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#308403 For What It's Worth: Xenoblade comparison N3DS and Wii

Posted by 3Dude on 07 February 2015 - 12:54 PM in General Gaming


Here we have an image, roughly 3ds sized, on the left we have the full image, the amount of visual data you would recieve with left eye, and right eye images put together. On the right, we have the left eye image ONLY, which is what the 3ds uses for 2d mode, which is what is being shown in the videos. in order to fill those gaps for 2d mode, 3ds simply stretches the pixel lines over to fill the gaps.

#308401 For What It's Worth: Xenoblade comparison N3DS and Wii

Posted by 3Dude on 07 February 2015 - 12:47 PM in General Gaming

When you spread butter on toast it gets thinner. Meaning the more resources a game uses the visual quality goes down. OoT and MM3D are remakes of Nintendo 64 games and don't use a lot of resources not even the remakes. Xenoblade is a massive massive game. It uses far more resources than the original 3DS even had. New 3DS is able but still the resouces are spread thin.

The 3ds has more gpu resources than the wii ever had. the 3ds gpu has newer more effecient architecture, real shaders, more registers, more memory, and a higher clock speed than hollywood. Xenoblade on og3ds is cpu bottlenecked, not gpu bottle necked.

Since people STILL cant seem to get whats going on here, and why using blown up video of the 3ds in 2d mode makes the textures look worse, I will prepare a visual demonstration, of what happens, when you cut an image in half via intrlacing, double it, and then blow it up 4x past the original resolution.

#308394 For What It's Worth: Xenoblade comparison N3DS and Wii

Posted by 3Dude on 07 February 2015 - 11:24 AM in General Gaming

Hardly a surprise Wii looks better. Obviously higher polygon count, less jaggies, better textures and a warmer colour pallette but that's just 2d mode from a YouTube vid.

Actual gameplay in 3d and real life view on 3ds screen is what I want to see.

The polygon count is identical, the cutscene is taking place during 2 different times, which is why the lighting color pallette is so different, as shown by the fact the ether lights are on in the 3ds version, and off during the wii version, so it looks like we are looking at blades gorgeously warm sunset pallet on wii (Seriously, the BEST time to make cutscenes happen) and night time on 3ds. (Seriously nintendo? You havent learned to remove variables like this? You havent learned people will notice there is a difference, but assume thats its the supposed to be the same time and same lighting conditions because thats what is expected of a comparison like this?)

The wii video is natural resolution, the 3ds video is blown up 4x past 3ds's its naturaal resolution, and 8x past its 2d resolution.

The same texture on 3ds, will have less pixels of its texture on screen (those texture pixels ARE STILL THERE on the texture), than on wii, but the same amount of rays hitting each texture pixel, because there are less pixels on the 3ds screen than a 480p image. This is why you actually SHOULDNT use the same textures if you are going to reduce the render resolution, and the reason I can tell that they DID. When you use textures that are designed for a higher render resolution, in a lower render resolution, you actually start to LOSE detail, it appears to start fading out to brightness or 'washout'. Now multiplay this by 2x for 3ds 2d mode, which is half the resolution of 3 mode. Of course, I dont expect a port to redo every texture with the render target in mind.... Might as well make a ground up remake then.


The tree sprites have been changed. Probably because the wii ones constantly clipping into, in front of, and behind each other as they always rotate to face the camera made for quite the hilarious headache inducing visuals in 3d. In fact, Im wondering if they are even sprites anymore, or if theyve been changed to shells and fins.

Its impossible to tell yet, because of the fact the screen has been stretched 8x past its resolution, but Im guessing the games going to have to be heavily compressed from 6.5Gb to >4Gb as nintendo isnt going to break out the 8, or even 6 Gb cartridge, and they want an easier faster, smaller memory footprint for eshop downoad.

#308361 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 07:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Found what seems to be a pretty good translation of what went on in the video:


#308345 If you could have any sequel...

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 06:01 PM in General Gaming

Squares worst is in PS1 era is better than current Squares best. Hell I would take The Bouncer over any XIII game.

I can definately agree with that.

I just see that Squeenix failed to recognize what people liked about their jrpg's, and increasingly began replacing more, and more of those aspects with cutscenes and cinematics... Until we ended up with a game where you walked what was effectiely a massive hallway, the entire time, until you got to the next cutscene. And it all began with the psx era rpg's, after the success of ffvii.

#308334 Legends of Zelda live action coming to Netflix

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 04:06 PM in The Café

Why not Rowan Atkinson?

Because mr. bean just cant fill out those tights.

#308333 If you could have any sequel...

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 04:04 PM in General Gaming

Yip same crap I always hear. It's not Chrono Trigger. meh. It was a fun game on it's own. Judge by it's own merits.

By its own merits we dont judge it to be very good. It was a de-evolution of the forward movements chrono trigger brought to the genre.

It was flashy, but had little substance. It was a time sink skinner box, where your reward for playing wasnt the actual game itself being engaging, but cutscenes to watch that were distributed periodically. Just like every other pre rendered psx era square game.

The music was pretty good. Some of it. A few tracks.

#308327 If you could have any sequel...

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 03:19 PM in General Gaming

I will never get why Cross gets so much hate. Hell those guys are giving us XCX. Also one of the best OST's on PS1
On that note. Skies of Arcadia. Seriously we need a new Arcadia!
Blue Dragon and I don't mean the DS games. Just a full on console one like te first.
This is the part where I mention Wonder Boy but guess what Monster Boy is happening on PC and PS4 so I got my wish!
So to replace it Darksiders III and I say go with the idea Vigil was saying. choose a character havea  campaign and a online TPS multiplayer.
Or they could go full on open world RPG wth a party. DSII was like Zelda DSIII could be any open world RPG. 4 horsemen is your party.

Im pretty sure a large portion of the people who would become monolith soft had left or were leaving at this time, I think the most notable one who worked on cross was Masato Kato, the fantastic battle designer, who I believe was the games director, and was not allowed to use his battle systems.

But really, I dont think with the perspective we have today, anyone really has a beef with the TEAM, that tried to make the game, but with the increasingly erratic PUBLISHER, who we now know created horrible work environments, impossible deadlines, and horrible hurdles their employees were faced to deal with it.

Chrono trigger fans didnt like Cross, because it had no similarity to chrono trigger whatsoever besides a story... A ridiculously convoluted story... A mandate that was actually put FORWARD by square, to the team, they HAD to make the game completely different from chrono trigger.

Right off the bat Chrono cross throws away one of the most game changing things chrono trigger brought ot the table, battles took place on the same map you explored. Instead, cross loads a battle scene, and places the party and enemies in the same exact configuration we had been staring out for generations before chrono trigger. Party in a line up front, enemies in a line in the back.

Completely gone are the moving enemies, different party formations, different move effects, gone was the strategy of waiting for enemies to line up, bunch up, or get close to a certain character, gone are the different shaped tech area of effects. This was traded so we could watch cool cinematic spells and attacks... Not worth it.

Chrono cross also switched to the horrible pre rendered back drops, which looked awesome, at the expense of horrible exploration and zero user interaction. Should have gone 3d with sprites for characters.

Chrono trigger had 7 characters who were covered very in depth, each with their own in depth cutscene that got them personalized gear, and expanded deeply on their characterization.

cross had dozens upon dozens of throw away characters they didnt even care about.

But, thinking about it now, Xenoblade is pretty much the closest thing to a spritual sequel we will ever see to chrono trigger. And it was pretty great.

#308325 Legends of Zelda live action coming to Netflix

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 02:50 PM in The Café

Ron Jeremy for Tingle.

#308324 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 02:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Could be, who knows.
This will be the third time Takahashi has tried to tell a chpater of his Xeno story.
The first time was Xenogears, which square pulled the plug on half way through, forcing Takahashi's team to abandon the project to help out with finishing ffvII.
This resulted in Xenogears being an amazing first half of a game through disc 1... And literally watching characters sitting on chairs narrating for a lot of disc 2.

Xenogears was episode 5 of a six part story

Xenosaga was produced by Namco Bandai, who apparently decided THEY wanted to direct the game instead of Monolithsoft.

Monolithsoft staff resisted, and so Namco began firing them, notably the writing staff, notably one SorayaSaga, one of Monolith softs (And square softs) best writers, which also happened to coincide with a very vulnerable time, as her brother died. Upon finding out about this, Xenosagas wonderul fanbase began hounding Soraya saga, and ridiculing her constantly:

“How could you desert the series? You Traitor!”
– Xenosaga Fan

“Why could you make such a stupid decision to leave?”
– Xenosaga Fan

“Do you have a marital problem?”
– Xenosaga Fan

“Did Takahashi send you home?”
– Xenosaga Fan

“Your leaving doesn’t really matter. Episode II will go well in America.”
– Xenosaga Fan

“You may be an expensive artist. So they kicked you out. Isn’t it?”
– Xenosaga Fan

Soraya saga attempted suicide, which nearly destroyed monolithsoft (I cant imagine Takahashi going on very long after losing his significant other and closest partner in game making). Fortunately she recovered.

So, Takahashis second attempt at telling some chapters of his Xeno story, was ruined by publisher interference.... And a horrible, horrible, 'fan' base. Takahashi tried to fix the butchering Namco did to their story, with Xenosaga 1&2 on ds. It never left japan.

Its not really clear exactly what chapters Xenosaga was supposed to be, aside from they took place before Xenogears, which was chapter 4. This made especially Murky by Takahashis inability to directly link the series of his own stories because of Copyright issues and legal red tape... We know that saga was shortened from a proposed 6 part series, to 4 parts, and only 3 came out, and they didnt cover nearly as much of the arc as was planned, even for just 3.

Xenoblade was never really a 'Xeno' game, its original title was 'Monado: Beginning of the world', and while it shared in many aspects the other Xeno games had, like religious symbolism, and philosophical literature allusions, it didnt really take place in any of the 6 chapters of the Xeno story, it was its own original work, and an 'experiment' in game design philosophy to Takahashi. The experiment, was apparently a roaring sucees, as Takahashi has gone on record saying the old way was a dead end (referring to jrpg's popularized during the psx era, which typically had no gameplay, and no worlds to explore, as they consisted of static images players werre super imposed over, with only the most minimal amount of interaction, that was completely micromanaged, where the entire point of the game was to grind along to get the 'reward' which was a cutscene). Interestingly, Xenogears did not follow this method. Probably because it had not been established as 'THis is how you make money with jrpg's' by the success of ff7, As it had began production BEFORE ff7 (Xenogears was originally supposed to be ff7, but it was deemed to dark and complicated).

Takahashi was very happy with Xenoblade, the integration of Gameplay and story, and the fact he was never compromised, but in fact ENCOURAGED to go all the way to finish the game. This result is probably what led Takahashi to once again, try his hand at his Magnum Opus, The Xeno story.

This perspective makes me wonder if there is more areas, Without really knowing exactly how large the shown areas are, Many parts of the map look like things have been excluded to be revealed later, or when you play, such as in the lava section 
The large section in between the 2 major landmass's could just as easily be buffer zones to make them inaccessible by dolls until later points in the game.

Looks like the exact opposite to me.

Looks like that area is inaccessible until you build up your dolls to have enough fuel and flight capability to be able to make it across the island chain.

The chokepoints ARE however, very obvious swap points, where the game swaps out assets for new areas. These allow the player to move seamlessly without having to resort to a loading screen.

#308306 Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS New Trailer

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 11:33 AM in General Gaming

I dont much care for this trailer. Feel it really blows one of the most intense and galvanizing moments in the game with poor scene editing and music selection.
I shall refuse this reality and replace it with such:

#308303 New Xenoblade Chronicles X fan-made cover

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 10:53 AM in The Museum

Well, looks like this just may be THE box art :)

#308302 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 10:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software


OH COME ON NOW MONOLITH! COME ON! REALLY?! You just made EVERY Saga fans panties drop. This truly is Gears meets Saga meets Blade.

For some reason pretty much every saga 'fan' I know of outside this board absolutely hates Xenoblade and Xenoblade X (And has never played xenoblade), and any similarities and the fact its not on a playstation only seems to make them fester and hate more. Not that im surprised, this is, after all the 'fan' base that incessantly dog piled, mocked and ridiculed Sorayasaga to the point of attempted suicide when she needed support the most. They are already hate raging over this very screen. At least the gears fans are excited.

Anyways, Im pretty sure its beyond safe to say this is Episode 1 of the Xeno series. Modified for copyrights and the wisdom of experience gained of course, but this is blatantly chapter 1 of the Xeno story.

#308298 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 10:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software


The layers!!!

Its so nice to finally see some more 3d game design in 3d open world games.

I am going to be going nuts with the screen captures

#308293 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 09:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I can't wait for this game it is gorgeous but what is going to  erk me is that some people will down grade this game because it runs at 720p not 1080p and look past the seer beauty and scale of this game.  To run at 720p is still impressive to me because I haven't to see anything yet on the other 8th gen and even last gen consoles that had XBC X's atmospheric scale.  My hat goes off for the devs at Monolith they have truly outdone themselves.  Now if only we could get that bundle over here in the west.

The game could have been 1080p 60fps, and those people would have just made up some other reason to crap on the game.

So, is this a system seller for Japan... especially since Nintendo is offering a bundle?

I think so.

The pre-load for the game which went live in Japan a short time ago confirms the following details:

- Single Player RPG
- 4 Players Online Quests
- 32 Players Indirect Online (For Information exchange and item trading)

#XenobladeX supports GamePad, #WiiU Pro Controller, USB keyboard. Miiverse support. Off-TV play. 720p. pic.twitter.com/doXkkkLoxj



#308291 Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS : Shulk Amiibo Support & Website Open

Posted by 3Dude on 06 February 2015 - 09:23 AM in General Gaming

It looked super jaggy in the direct. Was that just a result of being in a video?
Also, really hoping that we might see more Shulk amiibos since it has this functionality in an upcoming game.....kinda doubt it though... :(

The game was always pretty Jaggy, it was a wii game.

Thats now compounded by several factors.

1. The video was from a new 3dsxl, which has pixels 4 times larger than the normal new 3ds. (Glares at NOA)
2. The video was blown up like 4x its actual screensize even in windowed mode. Probably the best thing you cand o for this video is to play it in 240p.
3. Any and all 2d video of 3ds games is half the resolution of a 3ds game running in 3d. Videos and 2d mode runs 240x400. 3d mode runs 240x800. You should ALWAYS play in 3d mode, even if you dont like the 3d effect, just turn it up barely enough to notice the screen 'change', but not high enough for any really noticable 3d, this doubles the resolution from 2d mode, which just takes a single image for one eye (half the screen) and stretches it across the entire screen.

So the video is half a 3ds screen, stretched across the entire 3ds screen, blown up 4x its size, for a compressed web video.

#308256 If you could have any sequel...

Posted by 3Dude on 05 February 2015 - 05:22 PM in General Gaming

A sequel to Chrono trigger.


 A REAL sequel to chrono trigger.


The kind Squeenix is no longer capable of making. Seriously, I enjoyed chrimson echoes more than cross, and that was just a rom hack.

#308255 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 05 February 2015 - 05:19 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think the most important information about the new xenoblade is the beastiary. Once you encounter a beastie, you can look it up in the beastiary, you can find out where it is, what times it appears, what conditions it appears, and what it drops. Xenoblade 3ds is geting this addition as well.


Massive improvement.


If they do something similar to the npc's, like stating where and waht time they will be at certain places, and what they trade... My days of playing Xenoblade with my phone sitting next to me with the wiki on it are a relic of the past!

#308252 New Splatoon info- You WILL want to see this

Posted by 3Dude on 05 February 2015 - 04:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

smash is 1080p 60 fps, Zelda WW is 1080p 30 fps, Mario Kart is 720p 60fps,  and Xenoblade is proabably going to be 720p 3o fps.


Interestingly enough, thats a strange little pro wii u label of misinformation gamz girrnalisz spread that has also stuck. Particuarly hilarious to see the sony/xbox fanboy meltdowns over the fact they thought all these wii u games were 1080p, as if resolution itself was the only aspect to graphical fidelity. Theyve been brainwashed well....


Really just goes to show just how much damage gamz girnoliz who dont get their crap straight can cause, and just how far and long the misinformation they spread can go.

#308244 New Splatoon info- You WILL want to see this

Posted by 3Dude on 05 February 2015 - 03:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I get the feeling it wont matter. The games already been falsely labeled.


This will be the game known as 'That nintendo game with no voice chat or local bots' Loooooooooooooonnnnggg after its been disproven.

#308230 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by 3Dude on 05 February 2015 - 01:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So Nordic is picking up right where THQ left off....Putting out garbage games that wont sell and slowly running themselves into the ground.

LMFAO. Oh man. That hit the spot for me.

That tickled my old bone to grind with THQ enough that I laughed.

I do agree with Ryudo though, THQ went under BECAUSE they stopped making the trash I so hated them for (I will still never forgive them for destroying everyones child hood with crap games starting with rocky and bullwinkle). The last of their stuff wasnt actually cringe inducing licensed bs, but pretty original, and even... good.

Just shows how messed up the games industry is right now, that trading trash for decent products kills your company.

#308224 KOS MOS in Project Treasure = Xenosaga HD?

Posted by 3Dude on 05 February 2015 - 10:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Didnt we talk about kosmos in treasure when it was first announced? Or was it a different board...

Doesnt seem to mean anything to me. KOS-MOS is still namco's #1 merchandise gimmick.

They shove her in everything they reasonably can and constantly release new merchandise of her.

I dont think her appearance as a character skin for a f2p game is any more of an indication of saga hd than namco releasing another string bikini kosmos figurine or KOSMOS pillow.

I also find it hilarious they want the 'original' team being namco fired half the original team for not wanting to change the game and script according to namcos demands. Soraya saga absolutely hates xenosaga because of namco, and the response from saga 'fans' to the news of her being screwed over.

I dont think monolith soft will want to stop their busy finally unshackled expression of their xeno story, to go back to namco bandais commmandeered franchise for an hd version.

#308208 New Splatoon info- You WILL want to see this

Posted by 3Dude on 05 February 2015 - 01:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You know, I could have sworn voice chat was confirmed by a nintendo rep months ago at e3.


So glad gamz girnoliz all copied the exact same google translate post of some forum poster.

#308202 metroid prime trilogy wii u

Posted by 3Dude on 04 February 2015 - 08:35 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Metroid Prime 1 being the best. 2 the worst 3 not far behind the first.
2 was a tacked on way to make the game longer and Nintendo has used the light and dark world thing to death. I have no desire to ever play MP2 again and it's been 11 years.

Yeah, thats pretty much how I feel.

The level design just kind of fell off a cliff after the first one. I mean, the world got much larger, almost twice as large, but it lost the multifaceted room design of the first, typically rooms had one entrance, and one exit, with the occasional 3 way room being thrown in where you go one way first, get something to unlock the next area, and head back out and to the second exit.

The original prime was very dense in its design, you often had rooms with three, four exits, one on the floor, one on the ceiling, one under water, one on a cliff, and the way you traversed these rooms changed over time as well. You would walk through the room at first, maybe fight a boss, then you would roll through a tunnel the next time, which was faster, and let you go out a different exit. Then next time you would space jump across the pillars in the room, and find a new exit, and after that, you realized those half pipes werent decoration, and you could boost ball up to find new exists, and finally, you would find a magnetic rail, and find yet another, new exit, in this room, you had one of the first bos fights in.

In echoes, that would just be a throwaya room. You fight the boss, get the powerup, which was little more than a key, go along several flat uneventful rooms, to where you used the key, rinse and repeat. The weapons were literally reskins of the originals, the super weapons were all simplistic but pretty room clearers with no individual strategies, the power ups were all the same, with the exception of a few new ones, which were all horrible and boring keys, with no use past being keys, with the exception of the space jump/spin attack, which was also almost reduced to being a key, as almost the only times you were meant to use it, was at obnoxious glowing walls screaming HEY!!! YOU CAN WALL JUMP HERE AND ONLY HERE!!! Dont even think of trying to wall jump anywhere thats not a massive glowing panel because we couldnt figure out how to design that!! Fortunately it was saved by simply allowing the player to extend jumping by large quantities. But that was it. One worthwhile new addition, and no rooms that really organically took advantadge of the old move sets like the first one. The dark light mechanic was horrible, took too long to load, was a constant inconvenience, and constantly broke up the game pacing.

The bosses were great though. Although they began to border on tedious.

3 suffered all the shortcomings of 2, but mitigated them NOT by increasing the quality of the world design to prime 1 standards, but by streamlining the exploration to make the back tracking less tedious.... The combat was made much faster paced, and the ability to actually aim changed the game dramatically, and made for the most fun metroid in combat mechanics, making the game considerably more enjoyable than echoes, while still not really holding a candle to the first game, which was a master of the metroidvania design. The third game broke several cardinal rules of metroidvania, so it really couldnt even be considered a metroidvania.

#308201 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies

Posted by 3Dude on 04 February 2015 - 08:20 PM in General Gaming

Go to an article about MH on any major gaming site and head to the comments, or search the MH section on a large gaming forum.  You will find one or more of the following:
"How is this game?  I've heard it's like Dark Souls."
"If you like DS, you'll like MH."  (Usually said in response to the above)
"This game is terrible.  Everything it does, DS does better."  (Can be said in response to the above two, but I most often see on its own and unsolicited.  This one will always appear)
"I don't think they are very similar."  (Rarely said, and only in response to the first one)
The problem I see, is that the people involved never really discuss the mechanics that make them similar or different.  They just make vague generalizations.  Watching people never say anything concrete enough to come to a conclusion started to irk me, and thus I wrote what you see.
Gah!  Why can't the game be out now people?!  I'm going stir crazy here!

Oh, you mean like IGN. Yeah, I stopped going to places like that years ago. If I want to hear regurgitated AAAAAAAAAAAAAA publisher propaganda, Ill watch a commercial, its at least more entertaining.

I remember when I left IGN, I actually got banned by Matt Cassamancia himself for calling the Nintendo team out on being complete tools on their obvious shift to anti nintendo bullcrap after their 2009 change of management. It wasnt even controversial unless you were a moron, it was just provably false click bait bs. Told him hed be better off reviewing mobile games, at least then he wouldnt have to be a tool who writes obvious flame war clickbaiting bs that his Management (advertisors) tell him too. Then he banned me, and sent me a private message asking who the tool was now. Lol.

Im pretty sure the entire long time (Since like, n64) Nintendo team quit within like, a 4 month period after that. Guess none of them really liked being told to make nothing but lousy click bait garbage.

The only thing left there, aside from a few old remnants, are people who completely buy into the click bait propaganda.

You wont find anyone who can actually express why they feel a certain way. They either cant, because its nust a knee jerk reaction to their publisher marketing programming being confronted, or they wont because they know its a waste of time because of the afore mentioned.

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