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#136365 Zombie U 2 wishlist....

Posted by backudog on 22 November 2012 - 01:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If those idea's arn't in the game already they are really good, does anybody know how big this game actually is?

well the disc's about 4 - 5 inches across if that helps :D  no, seriously though, assuming you mean in Gigabytes then, the discs hold , what, 20 - 25 gb? i bet its 7 or 8 gb at a guess? based on nothing more than a random guess.  that and most 360 games fit on a dvd (max 9 gb dual layer), if you meant in play time...no idea lol.

#136367 Wii U Black Friday Deals Post Deals Here USA only please

Posted by backudog on 22 November 2012 - 01:58 PM in Wii U Hardware

What is this "black friday" of which you speak? i heard it mentioned on Guys with Kids earlier and being in the u.k. i have no idea what it is? or am i the only one? :blink:

#136369 video game music cds..

Posted by backudog on 22 November 2012 - 02:00 PM in General Gaming

some nice suggestions there, will look around for them and give them a listen.

#136382 Wii U Black Friday Deals Post Deals Here USA only please

Posted by backudog on 22 November 2012 - 02:17 PM in Wii U Hardware


Thank you kindly for the link.

#136798 Will you share your Wii U at Thanksgiving?

Posted by backudog on 23 November 2012 - 10:32 AM in General Gaming

Hopefully will have mine by xmas, but as most of my family are OLD they think videogames are a waste of time, and i ought to grow up coz i play them (im only 38, dang it!), so they would not interested in playing, tbh i've seen how they treat most of thier stuff so even if they DID want a go they could feck right off!

#137356 Developers Have It Wrong, The Wii U Is Powerful, It’s Next Generation Powerful

Posted by backudog on 24 November 2012 - 07:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

I agree, ninty need to reveal a game that ,graphically at least, makes people sit up and go WOAH!, in a good way of course, that shows the U can do stuff the 360 + ps3 can't. THEN maybe the doomsayers n haters will shut the hell up!

#137363 Zombie u time b4 death...

Posted by backudog on 24 November 2012 - 08:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

For the past week or so I've been planning how I'd play zombie u ands hat I'll try to do to keep my character alive , although I'm pretty sure i wont last too long, coz ill make some stoopid mistake thatll get me killed, I wondered those of you who already have the game and have played it a fair bit, how long did you manage to play for before your character died the first time u played it?

#137368 Developers Have It Wrong, The Wii U Is Powerful, It’s Next Generation Powerful

Posted by backudog on 24 November 2012 - 08:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

Spamming is frowned upon here??? couldnt tell...

two posts made saying the same thing about spamming?what-you-did-there-i-see-it.thumbnail.jpg

#137576 Zombie u time b4 death...

Posted by backudog on 24 November 2012 - 02:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hmm, sounds like its a pretty tough game? Excellent, should enjoy it as long as its not unfair in its ways of killing you.

#137712 Zombie U 2 wishlist....

Posted by backudog on 24 November 2012 - 10:33 PM in Wii U Games and Software

   No!. That would mess up the game. Its not a fps, its not left4ead or dead risining. Its something else.
i dont know if they would work out so much. You need safe houses to save and what not so it would have to be in a city. Also most zombi movies are in citys so because its more people to be turn. Its possible but i think just easier to be in a city.

  Yes and no. If they did it could make the game a lil tricky because zombies could come from those other routes too.

duh lol. Yea look great now but an improvement never hurts.

4. that was sort of my point, people who seem to hate the game just don't get it, they want it to be or expect ti a fps so i thought  make easy chicken pansy mode more like a fps  with more guns ammo health etc, so the haters can play it thier way. dont dumb it down as such but just make pansy mode more like thier idea of what zombie u is?  and have normal and hard modes play as it does normally for those of us who actually get what the game is. it should appeal to most people then. possibly?

3.maybe thats what the farmhouses dotted around the countryside could be used as? also once you got to a village or town there'd be safehouses there too of course.

2. thats a possibility i suppose, multiple routes = multiple ways for the zombies to get you, but i was just thinking along the lines of, what if you wanted to play it sneaky like? not get into confrontations with zombies? the choice to sneak around them or try another approach appealed to me. i know you can use flares to distract them, keep them in the game obv. but also multiple routes too seemed like a winner also?

1. well yeah, duh! lol. this ones a given, just had to be mentioned though. ;)

@mitch13pavel LOL'd at your zombie u2 pic n idea! also your coollege english class movie? make a zombie movie!..maybe...erm..yeah?..

#137717 Zombie u time b4 death...

Posted by backudog on 24 November 2012 - 10:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

nah you only die if your get beaten. A hit will only lower your health.
they kept the game kinda real or movie like.

schweet! cant wait 'til 30th when hopefully the game and system arrives!

#137872 Zombie U e3 vs now

Posted by backudog on 25 November 2012 - 07:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Was just watching an old e3 demo vid of zombie u, the one set outside buckingham palace? when i realised just how much, imo, the graphics had improved since then! took a couple of screenies from that vid and a new(ish) walkthrough one and it looks SO much better now. (note the fog! pics dont really show off the weather and lightning / lighting effects all that well but still much more atmospheric imo) i know thats how it should be seeing as in the first vid the game was nowhere near complete, but i hadn't realised just how far it had come since then. Have a butchers and see what you think. (god i really need this game and me wiiU! its getting SO hard not to watch ALL the vids on youtube and totally ruin it for myself lol! come on 30th!!). e3 demo pics are the left hand ones.

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#137885 Zombie U e3 vs now

Posted by backudog on 25 November 2012 - 08:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I realise that graphics will continually improve throughout a games development, but i think the difference seemed more impressive to me because although i have been following this game since its announcement, all the pics n vids etc that i've seen had all shown different parts of the game, it was only when i recognised this part as being the same part from the e3 demo that i really NOTICED the difference!

#137891 CNN interviews Reggie Fils Aime.

Posted by backudog on 25 November 2012 - 08:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

2:06 Just no!......
good interview apart from that.

Agreed, trouble is, thats how a lot of people are going to see the U, until more graphically impressive games are released. WE can see the potential, but the average joe / joanne on the street won't, they'll wonder why they should buy this new console when there are cheaper ones out already that look "just as good".

#138267 Best Trailer/Promotional piece for a game

Posted by backudog on 25 November 2012 - 09:25 PM in General Gaming

mass effect 3 "take earth back" trailer!  

#138274 Best Trailer/Promotional piece for a game

Posted by backudog on 25 November 2012 - 09:51 PM in General Gaming

gears of war "mad world" trailer was well done too, good use of the song.

#138393 E Shop updates

Posted by backudog on 26 November 2012 - 09:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software


Lol, well that was short. concise and to the point.

#138495 Gold Nunchuck available at Club Nintendo

Posted by backudog on 26 November 2012 - 01:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

why cant i get in the uk stars catalogue?

not sure, its been like that for a while now, maybe redoing it for the wiiU launch over here?

#138501 Wii U 2013 E3 Predictions

Posted by backudog on 26 November 2012 - 01:27 PM in General Gaming

Would be nice if there was a suprise announcement of GTA V on wiiU (one can hope yeah?),  wouldn't mind a star fox game announced for it too, tbh as long as they announce / show some games that makes people think twice about saying the U is "underpowered" etc i'll be happy, maybe show off ingame footage of the U version of aliens colonial marines (which hopefully blows the shoes and socks off the 360 and ps3 versions)?.......watchdogs on the U?....oooh.......

#138816 Wii U Countdown Thread

Posted by backudog on 26 November 2012 - 09:37 PM in Wii U Hardware

3 days to go here in the u.k.!!!! eeeeeeeeee!!!!

#139043 Tally-ho, pip pip and Cheerio, it's the British Wii U Launch Thread.

Posted by backudog on 27 November 2012 - 09:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

MESSAGE BEGINS........What-ho chaps and ...erm..chapettes?..chapesses?.....anywho, pre-ordered my premium wii u and copy of zombie u from littlewoods catalogue on the 14th september, yeah i know, but mums got a catalogue and she'll get cashback etc so meh. order says its been processed and thats about it so far :( , but they've been pretty good in the past so will have to wait and see, order probably wont update until thursday i expect, but as ive waited this long so a few more days wont be a problem...........WHO AM I KIDDING?! I CANT WAIT! I NEEDS ME PRECIOUS!! I WANTS ME PRECIOUS NNOOOOOWWWW!!!!!......*cough*...Quickly Nurse! my pills!!.........THAT IS ALL.....MESSAGE ENDS.....

#140100 Tally-ho, pip pip and Cheerio, it's the British Wii U Launch Thread.

Posted by backudog on 28 November 2012 - 09:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

my order stillonly says processed :( but the delivery date is still 30th so fingers crossed it'll update to dispatched today some time.

#140358 Tally-ho, pip pip and Cheerio, it's the British Wii U Launch Thread.

Posted by backudog on 29 November 2012 - 09:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

My order has been shipped (console AND ZombieU)! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! should arrive tomorrow! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!.....just saw the wiiU specs post on this forum! WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUU.....

#140364 Wii U clock speeds are found by marcan

Posted by backudog on 29 November 2012 - 09:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

It'll be interesting to see how it copes with "Aliens colonial marines" when its released, as that looks like its a pretty graphics and possibly cpu intensive game , also didn't the developer say the U version will look the best? if its cpu is as slow as the specs seem to suggest compared to the other 2 consoles, that'll be a pretty good test.....won't it? Maybe this hacker fella can run some sort of test when the U is running a game? see what results that gives?

#141036 Where is product code for Wii U - Club Nintendo

Posted by backudog on 30 November 2012 - 01:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

what a daft way to register the wii u. lol, im only saying that coz i think i just linked my shop account to the wrong club nintendo account (DOH! :wacko: ), i've got 2 accounts, an old one i 've hardly ever used coz i forgot the login details for it (only had about 100 or so points on it) and my proper new one (with 3500 points on it), unfortunately THIS TIME i remembered the log in info for the old one NOT the new one! :blink: how or why i don't know, so i guess i've missed out on those points now? :(

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