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#111704 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by milky105p on 22 September 2012 - 08:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So far the developers have said they are really cutting back on the character selection which is a turn off honestly. That's part of what makes the game so great. It would be a bummer if they only had like 8 characters. Let alone the game really might only have that many anyway haha a lot of characters  have pretty much the same move sets just reskinned. Maybe it will work out better that way who knows.

#106339 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by milky105p on 11 September 2012 - 09:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think conduit 3 as a legit hardcore shooter might appeal to fans this time around considering the controls and the gamepad potential.
A 3d pokemon rpg or even MMO
A reimagined dragon warrior rpg with real time combat or something
Tales of game(symphony etc)
monster hunter
mario kart
zombiu2 sequel with more multi modes or coop/ open world
gta 5- change radio stations, use pad as your map would be seamless in touching the map to place a marker etc
bioware rpg
a full on MMO would be easy with the gamepad even just porting a gameloft game like order and chaos
dead space implementation
I want more survival horror games

I think the gamepad has such a great potential to create a great tower defense or redefine the "horde" or "survival" multiplayer modes. The zombiu team has the right idea with the asymmetrical gameplay. imagine a game even just 8 players a chaotic defense based game like gears' horde mode with the "master" player with the gamepad setting traps and spawning enemies etc. the other players survive or even if online play each person with their gamepad has a menu brought up with upgrades they can do to their defenses. Someone really needs to take advantage of the idea and create a full on hardcore game like that even if its just a multiplayer game.

Id also love a legit racing game/ battle game with a robust upgrading system which utilizes the gamepad as the "garage station" to implement upgrades or mods. Whether it be a NFS or even a kart style racing game or a tank or space battleship starfox kind of game where you can take your ship online in super fast crazy gunship battles and you can deck out your own "cruiser"

#108330 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by milky105p on 15 September 2012 - 09:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Bethesda have already confirmed to not support WiiU

sadly. im sure once many more dev companies jump ship and make successful games, i bet they would jump on. bethesda or even bioware RPGs could work so well with this gamepad. your inventory, making your dialog choices, messing with hotkeys or assigned spells/buttons, picklocking stuff on the small screen. so many uses. I'm sure they will give in eventually if they see the money and opportunity.

#107280 Let's Talk IPs!

Posted by milky105p on 13 September 2012 - 09:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think something that mixes FPS and RTS like natural selection on PC would implement the gamepad really nicely with one player as an RTS on multiplayer and the other players are FPS. On the other side, I think a cool IP space exploration game would be awesome that could implement the best of what nintendos franchises have been. make flying to other levels or planets like starfox with cool space battles, make it a fps or something like metroid for main gameplay, but have moments where it becomes a platformer or top down with the gamepad to solve puzzles. could be a more colorful bright but darker side of look like metroid. I could see you using the gamepad to hack doors, use a map, even upgrading your ship with parts and seeing your ship 360 rotation with the gamepad.

I would also love to see an exclusive dead space or one that utilizes the gamepad in some innovative way. I personally would love to see a RE or more horror or survival games make its way to the wii u. I think that nintendo is at a stalemate with a lot of fans. they have been always successful with 1st party games like mario, but killed their fan base with the lack of real 3rd party games like FPS games etc. Now they say they will allow 3rd party games but everyone questions why should I buy a new console for games I can play on this gen consoles. It definitely could use some new IP's like the colorful quirky mario or zelda franchises but it needs legit hardcore serious games that appeal to the darker side of gaming. zombiu looks like a great candidate, darker graphics, gore, trying to bring back survival horror. Something the wii u needs to cater to that group . Plus not just ports, but a reason to buy that version for the gamepad or added multiplayer modes with the gamepad for multiplatform games.

So it definitely has my vote for new IPs that are crazy and colorful like wonderful 101, it may not be a total franchise but an exclusive none the less. Also some serious toned IPs that can rage from third persons to fps or a mix of those like aforementioned ideas.

#108829 Official Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Discussion

Posted by milky105p on 16 September 2012 - 05:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm sure the game will be awesome like every other one they've made, but seriously what could they possibly do that's innovating with the gamepad? I'd like more than just displaying inventory or just showing your map which is most likely what it will be used for.the best feature I can see is multiplayer using text or voice chat with the screen or something

#112687 "Wii U's GPGPU Squashes Xbox 360, PS3;Capable Of DirectX 11 Equivalen...

Posted by milky105p on 25 September 2012 - 01:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

You don't know much. And that's ok.

But you're asking people to not compare the wii u to systems that the mass media is comparing it to.

Even ms and Sony have compared and tried to say their systems can hold up when it fact they can't.

So excuse the folks around here for pointing out how much better the next gen is than the old. With misinformation being passed out like candy, it's normal to address these things.

On top of that, you want to compare the wii u to the weakest console Nintendo has ever made in comparison to its rivals.

So read and comprehend yourself, drink less coffee and learn to get your head out of the sand.

Enough of your "stop"
In fact, please stop.


If nintendo would just release the full specs of the machine, then there wouldnt be any reason for disputes if the hardware really is superior. I think it will be somewhat more powerful, not leaps and bounds but an improvement. I just think its a little fishy or shady that they must have something to hide about specs by just giving such a generic answer for the cpu or gpu. My guess is its not really too much better than we have now, so they think if they released that info at the conference that would deter some from buying or preordering.

#116599 "Wii U's GPGPU Squashes Xbox 360, PS3;Capable Of DirectX 11 Equivalen...

Posted by milky105p on 10 October 2012 - 08:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

First off all, some guys here (Desert Punk) say that Wii U CPU is weak because Madden NFL 13 on Wii U is not using Player Impact Engine. But Fifa 13 on Wii U uses that same engine, and nobody is taking about that. So CPU is weak for Madden 13, but not for Fifa 13?

In modern games, GPU is computing AI, physics, and some other staff that were done by CPU in the past.

I have PC with 2 core CPU (AMD Athlon 250), and AMD Radeon HD6790. Nothing special, but all games work in 1080p, High details. So Wii U can, for surely do the same thing!

I personally suspect that the wii u will only have a 4-5000 series gpu so the 6790 would be far superior to a card in that range

Unity uses Direct X and OpenGL where applicable.

They use all DX11 features or none of them or some of them.

They can also implement OpenGL DX11 equivalent features.

Recently Valve mentioned that they find OpenGL to be faster than Direct X as well. However a year ago, John Carmack mentioned he was seeing DX become more daring, since MS wasn't worried about breaking compatibility with older versions, whereas the OpenGL leadership was.

I can only imagine the near non-issue translating DX feature over to OGL was for Rocksteady, Crytek, and others making multiplat games on all consoles. Seems the CryEngine doesn't whine about it (pun intended), the Unreal engine keeps it real using both, and the Unity engine will keep it together.

So you have a DX11 (Direct 3D) capable GPU that can be used to run either DX11 or Open GL (or custom API) with equivalent features. In addition to that, a huge company like Nintendo or apple can write their own equivalent (or day I say it ... better *gasp!*) APIs if they are so inclined (especially working closely with a single hardware GPU partner...). It's a stinking mountain of work though.

It's a bit of a challenge at first, but its actually somewhat commonplace.

Direct X 11 is not the holy grail. But its capabilities represent the standard for new games. So long as similar functionality is present in whatever API is being used, it's a win, whether that be a licensing of DX itself, an OpenGL equivalent, or another method...).

maybe its a good thing it wont bother with dx11 anyway. I dont think a lot of titles for the wii u and highly probable that 1st party wont use the usual unreal engine etc for games anyway. This is honestly a good change of pace. Im SICK of the unreal 3 engine since 75% of games seem to use it as its reliable and a great engine but in the end too many games look the same with that overly gritty dark color palette, and the muscular look to it. I'd like to see other engines utilized heavily. At the same time, I just wonder if it can truly handle the even greater engines coming out like luminious engine

#114549 "Wii U's GPGPU Squashes Xbox 360, PS3;Capable Of DirectX 11 Equivalen...

Posted by milky105p on 02 October 2012 - 08:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

To me "equivalent" says wii u wont be getting many ports of newer next gen games then especially if they run on the new cry engine or fox or unreal 4. unity seems to be the direction that wii u is going. so that does kind of worry me, but i guess thats what other consoles are for as well without ports.

#114653 "Wii U's GPGPU Squashes Xbox 360, PS3;Capable Of DirectX 11 Equivalen...

Posted by milky105p on 03 October 2012 - 10:22 AM in Wii U Hardware

Can you read? It says DirectX11 equivalent graphics not PS3 Xbox equivalent. And Directx11 is pretty good.

I never specified whether the ports would be this gen or next gen did I? To me this sounds like Nintendo is saying yeah our console can produce "basically the same thing" but will we? probably not. The graphics card utilized in this console wont be over a 4-5000 series radeon which means Dx 11 wont be possible but it will run Dx10.1. if it COULD run Dx11 they would just come out and say they could run DX11 not say we can mimic just about the same thing. what will the future of games run on on the other consoles which most developers will probably focus on like ps4 or nextbox? Dx11 which will have unreal 4 etc, which will need a better GPU capable of open GL4 and Dx11 not open GL3 and Dx10.1 which is what the wii u looks like it will have based on just speculation. Ultimately what I'm getting at is do you think that if this console can't truly utilize something like unreal 4 engine or something of the same caliber, will developers WANT to even take the time and money to have to rework around the wii u's separate abilities in hardware terms to make its own port which is the fate the wii suffered because devs didnt want to take the time to make a special version just for the console. IMO the wii u will be great, but all evidence to me points that the GPU will not be capable of Dx11 which many new engines will utilize and many devs will flock to those engines to make games. It will have equivalent which is the key word.


Nintendo adds another engine to the stockpile they've been building, which includes unreal and crytek. All of a sudden the latest addition is "the way they're going"


The way they are going is the way of choice. The aaa games will have your choice of engine, but most will prob be on unreal or cryengine - current and future engines. Other games that aren't that ambitious can use unity without the developer having to develop their own (often subpar) engine. And unity is very nice these day.

Look for ms and Sony to follow suit in enticing developers with tons of already procured game engine tech, etc. But no one will question them. Or accuse them of heading down some unfortunate path simply because they offered a certain piece of tech in addition to others...

If a German bar happens to sell coca cola as well, it doesn't mean the beer has degraded or that the bar is no good anymore. It simply means there's another choice. If you don't like unity's Coke, then stick with Unreal's beer. L

Also, the wii u is capable or direct x11 I'f Nintendo or a studio wants to license it for wii u. And where that's not used, the open gl equivalent is available. It's all pretty sweet.

of course nothing against the unity engine. what i meant by the way they are going, I think nintendo will use this engine for many games, but they also are hinting to push at indie developers which is most likely utilize unity as well so thats just what i meant. the way im perceiving "equivalent" says it can't do it because of the fact that it will most likely have a 3-4 year old GPU. all speculation of course but if thats true, I believe DX 10.1 is what the console can do and not Dx11 which is basically the future of what games a year or 2 from now will be running on. If they could run Dx11 which would be an impressive statement for a console, they'd come out and gladly say it. To me saying we can do the same thing but wont do the same thing is a whole other story that says it CANT. I do hope I am wrong though and the hardware can run it, but I personally highly doubt the machine can with an underclocked cpu and a gpu thats how many years old compared to new cards PCs have these days which will run Dx11 and open GL 4.x

#112329 "Wii U's GPGPU Squashes Xbox 360, PS3;Capable Of DirectX 11 Equivalen...

Posted by milky105p on 24 September 2012 - 10:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

My guess is this consoles gpu will only be compared to a radeon of the 4000 series which limits the cost down, but also limits the console at Dx 10.1 and a dated open GL

#114825 "Wii U's GPGPU Squashes Xbox 360, PS3;Capable Of DirectX 11 Equivalen...

Posted by milky105p on 03 October 2012 - 08:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm not a computer whiz, but this makes more sense to me. Why would anyone judge the Wii U by games that were specifically designed for an older different architecture? At that point, it really is a matter of how much resources does the developer want to divert to the port. For a lot of developers, this may not make much financial sense since a lot of these games are already out on store shelves.

It would make more sense to judge the Wii U based on games that were being developed from the ground up for the Wii U (and the other consoles) rather than ports of existing games that were optimized for a particular architecture.

I think we will see what the Wii U can truly do in about a year to 18 months, and I don't think it will disappoint either.

this is the problem im trying to get at. " equivalent" to Dx11. wouldnt it be much simpler to have a Gpu that can handle Dx11? makes much more sense and easier architecturally for developers to make games. its the same scenario for the wii. based on different code, developers will have to put in the extra time/ effort to make a different wii u version of the same game theyd gladly port over to the console IF it could just run the same engines no problem. but if it cant, it might shy away companies from bothering with a wii u version because they dont want to waste time or money on making a different version just for that console when they have 2 others to worry about. taking more time to write more code would be considered a hassle or burden instead if the console was capable of the same engines.

#112334 ZombiU: What do U think?

Posted by milky105p on 24 September 2012 - 11:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

What is your personal opinion on Zombiu from you have have seen/heard about it? I believe it looks very promising and has massive potential but it could be a fail. The game looks to be too linear and I think the melee animations are really sloppy. Like when you swing the cricket bat it does the exact same slow animation over and over again. I don't want to overanalyze and critique every little thing but I've been really wanting to know what others think about it and its potential. So what does everybody think?

I wouldn't say it's linear too much. The games supposed to have random scares and little events so that the games never the same, and there will be branching or multiple paths to get to where you are going and even alternate shortcuts and such to discover like sewer systems. I think the single player looks solid I wish there was some implementation of coop or more multiplayer  modes like a straight survival mode with one zombie spawner and like 7 survivors. They are already in the talks of a possible second game which if this one is good, they plan on adding more multi and improving.

I have it pre-ordered and mostly paid off but I'm with you on the length...if it's not at least 10 hours I'll put my money toward Rayman Legends instead.  It's not that I don't think it'll be fun, but if there's no replay value and it's short, I'll wait until it's $30 or so.  NSMBU and Nintendo Land will keep me busy, and there's Lego City, Wonderful 101, Monster Hunter and Bayonetta right on the horizon.

The developers said they added more to the game since earlier on, and it's about 15 hours long maybe a couple more or less depending on your playing style. There will be multiple paths and secrets and shorcuts to get around the missions so there is replay ability with variety. Plus the zombies and items and scare moments are supposed to be randomated

#114478 What I learned from pre-ordering the Wii U at gamestop

Posted by milky105p on 02 October 2012 - 03:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

Not if they have too many, then it's first come first serve. I had to wait 2 months even after preordering the Wii.

I think they learned their lesson at least GS did this time. I read somewhere when I preordered mine that they weren't going to let that happen this time. I noticed that the preorders were sold out a long time ago, to ensure those that preordered first before the sold out buttons online or in stores were there and so forth. Now they have a preorder "waiting list". So I'm sure this time around those who actually got the preorder will get theirs and not be disappointed.

#116598 Iwata ask about Hardware

Posted by milky105p on 10 October 2012 - 08:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

So anyone with tech knowhow get anything from this??

sadly this still doesnt give much away other than some design work. We all are still curious about the exact model of gpu or cpu thats in this thing

#114045 Basic or Deluxe?

Posted by milky105p on 30 September 2012 - 09:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

Hey guys! I'm here to ask everybody which Wii U you are getting? Are you going to get the Basic pack, or the Deluxe pack? Me? I'll just get the basic pack. I really don't need all of those extras for an additional $50.

If you honestly don't care about nintendoland the basic is fine. I personally like the white better. Plus I'm sure just about everyone is going to get an external memory expansion down the road anyway.

#108332 Top 5 Wii U games NOT to buy

Posted by milky105p on 15 September 2012 - 09:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

These are games we will not buy for the Wii U. The games you hate the most, that you think are shovel ware

I think
5. New Super Mario Bros
4. ZombiU
3. Pikmin 3
2. Nintendo Land
1. Rayman


5. Funky Farm
4. Family Party 30 games
3. SiNg Party
2. Ben 10
1. Jet Tailfin

Honorable Mentions
Just Dance

sadly pikimin 3 is not confirmed for a day one launch :(

These are games we will not buy for the Wii U. The games you hate the most, that you think are shovel ware

I think
5. New Super Mario Bros
4. ZombiU
3. Pikmin 3
2. Nintendo Land
1. Rayman


5. Funky Farm
4. Family Party 30 games
3. SiNg Party
2. Ben 10
1. Jet Tailfin

Honorable Mentions
Just Dance

day 1 for me
i hope wonderful 101 gets day 1
maybe tank tank tank

#114550 Confirmed: No online multiplayer for ZombiU

Posted by milky105p on 02 October 2012 - 08:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

There are a ton of online features. This is survival horror though so I don't think multiplayer would work that well just yet.

well aside from the dark souls style social network and "invading" someones game with a dead character is one thing. I feel they started the online portion, but they wanted to make sure they focused on the single player to deliver on that side which is respectable. honestly their multiplayer mode is just a tease though. It started off on the right foot then they just cut it loose with the 1v1 asymmetrical play. Nintendo consoles have always been the kind of multiplay and local gatherings, but in this day and age, gaming has changed as well, and if you are going to cater to the online community it needs to be done right. IMO local/ splitscreen in a game should always be there as well as online if they implement MP in any way shape or form. I was hoping they would at least made other modes than CTF or added 1 zombie master and like 4 survivors that way at least 5 people could play on the same console or at least online. I have a very good feeling there will be a sequel to this game as the developers are interested in it anyhow, and they already said they want to add more MP to another game. Usually I'd say no to coop, but for some reason I can see this game working, maybe with a shorter separate side campaign or something.

Case in point this game COULD implement MP right, as a separate feature from the single player so its not a hinderance to the scary experience, but merely an extra for when you want a fun break from the intense single player portion. I could see 5 players in a room or online being very fun with a survivor mode of 4 survivors and a zombie spawner setting traps etc

#114918 Confirmed: No online multiplayer for ZombiU

Posted by milky105p on 04 October 2012 - 09:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Read this guys. It tells about the local multiplayer which seems pretty awesome. ^_^

This seems really broad in terms of gameplay. what exactly is assault? is it the CTF gameplay weve seen in videos with the capture points? deathmatch hardly seems like a good idea since its one on one and should be involved with more players. I think 1v1 for any mode other than that CTF/survival wave mode weve seen is lacking IMO. If there was 5 player support 4 controllers 1 gamepad MP that would be something else local or online. but these modes without much detail wont do much justice for 1 on 1.

#114473 Confirmed: No online multiplayer for ZombiU

Posted by milky105p on 02 October 2012 - 03:22 PM in Wii U Games and Software


And now let your souls die.

It has the local 1 mode multiplayer. While I wish there were other modes or coop or something too, the developers are already anticipating if this game does well they will make a sequel with a lot more multiplayer implemented.


And now let your souls die.

It has the local 1 mode multiplayer. While I wish there were other modes or coop or something too, the developers are already anticipating if this game does well they will make a sequel with a lot more multiplayer implemented.

I think a lot of people are totally misunderstanding this game and are expecting it to be something that its not. Like Nazi Zombies in Call of Duty or Left 4 Dead.
This is not an action-game. You will have to save every bullet you can if you want to progress in this game.

Heres a great preview

I completely agree with you, and for the single player experience this is perfect. But what happens when you play through the game once twice or even three times and youre sick of it, if each play through is only like 10 hours or a little more give or take hypothetically, a good multiplayer addition would make the overall sense of getting your moneys worth greater. I think the asymmetrical idea they have is great, they just could have not stopped where they did with it. As long as they implemented multiplayer in its own sense that doesn't feel tacked on or rushed, I'm ok with it. Overall I'm here to play the single player though. More multiplayer modes or more people in the one mode would even have been better, but that's just me.

#108830 BLACK OPS 2 Wii U OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED! [And Runs in 1080p60]

Posted by milky105p on 16 September 2012 - 05:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think that's why they made the classic controller pro. Isn't it?

True but then why am I bothering with this version if half of the point is to use the features in the gamepad?

#108322 BLACK OPS 2 Wii U OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED! [And Runs in 1080p60]

Posted by milky105p on 15 September 2012 - 08:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This is one of those games I KNEW was coming to the Wii U without official announcement. Whether or not the people here dislike it, I'm getting it. Who wants to join me online?

BTW good luck trying to play online, the online wont be available at launch of the system.

#108328 BLACK OPS 2 Wii U OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED! [And Runs in 1080p60]

Posted by milky105p on 15 September 2012 - 09:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

My guess is they will unveil more info maybe a week or 2 before it comes out. they still left so many questions about the online service to begin with. what does anything past the start up screen look like, no friend codes, how will we add people etc. I still feel like BLOPS 2 will have a signicantly less community than its competition which is stopping me from switching my preorder. I also kind of feel like the gamepad will hinder my ability to play FPS games in general. Im so used to having that small ps3 and xbox controller with the analogs right next to eachother it must feel different to have them 7 inches apart and having to hold a much larger controller

#108324 BLACK OPS 2 Wii U OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED! [And Runs in 1080p60]

Posted by milky105p on 15 September 2012 - 08:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Oi! Throw us a link or I'll think you just made it up.

They brought on a tech demo when activision took the stage at the press conference on the 13th. they showed multiplayer and the dual screen with 2 player and talked about the graphics which honestly didnt look that much better.

Says who? Nintendo Network will be up day 1

unless whoever wrote the article is an idiot, which very well could be the case
"Sure, we know all about Miiverse and how people are going to be able to leave digital footprints across games and participate in its social network. But what about the games themselves? Nintendo's launch titles do not support online play"

#114474 COPY-CATS

Posted by milky105p on 02 October 2012 - 03:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

The vita with the ps3 still has yet to be utilized and I'm sure will soon enough in the future. Not to mention unlike Microsoft, sony cares about exclusives and IPs and still has many coming up in the next year or even 2. The console will be strong still then. They already said they are supporting ps3 till 2015. I won't expect any talk of a ps4 till maybe next e3 if not the 2014 e3. Then my guess two options occur. They either show a finalized console then and say it comes out in November which creates the chaos of sales, or they wait till 2015 to show the finalized product and say it will come out that holiday season. I don't see them talking too much about it next year, as they will show off more IPs and vita support unlike they did this year. By that time wii u will already be in its almost mid lifcycle a couple years from now:)

#109354 Wii U Memory

Posted by milky105p on 17 September 2012 - 07:49 PM in Wii U Hardware

Depends on how quick the transfer rate is on the drive.

im really thinking of getting the biggest SD card i can find and just put it in there and not worry about an HDD. i wonder if that would be a faster transfer rate than a usb drive

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