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#131801 Wii U

Posted by backudog on 17 November 2012 - 09:18 PM in Wii U Hardware

i haven't yet.....*sob*...not fair...*grumble*....almost 2 weeks to go....*mutter*..*mumble*...*snif*.....*stomps off to sit in the corner and sulk*...

#166830 Lego City Undercover - New Trailer

Posted by backudog on 04 February 2013 - 11:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

And by the looks of that trailer you get a free chase mccain figure with the game too! (It says so on the box at the end of the vid) Awesome!! Was a definite buy for me from the moment it was announced.

#128377 ZombiU live action trailer

Posted by backudog on 12 November 2012 - 09:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

such a cool trailer! pity it'll never be shown on t.v. , would help sell the U and the game.

#138274 Best Trailer/Promotional piece for a game

Posted by backudog on 25 November 2012 - 09:51 PM in General Gaming

gears of war "mad world" trailer was well done too, good use of the song.

#138267 Best Trailer/Promotional piece for a game

Posted by backudog on 25 November 2012 - 09:25 PM in General Gaming

mass effect 3 "take earth back" trailer!

#129615 Microsoft Ramps Up Security for the Xbox 720

Posted by backudog on 14 November 2012 - 09:38 PM in General Gaming

the only thing that seems consistant throughout all the next gen rumours is that the nextbox will have 8gb of ram and the ps4 will have 4gb.( the chrimbo issues of xbox world mag and psm3 mag are the latest places i've seen those numbers listed). as with all rumours though, i take them all with a large pinch of salt (mmm...salty!).

#194427 Scariest moments in games

Posted by backudog on 14 April 2013 - 07:04 AM in General Gaming

F.E.A.R. had its fair share of jumpy moments. The bit going down the ladder, a bit crawling through some pipes I think it was where creepy girl suddenly comes scuttling towards u. Same with zombiU, made me jump a coupla times. Also the moment in the game Two Worlds when it dawned on me that I had spent good money on that pile of cr@p and wouldn't be able to get it back!

#180608 DOOM 4 wishlist

Posted by backudog on 08 March 2013 - 09:30 AM in General Gaming

1. Make it scary.
2. Make sure its great.
3. Release it on WiiU.

'Nuff said.

#219759 Fable 3 is free for Xbox live Gold members

Posted by backudog on 11 June 2013 - 01:24 PM in General Gaming

Nice find! Downloading now. Already played and completed but as its free I'll take it!



#136369 video game music cds..

Posted by backudog on 22 November 2012 - 02:00 PM in General Gaming

some nice suggestions there, will look around for them and give them a listen.

#131142 video game music cds..

Posted by backudog on 16 November 2012 - 09:17 PM in General Gaming

I just got hold of a couple of cd's (The Greatest videogame music Vol.1 + 2 performed by the london philharmonic orchestra) and am really liking them! They contain tracks from numerous games such as assasins creed, bioshock, COD,Halo, Final Fantasy and...erm..angry birds?!? I have never really listened to this sort of thing before, i don't even have the soundtrack on when im playing games, prefer the ingame ambient background sounds etc, but was wondering if anyone else here buys / listens to these types of cd's and if so could recommend any good ones? I like the more epic, exciting sounding tracks, so guys n gals any suggestions?

#173969 nextbox cpu core explaination please?

Posted by backudog on 21 February 2013 - 04:43 AM in General Gaming

I think what's confusing me is the fact the speed is 1.6ghz where as the 360's is 3.2ghz, I can't get my head around slower speed,even if it's doing more,is an improvement? It's obviously capable looking at the games shown for the ps4 which has a similar cpu (right?)but still seems weird and confusing to me.

#174699 nextbox cpu core explaination please?

Posted by backudog on 22 February 2013 - 09:17 PM in General Gaming

Ah I see, ok that's cleared it up a tad for me. Cheers for that. Was actually suprised that you managed to keep it simpleton friendly for me,as I've read your other posts explaining tech and they've all gone way,waaay over my head lol, so cheers again 3Dude!

#173927 nextbox cpu core explaination please?

Posted by backudog on 21 February 2013 - 03:17 AM in General Gaming

I really don't understand all the tech mumbo jumbo about console cpus and gpus, can't get my head around how the Xbox360 has a cpu which has 3 cores (whatever they are) which runs at 3.2ghz and the 720 possibly has 8 cores at 1.6ghz, More cores but half the speed, how is that better?! Can someone please explain it all to me but keep it simple, imagine you're explaining it to a simpleton! I've read the WiiU cpu topics on here but it all sounds like gibberish to me, "gtgjifdcgybjfr 1.4ghz cbftjjhgdfbh ram buffer deghjhfgbjffghamsandwich". It just doesn't make sense to me!?!

#173949 nextbox cpu core explaination please?

Posted by backudog on 21 February 2013 - 03:56 AM in General Gaming

So how is that better then, it can do more but it's slower doing it!? Surely do more at the same speed or faster would be better?

#174898 gamepad fail vid.

Posted by backudog on 23 February 2013 - 12:26 PM in General Gaming

Found this on YouTube, made me chuckle.

Made this post on my nexus 7 tablet so I hope the link works.

#250541 Wiiu version of watch dogs better than 360 and ps3.

Posted by backudog on 08 October 2013 - 08:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software




The Wii U version of Watch Dogs is superior to those of the Xbox 360 and PS3, Ubisoft creative director Jonathan Morin said.

"I would say the Wii U version is pretty much in between what the current gen is and what the next gen is from a version standpoint," Morin told CVG.

"It's hard to position it. I would tend to say it's maybe a bit closer to current gen than next gen for certain things but it's a beautiful game on Wii U and it's cool to play it just on the GamePad."

Morin also said that, while there aren't any surprising features exclusive to the Wii U version, Watch Dogs has been optimized for "the beast that is the Wii U GamePad."

Watch Dogs release November 19 in North America and November 22 in Europe for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U and PC. Next gen versions will release with their respective consoles.




well thats good news! now could we just see some wiiu gameplay footage please? 

#177709 Best Xbox original games and what cables?

Posted by backudog on 28 February 2013 - 07:22 PM in General Gaming

Oh yea Blinx is cool, I played the demo but never got round to buying the full game. Some very nice character models in that.
Before I buy the component are you 100% sure I will get at least 480p on a PAL?

yep at least 480p. Definitely looks clearer n sharper. Wow just checked on eBay the leads are only about a tenner! Shhweet! Might have to track down an Xbox myself now lol!

#177481 Best Xbox original games and what cables?

Posted by backudog on 28 February 2013 - 09:42 AM in General Gaming

Running your Xbox through a component cable makes it look a lot better, its how I had mine hooked up back in the day, check eBay see if anyone got one on there, well worth it. As for games it depends what sort you like but ones I enjoyed were KOTOR 1&2 , FABLE, JADE EMPIRE, PANZA DRAGOON ORTA, BLINX THE TIME SWEEPER( I think that was what it was called, most people didn't seem to rate it back in the day, but I liked it.).

#135144 Bring Grand Theft Auto to Wii-u

Posted by backudog on 20 November 2012 - 09:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

signed! doubt it'll do any good, but still.

#150479 THQ filed bankruptcy yesterday

Posted by backudog on 21 December 2012 - 10:18 AM in General Gaming

awww! does that mean no new saints row game? was looking forward to that. loved the first 3!

#166132 Polygon Rumor: Xbox 720 revealing in March or April, might have subsidized versi

Posted by backudog on 02 February 2013 - 10:16 PM in General Gaming

I'll be getting a 720 or whatever they call it,simply coz I enjoyed my experiences with xbox, the 360 and xboxlive, although I'll be keeping a close eye on the ps4 too but 720 is the one for me..... Ah who am I kidding? I'm gonna end up getting both like I did this gen! Lol.

#173858 My Thoughts and Hopes

Posted by backudog on 20 February 2013 - 09:16 PM in General Gaming

Gotta wait n see what Microsoft shows b4 that descision can be made. So far I have a 360 and WiiU, ONE of those WILL go once both new consoles have been announced to be replaced with one of the new ones, but until both have been officially announced and thier games shown the choice cannot be made.

#127215 Regginator on Jimmy Fallon... again!

Posted by backudog on 10 November 2012 - 12:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

sounds good, i'll see if i can find it online on saturday then. (being in the u.k. and all, i have to download any episodes of u.s. stuff i like).

#131798 Wii U eShop prices.

Posted by backudog on 17 November 2012 - 09:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Trine 2 = 20 quid? is that a good price? having an xbox360 at the moment, im used to using microsoft points and not real money, and can never remember how much they equate to? wonder if thats gonna be the standard pricing for games etc about 10 to 20 quid? on a bit of a tight budget, not so tight i cant buy a wii U but still.., so would really like cheap stuff, hope there will be some.

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