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#129897 ZombieU - will they have zombie kids?

Posted by backudog on 15 November 2012 - 09:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

...if they added Justin Bieber as a zombie I could wallop, I'd buy this game in a heartbeat. O_O

and if zombieber constantly respawned so you could keep killing the annoying undead lil' talent void, that would be even better!

#129618 Wii U Countdown Thread

Posted by backudog on 14 November 2012 - 09:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

15 for u.k.! grrrrr!

#129615 Microsoft Ramps Up Security for the Xbox 720

Posted by backudog on 14 November 2012 - 09:38 PM in General Gaming

the only thing that seems consistant throughout all the next gen rumours is that the nextbox will have 8gb of ram and the ps4 will have 4gb.( the chrimbo issues of xbox world mag and psm3 mag are the latest places i've seen those numbers listed). as with all rumours though, i take them all with a large pinch of salt (mmm...salty!).

#128689 Club Nintendo

Posted by backudog on 13 November 2012 - 12:08 PM in General Gaming

I do, but the u.k. club catalogue page..erm..thing.. isn't available at the moment, ( http://stars.nintend...m/?locale=en_GB ) , i hope they are putting all new stuff on there (we collect stars instead of coins? i assume thats the same thing though). i have around 3000+ stars but there has never been anything worth getting so far.

#128377 ZombiU live action trailer

Posted by backudog on 12 November 2012 - 09:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

such a cool trailer! pity it'll never be shown on t.v. , would help sell the U and the game.

#127521 Digital or Physical

Posted by backudog on 11 November 2012 - 04:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Are you kidding? You're comparing a person to a video game.. alright.

I think his point was kinda like, that would you rather have a "girlfriend" that you can physically touch and feel (giggity) and take with you where ever you go, lend to a friend (erm...) then trade in when you're bored with "her" (ooh, harsh!...but fair.) or one that you cant?

#127517 What controllers etc you reckon i'll need?

Posted by backudog on 11 November 2012 - 04:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

just got back from town, got a wiimote (black) motion plus thingy (in black) a nunchuk thingy (black) and a monster hunter 3 Tri classic controller pro pack (game and controller) all for £30! I won't play the game, but thought that was pretty good price for the 4 controllery things? also the game still had its club nintendo points thing unused...which was nice.

#127215 Regginator on Jimmy Fallon... again!

Posted by backudog on 10 November 2012 - 12:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

sounds good, i'll see if i can find it online on saturday then. (being in the u.k. and all, i have to download any episodes of u.s. stuff i like).

#127214 What controllers etc you reckon i'll need?

Posted by backudog on 10 November 2012 - 12:46 PM in Wii U Hardware

I wasn't sure what titles might need what, so gettin 1 wiimote and 1 classic controller should suffice? im more of a single player only kinda guy if im honest, just wanted to make sure i'd be able to play whatevers available from the get go. (i assume downloadable older titles won't be there from day one?)

#127213 Digital or Physical

Posted by backudog on 10 November 2012 - 12:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

physical version for me, really only down to cost, if i can buy pre-owned or trade in a couple of my old titles to knock a few quid off the price, rock on! will only go digital with eshop only wii u titles and any gamecube etc titles.

#127208 What controllers etc you reckon i'll need?

Posted by backudog on 10 November 2012 - 12:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think i'll get me a wiimote with one of those motion plus thingies, and a wii classic controller doohicky 2morrow when i nip into town, should only cost about £30 ish, is there anything else (wii wise) i might need for when i get my wii U? thinking more for playing gamecube and wii titles that i assume will be available from the wii u eshop wotsit? i'll probably get the pro controller as and when, but if anyone can think of anything else might come in handy?

#125975 ZombiU features a big plot twist

Posted by backudog on 08 November 2012 - 10:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hmm, i wonder if the twist will be as good as the one in the original Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic on the xbox? (I know i never saw that one coming!)

#125971 Up or Down How will You Wii U

Posted by backudog on 08 November 2012 - 10:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

Laying flat, but raised up off the shelf on small rubber or cork pads (i'll have to make) a little, so gets good air flow all around it (even under it)

#124934 fake game contest

Posted by backudog on 05 November 2012 - 10:01 PM in General Gaming

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not mine, i found it and it made me chuckle! although "HALO KITTY" is clearly the winning entry so far!

#124928 I offered to sell my wii u to my aunt

Posted by backudog on 05 November 2012 - 09:30 PM in Wii U Hardware

you offered to sell her your wiiU?!?!.....

#124191 Gamesmaster mag wiiU launch special. pretty positive.

Posted by backudog on 04 November 2012 - 06:59 AM in General Gaming

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#124175 Gamesmaster mag wiiU launch special. pretty positive.

Posted by backudog on 04 November 2012 - 06:05 AM in General Gaming

Sounds really goodish

I realise i haven't made the article sound all that positive, lol,  but after reading it, my overall feeling was that it WAS positive and that any worries they brought up were only ones we've all probably had too. am in the process of getting the article uploaded so y'all can read it for yourselves.

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#124135 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by backudog on 03 November 2012 - 10:19 PM in General Gaming

Over the MANY years ive been gaming (i remember when all this was just trees lol) i've owned pretty much every console out there, minus the 3DO) my faves being, in no particular order,
jaguar (AvP yeah, baby!)
amiga cd32
playstation 1 and 2

and i still have a soft spot for the philips CD-I, it was crap but i still enjoyed some of the titles i had for it.

#124134 Gamesmaster mag wiiU launch special. pretty positive.

Posted by backudog on 03 November 2012 - 10:10 PM in General Gaming

I just received my xmas 2012 issue of Gamesmaster magazine, which contains a wiiu launch special, with reviews of the console & gamepad and previews of alll the launch / launch window titles, ( I would have scanned the pages for you guys, but dont have a scanner lol, so will type an overview for you),  overall they seem pretty positive about the U and its controller ( the gamepad holds endless possibilities and at only " a gentle 500g in weIght - about half a guinea pig - DON'T ASK, enables 10 hour gaming marathons without your wrists falling off")   and the games. they do voice concerns that once sony and microsoft launch thier new consoles the U might get left behind a bit,

"As for the threat of a brutish new playstation or xbox steamrolling Wii U into the ground? well, yes, that could happen. On the tech front, its 98% guaranteed that rival boxes will humiliate the wiiU. Our question is, does it matter? Wii U will likely occupy the same position the wii held this gen: not as shiny, but a safe haven for devs lacking the AAA budgets needed to step up to a power hungry next gen."

They also voice concern over AAA suport, suggesting  that  "studios with the cash to embrace the new machines from sony microsoft - the ubisofts,EAs, and Rockstars of the world, may have no need of the U, much like they largely had no need for the wii". although they do state that the U's "rich launch catalogue shows the healing has begun, but all it would take is a shiny new ps4 or 720 to unpick the scabs, hey, at least we can dab on some first party savlon".

They jokingly claim that 16 months after its initial reveal, the U is still a nightmare to write about, largely because it doesnt behave like any other console (which they do say is a good thing), and that "the more we learn, the madder it seems: a console that doesnt need a tv to work, a social network to rival twitter, a universal remote for your telly...someone at nintendo has been overdoing the dairylea before bedtime"

they end the console review thing by saying despite all of that if you put a U under your tv on the 30th you'll find it a dream to play.

Games reviews / previews are positive overall, (Nintendo Land gets 82%, with each of the mini games in it recieving between 3 and 5 out of 5 stars, NSMBU gets 82%,  they also rate the intergration of the gamepad into the multi format titles, and out of the 12 listed
there are :
3x 5out of 5,(Batman, Darksiders 2 andTrine 2)
2x 4 out of 5, (AC3 and Mass Effect 3)
3x 3 out of 5, (FIFA 13 Sonic all star racing, COD; BOPS2 )
3x 2 out of 5, (Skylanders, Ninja Gaiden 3  Epic mickey 2)
and a 1 out of 5 (NBA 2K13)

ZombieU (my preciousssss lol) gets a 4 out of 5 on  thier "Thrill-o-meter" with the only negative being that "the touch screen isnt as reliable as it could be. Is this endemic of its general quality?"
Aliens colonial marines also gets a 4 out of 5 on the Thrill-o-meter, the negative being "the guns are a tad quiet. we want them so loud it almost bursts our eardrums".
They have a few concerns over Lego City Undercover (another game im looking forward to and 3 out of 5 on the thrill-o-meter) saying that at the moment driving in the game is a tad tame "TT has recreated Lego's weightless plastic vehicles a little too accurately, the poor little things pootle along slowly, with all the handling of a sports car engineered from plastic rectangles. Accurate,maybe, but not terribly exciting". also at the moment they say there is some horrible pop-in throughout the game).they admit Its still early and there is time to iron out those niggles and if TT do then the game could be huge.

If you're in the u.k. then pick up the xmas issue when it hits the stores on the 6th, its woth a read. im posting this for  u.s. and other forumites who maybe cant get the mag where they..erm..be at?


#123858 So, I E-Mailed Rockstar Support On GTA V For Wii U

Posted by backudog on 02 November 2012 - 09:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Bit of useless info for ya, but about 2 days ago I e-mailed Rockstar Support on GTA V for Wii U and they just replied back to me, here is the proceeding conversation:

Peter H******, Oct 31 01:38 am (EDT):

Hi guys, I know that GTA V was announced for Spring 2013 today, and the
platforms are PS3 and Xbox 360, But I was wondering are you considering a
Wii U version at all? You see I'm getting a Wii U and I have sold my Xbox
360. I completely love all of your games deeply and I have been exited
about GTA V since it was announced last year, please consider a Wii U
version, Wii U is selling like hot cakes, as a matter of fact they are
fully sold out everywhere from what I can gather, GTA V is going to be one
of the best games ever and I really want to experience it fully. So my main
question, is a Wii U version possible?

kindest Regards:


James M, Nov 01 10:15 pm (EDT):

Hey Peter,
Thanks for contacting R* Technical Support.
I'm not sure if we have that information as of yet. But I don't think that the game was developed to run on the Wii U, so I'm guessing that it will not be available for the Wii U, but I am not 100% sure. I would suggest waiting for a bit and see if they make any later announcements. As you said, the release was just announced today, so there is a chance that they will announce it on more platforms in the future.
Have a great day,

James M.

As you can see, not much, but what are your thoughts on what he said, me I'm taking his advice and I'm gonna sit tight for a bit and keep my fingers crossed.

I think we should all send Rockstar this email, change some of the wording so its not an exact copy of it, so they know there are tons of potentially missed sales if its not released on the U. if thats ok with the OP? i know im gonna send it in a bit.

EDIT: Heres what i sent them just now.

Hi guys,
I know that GTA V was announced for Spring 2013 a few days back, and the
platforms listed are PS3 and Xbox 360, But I was wondering are you considering a
Wii U version at all? You see I'm getting a Wii U and I have sold my Xbox
360. I  love all of your games  and I have been excited
about GTA V since it was announced last year, and i'm assuming there'll be a PC version at some point , so would you guys please consider a Wii U
version too, Wii U is selling like hot cakes, as a matter of fact they are
fully sold out everywhere from what I can gather, GTA V is going to be an awesome
game  and I really want to experience it fully. So my main
question, is a Wii U version possible?

kindest Regards and hope everyone is ok after the recent hurricane.

Richard Eastwood.

#122471 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by backudog on 29 October 2012 - 02:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Watch Dogs,  assumiing the wiiU can do it justice. Im not doubting that the U has got power behind it, but have you seen the demo trailer thingy for this game?!? all the different fx and stuff going on?!  hopefully the U can do all that stuff.

#122070 WiiU Concerns

Posted by backudog on 27 October 2012 - 10:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

"The Wii U Pro Controller only works on Wii U games that support it. You will have to use the vc games the same way you always have.

The Wii U can play virtually all Wii games and yes it can use the classic controllers and all other first party controllers like the balance board etc."

good to know, saw a couple of classic controllers for wii going cheap in C.E.X. yesterday, might go back today and get them.

#122067 GTA V promotional material spotted,no mention of Wii U, let the depression begin

Posted by backudog on 27 October 2012 - 10:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software


Sadly it's only coming to Xbox and PS3...so far!

Just checked that link out, yee gods theres a lot of angry, ANGRY (and probably young teenage) people on that site! almost every comment is people insulting one another?!? im never leaving the safety of this forum again!...mummy i'm scared....

#121912 zombi u first level footage

Posted by backudog on 27 October 2012 - 09:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I've not been this excited about a game since the original Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic on the xbox! the more i see of zombieU the more i want it and the waiting is becoming unbearable! (must stop watching all the vids lol).

#121523 A couple of new Zombi U videos

Posted by backudog on 25 October 2012 - 08:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!! gotta. stop. watching. all. zombieU. vids. Excitement levels dangerously high at the moment! making. wait. seem. unbearably. long!!! *Locks self in cupboard*.......*mutter..mumble..wants our precious we does...wantsssssss it!*......

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