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#307921 Some pretty big layoffs at Sega as they focus on smartphone, PC

Posted by 3Dude on 30 January 2015 - 10:29 PM in General Gaming

The beginning of the end. 


Although I guess you could call them pulling out of hardware the beginning of the end..


Tom Kalinske was the beginning of the end for sega. The best, and ultimately worst thing to ever happen to them.

#307909 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 30 January 2015 - 03:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Gosh. I know he doesn't want the online elements to be too invasive, but I think the ONLY way I will have the motivation to spend 300 hours on this game is if I can co-op with my friends. 


That was a play test. Play tests are where you go through the game, making sure every single sequence and scripted thing in the game works the way its supposed too,


so unless you spend your time in the game riding up and down elevators, then riding up and down elevators while jumping, then trying to jump off the elevator, then ride the elevator while equipping and unequipping items.....

#307893 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 30 January 2015 - 10:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I was thinking that too. I'm sure a lot of money is railroaded from production/development and bumped into marketing.


Marketing for AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA games now often cost several times the development of the games. The A denominator, after all, has always been a bracket designator for how big of an advertising budget a game was going to get. I am sure marketing departments the world over are laughing their arses off at the fact they've managed to hoodwink an entire generation into thinking it has to do with a games quality as if it were a meat ranking in the window of a restauraunt.


An entire generation so brainwashed, they will consistantly and parrot over and over again, instantly, without any thought, how much better graphically this looks:



than this:


(Why is it so hard to find a picture of Xenoblades latest build thats above like a 640 res?)


And then when confronted with the irrefutable truth like good quality pictures, do they stop to think that maybe the narrative they were fed could be wrong? the BS starts coming out of their backsides to twist what they see in impossible ways to fit the narrative.


It doesnt REALLY look better,

its not REALLY doing what ps3360 could do

Its just Nintendos ART STYLE, its really not doing what skyrim does

It wont REALLY be open world, the wii u is too weak to do open world games like skyrim!

There wont be any wildlife!

Its just a pretty skybox, you cant actually GO there!!!

The wii u's ram bandwidth is too LOW to do what skyrim does!!

But look at this crappy port!!! Thats what wii u is REALLY capable of! This is just 'tricks'


And now that we find out Xenoblade is 400 square kilometers to Skyrims 16? Nothing. They simply move on to the next narrative. Nothing, will EVER stop to make them think, gee, maybe this Nintendo non AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA studio DID make something bigger, and more graphically impressive than AAAAAAAAA western devs did on last gen consoles. No, I am pretty sure that would kill them.

Yes, i think you 're right, allthough i think to much money goes to things that nobody needs in games, like hollywood storywriters, artists and more of that :/


Yes, that is a HUGE waste of money that could be spent making a better game.


To add on just how different Monolith studios with Nintendo is than AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Western studios




Work starts at 9 AM and Ends at 6. THATS IT.


There IS NO CRUNCH TIME at Monolith soft studios


“One of the big opportunities that put the appointed weekly hours into action came from the 2006 occupational safety and  health act revision, which demanded a more thorough employee time management,” says director Yasuyuki Honne. He further shares his beliefs that development styles which anticipate overtime work have already reached their limit. With that in mind, Monolift Soft’s company motto, “Zero overtime and creative work allowed” is what they now go by.


“Playing and having fun is the most important part. It’s the key to bringing out the fun in graphics,” says Genbe, as he explains that those are the deep feelings they share at Nintendo, which he has learned since joining. According to the designer, he has also learned to put his time to better use, thanks to the results of the appointed weekly hours.

“When the work starts to overflow, the leader immediately reviews the schedule accordingly. I spend my weekends on hobbies and polishing my skills using ZBrush at home,” Genbe explains, addressing how the lenient schedule has been a great benefit, by providing him with free time to relax and brush up on his abilities as a designer.


“Not only have my skills grown as an artist, but I feel as if I’ve matured more as a person, as well. The appointed weekly hours allow me to work with a mental sense of stability,”

COmpare that too the current cancerous state of the Western AAAAAAAAAA game cycle:







"This is an age-old software development issue: reasonable scope on a reasonable schedule," says Keith Fuller, an experienced developer and production consultant who spent over a decade working on Activision projects like Jedi AcademyQuake 4 and Call of Duty: Black Ops before going independent. "Our ongoing inability to properly address it is rooted in leadership issues."


"Developers rarely get to tell Marketing 'We can ship it now, we fixed all the bugs,'" notes Fuller. "Rather, the marketing department will tell you when you're launching regardless of fixing bugs. If you want that arrangement to change, figure out how to sell millions of units without telling anyone your game exists."


"The last game I worked on as a studio dev was Call of Duty: Black Ops, and Activision's legal team would go into cardiac arrest if I shared with you how few months before launch that game was almost entirely unplayable," says Fuller. "That's due to the pressure of annual franchise installments and the competitive landscape."


"Addressing this cycle is beyond the realm of development and it's sad that we think this is a development issue," says Keith. "Developers get the short end of both sticks: death marches and the blame for low quality. The solution is to address this culture."



Maybe its not Nintendo and Monolith soft who are backwards.

#307894 Wii Emulator

Posted by 3Dude on 30 January 2015 - 10:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

As far as my limited understanding goes rendering the games at a higher resolution is exactly what the Dolphin emulator does, I'm NOT asking for 'HD Remakes' like Wind Waker HD with better textures/lighting effects etc, just for them to be upscaled.


That is exactly what Dolphin does. Dolphin is a software emulator though.

Wii u doesnt emulate wii games, it literally turns the wii u console into a wii on the hardware side, lowers clock speeds, shuts down cores, blocks off memory... 

#307869 Wii Emulator

Posted by 3Dude on 29 January 2015 - 07:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

Technically there is no wii emulator on wii u, the games are run off of hardware, not a software emulator. The wii u locks off two of its cpu cores, underclocks to the wii's clock speed, and forces the gpu to run a tev.


We have recently gotten the convenience of not having to go completely turn into a wii mode, which is nice, but since the games are still run directly on the hardware, and not through a software emulator, the emulator perks you are talking about are extremely unlikely.... though ... not impossible... Because the gpu only (hardware) emulates a tev... but it is extremely unlikely Nintendo would ever bother.

#307868 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 29 January 2015 - 06:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Ugh every ES past ESII is awful. In fact only Daggerfall was worth a damn. Horrendous awkward combat. unforgiveable amount of glitches and bugs. Ugly brown textures and aesthetcs as inspired as a pig vomit covered turd.


They were all exactly the same as daggerfall in that regaurd. The only thing that changed was they got smaller and smaller as the graphics improved. The combat remained exactly the same as the 90's sprite based game. It was acceptable... you know, back in the 90's.....


Skyrim tried to buck this with its gimmicky magic and shout system improvements, but all they did was staple a gimmick to the 90's elderscrolls horribad combat.

#307865 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 29 January 2015 - 06:42 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Can someone answer this for me. Wii U uses custom discs as they always have but it has the same capacity of blu ray at 25GB per layer. It's disc drive is a 5x cav 22MB per second. PS4 uses Blu Ray 6X cav 28 MB per second. PS3 was 2X. Can Wii U not do dual layer for some reason? Why the second disc?


My guess would be the seamless world.


The extra layer would increase the rom size capacity of the disc, but with that extra 25GB of data on that disc, well, now you have an extra 25GB of data adresses to search through when looking for, say, that texture the game wants to stream in, thats not currently in ram.... With the same search/read speed you had back with half the data to search through.


When you are watching a movie and everything is sequential, it doesnt really matter, when you are playing a game that stops to load the next area, it also does'nt really matter. When you are playing a 400 km squared seamless open world game, and you are doing tons of random access calls to your disc I bet having to deal with an extra 25GB adds up pretty fast.

Texture this game is FULL of a crazy variety of textures.

One of the first thinks I noticed. That's a TON of paint.

Even Destiny reuses a lot of textures and in Some areas takes the color palette really low.

But it till uses a ton of textures.

X however seems like and endless deluge of very large and variable graphics assets.

One of the more impressive things is looking down at the map from a high distance and not being able to notice texture tiles. That's huge. Try that with Skyrim and the like. Big difference.
Taking massive textures like that, the geometry, ai, scripting, collision detection,blighting, audio, etc... And fitting into aRam a with no loading... Whoa. That's dome serious load and memory management going on.

These guys deserve big sales just for being geniuses. Not to mention what's dhaping up to be a stellar game.


Oh, you mean like this?




I still can not believe how many people still swear up and down XcX is 'just on par with 360 open world games, its not doing anything ps360 hasnt done better in games like skyrim'


Its like they literally can not see the texture repeating every damn foot.

#307837 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 29 January 2015 - 10:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

"[Kawabata] Xenoblade Chronicles X is using up most of the space on the Wii U disk. It's really, really close to the storage limit. (To the point that at one stage we were considering using more than one disk for the game). To enjoy playing, the enormous seamless map must load quickly (which was achieved through the hard work of our programming division), but we had help from Nintendo proper implementing a further improvement to what we had. I believe we're going to reveal the details of that on the official page in the future, but to people considering purchasing the packaged version of the game, as one of the game's developers, I highly recommend you make use of this improvement."


Sounds like there will be an install from disc option.


I WILL buy the packaged version of this game. And I will absolutely take you up on your suggestion, Mr. Kawabata.

#307802 Zelda WiiU - thoughts?

Posted by 3Dude on 28 January 2015 - 11:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software



Well, if the search function worked Im sure he would have found the the old threads.


Most of us are super stoked, I know myself personally being an overworld Zelda fan of old, has felt rather ignored since Oot, which lead to a series of go straight to the dungeon and do puzzles entries, so Im glad to see an end to the hub based spatial compression world design.


Game still looks a little rough around the edges, things like missing texture layers in conspicuous places, and other tell tale signs of a work in progress.


But taking in the general scene composition, Like Xenoblade, and Xenoblade chronicles X its so refreshing to see a hand designed world of this scale. It really does make a night and day difference between procedural generation.


Looking at monoliths past involvement with Zelda, I suspect Zelda U and Xenoblade X are sharing some engine tech.

#307799 My Vita vs. New 3DS showdown

Posted by 3Dude on 28 January 2015 - 10:56 PM in General Gaming

He never said the 3ds has no games. Really he said multiple times it has a much larger library than the vita. But it doesnt have as many games that interest him, since the system is region locked and many of them never leave japan, but the vita is region free, so he can get the kinds of games he likes that didnt make it over here.

#307773 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 28 January 2015 - 04:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Just to clarify, is the reason this system is better than the thieves/assassin's/fighter/mage guild because the actual story progression happens through them? Because honestly, I would prefer 1 "guild" that covers the events of the main story arc. I can't spend 300 hours on this game and all the different guilds.
also, while I have you here, thoughts on the "loosely connected online"?? I definitely don't want to feel aware of everyone else's presence all the time, but that also doesn't confirm or deny if I can co-op stuff with my friends.

The reason its better is because those other ones are old, cliched, and played out and have the same damn crap every single time.

I have no idea whats really going to happen, this is some seriously meager info that could really end up being interperetted a hundred different ways.

But heres my take on it.

It looks like the game will have a main story, but each union will have its own events and peices of the story depending on how far you go. Its looking like super steroided colony 6, with more sensical and specific tasks for building the city, and rewards for doing such.

The 'unions' appear to be taking the place of the different places on bionis in the Xenoblade affinity chart.

In Xenoblade doing quests from a certain area, gained you affinity points, which would unlock higher level quests in those places, ultimatwly ending up with the having enough affinity points to do the quests to get the best non drop equips/gems and of course, unlock your characters, well, characterization and power up. In order to keep players from getting 'Affinity screwed' monolith soft made hundreds of throwaway quests, so nop matter how bad users screw up, how much they skip, they can (almost) always drop some time on effortless throw away quests to gain enough affinity to get to the next level. These quests were differentiated from the meaningful sidequests by being given by 'nobody' npc's. Kill x of y, collect x of y, find x etc. Meaningful quests in related questlines were given by named npc's, with the quests themselves having names, and the higher up the quest chain you want to go the more trust they have to have in you, thus building your rep in the area with 'affinity'.

This method was generous, but a little (Purposefully) hidden, and so less....astute players wound up complaining about having to do bazzilions of 'pointless sidequests' because they couldnt distinguish affinity point giveaways (Kill 5 buttsniffers) with meaningful sidequests (Break up the Nopon black market drug smuggling operation).

This method is more straight forward, and appears to be a lot more rewarding. Not just with story/lore/world building rewards, but tangible use in the game rewards that are related to the subject.

Pathfinder - In charge of data probe installation.

Installing data probes could fill in map data, and give intelligence on what creatures and resources are in the area (Man, I need 5 ratfrog terds... WHere do I find those? OH! The data probe says there are ratfrogs in area X) Could also point out things like caves they player might have otherwise missed. Perhaps going far enough in this will result in discovering other crashed colonies?

•Interceptor - In charge of exterminating protists.

I dont know what a protist is, but I guess we want them dead.

•Avalanche - In charge of hunting down dangerous life forms.
Thinning out numbers in areas could result in making outposts possible?

Unique monster hunting! Heck yeah!

•Testament - In charge of the search and recovery of debris scattered by the ship, as well as the recovery of items lost on the battlefield.

Recovering lost ship technology has got to unlock some good stuff.

•Corepedian - In charge of visiting areas and investigation/collecting materials.


•Land Bank - In charge of securing resources and collecting minerals.

More resources could improve the economy, and make better items available for purchase?

•Arms - Assists the Arms Company in charge of the development of Dolls and their inner weaponry.

This ones pretty obvious, going down this path is going to result in more customizable doll parts, and weapons, of increasing power.

•Companion - A Jack of all trades, from the mediation of petty fights to the search of stray cats.

Youre god damn right Im going to use my super jumping powers to get those kitties out of trees! Then Ill have an army of cats at my disposal!!! Look out giant alien brontosaurs, your days are numbered now!

You may be able to complete the game by focusing on just a couple of these unions. However the ending you recieve may differ depending on what path, or balance of paths you choose... These are some of the same people who worked on chrono trigger... Focus exclusively on dolls and weapons, and crush your alien oppressors... but maybe the human race will be viewed as too war like? Perhaps having another balance will result in a different outcome with the aliens in question?

The online stuff sounds like miiverse stuff. Leave messages in bottles wind waker style, or messages dark souls style. Not sure if co op is on or off the table. No idea.

#307766 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 28 January 2015 - 02:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I see the 400 Meters typo from Raven on Neogaf is still in effect, Now I dont feel as silly about my own snafu.







All of them!!1 I want to do them ALL!!!!!


It appears the story progression is tied to the unions and the progress you make in them branches it out.


Seriously, this is 10000000X better than the same old thieves guild assassins guild, fighter guild mage guild junk.

#307712 Xenoblade Chronicles X famitsu interview: Map is 400km squared

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 06:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I only have a guess. Overlap as it may have been more nippon and go to eryth sea from the shoulder but maybe just storywise and pacing felt a little forced. So we got the giant pool of water above Makna villiage instead to warp to.

That does seem like a pretty logical reason. It would have just been gorgeous filler that stretched out the urgency of getting to the bionis head, and if it was another nopon village, some players may have felt they already had their fill of dealing with the nopon, and with no new characters, mechanic, or plot points, it would have really seemed like filler to people who dont live for exploring every inch of that real estate like me....

#307711 My Vita vs. New 3DS showdown

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 06:13 PM in General Gaming

Vita is a really good system, great hardware, there's honestly nothing bad you could say about it. Unfortunately Sony and Devs just aren't supporting it.
Like Ryudo, I thinks it's the better system.

Hardware wise its a spectacular little system.

#307709 Xenoblade Chronicles X famitsu interview: Map is 400km squared

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 05:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I wish the Shoulder was kept in the game. I can see why it was cut but damn.

Honestly, Im not really sure why it was cut. It was asset complete, and on top of that, judging by those chests, which im guessing are used as event triggers throughout the game (Made invisible for actual gameplay, but left visible for convenience during game development) it looks like it was practically complete complete.

Wonder if it was a pacing issue?
Was it a rom space issue? Did they not have enough room on disc for the vo and cutscenes, dialog and music and had to cut an area? Anyone have any reference material regaurding this?

#307699 Xenoblade Chronicles X famitsu interview: Map is 400km squared

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 05:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

For anyone wondering, this is incorrect. 400 sq km is actually about 150 sq miles.
Also, Xenoblade couldn't have been more than 30 sq miles, and is very likely quite a bit less.
I actually made an account just to say that. XD it was bothering me that someone was spreading so much misinformation to so many people. It's still pretty big nonetheless.

Ha, yeah it is. I have totally been using the wrong selection on the drop down box.... for a stupid long time.

Thanks for making an account.


Which would mean my actual grid measurement of Xenoblade 30.9 square miles. (not including Bionis shoulder, because I have no way to establish a 1000 unit measurement thanks to the lack of a hud event marker when on the shoulder)

Not to be rude, but I just find it funny two of the biggest self proclaimed geniuses, ryudo and 3dude, made a 3rd grade math error. Oh well though. I could have done the same for sure.

It is pretty funny, those are the easiest mistakes to make though, as simple as having the wrong box checked or the wrong selection from the drop down menu. Just a big reminder to check the little details.


Although Im not a self proclaimed Genius... Im the self proclaimed Savior of Video Games, delivering you from the evils of AAAAAAAA Homogenous design hell, follow me, and I shall surely lead you to the land of milk, and honey, and superior game design.

#307697 My Vita vs. New 3DS showdown

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 04:47 PM in General Gaming

Apologies if this sounds like a cop out. I extended myself here. You are right to a fair degree but not getting the whole picture. I don't wanna quote a crapload from skype. Also looks silly to do so. He's pretty busy not much a forum guy he may or may not respond. So I will have to let this rest. Apologies. Just will say he was able to expand on what you just said in good detail from his own game to when he worked on Max Payne 3.
I have to bowe out. :( I over extended myself here.

Okay, no I dont think its a cop out at all, and if you dont want to come back to this I understand.

But, I do GET the whole picture, I totally know what you are talking about, and its a great thing, Nintendo seems to be doing the same thing by unifying the instruction architecture of their next systems, I sing the same praises you are singing now.

What I couldnt figure out at first is why you were focusing so much on that part of the picture and ignoring the other part, I thought it was ignoring, but seeing your last response, I think you just honestly had good faith in these devs, that they would be making thse games for the vita to be making enjoyable games, that stood by the merit of their content, and that the cost to do that wasnt that expensive at all. Which is why you brought up the people and games that you did.

But those people ARE making games for the Vita. He was very specifically talking about all the people who decided NOT to make games for the Vita, in particular, the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA homogenous poop treadmill third parties.

The problem they had with the Vita, was that in order to make the kind of game theyve indoctrinated their audience to buy without question while ignoring everything else, they would need to dump a metric butt ton of cash into the asset creation side to make a game with visualproduction values their audience is conditioned to respond too. The people you are bringing up, the people who make strong gameplay centric games, for them the stronger tools and power of the vita makes it MUCH easier AND cheaper to make games for than the psp... Those people CAN NOT afford to make games with those production values (This was done on purpose by large publisher incumbents over the past 2 gens to destroy the mid tier, stifling the impact of innovation to make the market easier to milk. Kept 'minecrafts' from happening)

So those guys, the third party AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA crappers, arent making games, they are making obnoxiously slick roller coaster rides. They need the most expensive assets, the most expensive textures, the most expensive vo, the most expensive cinematic qte events, the trigger points they conditioned their audience to immediately respond to, and purposefully placed outside of the resource capabilities of mid tier studios like Falcom. They dont give a rainbow about the game, just the crap they can market to LOOK like an amazing adventure in screenshots and video clips.

To do that on vita, thanks to its classy graphical capabilities, would cost nearly as much as making a high end ps3 game, and then they would have to MARKET it the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA way, which would cost several times more than it cost to make the game itself.

Its also similar to the reason they dont support the 3ds, despite it being the most lucrative dedicated games system in existence right now. Theyve conditioned their audience to not respond to things below a certain production value threshold.

The problem is, their brainwashed audience didnt pick up the vita in quantities large enough to make that business model a guaranteed return of investment. So of COURSE they werent going to take a risk on making a game for the vita. They wouldnt even think past the oppurtunity cost of making a game for vita. One original game that may or may not be a hit on vita was taking almost the same asset creation resources of a guaranteed to sell ps3/360/ps4/xbone AAAAAAAAA factory line game.

THOSE are the third parties being talked about, who wouldnt release a game on the vita to even ATTEMPT to grow an audience, because of the actual cost, and the oppurtunity cost. They also happen to directly coincide with the cancer that is destroying the industry. (Not a coincidence).

So, in summary, you were talking about honest devs who wanted to make the kinds of games they enjoyed, make them great, and hope people enjoy them.

He was talking about why poop head jerk pants who peddle skinner box crap fests slathered in snake oil skipped the system. It was because they are poop head jerk pants snake oil salesmen.

#307693 Xenoblade Chronicles X famitsu interview: Map is 400km squared

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 04:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Elder scrolls 2 daggerfall 1996: 62,394 square miles


Fuel: 5,560 square miles


Just cause 2: 400 square miles


Minecraft.... 8 times the size of the earth?


Of course, one of the things you will immediately notice about these huge overword games, is just how bland that huge overworld typically is. Thats because they are usually created by procedural generation, where the computer builds the game world based on a psuedorand or randseed. Usually this makes for a huge, but boring and uneventful world. I feel minecraft is an exception, and has a wonderful procedural world generation AI, that makes for worlds that are rather interesting to explore.... And when its not, its superfast to just try again and find a seed that is.


The other method is like what fuel did, and thats just taking a topographical map, and extracting geometry from it. Also left typically devoid of things to do... Which didnt really bother fuel, which was a racing game.


Just cause 2 I think made it work pretty well, with good movement capabilities, and pretty dang good sandbox stuff to do pretty much anywhere. But the parts of the game that were actually hand designed events stood out so much could be seen from space design wise, and were definately the highlights of the game... And the games lod was REALLY rough, often resorting to psx style assets and detail when things got far out, and it was extremely noticable when it made asset swaps when things got close up. And not just in a gif or video you watch, but while playing.


Xenoblade chronicles X is 'only' a little ways under half the size of just cause 2... But, I m not sure i have ever seen a game that was completely old school hand designed of this size before.

#307659 Xenoblade Chronicles X famitsu interview: Map is 400km squared

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 01:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Going on 3Dudes math then I think GTAV is smaller than Xenoblade on Wii a fair bit.

Good find.

Ive never actually tried to measure gta5... In fact ive barely played through it. Ive just been using the 'official' consensus released from rockstars pr about it being 49 square miles.

But this isnt the first time ive seen the 31 sqm figure...

And that map convinced me to do some newer digging...

Leading to a pretty solid looking measurement of 6.6 x 4.7 miles for 31 square miles, which is indeed smaller than blade by a fair bit.

On top of that, 350 blocks are ocean so thats 12.5 square miles of the game thats just featureless barren water, and only 18.5 square miles of land.

#307656 My Vita vs. New 3DS showdown

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 12:53 PM in General Gaming

This applies to both. Hence why it was said anything on PS3/PS4 can run on Vita and in reverse. Falcom is Making a Ys game for both PS4 AND Vita at the same time. Same game. Maybe Ys8 or Ys5 we can't figure that one out yet. Sony set it up this way long long ago before indies were even a glint in Vitas eye. The tools and software allow it to be much simpler and cheaper for anyone. Indie or est developer. The devkits are the same. The tools are the same.

While thats true for expediating code and engine creation times...

That means nothing to the cost of creating art assets, and pointing out that can be mitigated by basically ignoring the vita as a system with original content in favor of cutting costs by using the same assets as the ps4 game (which is no where NEAR the fidelity of full scale ps4 game) is purposefully not engaging the point.

ORIGINAL Vita games can be console expensive because the vita is powerful enough to use high end assets closer to ps3 games.

There is no magic pill to make human beings creating original art cheaper.

#307652 My Vita vs. New 3DS showdown

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 12:13 PM in General Gaming

Factualy inncorrect. My firend is developing on PSVITA and has developed on other systems. It's cheaper than making a game for PSP. There is a reason for this.
Note I edited out his name from Skype quote as it was his real name. So edited for privacy purposes. He is a inactive member here as Caviler Games.
Like in the other topic mentioned no longer have the bookmark. Falcom Developer of Legend og Heroes and Ys games expressed how it was not just easier but cheaper to develop for on Vita than PSP. Vita is VERY cheap to develop for.
What I recall tho is Falcom was more specific about making Ys (then IV later released as Celceta) but still saying what Cav is saying. Extra Credits is wrong.

That is true, for porting, and smaller indie projects.

But what was probably being referred to was the fact the Vita had enough power, that if you were to create a full size original game, the money it would take to employ the amount of people, and use the time it takes to create the high quality assets the system is capable of using at its best (models, textures, effects, sounds, music...) would be more akin to creating a console game now, than making a psp game would have been during the ps3/psp era.

#307651 Xenoblade Chronicles X famitsu interview: Map is 400km squared

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 12:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

how accurate is a meter in that game to real life? Many games tend to approximate and end up with a distance that varies from .3-2.0x the actual distance.

Seemed pretty close to a meter judging by the height of the characters. The height of most averaged height characters if they were laying down would be approximately the length of 2 Xenoblade distance units. Characters like Reyn and Riki of course, were exempted from this metric.


Xenoblade didnt appear to try and use 'potato land' space compression to fake its scale of the geometry.


It had other tricks, like the skybox, and bionis/mechonis models, but that was for faking being on a world the size of Japan.


But the actual areas you were in, were the real deal scale wise, if it said something was 2000 meters away, thats what it was. No tricks. Became confirmed with the hacking of the game allowing the player to fly all over the place.


Although, your characters COULD run up to like 25 mph or something (Max speed gems)...

#307648 Hyrule Warriors US Sales AMAZING! Over 1 mil ship WW

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 11:44 AM in Wii U News

Hyrule Warriors has reached over 1 million units shipped (not sold) worldwide .
They are offering new wallpapers to celebrate!

Cia sticks out like such a sore thumb.

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things, is wrong,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others,
By the time I finish this song?

#307647 My Vita vs. New 3DS showdown

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 11:31 AM in General Gaming

Oh man. That screenshot comparison is harsh on the vita....

#307642 Xenoblade Chronicles X famitsu interview: Map is 400km squared

Posted by 3Dude on 27 January 2015 - 11:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I have always known it to be about 20 not 50. I don't have the resource anymore. Different PC so all those bookmarks long since left me when that HDD died lol. Just someone did the math of the hieght of each Titan then factored in the fingers hieght then measured from there on playable world and it came to 19. something nearly 20 Squared.

Yeah... Thats not very good at all. I think I remember it being... Gamefaqs? Theres a lot of variables that would throw that off even if the math was all right.

What myself and some others did was use the hud objective system to get precisely 1000 meters away from an objective, and use that distance on the map screen to begin making a 1000 meter squared grid system on the maps, taking into account all traversable layers. It got really tough on the map edges because they were just so irregular, so we had a lot of 1/2, 1/3/ and 1/4 approximations.

Ended up just shy of 80 Km squared. which comes out at around 50 square miles. Wasnt expecting to be so close to on the money because of the map edge approximations.

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