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#214556 Wii U gamepad on Wii Games

Posted by coolsarahkry on 02 June 2013 - 04:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

I wouldn't want that...because it would be odd pointing a wii remote at the gamepad. Unless you meant changing the controls for the gamepad?

#229369 wii u game pad

Posted by coolsarahkry on 06 July 2013 - 01:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

No, wii games cannot use the gamepad. 

You can use another wii remote to play 2 player.

#107934 Wii U delux sells out at Bestbuy online store

Posted by coolsarahkry on 15 September 2012 - 07:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

I can feel it. This system is going to get a lot of support. Nintendo's done it.

64 days to go.

#108826 Wii U delux sells out at Bestbuy online store

Posted by coolsarahkry on 16 September 2012 - 05:46 PM in Wii U Hardware

EVERYONE if you haven't yet preordered it is obviously vital that you do it now if you want it at launch! GOOO!!!

On a side note, I'm very happy the wii u has had such a great success.

#112923 Wii U 2013 E3 Predictions

Posted by coolsarahkry on 26 September 2012 - 11:42 AM in General Gaming

Wii u 3d mario news
Zelda news

And something new.

#231836 Why is NintendoLand panned as bad?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 15 July 2013 - 01:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I like it, it's fun alone but better with friends :) I love the metroid game!

#241921 Who buys a Nintendo console for third party multiplats, anyways?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 27 August 2013 - 06:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

I pretty much only play nintendo games... on all my consoles.

#122266 Which game are you playing right now ?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 28 October 2012 - 03:20 PM in General Gaming

Pokemon Firered

#228238 Which game are you playing right now ?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 02 July 2013 - 09:00 AM in General Gaming

I am playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Over 70 hours already, and I'm still playing strong! There's so much to do!


I am also working on DKKR 3d. 

And New Super Luigi U

#109642 Whats the age range

Posted by coolsarahkry on 18 September 2012 - 01:54 PM in The Café

No kids go to midnight launches. If you do end up going you'll likely see a lot of people around 18 to 25, maybe even older. Kids have to go to school in the morning, you see. :P

I'm 16 by the way.

14 :) And if there were a midnight launch it would be sat morning-sunday night so we wouldn't have to go to school. I might go to the midnight launch, but probably not unless I can get some friends to come with me.

#112978 Whats the age range

Posted by coolsarahkry on 26 September 2012 - 03:12 PM in The Café

Not to mention, the week Wii U launches is usually the week of Thanksgiving break in most schools. I get to play the Wii U all week, lucky me :3. Going to the midnight launch too.

Lucky you! :) Do you know if those who preordered need to worry about getting there early? Also, I think I have school on Monday, Tuesday, and maybe Wednesday that week, but I definitely have Thursday and Friday off.

#112982 Whats the age range

Posted by coolsarahkry on 26 September 2012 - 03:19 PM in The Café

If you've pre ordered the console, than you shouldn't worry about getting there early. Unless you want to be the first and/or get home faster. I'm leaving at 5:00PM for my GameStop just because I want to get home faster ( plus it's nice being there early in my opinion). If you haven't pre ordered, than yes you should worry.

Yeah, then I probably won't be going to a midnight launch. Sorry for all the questions, but how did you know your gamestop is having a midnight launch? I heard they weren't going to. Or did you just call and ask? Thanks `^^

#204010 What's your favorite pokemon?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 04 May 2013 - 05:59 PM in General Gaming

I thought the point was to vote for the gen that contained your favorite pokemon?


Well, I was BORN the year when gen 1 came out, so no way do I hold it above the others. Golduck. Golduck is my favorite. go, japanese monsters.

#115340 What was your First Game?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 06 October 2012 - 09:02 AM in General Gaming

I think it might have maybe been 007 on the 64

#111797 What type of Gamer do you consider yourself to be?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 23 September 2012 - 04:06 AM in General Gaming

I picked Hardcore, but not because I like those types of games in the Hardcore choice that you put up there. I chose it because almost all of my free time goes to gaming.

Since when have genres gotten into the mix of whether a gamer is Casual, Core or Hardcore. If you spend most of your time playing video games then you are hardcore, it doesn't matter whether there is blood in a game or if you placing down blocks on a screen. Why do companies do this now and people do this now? If any genre is supposed to be "Hardcore" I'd say it is RPGs, not shooting games with blood and gore. I say that because it takes plenty of time and dedication just to beat an RPG rather than running through an FPS in three hours. I just don't get it. It bugs me.

Yes. This is why I chose hardcore. I can spend days play pokemon, paper mario, pikmin...it's not about what game you play, but how long you play it.

#230564 What is your favorite 3DS color?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 10 July 2013 - 03:56 PM in General Gaming

I got the Zelda 3ds (love it!) and the Blue 3ds xl. 

I love them both the most, but I chose the Aqua blue 3ds b/c it looks pretty in the picture. Blue is my favorite color.

#107614 What I learned from pre-ordering the Wii U at gamestop

Posted by coolsarahkry on 14 September 2012 - 02:58 PM in Wii U Hardware

I preordered the premium version. Thank you SOOOOO much dUstin I would not have gotten the black premium without this important info!

I preordered Scribblenauts Unlimited, and am hoping to get nsmbU and pikmin 3 for christmas. I don't have enough money for paper mario: sticker star so I'll be asking for that for christmas too.

#107622 What games did U pre-order?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 14 September 2012 - 03:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Scribblenauts Unlimited-but I wish Pikmin 3 were a launch game!

#102795 What do you want to be when you grow up?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 28 August 2012 - 02:46 PM in The Café

Follow your dreams, anythings possible with hard work and dedication :) last year as a freshman in high school i competed in the state meet in CC and my team took second and i took 43rd overall. Top freshman in the race. All because I ran 6-7 miles everyday during the summer. HARD WORK AND DEDICATION

My passion lies with art though. You know what else would be awesome? Animating for movies. I want to learn animation. Maybe do art for video games? Thanks for the kind words :) Congrats

#102715 What do you want to be when you grow up?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 28 August 2012 - 08:03 AM in The Café

I want to be an artist. Or a video game developer. But the video game part is mostly a dream.

#220664 What 3DS Pokemon game are you getting?

Posted by coolsarahkry on 12 June 2013 - 04:59 PM in General Gaming

X because I like nature spirits.

#113272 What 'Wii' know about the Wii U.

Posted by coolsarahkry on 27 September 2012 - 04:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

-November 18, the best days of our lives.

You bet.

#106583 Video chat

Posted by coolsarahkry on 12 September 2012 - 01:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

oh yeah. Well, take this as a reminder. And don't forget that I said maybe games can be paused at any time to add a message to miiverse, which would be awesome.
I love that commercial, btw.

#106564 Video chat

Posted by coolsarahkry on 12 September 2012 - 01:33 PM in Wii U Hardware

Now, I am not sure if this has already been confirmed or not, but now it definitetly has. Nintendo confirmed video chat on their website: http://www.nintendo.com/wiiu it's at the bottom.

Here's a copy paste:

Wii U Features

In addition to introducing new ways to play, Wii U also offers users a variety of non-gaming features to enhance the overall experience.
  • Miiverse: Miiverse is a brand-new network communication system that lets gamers from around the world share experiences, discuss games and discover new content. Using their personalized Mii character, players enter Miiverse and see games, applications or entertainment content that either they have interacted with recently, expressed interest in learning more about or that their friends are using or discussing. From here they can challenge their friends to play together, ask a question about a difficult level or discover new elements of their favorite games they never knew existed. After a notable achievement or other share-worthy moment, players can pause their game or application and seamlessly post messages to the Miiverse community.
  • TV Remote: The Wii U GamePad controller may also function as an infrared TV remote, whether users are watching TV or playing a game.
  • Near Field Communication (NFC): The Wii U GamePad has the ability to communicate wirelessly with objects that are held above it. This allows for a variety of interesting new possibilities for games and activities.
  • Nintendo eShop: The digital storefront for Wii U will be available at launch and offer a variety of content for people to download and enjoy. Consumers will also be able to purchase and download select games that are also available at retail stores.
  • Video Entertainment: Nintendo is working with Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Instant Video, and YouTube to bring video experiences to Wii U that will take advantage of the integrated second-screen experience. Additional details will be released at a later time.
  • Video Chat: Using the built-in camera of the Wii U GamePad, people can communicate with other Wii U owners in real time.
  • Internet Browser: Wii U comes with a browser that lets people with a wireless Internet connection surf the Internet from the comfort of their couches.
It also seems like you can pause the game at any time to add a message to miiverse.

#197336 UK Retailer ZAVVI gives The Wind Waker HD an Interesting Box Art

Posted by coolsarahkry on 20 April 2013 - 08:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Guess I'm the odd one out- I think it looks like poop.

The colors of the Zelda logo clash with the background, and why not show off the beautiful colors of Wind Waker?

10798261-1366373020-387488.jpg(put it in post so people don't have to load a new tab)

Box art isn't that important to me though. I never played wind waker, so I would love to get the new one :)

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