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There have been 28 items by Edrick (Search limited from 28-June 23)

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#90251 Wii U Countdown Thread

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 10:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

Can't wait!

#92589 Thoughts on New Super Mario Bros. U

Posted by Edrick on 08 July 2012 - 07:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I hope the similarities to Super Mario World include the branching paths, and not just be 8 worlds and a huge expansive world. But if this is just another 2D Mario platformer I will be happy for the most part.

That would be great idea! Half of the fun I had playing Super Mario World was finding all the alternate paths!

Just downloaded Super Mario World on the Virtual Console, and as far as I know, if they're getting back to SMW's style, then it will be awesome. I wasn't really into Super Mario sidescrollers until NSMB Wii. My main problem was that ridiculously easy final fight.
*********SPOILERS ALERT*********
Then came the Wii game that blew me away with its level design and the final fight, when giant Bowser in rage mode chases Mario. I dunno, but Nintendo seems to have understood what to do for real to please us.

Yeah, Bowser caught me off guard first time he was chasing me!

I was hoping that it would have randomly generated levels like cloudberry kingdom

That could be cool! The experience wouldn't be the same every time!

#90183 Thoughts on New Super Mario Bros. U

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 03:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

There is no doubt that I will be purchasing this game. However, there are some concerns that I have with the game. How it will make itself different enough from previous installments, notably its Wii counterpart. Sure, there is the GamePad that will make platforms appear, but is that all the player with the GamePad can do? Surely, there will be more things revealed. The backgrounds look amazing and creative though! An obvious visual jump has been made too with its crisp visuals. Anyway, I am excited for this game along with other Wii U titles! What are your thoughts or comments on the game? Let me know!

bros u.jpg

#90244 Thoughts on New Super Mario Bros. U

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 10:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Best Wii U title so far, period. And I have two words for ya: Baby Yoshi.

It's probably my favourite character, because of its appearance in SMW, which is my favourite game of all time. This game borrows so much inspiration from SMW that it should have been NSMW! So that's my only concern with it so far... They should have gotten rid of the flagpole and bricks and replace them with goals and turn blocks. Heck, even the overworld concept of SMW returns!

But no reason for me to buy it at launch. My dad will probably wait a year and then buy it, along with this game.

You know, I never realized the similarities it had to Super Mario World!

#90349 Thoughts on New Super Mario Bros. U

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 09:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I've always had at least ONE Mario title for all my Nintendo systems so I'll be getting Mario Bros. U on day 1. The game reminds me of Super Mario World, which was one of my all time favorite titles, so I can't pass the game up no matter what! :)

The World Map has that SMW feel and I can't wait to "play" w/ all the Baby Yoshi!

You and me both!

#90799 Thoughts on New Super Mario Bros. U

Posted by Edrick on 29 June 2012 - 11:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

(They're throwing in Reznor as a mini boss again in NSMB2, so that shows even more love for the game.. and Bowsers clowncopter.) I hope to see some more references, but most important of all, I can't wait to explore that overworld <3

Me too!

#90326 Thoughts on New Super Mario Bros. U

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 07:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I am definitely buying this game. I have played every Mario game Nintendo has ever released (Including Mario is Missing, Mario Teaches Typing, and other obscure titles. Helps to have been born in the 80's...) so I see no reason to stop now. I have the same concerns as you do. I mean, there must be more the Wii U Game Pad than just creating platforms. I thought being Player 2 in Super Mario Galaxy was bad, but this appears to be worse.

Then again, maybe it'll be fun? I don't know. Won't know until I play it.

Exactly, only time will tell!

Diagonal mountains, rotating Boo Buddies..

I really don't know how I missed this.

#90542 Thoughts on New Super Mario Bros. U

Posted by Edrick on 28 June 2012 - 12:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Plus, wasn't SMW a launch game too?

Amen bro!

Yes it was! I think it was bundled with Super Mario All Stars! I still have my original bundle.

I want my level editor and online co-op :(

THAT would be interesting! Especially a level editor!

#90330 Origin of your username

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 08:01 PM in The Café

Edrick, because my name is Edrick! I always thought it was unique name, so I decided to use it as an username!

#90352 Olimar's Absence in Pikmin 3.

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 09:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It was confirmed at E3 that Olimar is not going to be a playable character, and it is a "secret" what has happened to him. What do you think happened? I personally think that maybe Olimar retired. Or maybe was stranded on the Earth and maybe this family of new characters came to save him. And what about Louie and the President? Oh well. The best we can do is wait for more details. But in the meantime, lets speculate. What do you think happened to Olimar, Louie, and the President?

president.jpg olimar.jpg

#90564 Olimar's Absence in Pikmin 3.

Posted by Edrick on 28 June 2012 - 03:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I swear I saw Olimar in the Pikmin 3 demo

That's what I thought too, but he really isn't in the game as far as we know. Here is a picture of the family of new characters in the game.


It really does make me sad he's not the lead Captain. I hope this doesn't get him kicked off SSB4's roster in favour of these new guys.

I sure hope so! Believe it or not, I am actually pretty good with him in Brawl.

I'd imagine he somehow got stranded on Earth, and his family (You do see his wife) are coming to rescue him.

That could happen. I'd like to imagine that these new characters are relatives of Olimar.

#90576 Olimar's Absence in Pikmin 3.

Posted by Edrick on 28 June 2012 - 03:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah the little guy definitely shares similarities with the good Ol' Captain but I'm thinking it has more to do with the artistic style Pikmin uses for its' Humanoid characters. It could very well be his son as they could have just changed his hair colour to match the clothes he wore in Pikmin 2, but then that would completely destroy any chances of the girl being his daughter as the two of them were close in age. But it does seem like it's hinting that they're Olimar's family being that two of the characters share the colour of his son and daughter (Yellow, pink, blue and green respectively).

I'm really just over thinking things though and they're most likely all just new employees that Olimar hired after he took over Hocotate freight considering the president was a horrible business man.

It'd be really interesting if it were his family members! If the ship talks in this game (like in Pikmin 2) it could have some references to previous games or funny interaction with the characters. Maybe the ship will be a jerk and will constantly compare them to Olimar or something. I don't know, these are just some ideas haha! It could be possible that the daughter is younger and that the son is older.

#90796 Olimar's Absence in Pikmin 3.

Posted by Edrick on 29 June 2012 - 11:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think at least one of these characters is related to Olimar, Louie or the President in some way.

It could be possible!

I'm wondering if those letters under each of the captains is their first initial. Maybe their names are Donald, Anthony, Bonnie and Charlie? I dunno... I just love talking and speculating about Pikmin though.

Also, anyone notice the star on the burly captain's uniform? I wonder if that means he's the leader of the expedition?

I think Mr. Miyamoto said at E3 that the burly captain was a general of some sort. And the letters could be their initials. I hope they could be some creative Hocotatian names such as Olimar!

#90579 Olimar's Absence in Pikmin 3.

Posted by Edrick on 28 June 2012 - 03:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I really do hope each captain keeps a journal of everything you collect like in Pikmin two. I loved reading Olimar's thoughts on the bugs and treasures and thinking about what Louie's recipes would taste like. It was a great way to give Olimar character and It would make it a lot easier to love these guys if they flesh themselves out through Journals.

It might sound crazy, but PIkmin 1 had better character development than Pikmin 2. At the end of each day in the first game, Olimar would describe his day of progress. He actually felt for the Pikmin. He was actually horrified whenever the Pikmin died and he was always saying he will not give up hope to see his family again. In Pikmin 2, all you do is go back to the planet to repay a debt. That's about it. But they really expanded on gameplay in the second one, though!

#92588 Olimar's Absence in Pikmin 3.

Posted by Edrick on 08 July 2012 - 07:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm here hoping that somehow Louie kidnapps Olimar and makes him evil like himself ^_^

Haha, that would be very interesting!

#90803 Olimar's Absence in Pikmin 3.

Posted by Edrick on 29 June 2012 - 11:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I know they said "they'res a reason you aren't playing Olimar" so something happens.

I hope we find out early in the game!

#90546 Olimar's Absence in Pikmin 3.

Posted by Edrick on 28 June 2012 - 12:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Turns out he's the final boss of Pikmin 3.


That would be an awesome twist!

Olimar was eaten by a group of rabid Pikmin.

That's how I want to go down.

He probably will be playable at a certain time of the game.

I hope he is, even though it won't make the gameplay any different. Oh well, I guess he'll be there for fans or something.

#90571 Olimar's Absence in Pikmin 3.

Posted by Edrick on 28 June 2012 - 03:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This is what Olimar's wife looks like. So I think the Pink haired girl maybe a new character. Or maybe his daughter all grown up but I doubt that since she had blond hair.
Posted Image
Apparently the males on Hocotate are attracted to females that look like themselves only dressed in drag.

Haha, apparently! Also, the pink haired character looks a little grumpy now that I look at it. And the youngest boy with the blue hair looks a little like Olimar.

#90333 Nintendo's Social Ambitions

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 08:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think the social features are brilliant. But it really comes down to games.

#90178 New Super Mario Bros Wii U Gameplay

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 03:17 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Looks great!

#90248 Let's Talk IPs!

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 10:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It'd be interesting to see for Nintendo to create a game with dark tone. I know it is not their forte, but they manage to pull it off well in certain games like Majora's Mask. The type of setting I think would work best is in either an RPG or an action/adventure.

#90329 im newwww!

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 07:56 PM in Introduction Central

Hello, welcome to the forums!


Posted by Edrick on 28 June 2012 - 02:58 PM in Introduction Central

Hello! Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay. By the way, to make a signature, you go to your username in the top right corner of your screen, go to "My Settings" and click on the tab that says "Signature" on the left!

#90249 Hello all!

Posted by Edrick on 27 June 2012 - 10:45 AM in Introduction Central

Why hello Edrick! Nice to meet you!

Hello! Nice to meet you too!

#90540 Hello all!

Posted by Edrick on 28 June 2012 - 12:07 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the Wii U Forums Edrick! I hope you find yourself at home here and if you need any help with the site just ask either myself of Andy, the two active moderators.


Hiya Edrick; I started with the Super Nintendo :3

Me too! First game I ever played was Super Mario All Stars!

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