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#92862 Wii U CPU confirmed (by respected game producer) As weak.

Posted by Biohazard on 10 July 2012 - 12:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

All I'm saying is we have new hardware but they have to find a way to make things work. I'm still getting it day one but don't like the sounds of what I'm hearing.

You guys still aren't getting it. He isn't just saying it runs at a lower speed.he saying they have to find ways to make the game run efficiently trying to get around things the CPU "can't" do. Man just disappointing.

My problem isn't the low clock speed. Its his tone as if they are having to work harder making the game on the Wii U than current gen. This WILL become a problem just watch. This will be a excuse for devs to not port next gen

Wait. What other issues did Harada mention besides power consumption and time? The article didn't look that bad since Harada later said he didn't have a hard time getting Tekken Tag Tournament 2 to work on the Wii U. He admits that isn't far behind its 360/PS3 brethren, which doesn't lend much concerns about the Wii U's hardware if he can figure it out (as well as developers like Vigil Games, Rocksteady, and Gearbox). Otherwise, clockspeed still seems to be the issue because I didn't see Harada specify anything else.

#89335 Well that Nintendo Direct was a bit disappointing...

Posted by Biohazard on 21 June 2012 - 08:55 PM in General Gaming

3DS XL...really. After Miyamoto said there wont be any redesign...come on now.

Miyamoto never totally denied it. He said he was "satisfied" with the older version of the handheld, and was more interested in the successor. The press spun his words to suggest Nintendo wasn't working on one.

#88183 Rumour: Watch Dogs could have been running on WiiU with pro controller

Posted by Biohazard on 16 June 2012 - 07:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I hope none of you that thought this was a Wii U pro controller have been saying that the pro controller doesn't look very similar to the 360 controller.

This thread was made weeks ago, and several users that posted here quickly debunked it.

#86045 Wiiu Cpu just as powerful as the ps3-360 and its Gpu 1.5 x stronger? (Please no)

Posted by Biohazard on 09 June 2012 - 09:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

I did try and warn ye some 6 months that the Wii U would be similar to the current consoles. One of the few things that we did learn last year was that the CPU was going to be 45nm based chip which told me that Nintendo weren't going to be very aggressive with the hardware. Nearly everything we have heard, and now seen from games at the E3, has pointed towards that.

Perhaps you missed the entire conversation. The specs are based off of older dev kits which are similar to 360/PS3 in spec. The Wii U demos that were shown were most likely running on them based off of the fact that most of them still had the Wii U gamepad still tethered and no cables were connected to the console. It's not far-fetched that Nintendo would show Wii U games in its early form, as Microsoft did the same back in E3 2005 where the Xbox 360 games weren't running off of the hardware. They ran on Powermac G5's, and the console launched in November 2005.

#85464 Worst Conference

Posted by Biohazard on 07 June 2012 - 04:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

While I agree that the 2003 and 2008 press conferences were worse, there was still no room for excuses for this year. It was time for Nintendo to truly unveil their new console and explain what it is, after waiting a full year since the initial reveal, but they failed to do so. The disappointing press conference has cast a dark cloud over the Wii U's prospects at the moment, and you can see it with the disappointed investors and the dozens of negative press. However, what happens at E3 is temporary and tends to be very chaotic. Once this rather benign edition of the event is over, I hope Nintendo manages clarify more and the press and investors are able to put the console more into perspective. The fact that Nintendo botched their conference really makes me doubt this, but I will be cautiously optimistic.

#75679 Black Ops II Confirmed

Posted by Biohazard on 28 April 2012 - 04:11 PM in General Gaming

If you take a look at the official site at the moment, there is a scrolling text that reads "The future is not as far off as most people think - we're not ready for it" in one of the windows. It sounds like the sequel will say goodbye to the Cold War setting.

#75558 Sega:Wii U is more powerful than current consoles.

Posted by Biohazard on 28 April 2012 - 12:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

Anonymous developers have been the source of a lot of accurate information in the past when its not the sort of information that some companies want released. How exactly does a legit developer release negative information about an upcoming console being launched? How many legit developers previously working on the wii said, this console we are working on is just a gamecube speeded up with a bit more memory bolted on. Did that ever happen? I don't remember it. Did a developer anonymously release information that it was a 720mhz powerpc chip with a 240mhz gpu identical to the gamcube in architecture...YES!

The reason why most of us are doubting these anonymous "sources" is because they contradict each other. One of them claimed that the Wii U graphics aren't as capable as the current generation consoles, then another anonymous source claims that is capable as current generation consoles, but weaker in AI and physics. Anonymous sources have in fact been trustworthy in the past, but in this case, there is just too much room for doubt to invest any trust in them.

#75545 Looking for a quote

Posted by Biohazard on 28 April 2012 - 11:58 AM in General Gaming

Could this be what you're looking for?


#75452 Black Ops II Confirmed

Posted by Biohazard on 28 April 2012 - 03:56 AM in General Gaming

This could be really awesome if it's actually true. Cold War setting is cool and all, but I think Treyarch has shown that they're not the type to stick with one time or setting when they make a new game. If Black Ops 2 is near future, then hopefully next year we'll get Future Warfare set even further beyond that. Maybe an opportunity to tie the storylines of all the CoD games together? :o

Treyarch's Call of Duty tends to take place on a separate universe from Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare series, so I don't see Black Ops II crossing over. Who knows? They might canonize the zombie mini-game story in the sequel.

#75446 Black Ops II Confirmed

Posted by Biohazard on 28 April 2012 - 03:11 AM in General Gaming

There is speculation that Black Ops II will take place in the near-future based on this video of a demonstration of a quadrotor drone, which was linked from the main site.

FPS Russia claims that this technology won't be around for the next ten years.

I'm pretty curious to see what direction Treyarch will take the sequel, as I feel like I'm one of the few who liked Black Ops.

#75340 Sony All Star Fighting game, Rip off of SSM?

Posted by Biohazard on 27 April 2012 - 10:44 AM in General Gaming

Okay, hold on right there. So basically you're trying to tell me that people can tell apart those franchises based on their art direction, graphics (which don't prove anything considering Tekken and Mortal Kombat run on the same engine), and character selection. Alright, I agree with you. So what's your point? People can easily identify Smash Bros. and this new Sony mash-up based on those same principles. Characters are different, art direction is different, fighting mechanics seem to be different (notice no percentile marks......that's exclusive only in Smash Bros, dawg). You basically just argued my point but then in some twisted way tried to disagree with me in a jerky way.....way to go?

What I meant by the "graphics and art design" is that the vision between those fighting games are vastly different. Yeah, I didn't use the right set of terms, but it's the morning for me. Sony and SuperBot Entertainment are making a simultaneous four-player, 2.5D arena-based fighting, crossing over the whole PlayStation library. And based off of Sony's pattern of imitating the way Nintendo implements their ideas to being nearly identical, it isn't hard to see why PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and Super Smash Bros could almost be parallel. I'm giving SuperBot and Sony the opportunity to show how the game can be different, but I can't ignore the major similarities between them.

Funny, because that is what people are exactly doing with this game. Judging it by a few articles and a few screenshots and flat out calling it a rip-off. So basically you're just calling me out because you can't handle the fact that I am skeptical about the new Mario game. Again, WAY TO GO!!

Uh... what? That statement pointed out that you were doing the exact same thing as most of the people here in thread. I couldn't care less what you think about the game. I'm sure you're not the only person in this board who isn't looking forward to it.

#75329 Sony All Star Fighting game, Rip off of SSM?

Posted by Biohazard on 27 April 2012 - 09:45 AM in General Gaming

This is like calling every fighting game that uses health bars, combos, and hit streaks clones or rip-offs.

So you guys are pretty much calling Street Fighter, Dragonball Budokai/Tenkachi, Tekken, and Mortal Kombat blatant rip-offs of each other since they use those elements above.

I swear, the logic sometimes...

Posted Image

Posted Image

You seriously can't tell me that these two don't look alike. Health bars and combos are fundamental gameplay features. Anyone with a half-a-brain knows they can't base any similarities on that. Not to mention people can tell the difference between Street Fighter, Tekken, and Mortal Kombat, based on graphics, art design, character selection, fighting mechanics etc. It's how these features are implemented that people base their criteria for compare and contrast. Of course, I'm giving this game the benefit of the doubt. The game has just been unveiled, so we shouldn't immediately excuse it as a "rip-off."

But then again, this is coming from a person who based their entire opinion on New Super Mario Bros 2 based on a few screenshots.

#73458 Crysis 3 Trailers

Posted by Biohazard on 20 April 2012 - 08:17 PM in General Gaming

It looks nice im still not pleased its coming to 360 and ps3 since I know that will Gimp the graphics for the pc users I would have liked it to be next gen game instead of current.

The PC version will most likely a have a more effective optimization of DirectX 11's features, which will give a total leg-up on the console versions.

#73449 Should Nintendo Be Interested in Making Phones?

Posted by Biohazard on 20 April 2012 - 07:41 PM in General Gaming

When Iwata says that phones (meaning advanced phones: Apple and dedicated Android phones) can't offer deep or rich experiences he's wrong and hypocritical - but that's ok, it's what you'd expect him to say considering phones are taking a big piece of the "software pie" that Nintendo used to have almost completely to itself.

I've played plenty of great games on my iPod touch (the iPhone plays the same games), and many of them have been much richer and better value than anything I've played on a Nintendo handheld. I've played Real Racing 2, Infinity Blade I, Infinity Blade II, The Dark Meadow, many high-quality tower defense games and a few platformer games that were much more fun than any 2D Mario I've ever played. All of these games were under $8, on a traditional dedicated handheld they would've costed at least $40. The only games I've ever played on a Nintendo console that come close to these iPod games are the Pokemon series, and that's down to great design and gameplay mechanics - those games could be created for the IPhone.

I fail to see how tower defense games are any better than titles like Super Mario 3D Land, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, and Kid Icarus: Uprising. High-quality and deep in a relative sense, I can see, but comparible? I guess it all comes down to preference. You could argue that Iwata is "wrong" about his opinions on smarthphone/tablet games, but hypocritical? It's not like he developed any games for the platform in the first place.

#73082 God of War: Ascension

Posted by Biohazard on 19 April 2012 - 12:19 AM in General Gaming

I was awfully curious as to how Santa Monica would continue the series after they squeezed all they could from the main story. But, a prequel is a logical step.

#73081 Crysis 3 leaked on Origin?

Posted by Biohazard on 19 April 2012 - 12:09 AM in General Gaming

Kind of disappointed they're sticking with New York in the next installment. But then again, I don't know how Crytek will change up the scenery other than going to the arctic or the desert, which I don't know if they will properly display the CryEngine's ability all that well. EA refer to this sequel as a "sandbox" title and since New York is ravaged by vegetation with some alien ecosystem, it could open up more possiiblities with that direction.

#73080 Pachter: Concerned about Third-Party Support for Wii U

Posted by Biohazard on 19 April 2012 - 12:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't get it either, I guess they don't like opinions

Earlier, he claimed that Nintendo is in "complete disaray" and that they blew it with the Wii U and that the Wii U is an "Xbox 360 with a tablet controller," all of which flies in the face of the recent comments he just made. Pachter has a tendency to make some outrageous claims in the past (and then does a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde switch later). We're not trying to get him arrested or make him pay a fine for his comments and his "analysis." We're just saying that it is BS. Since you're familiar with Pachter (whether you are on his side or not), you should at least understand why he gets so much animosity here and elsewhere.

#64678 Valve readying 'Steam Box' console - Report

Posted by Biohazard on 04 March 2012 - 12:21 AM in General Gaming

This reminds me of the Phantom console. Does anybody remember that? Infinium Labs (now Phantom Entertainment) developed it back in 2003 and it was supposed to play PC games (both old and new) in the comfort of your living room, supported by an incredibly powerful architecture. Of course, the console never saw the light of day due to numerous delays, financial problems, and conflicts with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The gaming landscape has changed after all these years and Valve could potentially make the idea work.

#59148 Wii u will not compete in power next gen???????

Posted by Biohazard on 02 February 2012 - 04:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo has been modest about their hardware performance, so I can see where the author of this article is coming from. But I'm pretty frustrated that everyone is getting bit by the "Patcher Bug." There's nothing wrong with making speculations, but making them with so little credible information is just jarring to me.

#54641 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by Biohazard on 15 January 2012 - 02:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

Put I like this with people anticipating third party titles. Blockbuster titles. Games that never touched the wii system. Hypothetically, do you think that Nintedo can sale Mario if Modern Warfare was released on the same day. The Mario franchise will take a big hit. Not to mention if more third party companies relaease their blockbuster titles at the same time. Let's be honest this is why their making the wii u; for more mature gamers. If it were all about keeping it's base, they can just stick to the wii. But to but a next generation Mario on sale against all the third party blockbusters( which is what every one has been waiting on) they'll have to get a little violent don't you think. I love Mario, but if Battlefield was realeased the same day, I'm going with Battlefield. Plus I'm pretty sure alot of other gamers who are waiting more third party from nintendo are going to do the same thing. Therefore, Nintendo may see software sales lag behind third party blockbusters......eventually passing Mario a gun to shoot their way back into the competition....face it the are going to have to ramp up the gore a likely bit.

You may prefer Battlefield 3 over Mario on the Wii U, but there are millions of others who beg to differ. Even if a Mario game and Battlefield 3 (both of which have not yet been confirmed) were released on the same day, the Mario game would still sell more. Third-party titles tend to perform less on Nintendo's platforms (sadly), and Battlefield 3 will mostly likely be no different if it doesn't offer anything drastically new. A lot of gamers already own Battlefield 3 for other platforms, while the next Mario game is a whole new experience.

#54621 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by Biohazard on 15 January 2012 - 01:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

Wow.....the douce thing was a little too far but u know what I was using an over rated example of how a mature franchise from nintendo would turn out. Truthfully speaking nintendo will take the best advantage out of the wii u controller over it's third party developers. They will make real cool games that utilize the controller like noone else. But, it will all go over looked by the extremely violent HD games that third-party developers are going to make. Plus third-party companies will utilize the controller in crazy ways as well. So how can nintendo compete on their own machine if a let's say  "battlefield 3" comes to it and utilize the wii u controller in some kind of unbelievable way. It will still shine from any Mario game they do on the wii u. They wouldn't be able to release them at the same time. Nintendo wouldn't risk the chance of putting the two out at the same time...delays and push backs until Nintedo eventually say "Wii it, pass Mario that Chopper."

Umm... the Mario franchise and Battlefield 3 are vastly different games, so they aren't competing with each other. This is like saying LIttleBigPlanet is competing with Call of Duty.

#54603 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by Biohazard on 15 January 2012 - 01:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

I do think Nintendo should lay a foundation of creating games that appeal specifically toward the 17+ gamers, giving third-party developers more conifdence in developing "mature" titles on their platforms. However, I think it's more productive for Nintendo to create different franchises (like they did with Rare) instead of "maturizing" their exisiting ones. Nintendo's franchises just can't convincingly transition to "mature" ones the same way Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia have. Remember how Shadow the Hedgehog turned out? Granted, it wasn't an M-rated game (hell, it wasn't even a T-rated one), but Sega attempted to give the Sonic franchise a darker edge by giving one of the characters, Shadow, a sub-machine gun, and it was considered to be one of the biggest failures in the franchise's history. Putting a gun in Mario's hand will shake the industry in pieces all right. It will be one giant step for the gaming industry to turn into a desperate joke.

#53397 This is why Nintendo should have stayed home.

Posted by Biohazard on 11 January 2012 - 12:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

i respect everyones opinion... but disagree. no smart company want their customer to have to go and spend money(that they could be spending in their product) on another company product to get a certain experience. so yes in regards to third party support and kinda getting away from that family friendly title nintendo does have work to do. as far as ces goes.... i just think its funny. the caption... "REGGIE HERE TO TELL US WHY 2012 IS THE YEAR OF THE WII U. reggie interview... oh you guys didnt hear what i said at E3 last year just go and watch that interview and save yourself some time. HA! loves nintendo but they can be so predictable.... shock me for once nintendo.

Yet, Sony and Microsoft haven't released any official information about their next-gen consoles, either, so why is Nintendo on the chopping block for releasing so little? The PlayStation 4 will most likely may not make an appearance at this year's E3, if we take Kaz Hirai's statements at face value.

#53379 This is why Nintendo should have stayed home.

Posted by Biohazard on 11 January 2012 - 11:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

The whole point of the CES showing was to keep the Wii U in the general gaming news circulation. Nintendo clarified from time and time again that they will fully unveil the console at this year's E3. I won't hold my breath for anything mind-blowing before that.

#52385 Next Xbox And PS4 To Be Shown At 2012's E3

Posted by Biohazard on 07 January 2012 - 01:04 PM in General Gaming

I have concern for nintendo, Most of the fanboys will no longer give any crap for the Wii U and the people who were interested might just settle with waiting for the nextbox or Ps4 instead of giving the Wii U A chance

Which fanboys are you referring to?

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