforts to crap all over the title. Its not that there are no games bigger, there are a lot of games that are bigger.

And its not because its open world. There are a lot of games that are open world.

It's because its the biggest HAND DESIGNED open world game ever made, which null and voids the constant barrage of 'Hurr sure its big but its just going to be another empty open world game like **Names procedurally generated sandbox game every single time**, hurrr hurrr dont you know bigger doesnt mean better?? HUUURRR'

#308255 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 05 February 2015 - 05:19 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think the most important information about the new xenoblade is the beastiary. Once you encounter a beastie, you can look it up in the beastiary, you can find out where it is, what times it appears, what conditions it appears, and what it drops. Xenoblade 3ds is geting this addition as well.


Massive improvement.


If they do something similar to the npc's, like stating where and waht time they will be at certain places, and what they trade... My days of playing Xenoblade with my phone sitting next to me with the wiki on it are a relic of the past!

#308507 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 08 February 2015 - 04:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The texture work in this game is amazing, Im still not sure exactly how they did it, because I simply cant find individual texture tiles.


I know they are using ridiculous layering techniques.


My guess is they are using micro texturing, with quite a few different tiles that have all been tesselated into each other with incredible skill, meaning they can all line up with each other smoothly, no matter which one you put where, and which way you rotate it, and then are randomly placing and rotating them to make them very hard to pick up an obvious pattern on.... as they use these microtextures as building blocks to make other larger textures.


Layered on top of that seems to be multiple layers of larger textures, but these are more like stickers put over the base texture, or god tier microtexturing. These do things like showing that great caked mud look.


I cant even speculate how many layers they are actually using. The texture work is ridiculously well done.

#308497 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 08 February 2015 - 12:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Translated (Turn cc on)

Okay, now things are coming together.


The city was empty. Always was, it was just a 'seed' that they were going to plant on a habitable planet. Each seed was modeled after famous cities and their cultures. We got LA.


The only people who were awake were soldiers, engineers, and maintenence, who navigated, defended the ship, kept it running, and mantained the LIFE structures. WHich were giant structures in the hull of the ship containing the citizens in cryo-stasis. Upon crashing, the white whale (name of the arc ship) ejected its life pods, which were durable and stabilized enough to protect their cargo from the crash landing.


The city seed began its automated process of building its underlying foundations after anchoring itself to the terrain and leveling itself. Then the survivors began gathering people to work on the construction of the city, wich is suspended over the actual land beneath it. This reconstruction goes on for two months, before us, the pc are awoken from our LIFE pod.


Wow. This translation lliterally takes every complaint the new waves of trolls and 'concern' trolls' have tried to levy at the game, and completely pimp slaps them with it.

#308361 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 07:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Found what seems to be a pretty good translation of what went on in the video:


#308293 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 09:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I can't wait for this game it is gorgeous but what is going to  erk me is that some people will down grade this game because it runs at 720p not 1080p and look past the seer beauty and scale of this game.  To run at 720p is still impressive to me because I haven't to see anything yet on the other 8th gen and even last gen consoles that had XBC X's atmospheric scale.  My hat goes off for the devs at Monolith they have truly outdone themselves.  Now if only we could get that bundle over here in the west.

The game could have been 1080p 60fps, and those people would have just made up some other reason to crap on the game.

So, is this a system seller for Japan... especially since Nintendo is offering a bundle?

I think so.

The pre-load for the game which went live in Japan a short time ago confirms the following details:

- Single Player RPG
- 4 Players Online Quests
- 32 Players Indirect Online (For Information exchange and item trading)

#XenobladeX supports GamePad, #WiiU Pro Controller, USB keyboard. Miiverse support. Off-TV play. 720p. pic.twitter.com/doXkkkLoxj



#308542 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 09 February 2015 - 04:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Miles and miles of gang bangers and prostitutes or aliens and amazing vistas...? You decide.  :)
Thanks for confirming GTA5, I just pulled the 100 from a quick search and I figured it probably wasn't precise... and wow it was way off hah.

Here is an uncompressed version of the wallpaper in OP in case someone wanted it. It is 2560 x 1600. Just click on it for full size.

GTA5 had vistas too, its just nothing on them loaded until you you were like 20 feet away. Or ran into it and exploded.


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