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#196946 Lego City codes.

Posted by backudog on 19 April 2013 - 11:55 AM in Wii U Games and Software

New code added. (Football/soccer player.)

#197652 Gamers r a strange bunch.

Posted by backudog on 21 April 2013 - 12:45 AM in General Gaming

It always makes me laugh how we gamers can be so very vocal online about what's happening / what we feel is just plain wrong in gaming these days, yet at the same time do absolutely nothing to try and change it. Its all:
"FB games are money grabbing scum!"
"Micro transactions in games for everything that should be on disc to start with sux!"
"We should all show our disgust by voting with our wallets,boycott these companies games, stop buying them so they'll see we won't stand for it!"
"WOOO! YEA...er..hang on...let's not be hasty..not buy their games?...but..but..its (insert fave game here)...let's just stick to Daisying anonymously online eh?"

"Microsonyintendosofts new console has to be always online and won't play used games? That sux! I'm not gonna be buying one then, who's with me?"
and so it goes on numerous sites allover the web.
*cue the day of release*....
"I'm Gail padwaggler for gamesrcool news and I'm standing outside (insert game store name here), with crowds of avid gamers, some who have been camping outside for days, waiting excitedly for the midnight launch of microsonynintendosofts new console, and as you can see the queues are stretching round the block. Let's ask these gamers what thier thoughts are"
"What do you think of the always online no used games approach the company has taken?"
"Thanks guys, there you have it obviously very excited, now back to the studio"....

Not saying everyone's like it, but it seems most of us are. I suppose its coz we know realistically we can't do a damn thing about it, but still it makes me chuckle that those that are so verbal online will still cave in and buy in the end. Sigh.

Thoughts? *braces for impact*....

#197801 Gamers r a strange bunch.

Posted by backudog on 21 April 2013 - 11:42 AM in General Gaming

I gotta admit, I'm guilty of saying one thing then doing the opposite, for example my next console will definitely be the ps4,  especially if the rumours about the 720 are true and I have no intention of buying a 720, I've been saying so for a while now. BUT I just know I will at some point, just coz there'll be a game comes out on it that's just on the 720 (maybe the next Fable ) that I'll really want to play and will have no choice but to get the console, even though I hate the direction the 720 MIGHT be going in. God I'm so weak willed lol.

#198542 Wii U Magazine

Posted by backudog on 22 April 2013 - 08:42 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah but reading a tablet while sitting on the crapper just doesn't feel right. 

#200281 Saw this in todays Sun newspaper.

Posted by backudog on 26 April 2013 - 08:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Mistake or do they know something? *hopeful yet probably misguided excitement rising*...

Attached Thumbnails

  • IMAG0114.jpg

#200406 Saw this in todays Sun newspaper.

Posted by backudog on 26 April 2013 - 12:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I hope its not a mistake. Thought I'd just add that it was in their game review/preview section of the paper., and they  are usually pretty accurate with their scores and reviews imo, so someone there seems to know their stuff? Maybe we'll hear something from ninty closer to e3? *crosses fingers eyes n toes*

#200573 What Games Will You Buy Off the Wii U Virtual Console?

Posted by backudog on 26 April 2013 - 08:51 PM in Wii U Hardware

SMW ,any n64 games when we get them, same with GameCube ones, and any RPGs the put on there, pretty much anything that takes my fancy and I've not played before....hmm this may get expensive....and I may need a new HDD eventually. 

#201252 Wii U impressions from older gamers?

Posted by backudog on 28 April 2013 - 02:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

I find it about the same. Good fun so far. I admit I use my 360 more though, but that's only coz I have more games for it.

#201485 Watchdogs release date confirmed.

Posted by backudog on 29 April 2013 - 08:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So looking forward to this game, and can't wait to see what the wiiu version is like!



#203710 How Can You Still Be Excited For the Wii U?

Posted by backudog on 03 May 2013 - 10:15 PM in General Gaming

I'm excited about ALL the next gen consoles not just me wiiU. Can't wait til they're all released so I can buy buy BUY! Eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!....*cough*....erm..yes..sorry bout that.

#204070 For those getting a ps4/720 aswel. Watch dogs..

Posted by backudog on 04 May 2013 - 08:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I really hope we get to see some wiiU gameplay footage soon, wanna see how it compares to the others. I'm getting it for wiiu maybe rent it on 360, and possibly buy it for whichever of the other next gen consoles I get (if they've got any added extra stuff).

#204746 EA Makes Deal with Disney to Make StarWars Games

Posted by backudog on 07 May 2013 - 09:08 AM in General Gaming

KOTOR 3! Not that mmo nonsense, a single player RPG like the first 2! I needs this so bad!!

#206394 Predicting Xbox Reveal

Posted by backudog on 12 May 2013 - 11:20 AM in General Gaming

I actually can't wait until they reveal it, I'm confident that it would be more powerful than the PS4, hope it is so it can shut those Sony fans up.

I can't see how it can be, hasn't it been reported / rumoured as NOT being as powerful? Surely its too late in the day for MS to change anything hardware wise, other than maybe bunging a couple more gig of ram into it, like Sony did?(say 10gig of ddr3 instead of 8? Not sure if that would make that much of a difference though?).

#206921 ZombiU 2 prototype development has begun, Ubisoft dev confirms

Posted by backudog on 14 May 2013 - 08:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!! I bought my wiiu just for zombiU, i love the game, and this is awesome news. Must. Resist. Urge. To. Squeal. Like. A. Girl................eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!        Dammit.

#207327 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Posted by backudog on 15 May 2013 - 08:36 AM in The Café

Don't touch Lola! Lol, looking forward to this, looks great, and there's bound to be some sort of big name cameo in the first episode by someone from the marvel movies, there usually is in these things,Not that it matters if there isn't, coz it looks great anyway.

#207693 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Posted by backudog on 16 May 2013 - 08:43 AM in The Café

This looks awesome, I can't wait to see it :D gotta finish Smallville and catch up on Arrow too.

Dude, the Arrow season finale rocked IMO. Can't wait for season 2! 

Maybe Samuel L Jackson will make a cameo, but i think Joss Whedon is looking to make it a completely separate thing from Avengers (character-wise anyway). So I don't know if we'll see Iron Man or Captain America anytime soon.

That's who I was thinking, seeing as he's the head of s.h.i.e.l.d. would make sense to see him even briefly.

#208431 Nintendo Direct Today At 9CST

Posted by backudog on 18 May 2013 - 06:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

I started watching it but then realised it wasn't about anything I was interested in so I stopped watching. Will wait for the E3 direct thingies.

#210635 Rare to show HISTORIC franchise at E3

Posted by backudog on 23 May 2013 - 06:40 PM in General Gaming

Whatever it is it'll be kinect based and probably a huge disappointment!  Probably.

#210856 What console are you getting this/next gen

Posted by backudog on 24 May 2013 - 09:11 AM in General Gaming

Already got a wiiu and my second next gen will be ps4 unless something major changes in the X1 camp to make me change my mind (and I can't see that happening)!

#211311 Wii U version of RE: Revelations "Visibly Less refine than PS360"

Posted by backudog on 25 May 2013 - 10:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

How come people seem to b able to pick which looks the best? I've watched all those DF vids full screen in hd and other than the PC/wiiu versions having sharper shadows on the door opening bits, and the ps3 version having slightly toned down colouring on the running to the chopper bit, (check the comparison pics in the article http://www.eurogamer...parison-gallery), they all look exactly the same to me! Exactly the same!!

#211313 Watch Dogs Versions help

Posted by backudog on 25 May 2013 - 11:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Just pre-ordered the dedsec version. For xbox360, will probably cancel it if the ps4 is out around then coz I'll buy it for that instead. And I'll maybe get the regular wiiu version for comparisons sake.

#214312 To Everyone Asking for Nintendo's E3 Demos To Be on eShop

Posted by backudog on 01 June 2013 - 01:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Isnt showing people who don't own a wiiu e3 demos that might not work properly  a bad idea? What if the demo crashes or god forbid looks a bit crap, surely that'll put off potential wiiu buyers? Not everyone might get that its an unfinished demo and assume its just a rubbish system?

#219759 Fable 3 is free for Xbox live Gold members

Posted by backudog on 11 June 2013 - 01:24 PM in General Gaming

Nice find! Downloading now. Already played and completed but as its free I'll take it!



#221140 Anybody Pre-ordering PS4?

Posted by backudog on 13 June 2013 - 11:17 AM in General Gaming

Pre-ordered mine this morning! 

#225173 Which Next Gen Console(s) Are You Getting?

Posted by backudog on 21 June 2013 - 07:36 PM in General Gaming

Got a wiiu and preordered a ps4. Was going to stick with Microsoft and get an X1, but they screwed up with their DRM announcements etc originally so chose ps4, even thier recent 180 regarding DRM etc wont change my mind now. Also there were more games that I liked the look of on ps4 than the X1.

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