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#15848 Known facts

Posted by Dementis on 17 July 2011 - 10:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

Should you add the screen is not multi-touch?

I did, I said single touch.

#15664 Miitropolis

Posted by Dementis on 17 July 2011 - 06:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

What? I've seen one hat has 292 pages, this one has only 2.

On this forum? Really?

And that's not how it works. At the bottom of each post is a counter with a green plus button.

#15620 Miitropolis

Posted by Dementis on 17 July 2011 - 12:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think I like this idea. One thing I would like to add os that if they implement a point system similar to a gamerscore, they could make it to where the higher your score is the more furniture you can get. They could also make larger houses unlockable like this.

Sorry, but I hate that idea. Replace gamerscore (Eurgh - even the name makes me feel sick) with coins though and not unlockable but buy-able and you've got yourself a deal.

Why is there a star on your post? It's not THAT popular. (Though it should be)

It is that popular. It's the most popular post on these forums I believe, so it gets it automatically.

#15618 Touchscreen isn't Multi-touch!

Posted by Dementis on 17 July 2011 - 12:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

I brought this up cuz lately on other websites, they say the controller not being multi touched might be a crumbling stone to the build up of the console itself. And I brought up the sony thing cuz I find it down right rediculous that they copy almost exact to nintendo. wiimote and move or almost the same, just different button placements. To the guy who said Sony was working on move before nintendo did, can I see your sources?


#15617 Known facts

Posted by Dementis on 17 July 2011 - 12:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

I thought it was confirmed the optical discs would be 25GB.

I recall reading that, now you mention it, but I don't know what the source was. If you can find it for me I'd gladly appreciate it.

#15407 Zelda, the Wii U and online functionality

Posted by Dementis on 16 July 2011 - 01:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Four swords style? Co-operate with your friends, or kill each other and throw each other into traps.

You do know Link is the guy and Zelda is the girl, right? lol.

Eh, what? That's what he said.

#15405 Touchscreen isn't Multi-touch!

Posted by Dementis on 16 July 2011 - 01:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

Apples has a limited patent on Pinch to Zoom though, Feld0, as reported here. And if you want to go that far, they have a patent on multi-touch as well.

#15404 Known facts

Posted by Dementis on 16 July 2011 - 12:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

I thought specs were still subject to change, or have Nintendo finalised everything?

Nope, they're still subject to change, but these are the only facts that have been confirmed to be true of yet.

Also, can this be pinned? I don't want it to die ):

#14663 Known facts

Posted by Dementis on 15 July 2011 - 07:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

Okay, but is there any difference in the quality of the picture? Is one better than the other?

I believe that 1080p is clearer and the frames load onto the screen quicker (Though for TV broadcasts it's not used due to bandwidth issues). They both have the same resolution though.

#14658 Known facts

Posted by Dementis on 15 July 2011 - 06:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

Because it's really annoying to see threads discussing really old things and finding that half the people here really didn't know of such information, I'm compiling a list of known facts. If there is something missing then feel free to post and tell me.

    Launches: 2012

    Size: Approximately 1.8 inches tall, 6.8 inches wide and 10.5 inches long.

    New Controller: Approximately 5.3 inches high, 0.9 inches wide (not including buttons and slide pads) and 9.0 inches long. The new controller incorporates a  single touch 6.2-inch, 16:9 touch screen and traditional button controls, including two analog Circle Pads. The controller is rechargeable and includes a Power button, Home button, +Control Pad, A/B/X/Y buttons, L/R buttons and ZL/ZR buttons. It includes a built-in accelerometer and gyroscope, rumble feature, camera, a microphone, stereo speakers, a sensor strip, flash memory, magnetic sensor and a stylus.

    Other Controls: Up to four Wii Remote (or Wii Remote Plus) controllers can be connected at once. The new console supports all Wii controllers and input devices, including the Nunchuk controller, Classic Controller, Classic Controller Pro and Wii Balance Board.

    Media: A single self-loading media bay will play 12-centimeter proprietary high-density optical discs for the new console, as well as 12-centimeter Wii optical discs.

    Video Output: Supports 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i. Compatible cables include HDMI, component, S-video and composite.

    Audio Output: Uses AV Multi Out connector. Six-channel PCM linear output through HDMI.

    Storage: The console will have internal flash memory, as well as the option to expand its memory using either an SD memory card or an external USB hard disk drive.

    CPU: IBM Power®-based multi-core microprocessor.

    GPU: AMD Radeon™-based High Definition GPU.

    Other: Four USB 2.0 connector slots are included. The new console is backward compatible with Wii games and Wii accessories.

(Source: Nintendo E3 Network)

#14655 Touchscreen isn't Multi-touch!

Posted by Dementis on 15 July 2011 - 06:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm sure there was a thread about this but I can't find it and I go to a few forums so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. It's a bit strange that it's brought up now though since this was one of the first rumors and one of the few that was announced to be true at E3. It won't really affect it too much I don't think, there really is not real reason for it anyway, as I'm fairly sure apple patented pinch to zoom.

#14465 Will the Wii U controller run on Batteries or Charger?

Posted by Dementis on 14 July 2011 - 11:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

While the GBA is part of the gameboy line and Heritage in Name, it is it's own separate entity. The same applies with the DS-3DS

Erm... that's the point I was trying to make?

#14464 Why I'm not even slightly excited about the Wii U.

Posted by Dementis on 14 July 2011 - 11:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

People this is not FunnyJunk, please stop it with the images xD

Why'd you put it in spoilers?

And yeah, I know, FunnyJunk is terrible, but there is nothing wrong facepalms, right?

#14463 Miitropolis

Posted by Dementis on 14 July 2011 - 11:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'll get around to replying to more of people's replies soon - I'm not always good about that, haha - but I wanted to clarify here.

I definitely wasn't clear enough here (I was maybe half-awake when I typed the whole thing up, which makes people getting through it all teh more impressive.), but I do intend for people to be able to control their own Mii themselves, a la Animal Crossing, MetropolisMania, Shenmue, We Ski, Go Vacation, and so forth while roaming around their world. Everyone else would just be AI-controlled Miis, unless a friend or friends were visiting, in which case they'd take control of their own Mii from their home or apartment's location in your city and they'd set out from there. People could have fun designing and looking around their cities from ideally as far down as street level views, and enjoy exploring each others' city designs and layouts when visiting online, a la Animal Crossing. There would ideally be some different views to switch to when placing buildings, arranging apartment locations within a building, placing furniture, decorations, statues, and more, for ease of overall use. But otherwise, you'd be running around as your own personal Mii.

Ah, thanks. And thank you for posting such a fleshed out idea as well, it's really annoying when people just post a generic idea that could be literally anything. I'm not too sure I'd like building placing and the like, but of course it's your idea.

#14460 Why I'm not even slightly excited about the Wii U.

Posted by Dementis on 14 July 2011 - 11:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

Posted Image

Clearly you missed the whole part where I was joking, right?

Not at all - it's simply a terrible joke that made little sense and you should be hanged immediately.


Sarcasm cannot be detected through the internet and it appeared as if you were unable to read. If you are unable to see that such a post would evoke such a reply by an individual such as myself then you need to try harder.

#14380 Will the Wii U controller run on Batteries or Charger?

Posted by Dementis on 14 July 2011 - 07:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

How rude. Also, the 3DS is NOT A DS! RAAAAAAGGGEEEEEE!

That's like saying that the Gameboy Advance isn't a Gameboy. And I don't try to be rude, but people are just so stupid its impossible not to be. You don't even have to be told that it is rechargeable, it's just commonsense that it won't be anything but rechargeable.

#14378 Why I'm not even slightly excited about the Wii U.

Posted by Dementis on 14 July 2011 - 07:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

Maybe he had an air Wii U controller, I mean I know a lot of people who have air guitars myself included. Maybe Nintendo are trying to tap into that market too by releasing such a device.

Yes, because it would be especially big, clunky and heavy if were made of air.

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#14377 Miitropolis

Posted by Dementis on 14 July 2011 - 07:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

I read the entire thing, though I'm not too sure I agree with it all. I read most last night so I can't remember it all, but I believe you never mention controlling your character yourself? The lack of such a feature would be a massive downside to me and I'd end up skipping it all. To me the world should be a built in world to optionally replace the menu screen. The sports of Wii Sports would be built in and it would take place in Wuhu Island. There would be an arcade where you could play your VC games and buy and donate arcade machines. In your house there would be a little Wii U which you have to interactive with to play Wii U games (If you want to go straight there, fear not, for you wake up in your bedroom quite close to it after logging on) and you can decorate it ala Animal Crossing. My vision would be close to Animal Crossing, albeit with actual people (Or rather Miis) instead of animals, but the Miis will be based on people on your friends list, from online or ones built into the system. If your friend is online they will have total control of their Miis and where they go in there game, they will go on yours. Occasionally a Mii parade will come to the town (Like the ones of the Mii Contest channel) and you can invite them to live in your town (However - these may be declined). Advertising posters may pop up on some walls, like ones at the arcade that display the newest games coming to the Wii U. You can fulling explore Wuhu island this time, by foot, plane (Or some of the other aircraft from Pilot Wings) bicycle, jet ski and more with no set path or time limit. Things like the outside basketball court, tennis court, hotel swimming pool and fencing arena will be closed, but things will be opened up like ice scatting on the lake near the castle and snow ball fights.

#14113 None of the big first parties at launch?

Posted by Dementis on 12 July 2011 - 10:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think the main reason people were so upset about the launch of the 3DS wasn't just the lack of the big 1st party titles but rather that there were very few quality 3rd party titles either.

And the only 1st party titles weren't of very good quality either. It was just a Nintendogs with better graphics and a Pilot Wings that was a port of the flying mode in Wii Sports Resort (Albeit better - but whatever).

But no, I won't be upset really, if Pikmin is released I'll pick that up and there should be some good third party games too.

#13848 Upscaling!

Posted by Dementis on 11 July 2011 - 10:51 PM in Wii U Hardware

Guys! It is being upscaled! It just won't be HD!

#13847 The Legend of Paper Zelda Thread

Posted by Dementis on 11 July 2011 - 10:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't really see this happening, and I'll be kind of annoyed if Nintendo has people developing this instead of a Zelda game like that E3 demo.

It wouldn't matter, it'd be out sourced.

#13846 Why I'm not even slightly excited about the Wii U.

Posted by Dementis on 11 July 2011 - 10:46 PM in Wii U Hardware

It's partly because I just don't care about better graphics. Like, at all. The Wii looks fine as far as I'm concerned. 90% of the games I play on it are made by Nintendo, and thus use highly stylized graphics. These games look perfect as they are; I honestly don't think that any amount of additional processing power could make them look better. If you've played Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, or Metroid Prime 3, you probably know what I'm talking about.

If it looks just as bad as the Wii the console would be dead within the first year of release.

Maybe I'm upset that Nintendo is taking the focus off of motion controls. I may be the only one, but I think motion controls are awesome. Yes, the original Wii remote was imprecise, and thus sort of stupid, as it wasn't really able to track your movements accurately enough for most types of gameplay. But if you've played Wii Sports Resort, you already know how much better it is with Wii Motion Plus. Sword fighting was awesome. As was skydiving. As was Table Tennis. The Wii Remote tracks ALL of my movements when I play. I want to see that incorporated into more, future games. Heck, I want to see it incorporated into EVERY game. But now, that will never happen. Wii Motion Plus never caught on, and with Nintendo moving to a new console with it's own controller, it never will.

Developers are allowed to use the Wiimote if they want to, it's a matter of choice. If they want, they can use the Classic Controller. And second remotes may not be sold or widely affordable, so wiimotes will be needed in local multiplayer.

Another thing I don't like about the Wii U: this stupid controller. It's big. It's clunky. It's heavy. It uses two circle pads instead of joysticks (the circle pad on the 3DS is amazingly easy to use and precise. That is, when compared the the PSP's stupid nub. When compared to a true joystick it sucks). Oh, and it has this screen on it. Nice, but why is this so good as to be the focus of the entire console? After all, I already have my TV. Why is it worth sacrificing comfort for a heavy, clunky, overly large thing? If Nintendo abandons the Wii Remote, a controller that fits my hand perfectly and feels more natural than any other input device I've ever used, I will be VERY upset. And clearly, that is what Nintendo plans to do.

Nintendo have some of the most ergonomically controllers I've ever held. You know when someone hasn't used it when they say it's clunky and heavy and awkward to use, because pretty much everyone who's held one has claimed it feels comfortable and natural and light. The slid pads are needed for economical reasons. I am absolutely surprised that most people can look at the image and still have it rooted in their head that joysticks would be better. It would be impossible for that to be uncomfortable because your thumbs would be forced into a position that is pretty much impossible for them to be in for more than a few seconds without being in pain.

A lot of people point to the DS, and how useful two screens are on that console. It's not that the two screens are helpful in and of themselves, but it's a great way to maximize on the space available to a portable console. The DS has two screens that fold against each-other, meaning that you can have twice as much screen space per amount of pocket space used.

On a home console, I've got my TV. I don't need another screen.

Actually, I think it is that two screens are helpful. You're saying they were useful because you could... fold them and put them in your pocket? How does that in any way make it a good idea for two screens? Could you imagine that?

-Iwata asks-

Iwata: Tell me, how did you come to the conclusion that you should use two screens on the DS?

[Other Guy]: Well, most people believe that it was created to help make things easier, like sorting your inventory without pausing - this isn't true though - it was actually designed so when closed it would easily slip into your pocket, and we decided to put a screen on the top flap.

Iwata: (Laughs)

No. It's based on the idea that it helps make a game more helpful and allows new kinds of games.

The only reason Nintendo is putting out a new console this early is because of how much steam the Wii has lost. I think the Wii was just never given a chance. No, not the original Wii, with an insensitive controller that was always making mistakes. The new Wii, so to speak, which is able to track every subtile movement of my hand perfectly, and truly immerse me in the game world.

The Wii U is late. Usually Nintendo release a new console every five years. It'll be released about 7 years since the Wii.

I think the main problem with the Wii is that it was ahead of it's time, a console with a strong vision that did not, at the time of it's release, have the technology to support it.

Now the technology is here. But almost no one has made use of it. Because of the Wii U, no one ever will.

As I said earlier, devs can still use it. Sony has nicked it with the Playstation Move and they're not just gonna give up on it, and the same with Microsoft and the Kinect, motion control is so very alive.

I was hoping to start an interesting discussion... I WANT to like the Wii U, because I'm a huge Nintendo fan. I just... don't get it... as most people seem to.

You won't get an interesting discussion, because most of your opinions have been proven wrong and people disagree with you.

#13650 Will the Wii U controller run on Batteries or Charger?

Posted by Dementis on 10 July 2011 - 10:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

Posted Image

The picture above me, looks like it shows one of those battery covers. I think it's going to support battery's. Which I would rather charge it instead though.

Yeah, except every single model of the DS has that from the original to the 3DS. I just wish that people would do their research first because that is obviously screwed in and the answer should be common knowledge for the simple reason that it would be rediculous not to use rechargeable batteries. A quick Google search also shows that you asked on another forums, so I don't understand why you asked here as well.

#13441 Minecraft for Wii U

Posted by Dementis on 10 July 2011 - 04:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Obvious choice and I've thought of this months before the Wii U was even revealed. It's an obvious choice. No map on the bottom screen though. We've got an item in game for that.

#13277 The Controller

Posted by Dementis on 09 July 2011 - 12:24 AM in Wii U Hardware

Another Idea, this time about a shooter:

You could play the game normal, like using a 360 pad, but when you lift up the controller it shows down the sight of the gun.
Also, imagine what I have posted above, but with a sniper. The further towards the TV the controller is, the more zoomed in you are through the scope (unrealistic yes, but still cool).

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Posted Image

Hehe, I was thinking right the opposite......I don't think anyone is going to use that. Well, unless they don't want to buy an actual webcam for their computer. :)

I think it's quite a good idea, the video suggested it'll be a good quality camera, while most cheap webcam are terrible and most people just don't buy them. I've seen videos of Skype TV and it looks good, but if you can carry this around your house (depending on house size obviously - bigger houses will have difficulty connecting to the system) like a wireless phone, then that's brilliant. My mum doesn't get to talk to her brother much because he's in the Royal Air Force, but if he could get a Wii U then they'd be able to stay in touch more.

Does anyone else find it rather intiresting how some people may abuse...I mean use the video chat feature?

Erm, you know if you make a mistake you can use the backspace? I'm confused; are you talking about abusing or using?

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