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#129545 Anybody pre-order from toysrus? Also where did you preorder?

Posted by Tony8801 on 14 November 2012 - 08:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yup I pre ordered from toysrus in Canada. I called toady and they said they should be getting them tomorrow, and enough to cover all pre order, and hopefully a few extras

#133541 Some guy demonstrating BO2 only on gamepad

Posted by Tony8801 on 19 November 2012 - 10:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

playing COD on the gamepad is awesome! it takes a few matches to get used to the ontrols, but it really is awesome!

#121274 Will every game be playable on the gamepad seperate from the TV?

Posted by Tony8801 on 24 October 2012 - 03:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

I really think EVERY game should do this. If I get a game that doesn't, I'll be sad.

Same, I understand games like ZombiU can't really do this, but if games like COD and AC3 dont have this option, I will be very upset/sad

#121229 Will every game be playable on the gamepad seperate from the TV?

Posted by Tony8801 on 24 October 2012 - 01:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

awesome thanks for the replies, that is exactly what i thought. So COD: BO2 is confirmed for "off tv play" or is that just speculation? Does anyone know if AC3 is playing only on gamepad?

#121182 Will every game be playable on the gamepad seperate from the TV?

Posted by Tony8801 on 24 October 2012 - 12:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

It may be a dumb question, but I was thinking about games like nintendoland and Zombi U, that use the gamepad in unique ways to enhance game play, how would those games work if you were just playing on the gamepad alone? Sorry if this has been answered already, but I am just curious how this would work? Is it a game by game thing? I was under the impression that EVERY single game would be playable 100% on just the gamepad, but thinking about it today, I came across this question. So if anyone knows, that would be great. Thanks in advance!

#126364 Kotaku Testing the Gamepad range

Posted by Tony8801 on 08 November 2012 - 07:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

Perfect! My washroom is connected to my room, so it should work in there ;)

#130852 Nintendo pushes back tivii and other video apps

Posted by Tony8801 on 16 November 2012 - 11:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

Disappointing. I really wanted to try TVii right away. Oh well, playing all those games will keep me busy ;)

#123400 Wii U US Commercials START TOMORROW

Posted by Tony8801 on 01 November 2012 - 09:20 AM in Wii U Hardware

I am a bit disappointed that they didn't attempt to focus on any "hardcore" games. It looks totally like a family/casual party system. I know that is the market they are really heavily relying on, but no third party games whatsoever? Slick looking commercial, but disappointing.

#119153 Just played it at Best Buy Canada! My thoughts...

Posted by Tony8801 on 19 October 2012 - 09:45 AM in Wii U Hardware

That sounds great. The first time I see the gamepad I thought "that big thing is gonna be difficult to hold with my small hands" but with your comments about the comfort of the gamepad, I'm very happy with that. And yeah, I think the same about NSMU, looks good but the same as the Wii version. If I want an plataformer game maybe I go for Rayman Legends but is my opinion.
You have not played another game?

I think you will be happy with the comfort of the gamepad. I do have quite large hands, and maybe that is why I feel really comfortable with it, but I would say it seems like it would fit most peoples hands and be comfortable to more. It is surprisingly light, but not in the cheap, plasticy kind of way. They had Rayman there as well, but it was pretty packed. I got to watch it being played, and again, very similar to Rayman origins. Not a bad thing, but not mind blowing either. I really wanted to play Zombi U, but sadly, it was not available there.

nice to hear you like it, as for me i respect the people who still like 2d marios but im not a real fan of these kind of games anymore, besides that i love all 3d mario games like 64,sunshine and galaxy and mario kart is my favorite mario spin-off game, ill gladly get the next 3d mario game

hype hype!, also i hope for a solution or improvement of the voice-chat situation in near future lol

Totally agree! When a 3D mario comes out, it will be mind blowing! Thinking about playing Mario Galaxy on the gamepad is a salivating thought ;)

#119166 Just played it at Best Buy Canada! My thoughts...

Posted by Tony8801 on 19 October 2012 - 10:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

As a female (with hands probably similar or smaller than yours), it was very comfortable in size. Nothing weird, felt exactly like holding a controller. The gamepad is lighter than it looks but it still has a normal controller weight to it. This makes it a little awkward when playing it with a stylus since most or all of the weight is in one hand, which is more noticeable. Maybe because it's wide so it makes holding it in one hand a little different than if the weight were more condensed? By no means was it too heavy or anything, but I can see possible fatigue after an hour or so, depending on the person.

I'm jealous, all I got to play is Rayman at Nintendo World. :o Don't like Mario (or Just Dance) much but I would've liked to try out more than one game. xD

Yup I agree with this, it is the perfect weight, but due to the size, holding it in one hand is a bit tougher.

Yeah I am happy I got to try a few games, but cannot wait to get my hands on zombi u and Assassins Creed 3 :)

#119533 Just played it at Best Buy Canada! My thoughts...

Posted by Tony8801 on 20 October 2012 - 08:36 AM in Wii U Hardware


That's it, I'm walking, lol, I have the Need for Wii U now

Oh and I had a question, what specific games were there to play? Or did you only play a couple and not see the entire list?

They only Nintendo land, Rayman, new super Mario bros u, lets dance 4, and some singing game. No zombi u, assassins creed, call or duty , etc.

And thanks to everyone who responded. Sorry I didn't see the other persons post about playing the wii u today, I just wanted to let people know what I thought and gets others opinions :)

#119172 Just played it at Best Buy Canada! My thoughts...

Posted by Tony8801 on 19 October 2012 - 10:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

I dont believe you for 1 second... Nintendo would never recycle the same game over and over and over... never

lol NEVER...

thumbs up for the Datsyuk pic ;)

#119147 Just played it at Best Buy Canada! My thoughts...

Posted by Tony8801 on 19 October 2012 - 09:10 AM in Wii U Hardware

I just got back from one of the best buy "wii experience trailer' in Toronto, and colour me impressed! I got to play it for about 20 minutes, and boy am I sold on the wii-u!!!

The controller is SO comfortable. The buttons are perfect in my my opinion. Joysticks are great, just the right amount of stiffness to them, and the shoulder buttons are great, they are positioned well and just feel awesome to push! The screen is also very impressive and VERY responsive. Zero lag whatsoever! The entire thing is fantastic! The build quality of it is incredible. Pictures and online videos do not do it justice. It is a very incredible piece of technology that you NEED to hold in your hands to actually appreciate it.

I got to play around with Let's Dance (didn't actually play, just messed around with controller and menus, etc) and I got to play NSMBU. Here is my only complaint about today. NSMBU is a good game, very nice seeing Mario in HD, and playing it on the gamepad is so amazing (just imagining playing AAA titles like AC3 or COD:BO2 in the palm of your hands with a super comfortable controller is very enticing) BUT... NSMBU is almost the exact same as NSMB on wii. This is the first Mario game I played that doesn't make me want to own it. It is very disappointing that they are just continuously recycling NSMB. Im sure the final game will be great, and the level design is top notch, but still, just not exciting to play. I also got a chance to watch others play nintendo land, and it looks like fun, but like NSMBU, doesn't make you really want to own it at all.

My overall thoughts of it are that it is incredible. I wasn't a huge fan of the wii, but this system just blew me away. Thinking of the possible awesome games being played on the little screen is making me want it even more! I already pre-ordered it, but I was on the fence about actually going through with buying it. I can officially say I am stoked for November 18th!!

Anyone have any questions, feel free to ask me :) And if anyone has played it as well, please leave some comments/feedback on what you thought!

#119543 Just played it at Best Buy Canada! My thoughts...

Posted by Tony8801 on 20 October 2012 - 08:59 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hmmm, maybe I should go to the one in East York? I haven't been there in a while and I'd imagine it wouldn't be that crowded, good for my grandfather! Haha

Edit: Nevermind, I saw your Nintendo your post, guess I have to go to Yonge and Dundas Square now

Ya it is a tour, so you have to go to specific stores when they have it set up. It is literally a small trailer with like 7 wii u's set up. Good luck , I hope it's not too crowded, an let us know if you check it our

#119541 Just played it at Best Buy Canada! My thoughts...

Posted by Tony8801 on 20 October 2012 - 08:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Really? God I hope there's not a line, lol was there when you went?

No line when I went, but it was a smaller bestbuy, and noon on a weekday. I imagine yonge and dundas on a Saturday will be incredibly busy!!

I'm going to be visiting Regina tomorrow. I can't find any information on whether or not they have the Wii U demo at the Best Buy. Can anyone tell me?

These are the Canadian tour dates


#119537 Just played it at Best Buy Canada! My thoughts...

Posted by Tony8801 on 20 October 2012 - 08:42 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm gonna go soon my grandfather finally agreed to take me!!!!!!!!!!!!! He thinks I'm helping him find a new humidifier but I really just want to play the Wii U (Shhhhh!!!) lol

Lol you better actually help him find a humidifier afterwards lol

Are you going to yonge and dundas? It is going to be so packed today! Tons of people

#119545 Just played it at Best Buy Canada! My thoughts...

Posted by Tony8801 on 20 October 2012 - 09:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks I hope not either lol! Do each of the games have their own booth or are they all on all booths and you can just pick?

Each has there own booth. Kind of sucks, but just grab any booth that's available. I played just dance cause it was empty, and I didn't actually play, I just wanted to hold the controller lol

#133637 Having fun?

Posted by Tony8801 on 19 November 2012 - 12:51 PM in Wii U Hardware

Loving the Wii U! Serioulsy, there are a few issues (slow load times, froze once) but honestly, the loads times seemed to be quicker today, especially when accesing Miiverse and the eshop. But even with these issues, this thing is amazing! I played COD and Mario all of last night while my GF watched some tv, and she was even watching me play Mario at times! The freedom you have with it is incredible! I am currently playing Mario while my brother is playing PS3. Amazing!

#125456 Nintendo TVii

Posted by Tony8801 on 07 November 2012 - 10:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This is one of my most anticipated features on the wii-u! Although I live in Canada, and I am a huge NHL and NFL fan, so I am hoping that all the features work with my cable provider, and it supports both NFL and NHL. I am very excited to try this out!

#132725 Flawless Wii U thread

Posted by Tony8801 on 18 November 2012 - 04:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

Mine is perfect :)

#119536 I Played the Wii U for the First Time Today

Posted by Tony8801 on 20 October 2012 - 08:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

I have yet to try the wii u pro controller, but the game pad feels incredibly strong and well built in my opinion. It just feels right in your hands, it is totally awesome! I can respect some people might find it cheap feeling because its so light, but testing it for 20 mins or so, it really felt just perfect ;)

#129095 Back of Wii U game cases

Posted by Tony8801 on 14 November 2012 - 05:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

Does it say anywhere if the games can be played on the gamepad itself, and not on a tv? I really think this should be listed on the back of the box. Also, does anyone know if there is a list that says which games can be played away from the tv? Thanks!

#120641 Launch day: What are you buying?

Posted by Tony8801 on 23 October 2012 - 05:44 AM in Wii U Hardware

I have a bunch of games on my radar, but since I am purchasing the deluxe console with nintendoland, and the wii u pro controller ($400 plus taxes there alone), I think I will limit myself to two of the following games:

(in order from highest interest level to lowest)
-Zombi U
-Assassin's Creed 3
-Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

-New Super Mario Bros U

Zombi U is the most unique to the system, and something I can't really play anywhere else, so that is a day one guarantee for me!
Assassin's Creed 3 just looks incredible, so it is very high on my list.
COD Black Ops 2 also looks incredibly promising and fun! I haven't played a COD game since MW1, so it has been a while for me. It is also pretty high on my list.
NSMBU is very similar to NSMB for wii, or NSMB for ds (I have played the demo, VERY similar to those games. It is still incredibly fun, but because it is the same game as before, I am hesitant to pick this one up, but it is still on the list.

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