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There have been 230 items by backudog (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#131777 Zombi U Reviews

Posted by backudog on 17 November 2012 - 08:19 PM in Wii U Game Reviews

7? not bad, which issue is this in?

#132314 Zombi U Reviews

Posted by backudog on 18 November 2012 - 11:18 AM in Wii U Game Reviews

Thats more like it! that review has put my mind at ease, what with that one and the Gamesmaster review, i can't wait to play it now! was strting to get a bit worried after seeing the lowish scores it had been getting from some places, but i've always trusted Gamesmaster mag so with thier review and now eurogamers, nuff said, bring on the 30th!!

#180611 what can Nintendo do to win EA back

Posted by backudog on 08 March 2013 - 09:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well whatever Nintendo do, I hope they don't sell their soul.

They can sell mine if they like, I'm not using it.

#141074 Wii U RUMORS 2013-2014. Metroid Prime Online Multiplayer, Kirby, and Fatal Frame

Posted by backudog on 30 November 2012 - 02:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'll be getting the new xbox when its released, even more so if that Fable 4 rumour is true (love Fable, but not the kinect only one). Also, assuming all of those rumours are true , its good to see so many cool titles set toappear on the U , can't wait til next year to see what turns out to be true!

#146257 So it's odd seeing this many systems jsut sitting on shelves.

Posted by backudog on 10 December 2012 - 09:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

I've not seen one WiiU advert on the tv in the uk yet.

Not seen one for the machine itself as such, but seen the zombiU one twice now. on different channels too! woo!

#178534 Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is coming to the Wii U

Posted by backudog on 03 March 2013 - 01:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I kinda like the idea of this game, its more an avoid-em-up than a shoot-em-up, but will need a demo or good reviews for me to buy it coz by the previews I've read so far the game doesn't sound promising. Although it is zombies. And zombies are still cool.

#145926 So it's odd seeing this many systems jsut sitting on shelves.

Posted by backudog on 09 December 2012 - 11:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yesterday i saw a wiiU premium sitting in the window of my local CEX store, which means someones already traded thiers in!?! its only been on sale for, what?, 8 days or so here in the u.k.? MADNESS! MADNESS I TELLS YA!!!

#172269 Colonial Marines Wii U is worst version and Gearbox made sneaky moves in deving

Posted by backudog on 16 February 2013 - 11:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Cancelled my tesco  pre-order, will wait for reviews of wiiu version b4 I even consider getting it now.

#123858 So, I E-Mailed Rockstar Support On GTA V For Wii U

Posted by backudog on 02 November 2012 - 09:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Bit of useless info for ya, but about 2 days ago I e-mailed Rockstar Support on GTA V for Wii U and they just replied back to me, here is the proceeding conversation:

Peter H******, Oct 31 01:38 am (EDT):

Hi guys, I know that GTA V was announced for Spring 2013 today, and the
platforms are PS3 and Xbox 360, But I was wondering are you considering a
Wii U version at all? You see I'm getting a Wii U and I have sold my Xbox
360. I completely love all of your games deeply and I have been exited
about GTA V since it was announced last year, please consider a Wii U
version, Wii U is selling like hot cakes, as a matter of fact they are
fully sold out everywhere from what I can gather, GTA V is going to be one
of the best games ever and I really want to experience it fully. So my main
question, is a Wii U version possible?

kindest Regards:


James M, Nov 01 10:15 pm (EDT):

Hey Peter,
Thanks for contacting R* Technical Support.
I'm not sure if we have that information as of yet. But I don't think that the game was developed to run on the Wii U, so I'm guessing that it will not be available for the Wii U, but I am not 100% sure. I would suggest waiting for a bit and see if they make any later announcements. As you said, the release was just announced today, so there is a chance that they will announce it on more platforms in the future.
Have a great day,

James M.

As you can see, not much, but what are your thoughts on what he said, me I'm taking his advice and I'm gonna sit tight for a bit and keep my fingers crossed.

I think we should all send Rockstar this email, change some of the wording so its not an exact copy of it, so they know there are tons of potentially missed sales if its not released on the U. if thats ok with the OP? i know im gonna send it in a bit.

EDIT: Heres what i sent them just now.

Hi guys,
I know that GTA V was announced for Spring 2013 a few days back, and the
platforms listed are PS3 and Xbox 360, But I was wondering are you considering a
Wii U version at all? You see I'm getting a Wii U and I have sold my Xbox
360. I  love all of your games  and I have been excited
about GTA V since it was announced last year, and i'm assuming there'll be a PC version at some point , so would you guys please consider a Wii U
version too, Wii U is selling like hot cakes, as a matter of fact they are
fully sold out everywhere from what I can gather, GTA V is going to be an awesome
game  and I really want to experience it fully. So my main
question, is a Wii U version possible?

kindest Regards and hope everyone is ok after the recent hurricane.

Richard Eastwood.

#152894 Boy receives Nintendo 3DS full of porn for Christmas, DS purchased at Gamestop

Posted by backudog on 28 December 2012 - 03:11 AM in General Gaming

Just watched the news vid, I think thats dispicable! stop calling the 3ds a toy! :D. It always makes me lol when i see people getting upset over this sort of thing, the dad starts crying for gods sake! its just porn, man! ok ur kid was upset, hes 5 or whatever, and not seen that sort of thing before, but i bet you've seen worse mate? stop crying you tart! *sigh*..people...do my head in...

#200281 Saw this in todays Sun newspaper.

Posted by backudog on 26 April 2013 - 08:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Mistake or do they know something? *hopeful yet probably misguided excitement rising*...

Attached Thumbnails

  • IMAG0114.jpg

#200406 Saw this in todays Sun newspaper.

Posted by backudog on 26 April 2013 - 12:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I hope its not a mistake. Thought I'd just add that it was in their game review/preview section of the paper., and they  are usually pretty accurate with their scores and reviews imo, so someone there seems to know their stuff? Maybe we'll hear something from ninty closer to e3? *crosses fingers eyes n toes*

#208431 Nintendo Direct Today At 9CST

Posted by backudog on 18 May 2013 - 06:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

I started watching it but then realised it wasn't about anything I was interested in so I stopped watching. Will wait for the E3 direct thingies.

#166829 Bayonetta 2 real time graphics clip NOT CGI

Posted by backudog on 04 February 2013 - 11:06 AM in Wii U Games and Software

By the beard of Zeus! If that is indeed realtime in-game graphics this game is gonna be schweet!!

#185477 Wii U isn't doomed but it seems to be in trouble.

Posted by backudog on 22 March 2013 - 09:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

#120550 Lego City: Undercover

Posted by backudog on 22 October 2012 - 08:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

looks great! will definately pick this up.

#210635 Rare to show HISTORIC franchise at E3

Posted by backudog on 23 May 2013 - 06:40 PM in General Gaming

Whatever it is it'll be kinect based and probably a huge disappointment!  Probably.

#204070 For those getting a ps4/720 aswel. Watch dogs..

Posted by backudog on 04 May 2013 - 08:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I really hope we get to see some wiiU gameplay footage soon, wanna see how it compares to the others. I'm getting it for wiiu maybe rent it on 360, and possibly buy it for whichever of the other next gen consoles I get (if they've got any added extra stuff).

#184539 What will you do if the Wii U is Nintendo's last ever console?

Posted by backudog on 20 March 2013 - 09:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

If I can afford it, I try to own all the home consoles each generation,(so I have a better selection of games to choose from) so would work out cheaper for me! Would be a shame though.

#210856 What console are you getting this/next gen

Posted by backudog on 24 May 2013 - 09:11 AM in General Gaming

Already got a wiiu and my second next gen will be ps4 unless something major changes in the X1 camp to make me change my mind (and I can't see that happening)!

#150805 Elder Scrolls on Wii U?

Posted by backudog on 22 December 2012 - 02:22 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Ive got it for 360 and pc, but would def consider getting it again for wiiu if it was enhanced in some way or used the pad in a cool way.

Also, a bit off topic but humour me please, when the other next gens are released how hard / easy / cost effective would it be for the devs to release an update / patch for skyrim that upgraded the graphics etc for use on those new systems? e.g. you pop your 360 game disc of skyrim into your new durango or whatever it'll be called (i bought my game off XBL so would still have it), and it promps for an update , one download later, et voila! same cool game but updated to make use of the new systems power? would that sort of thing be possible you reckon?

#142990 Playsation Omni and Xbox 720 news.

Posted by backudog on 03 December 2012 - 09:20 PM in General Gaming

Ive already got me wiiU and i'll def be getting a 720 at launch, not coz it may be the most powerful of the next gens (according to those rumours) or coz im a microsoft fanboi or whatever, but because i've had both the previous xboxes and most of the games i've enjoyed have been released on xbox. that, and i really love the controller never liked the feel of the playstation one.

#145297 rayman legends out feb 26 demo out dec 13

Posted by backudog on 07 December 2012 - 09:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

For me, i'll download the demo, then possibly purchase depending on what its like. the only games so far im DEFINATELY buying for the U are lego city and Aliens .

#176930 What games do you want ported to wii u?

Posted by backudog on 26 February 2013 - 08:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd like to see Slender:the arrival appear on the shop, saw this video and its looks nice and scary! Also I don't have a PC so the only way I could play it is if it came to console. :(


#188772 Nintendo: Games will save the Wii U, not a price cut

Posted by backudog on 01 April 2013 - 12:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

We've got, what?, 9 weeks 'til E3? Until we'll finally get to see what Nintendo has up its sleeves, by god that seems like, and I'm sure will feel like, aaaaaggges! If only I could get my time machine finished, I only need 1 more part...the part that actually let's you travel through time...I'm not sure what its called exactly, but no suppliers of scientific equipment that I've phoned seems to stock them?....they just hang up on me......its very unprofessional of them IMO.....

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