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#105264 Known facts

Posted by Zonark on 08 September 2012 - 01:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

True true. However my gf does play Mario games though but only Mario

#105248 Known facts

Posted by Zonark on 08 September 2012 - 12:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

Speaking about the Wii U tablet controler, can it play all games on it exclusively without the TV?
Live in a small apartment with only 1 TV and my GF hates when I tie up the TV just to game.

Mine just hates when I game

#109154 New confirmation by IBM of custom 45nm Power7 chip

Posted by Zonark on 17 September 2012 - 01:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

Someone needs to ask Watson what the specs of that processor is and post it here.

#183215 Worry about the Wii U? Read this

Posted by Zonark on 16 March 2013 - 05:02 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wanna know a franchise that's been recycled? Call of duty...  Anyways I believe another Mario 64 style game will be release and a new donkey Kong not to mention Zelda is going to be amazing.

About being realistic. Now I own all current and a Wii u consoles so please don't throw this favoritism stuff about what I'm going to say... Nintendo won the next generation with the Wii. People always get pissed when I say that but really they dd and here's my backup. So a generation winner is chosen by one factor. Sales. That being said Nintendo sold more consoles then everyone not to mention they never lost money on the console. Anyone that disagrees with this is literally fan boying the console they play the most

Yes there are live accounts and plus accounts but really those don't matter the reason we don't see their profits in red is because of there other merchandise

#121359 GameStop Employee: "There will be no Wii U Midnight Launch(es) at GameSto...

Posted by Zonark on 25 October 2012 - 06:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

The wii it did

#120247 GameStop Employee: "There will be no Wii U Midnight Launch(es) at GameSto...

Posted by Zonark on 22 October 2012 - 05:24 AM in Wii U Hardware

What you need to do. Consoles don't have midnights games do stress that zombiu needs a midnight. A wii u release title try and see what the most wanted game is and suggest u what a midnight

#206357 Update speed boost to cpu &gpu utter rubbish?

Posted by Zonark on 12 May 2013 - 08:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

What utter rubbish if there was any change in the clock it'd be from 1.24Ghz to 1.48/1.5 and from 550Mhz to 600Mhz, impossible to go further without a massive chunky cooling system in place for OCing, even OCing it by that small amount may cause 360 style RRODs

It is possible for them to speed it up even more the entire console has been under clocked to maintain a if I recall 30 percent use of fan power. The could up this thing a lot and still have proper cooling

#200033 Wii U update is live!

Posted by Zonark on 25 April 2013 - 05:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

If anyone is having trouble downloading go to settings and download the update via system update

#103182 IBM Power 7 Confirmed

Posted by Zonark on 30 August 2012 - 06:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

This doesn't work with the examples you provided because of amdahls law of parallel processing and overhead like cache/core coherency.

The more cores you have, the less gains you get for each additional core.

I know, i didnt include cache for a reason. the reason why those examples are given that was is to provide a ground visual.  as examples to get a grasp. of course if the cache is l2 l3 or l1 effect it and the level of cache as well the amount

a lot of people dont understand the functions of a processor like you and I so it must be viewed as cores only gives people the partial understanding. If I had to Id post the entire works but that would fill up this page and people still wouldnt understand

I could just say its fits more or less 0's and 1's in it lol

#103180 IBM Power 7 Confirmed

Posted by Zonark on 30 August 2012 - 05:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

Here's a good was too look at it.  More cores faster CPU. Let's say the cores are evenly clocked at 2ghz there are 8 cores that means each core can process 2ghz worth of data totaling 16ghz. Now let's say this processor is only 6 cores instead it now can only process 12ghz at once. But let's say is 4cores at 4ghz  now it processes at 16ghz. The more cores it has the less work that core does meaning less heat is produced

One more thing. Go tweet Watson ask him if the same type of chip that he uses inside him is the same that's in wii u

#209003 EA Sports Engineer: Wii U is crap, less powerful than 360. No money for 3rd part

Posted by Zonark on 20 May 2013 - 01:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Do you guys remember E3 2011? I find it fishy that EA was all about the Wii u and when nintendo told them no to letting them put origin on it as a full blown game downloader and using them as a partnership for the eshop for probably some hugely overpriced fee because Nintendo already has a system in mind that is on their own servers. EA got their panties in a bunch and threw a fit about it. Its not that frostbyte 3 won't work, its that they won't compile the engine for Wii u.

Nintendo was probably like we will see how sim city goes and decide from there. Yeaaaaaah...ummmm I'm going to need to pass on that one till your figure out gaming again. Oh and I'm gonna need you to come in and work Sunday too.

#180339 Which Wii U Do You Have?

Posted by Zonark on 07 March 2013 - 02:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

Zelda deluxe edition

#136231 PotatoHog's daily lesson on the Wii U CPU/GPU situation

Posted by Zonark on 22 November 2012 - 10:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

I would also like to state something that everyone has been looking over... The GPU acts as a CPU while in standby and lower gfx uses AMD has been making these chips for awhile now and with this being no surprise i believe the same tech to be being used in wii u. since both are on a single chip i wouldnt be surprised if thats whats going on

#103430 Developers Finally Revealing some of Wii U specs

Posted by Zonark on 31 August 2012 - 04:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

Man... some of you don't understand what porting means fully. Porting doesn't change graphics since wiiu is fully 1080p capable it will look loads better then the same port that's 720p. With that said... ports don't do justice unless the game has been modified fully like Batman. Take for instance zombiu looks amazing and is a wii u only game not a port just a game for only the wiiu

#136291 Slow CPU Will Shorten Wii U's Life - DICE Dev

Posted by Zonark on 22 November 2012 - 12:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

Its no under powered... AMD makes graphic cards that can boost PC performance in terms of raw power yes its a gpu that doubles up like a CPU. Im for sure that technology is inside the wii u. Take a look at the insides the gpu and CPU are on one chip basically making it process incredibly fast compared to have to go from CPU to mb to bridge to gfx card to gpu thus it will not be under powered by any means

#202810 WiiKey U is legit and its in Development!

Posted by Zonark on 02 May 2013 - 05:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

If u are serious about being excited for this... I hope Nintendo bricks chipped console this time around instead of trying to disable the hacks like they did for Wii. Nintendo was being incredibly nice with the Wii. Legally they could brick ur console

#151978 And this is why I returned the Wii U...

Posted by Zonark on 25 December 2012 - 08:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Okay so your literally posting to start trolling btw the controller and gamepad are exactly the same controller skeem there is literally no change...

#207247 A Call To Arms: Nintendo Fans, This Is The Time!

Posted by Zonark on 15 May 2013 - 01:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm gonna be honest. Maybe if the 3rd party company's made good games like assassins creed and monster hunter like ubi and capcom did maybe they would see sales. The Wii u is amazing I am impressed with it. Message for 3rd party devs though stop making crap games and maybe they will sell. As for EA its probably gonna get bought out now since its in a massive downward spiral. A lot of investors including myself have pulled most of their stock and I really don't see them cleaning this one up. EA is literally a father company it basically funds smaller company's that wish to get their name out. If EA wasn't lazy there would be frostbite 3 engine for Wii u

Its not that frosbyte won't work its literally because Nintendo shutdown their origin on Wii u so this is their retaliation. They know Nintendo's digital download will be a success with the 2 years incentive.

#114095 possibilities of $50 loss on every wii u.

Posted by Zonark on 01 October 2012 - 07:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

Blu rays laser isn't restricted so Nintendo could make a drive that uses the bluray laser.

#200398 Do you regret getting the Wii U?

Posted by Zonark on 26 April 2013 - 12:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

I regret getting a vita.... There is only a hand full of good games

#218235 Xbox One price and release

Posted by Zonark on 10 June 2013 - 10:09 AM in E3 2013 Archive

I totally called this price point

#151019 Wii U rubbish at being A WII

Posted by Zonark on 23 December 2012 - 07:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

Manhunt 2 is just one game. Where the others? There are less than 5 games in all the Wii's history that appeal to me. Mario games don't appeal to me, all those shovelware crap games the Wii got don't appeal to me.

COD personal view not as good as i wanted...
Cold Mountain Poopfactor 7
Silent Hill Poopfactor 4-8
The Grudge Ju-On (warning makes your insides blow out from fear) Poopfactor 9
No more heros 1
No more heros 2
Madworld (if you havent played this. do it, superb game)

Poopfactor Scare Scale 1 meh - 10 diarrhea

#151014 Wii U rubbish at being A WII

Posted by Zonark on 23 December 2012 - 07:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

If you like kiddie games I guess you liked the Wii. I myself are one of the ones that was really disappointed in the Wii. No mature games that appealed to me. I have less than 5 Wii games, my Wii was a dust collector. I am giving Nintendo one last chance but if the same thing happens with the Wii U I am jumping ship. I am already disappointed that we wont get Bioshock Infinite. :angry:

No Mature Games??!?! ManHunt 2 ring a bell? I mean come on you use the nunchuck and wiimote to hold a plastic bag on someones face and slash a dudes throat with a knife. There was an over abundance of kiddie games basically a 1 out of 15 ratio.

which sucked

#151021 Wii U rubbish at being A WII

Posted by Zonark on 23 December 2012 - 07:45 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think what you mean, rather than "kiddie" games is mainstream mature games. Wii had some of the goriest games this generation. Mad World, Dead Space Extraction, etc. What it lacked was GTA, Red dead redemption, fall out type games. The ones that were blowing everyone away on the other consoles.
I love those games, but the Wii offered something very different than the others. I actually preferred the wii experience, but I think most were wanting a more sooped up traditional gaming experience.

Fallout on the wii u would be amazing using the pad as the pitboy hell yeah beautiful game changer

I did play Madworld, I did play Silent Hill. They were ok games. But there really wasn't that much more. I did play Cold Mountain too, but the controls were terrible.

Honestly though, gamings not just about m rated games. I personally dont know what genre your into in terms of games but i promise you once you find that space the wii has a lot of games to offer in those areas. I bought the wii on release day and have been though alot with it. but i have to say that the wii out of all consoles brought a lot of fun times. From drunken mario kart to the intense skyward sword story line I have found great use of the wii, not only in events with only myself playing but to strait up having a fun time with friends. My Xbox nor PS3 has never given me as much fun with my friends.

#151053 Wii U rubbish at being A WII

Posted by Zonark on 23 December 2012 - 09:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

In terms of backwards compatibility nintendo was the first to do it and is by far the greatest at it

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