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#9007 Donkey Kong U

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 01:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Like the GB version of Donkey Kong? The game starts out like an arcade port, and then the game unveils to be a full games with multiple worlds. I think it would be a great game. I'm thinking it would be better as a downloadable title.

Argh god damn these forums. I wrote a near identical post before you and then the forums literally died and I was unable to post it. It'd have to be 3D though, not a straight port. I'd love to see the original in 3D.

#9009 Wii U doubts

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 01:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

Not sure too much about the source, because I probably read it on NeoGaf, and threads there can die and be sent back about 5 pages in a day. But apparently it was confirmed the first dev kits used underclocked hardware, I don't know why, but perhaps it was easier for ports? It has been comfirmed that they've now sent out more powerful dev kits.

#9011 Mario Kart Wii U

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 01:55 AM in Wii U Games and Software

That's a possibility, but I dunno, because you've gotta remember that it's possible only 1 player will get to use the Wii U remote, so some things may not work that well...

That's a possibility, but I dunno, because you've gotta remember that it's possible that Iwata wasn't lying when he said that they were going to to focus more on the Wii U controller as a control scheme because when you consider that the console is mainly expensive because of the controller, what's the point in using a much cheaper Wiimote instead?

#9017 Donkey Kong U

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 03:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

A Level Editor with the ability to share levels with friends would be pretty cool.
Some other items that could be included are a Rocket Launcher, THE MIGHTY HAMMER and Koopa Shells.
I think this would be a downloadable title along with Ice Climbers U and Excitebike U.

Rocket Launcher? Has a Rocket Launcher EVER been in a Mario game?

#9069 metroid wiiu prime or classic

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 07:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The only official announcement hints towards a Prime style game:

I can’t give you any details now, but I’m sure there will be a new Metroid release making use of the new controller, not just to control Samus and her ship but also to give the player a new source of information.Maybe the player is looking at the screen but has the information that they need to defeat the enemy in their hands. You could look through the screen and scan your enemy and find where it’s weakspot is.

(Source: Wii U Blog)

#9087 Pikmin 3

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 07:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I played pikmin 1 after seeing it on luigi's mansion and i loved it. Just the idead of making an endless amount of pikmin to fight for you and collecting ship parts is cool but emporer bulblax had me running back and forth back to get more pikmin. At first I liked the idea of no time limit in Pikmin 2 but i always felt like there was no worries at all even if you get an extinction you can still gather more pikmin as long as you want which to me took the fun out of the game.
Pikmin 1- Race against time to find your ship parts, will you escape alive?

Pikmin 2- Gather treasure with all the time in the world, mabye we should nap.

It was still fun but i think in a game you have to worry about dieing to have fun otherwise it's like having infinite heatlh.

In Pikmin2 I worried all the damn time, sure, it's not game over if you loose all your Pikmin but bloody hell, the inclusion of so many bosses and having one in pretty much every dungeon scared me a fair bit. To be honest, I want there to be a bit more focus on finding new species and exploring in the 3rd game. In the second it's nice because you find more species and things, like the Cannon Beetle Larva, but it's a bit sad that you never get to see the full grown one outside of the first game. It'd be nice if after a while one of two the Cannon Beatles Larva grow up but they never did.

#9111 Pikmin 3

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 08:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah i only knew of him by smash bros.

Get out. Now.

#9112 A Nintendo MMO

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 08:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

All these suggestions of a Mario MMO, or a Pokemon MMO... Those are all great ideas.
But there's one franchise where the MMO market will really draw in the 'Hardcore' crowd...

A Metroid MMO.

Think about it for a second. You play as either a Bounty Hunter or a Space Pirate. You could change your equipment, getting different types of blasters, armor and a whole assortment of metoid-style things. Either the Space-Pirate homeworld, or the <Insert Place that I forget the name of here> could be a homeworld where everyone gathers, to form parties, trade and have an apartment or whatever, while other planets (Tallon IV, Aether, ect.) could be Dungeons, some randomized, some not. Then you could have Duels, SP vs. BH fights, training...

Would be the best MMO ever.

Maybe. I'm not too sure I'd like it too much, but I'd probably buy it if it meant I could play as a Space Pirate.

#9115 Wii U doubts

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 08:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

Although that sounds like an excuse in the form of a rumor, I hope it's true. If there is a reliable source for this I'd like to see it...

Hell, it was posted on the official blog of these forums, it's not a rumor :P


#9180 Donkey Kong U

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 10:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Does Yoshi's Safari count its super scope was kinda a rocket launcher.

Eh, I guess so.

#9182 Pikmin 3

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 10:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Lol. Pikmin are like...one big entity man. Pikmin is love...pikmin is him.....hehe, groovy. :P

I think he was referring to Olimar as Pikmin there, which is worse than calling Samus "Metroid or Mario (Jumpman) Donkey Kong.

#9194 Pikmin 3

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 10:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Don't forget calling Link Zelda.

Ah, that one is hilarious.

Another terrible, TERRIBLE mistake is thinking "Metroid" (Samus) is male. Not only does it mean you're really stupid, it also means that you're so terrible you've never completed the game, because by the end of all Metroid games you've seen Samus' face at least once.

I know. :P But comments like that do make me wonder if he's even given Pikmin (and poor Captain Olimar) a chance.

Not many games like that are given a chance. If the construction of sequels were based on their sales, then Pikmin 2 probably wouldn't have been created. But Nintendo doesn't care and spoils Miyamoto, but no one cares because this leads to good things. For example, Luigi's Mansion 2 is being made just because Miyamoto wanted to make it. I have no doubt it's the same or Pikmin 3. Of course, if people knew Miyamoto, the man behind Mario and other big Nintendo franchises, was the one who made it they would probably give it a go.

#9232 Will Wii U Change the "Hardcore" Opinion?

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 12:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

Not any game. No. Not Sports Island or Carnival Games. Dear god *Shudders*.

#9233 what do think of the look of the console?

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 12:20 PM in Wii U Hardware

the thing that i am mostly worried about is that it may not fit my tv-shelf without sticking out like 5 centimeters

Are you serious? Really? Your TV shelf must be tiny.

The only problem i'm gonna get fitting it on my shelf and i don't like the idea of putting disc in on the side. The only things that matter to me in a console (Physically) is that it doesn't overheat, fits on my shelf, and has a way to physically open your disc drives in case it gets stuck..... yeah i'm talking to you broken wii and ps2.

Putting a disc on it's side is the best way for discs to be read, why do you think no one has ever invented a vertical DVD player?  

The structure sort of looks like a small Wii/360 hybrid.

Really? Are people serious? How does it look like a 360 is the least? It's a white cuboid with rounded edges...

#9255 wii u to hardcore for me?

Posted by Dementis on 19 June 2011 - 01:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

i know, but a lot of games that are coming out seem to be like that. there were a lot of light hearted games shown a e3 for wii u ,but the wii u , from what i heard, is meant to have a lot of hardcore games . what worries me is that there will be more hardcore games then lighthearted or casual games

I don't think you really know what a hardcore game is. A Hardcore game is a game that attracts the true fans of a franchise. If there is a very large following of a game it is Hardcore. Mario games are what considered is (should) Hardcore.

#9508 Wii U competition sooner then expected?

Posted by Dementis on 20 June 2011 - 06:20 AM in Wii U Hardware

No offense, but only an idiot would trust these rumors. And if they're true, then Microsoft are idiots for doing such a thing. The Kinect has only just released and they're going to milk it as much as possible. If the Wii U doesn't attract enough third parties there isn't much point, so they probably won't release until Wii U has been in the market for at least a year.

#9509 Wii U is not 50 % more powerful?

Posted by Dementis on 20 June 2011 - 06:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

Power isn't always every thing, I mean, the PS2 was one of the weakest consoles that gen, but it was the most successful.

#9510 A Nintendo MMO

Posted by Dementis on 20 June 2011 - 06:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

No, I don't think any of Nintendo's current franchises would work as an MMO, you could have online online Mario game or whatever, but not an MMO, I think Monster Hunter has potential to make an MMO, but other than that I think if Nintendo wanted to make an MMO they should make a new franchise.

I'm not too sure, I mean, the Pokemon series concept it based around being social with others, battling and trading. I think that could work pretty well as an MMO, or maybe not even that, just people on your friends list appearing in the game world and helping each other to advance or trying to beat each other to complete a task. It would be nice if it had a way to update the game for after game quests and extra story.

#9512 wii u to hardcore for me?

Posted by Dementis on 20 June 2011 - 06:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think a true hardcore game attracts not only fans of a franchise, but fans of a genre. Mario is "hardcore" because it is a top-tier platformer.

Hah, Mario is a top-tier platformer because it's one of the few that are actually good. To be honest, I've never heard of a bad platformer, but I've never really heard of that many platform games. It's easy to dominate a genre that has few games that could stand up against you.

#9576 Wii U is not 50 % more powerful?

Posted by Dementis on 20 June 2011 - 10:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

Don't forget it will take a lot of processing power to compress the streamed signal to the second screen, so not all of it will go on the games. Having said that we know this machine will probably have 2 gig of ram and runs directx 10.1 so graphics will be somewhat better if not amazingly so.

It's amazing that it's actually possible without lag, but I have to say of the 10% we've seen, it's probably part of that.

#9577 Wii U Microphone

Posted by Dementis on 20 June 2011 - 10:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

That's actually an HDMI port, not USB. Makes me wonder what exactly Nintendo have up their sleeves with this thing.

HDMI? You mean, as in High-Definition Multimedia Interface? What? I don't know what you're implying, that's it's not wireless? It's not a HDMI port. It's most likely for something like a nunchuck.


On closer inspection I think it is... but what would it be used for?

#9606 What will the next gen Nintendo console have?

Posted by Dementis on 20 June 2011 - 11:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

This topic is vague and mostly answered, shouldn't it be unstickied?

#9707 Will Wii U Change the "Hardcore" Opinion?

Posted by Dementis on 20 June 2011 - 10:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

Very well put.  When talking about hardcore in the context of video games, a Websters definition wont cut it.  Nobody spends a 7 hour gaming marathon playing wii sports.

That doesn't mean you can't play Wii Sports, hardcore. I can't find the videos, but there are some pretty hardcore video I've seen on YouTube.

I did 6 years ago.
Kinda got sick the next day, though :D
However, that was a good 50% of the total time I put into the game...

The biggest problem, I find, with the 'Hardcore' name is that it's subjective. Many 'Hardcore' gamers don't think Harvest Moon is a 'Hardcore' game, even though I logged at least 50 hours into A Wonderful Life.

When did logging lots of hours into a game make it Hardcore?

#9724 what do think of the look of the console?

Posted by Dementis on 20 June 2011 - 10:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

I talking about laying the Wii U on it's side and have it facing the wall of my shelf then inserting the disc.

Facing the wall of your shelf? What? Why?

#10004 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by Dementis on 21 June 2011 - 10:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

Absolute crap. If a website puts up a preorder price they're just putting it up to a price high to make profit from idiot who'd go into the store and pay right there and then but keep it low enough to not seem impossible. No one knows the price, I doubt even Nintendo does yet. It's got a year to go yet.

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