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There have been 26 items by Death Inspired (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#118081 Your most hated Anime characters

Posted by Death Inspired on 16 October 2012 - 09:32 AM in The Café

I'd have to find my anime list to remember most of them but hands down Black Beard's Crew from One Piece....on that note Akainu, The other yellow one, Hody Jones.
Then I'd say I hate someone from Pandora Hearts but then....I need more info to hate now <.<'
Sora and...Simca from Air Gear
Ritsuka's older brother from Loveless...Se-something....
Gluttony and Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist......
Sasuke, Sakura, Zetsu, Orochimaru and Kabuto from Naruto....as far as what I've seen of that show....
and the rest need to be refreshed from my list or something...some I forgot because of how much I hated them

#117668 Three Word Story

Posted by Death Inspired on 14 October 2012 - 04:32 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

that she would

#115713 Three Word Story

Posted by Death Inspired on 07 October 2012 - 12:47 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

contemplating the decision

#114621 Three Word Story

Posted by Death Inspired on 03 October 2012 - 07:45 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

stroll down the

#111973 Three Word Story

Posted by Death Inspired on 23 September 2012 - 01:05 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

but just then

#109973 NSMBU Boost Rush.

Posted by Death Inspired on 19 September 2012 - 07:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hope it scrolls faster on later levels like so fast that you cannot stop and think about what your gonna do next

But wouldn't that get us killed lots of time?! DX I love it B)

#109449 The Best POKeMON Gen and best POKeMON

Posted by Death Inspired on 18 September 2012 - 04:39 AM in General Gaming

*Came here to vote~* ^-^.....*looks at the list*.....O.O.....*realizes that I just can't choose* D':
I think......I'll have to say......carpoles v.v........okay not 4....the plasma outfits annoyed me and it was a run-around......3.....nnnnnn..........no.....
So then 3 left.....1, 2 and 5........*plays elevator music to ease tension*.......
Uhm.....I have special memories with the first 2.....but I think I had more fun with 5 (game wise)

So 5 it is! Favourite pokemon.....another doozy but I must go with Typhlosion! Awesome memories with those :'D

#109060 What TV are you gaming on?

Posted by Death Inspired on 17 September 2012 - 10:46 AM in The Café

Mine's so old I don't even know when it's from. <.<' The brand is Toshiba and it's....I THINK 19" <.<' well....it works just fine B)
I'll update next year or never till I own my own place~ Keyword: OWN

#109052 not very much memory

Posted by Death Inspired on 17 September 2012 - 10:36 AM in Wii U Hardware


how would any nintendo fan not know these facts i just for the love of god dont get these people nintendo has been FLASH since N64 is that fact not clear for all to see they were never going to harrdrive a console NEVER EVER so why even ask its dumb !!!!!!!!!!!!

people need to see windows with flash drive boot and optermization and ps3 witha solid drive vs harddrive it aint rocket science flash loads /streams WAY WAY FASTER THAN A HARDDRIVE and uses way less power and and makes way less heat and takes up way less area

simple thing is new tech is smaller than old tech flash is NEXT GEN harddrive is old gen yet people claiming to be HARDCORE WITCH MEANS CUTTING EDGUE AND IN THE KNOW CLAIM A HARDDRIVE IS HARDCORE AND FLASH IS FOR GRANMOTHER

i dont get this one little bit the cutting edge of storage = FLASH


il have a wiiu delux and il ad a flash card and flash drive presto all the storage il ever need and easy to remove and carry and even hide if i had someing dodgy on it lol or secret

big azzed heavy noicey hot break down drive NO THANKS good job u guys dont design consoles i wouldnt buy it

Awesome, I've learnt alot without re-reading (the entire thing). However, I'd advice brushing up on grammar, in your case mainly spelling and punctuation.
It will really would help get you points across better (easier). ^-^


Posted by Death Inspired on 16 September 2012 - 09:33 AM in General Gaming

That....was...AWESOME! But I don't think it's the best in the history of gaming, just a really good one.

#107588 Basic Bundle Worth It?/Anyone getting it?

Posted by Death Inspired on 14 September 2012 - 02:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

(Although with all this "premium is going to be limited" talk I may as well end up with basic like it or not. :P)

Lol I get ya, good thing where I'm from most people won't hound the stores for the system ^-^ (close-minded people <.<' I benefit from that though, sometimes)

#107574 Basic Bundle Worth It?/Anyone getting it?

Posted by Death Inspired on 14 September 2012 - 01:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

Umwat. You give legit reasons then say they will get basic cause they suck?

Lol sorry bout that, read some statement from some girl and I think that got in the way there. Basically I meant "Those who complain and buy the basic for all the complaints in the world reasons suck." Let me shorten the sentence to the key (of my opinion): People who complain about all sorts of nonsense for abnormal reasons suck.

Is that understandable? Don't know how else to put it but I wasn't calling "Basic Buyers" suckers.

#107563 Basic Bundle Worth It?/Anyone getting it?

Posted by Death Inspired on 14 September 2012 - 01:41 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well, I personally think the basic won't make too bad of a fight. Afterall, many complain about not wanting to pay all that $350, sure they get a nice bonus for just $50 but they complain. They don't want to pay more, they don't want the stands, they could care less about NL cause it's stupid and their complaints go on. They will buy the Basic, cause they suck.

Another group that will take the basic are 'not-in-the-know' parents. They'll see a cheaper one, say it's the same thing and buy it. Child also 'not-in-the-know' will have oodles of fun with that. Child that IS 'in-the-know' will complain about "That's not the one I wanted! I wanted the black one! Now I'll have to buy a hard-drive/USB to get more memory space. And then I'll have to buy the stands cause I wanted them....."

And then you also would have those who want the black one but they are REALLY tight on money and aren't even gonna download and they want it at launch etc. They'll also settle for the Basic, huge minority maybe but those do exist.

So, that's why I think the basic will do just fine, not awesomely, but fine.

#107451 The Wii U has no chance -_-

Posted by Death Inspired on 14 September 2012 - 11:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

They are more protective now. They like to keep secrets for a variety of reasons. One is to not allow competitors to be privy to their R&D choices, therefore making it easier for competition to simply "one up." they also corporately feel that talking specs is counterproductive to talking games. I don't agree, but it has been that way ever since Iwata took over. He is a really cool guy though. Everyone likes him. and he knows his stuff. As a former developer himself, he appreciates horsepower as much as anyone. Nintendo basically HAD to do the Wii like it did. With the Wii U, they could do whatever they wanted. They chose a very powerful, very next gen, but not necessarily "nuclear" specification for the U. Probably pushing the envelope of what they feel is "wise." Rather than argue specs, Nintendo will argue games and let the actual products speak for themselves. Likely, the next systems from other companies will be hard pressed to distinguish themselves in the games arena.

In the GCN era, Nintendo worked with an unknown company called ArtX that was developing amazing graphics tech. The eventual GPU that resulted had less transistors than the Xbox GPU, but the GPUs both performed very similarly in the end result, sometimes the GCN graphics were even clearly superior. but all people could talk about was transistor count. People didn't understand specs. they only understood big number vs. little number. that's why Intel, IBM etc. don't market by ghx ratings anymore. People by and large didn't "get" why a Core CPU was "slower" than a P4. What they didn't realize was that the Core was doing so much more than the P4 per cycle that it blew it out of the water, but once you start having to explain things, you lose marketing momentum. That's what Nintendo knows and that's why they shy from it. ArtX ended up impressing everyone with their GCN work. So much so that ATI (now AMD) flat out bought them. and the 1TSRAM bit was genius. It allowed the GCN to compete with and sometimes beat the XBOX while costing FAR less and using less transistors to do so.

Take a V12 engine and it will be fast. Take a V8 engine, twin turbo charge it, and it will be faster while also being cheaper and getting better gas mileage.

The Wii U hardware is impressive. The P7 architecture, the EDRAM, the highly programmable GPU, the RAM in tandem with the amount of data on a Blu-Ray tech drive, etc... It is a machine built to simply handle business.

Sony and MS HAVE to have more cores with their X86 CPUs to keep up. They will also need more RAM to work with a less efficient architecture. If they don't, they will have to seriously custom fab their tech so much that the cost will skyrocket. And this is just to keep up. Both companies know they will have to outpower the Wii U to be relevent since Nintendo is signing developers left and right and then have their own world class games to compete with.

Their hype will be things like number of cores, ghz ratings, ram amount, things like that. Nintendo by the numbers will look like less than (just like the Gamecube did), but the actual games - not so much. That is why they don't play that game. they can simply point at their games and say "where is the difference?" or "are you really going to pay $200 more for such a small discrepancy?"

If you are a Nintendo fan, it is a good time to be one. Things don't always work out like this for a games console maker.

I'm frankly speaking a total noob at specs, but I really think what you said there sunk into my little head AND actually processed through. The rest of the thread was as Tricky said, "...headache inducing"

#105899 Sept 13 Conference Video.

Posted by Death Inspired on 10 September 2012 - 06:26 PM in The Café

Oops, I meant Holland. But thanks anyway, even though we don't know if it will be streamed.. which it most likely will tho.

In that case it's 4pm for you. Just in case there will be a stream, we should all hope ^-^ *fingers crossed*

#105719 Sept 13 Conference Video.

Posted by Death Inspired on 10 September 2012 - 11:04 AM in The Café

What time is that in Europe? Screw time zones, this carp is complicated.

Which part of Europe? Without that info we can't give you an accurate answer, that is, if you haven't checked it out yourself. But judging from what the guy before said, 3pm at earliest.

#105038 Amazing final cover of Nintendo Gamer

Posted by Death Inspired on 07 September 2012 - 04:27 PM in General Gaming

Wait....Am I crazy or does Link have boobs in that picture? o.O And is that frills underneath? Someone please, tell me I'm seeing wrong here! *starts to panic*

#104743 Wii U Forums 3DS Contests 2012

Posted by Death Inspired on 06 September 2012 - 06:51 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I'd join this tourney but I don't have a 3DS (yet). I'll definitely join next year and kick butt! In the steps division that is XD

#103833 Last Chance Predictions About the Wii U Before September 13th

Posted by Death Inspired on 02 September 2012 - 04:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

ok im going to put pressure n nintendo now.... they HAVE to make a statement with this event on the 13th. i was expecting E3 to be mind blowing... it failed at that. im not expecting much... but give us something game wise to get excited for. this console doesnt have enough hype not even close. if they dont knock the socks off of gamers, journalist, and skeptics on the 13th this console will not hve a successful launch

What do you mean it doesn't have enough hype? I say, people who look for this kinda info are pretty hype if not mildly hyped. If they only saw it at E3 and didn't look up anything else, they OBVIOUSLY wouldn't be as hyped as someone who did and continues to do so. Where I am is on an island and only recently have people starting getting ANY news of its existence but that's what happens with a culture like mines. They know NOTHING till months later unless they LOOKED for it.

Anyways which country/region are you from and why do you say there's not enough hype? Cause you're saying you don't want much just game news, and the Wii U Blog has been keeping with that lately, have you checked there recently?

Aside from all that, don't worry too much, if they have to push advertisement, they will.

#103205 Im not sure about buying the wii u

Posted by Death Inspired on 30 August 2012 - 08:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

Fine just stop making me feel nooby.

I don't live in America I live in Israel where it's way more expensive then both.

If you ask me (well you didn't), I suggest that if possible wait it out till you travel again to buy it? See what people say, know someone who has one and try it out, get the good FEEL and then buy it? Well that's all possible IF you can wait. (some people just NEED to have it at launch, so if you fall in that category,....well, you know)

#102961 how much money do you have saved up for the wii u

Posted by Death Inspired on 29 August 2012 - 08:11 AM in Wii U Hardware

I have more than enough money to buy it (a month of summer job ftw and then 'student allowance' for a boost ^-^) but....I should actually be saving my money v.v
I have at LEAST $200 going towards it...I'm splitting the price with my bro (who has nothing for it atm :(  ) so hopefully the system and a game or two by christmas~

Yes, far while away but it's an excuse to give parents whose reaction would be <games, games, games, better save your money....*long list of better things to spend money on*...>... "We bought ourselves a present for all our hardwork at school this semester" ( or so will be told lol)

#102485 What Wii U games and accesories are you ACTUALLY going to buy?

Posted by Death Inspired on 27 August 2012 - 06:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yo will attain- lol attain.

Well I'll get: a black Wii U (I was in between the white and black but decided I wanted black since it looks slightly nicer to me (and I already had 2 white consoles in the house, one not being mines) :) )
                   hopefully NSMBU
                   Nintendoland (packed in or not, if not wait a while for that)
                   Rayman Legends
                   2-3 pro controllers....depending on price they'll be slowly gathered... (been forever since I played with 4 players *forever alone face* let alone 5 O.o
                   headset (wasn't planned but it now seems logical to have one after it was mentioned so many times and...well....it can be moved from room to room so        
why not?)

After more money is gathered: ZombiU
                                                 Black Ops 2
                                                 Mass Effect 3
                                                 Pikmin 3 (never played it but why not give it a shot?)
                                                 Zelda and Mario whenever those come out
                                                 And many more that'll eventually peak my interest if any do...(come on, what reason is there for my interest not to be peaked? :P )

#99765 Will You Get Wii U at Launch?

Posted by Death Inspired on 14 August 2012 - 03:44 PM in Wii U Hardware

Heck yes! I'll probably camp out my GameStop about five hours in advance, by that I mean take a chair, some books and some snacks. Maybe a little earlier, but I'm not planning that day three months in advance. Probably I'll plan it a week in advance, I'm thinking about bringing a CD player and a Europe cd with The Final Countdown on it and play the song five minutes til 11:59AM.

That an awesome plan. If that were only the very definition of camp out for a launch I'd do it. But frankly I don't think any stores where I live will be open on Sunday.... (which the launch is believed to be on a Sunday)

Frankly....I somehow doubt it'd even be launched the Monday here....these stores with no AMBITION!! v.v

#98933 Super Smash Bros. 4 Name Competition [Round 2 Part 2/2]

Posted by Death Inspired on 11 August 2012 - 10:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Lol this is fun, I think they may go with Super Smash Bros. U as that's been a little trend with some of the games that're coming for the system.
But my picks to win are Super Smash Bros. Riot and Super Smash Bros. Fracas~ They roll nicely off the tongue in my opinion.

#98919 Will You Get Wii U at Launch?

Posted by Death Inspired on 11 August 2012 - 08:13 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm gonna attempt to get it at Christmas, already half my half for the price saved.....I'm only gonna get NSMB U at first....

I've been hearing around a few places (can't remember where though) that Nintendo Land will come packaged in. Something about it being like the Wii Sports to get players adjusted to the controls. So I'll have 'two' games at that point and looking out for Rayman Legends.

If I manage to get some extra cash I'll upgrade my tv to an HD tv.......my current tv is.......so old *shudders* lol it's practically used only for gaming....there's another tv for watching......kind of a waste really...<.<'

Main point, no I am not getting a Wii U at launch...unless it launches in December O.o which I for one doubt.....

I'm getting too much adrenaline now.....need....to get off...... this blog =_O

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