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#222200 Iwata: more unannounced third party titles will come

Posted by Shogo on 15 June 2013 - 08:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yep. It took me... years. I'm talking since the beginning of this crap back durring the N64's popularity to finally get it, but I now know it to be true. The denial is over and my faith in Nintendo is lost. They've lost touch with gamers and are unable to support 3rd party developers.


Game over, Nintendo. You've lost me. I can't believe your lies anymore and the Wii U is the last concole of yours I buy on launch day. Next time around I'm just going to wait until you prove yourselves to me. Sorry. Just the way it is now.


...And I've been a loyal fan of Nintendo since the NES. Sad times.


  Same here, I'm getting a PS4 (will be my first non Nintendo console).  I been gaming on Nintendo consoles for years, I loved the old Nintendo that had Rare (Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conker,etc), Silicon Knights (Eternal Darkness),their special relationship with Factor 5( all the star wars games, Battle for Naboo on N64, Rogue Squadron on the GC).   They had all these awesome 2nd party developers that made other types of games for the ones of us who aren't interested in Mario games (no offense intended to people that like those games, I'm not saying they should stop making those games, I'm saying they also should  make games for gamers who aren't interested in the Mario games and etc).  I feel Nintendo is out of touch. The  only studio that they have now that makes games that appeal to me is working on a 2D Donkey Kong game, why couldn't another studio work on that and let Retro work on Metroid or some new IP.

 (and sorry for repeating the same thing over and over but if I don't the "rabid dogs" attack me, as if I was some "troll", when I been playing Nintendo consoles for years, a long loyal Nintendo gamer who only has owned Nintendo consoles all my life, but I feel they out of touch). 

#219361 Nintendo denies Wii U basic recall rumor

Posted by Shogo on 11 June 2013 - 07:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

Actually, they did. And that is what depresses me.


Donkey Kong was the Retro game we have been waiting for.

  Yea I just saw that.   :( 

#219286 Nintendo denies Wii U basic recall rumor

Posted by Shogo on 11 June 2013 - 07:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

I understand that. Their E3 Direct was sad, because most of the games I wanted are coming out next year. DK was a pleasant surprise, but honestly, I wanted another surprise. And I wanted to see Retro's game. Assuming DK wasn't Retro's game.

 Yes, I was so looking forward to Retro's game and they didn't show it. :( 

#219246 Nintendo denies Wii U basic recall rumor

Posted by Shogo on 11 June 2013 - 07:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm sorry, your just plain wrong. Correct that Nintendo missed out on those games, and will continue to miss out on more games. But who buys Nintendo for those games.

Right there. I just mentioned the problem. Nintendo could release a super duper muper trooper console. They could have used a CPU that somehow does all the work for the developer. And Nintendo will still miss out on all these games.

EA didn't abandon Nintendo because of graphics. It's because they are hurting for money, laying people off, and they don't have money to spend on marketing when they don't sell 1+ million units per game. Crisis 3 not only was running on Nintendo, it was ready to release. Months from being in your hands. But EA couldn't afford to sell it on a console that they won't be making much money off. Won't even scratch the surface of how much money they spent.

Metro Last Light really is the last light. THQ, what happened to them again? Yeah, they couldn't afford to learn a new console when they could barely afford to make games in the first place. Again, what happened to them?

Your just wrong. Right about the result, wrong on the cause.



It wouldn't bother me too bad. You do have a point it could be worse. But why are you always looking to call me out?

Other than the graphics not being PC quality and not having a few devs aboard what bothers you so much?

  The fact that all they show are baby games that don't appeal to me.  Sorry but I just saw their E3 Nintendo Direct and it was total garbage to me.   And it is Nintendo that is out of touch.  Back in the day they had Rare (makers of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, I loved those games), they had Left Field Productions (Excitebike64, I liked that game), Silicon Knights (Eternal Darkness, also liked that game), but they sold all those awesome 2nd party developers that would make more mature games that appeal to me.  (A game doesn't have to have blood and gore to appeal to me, I liked Excitebike64, liked Wave Race on both the N64 and the Gamecube versions,1080 on the N64).  They had this special relationship with Factor 5 (the Star Wars Rogue Squadron game on the Gamecube was impressive).  But they sold all their 2nd party developers.  Now we are left with this.  So many games I saw yesterday on the sony E3 that appeal to me.  Also Ubisofts racing game "The Crew", I didn't see a Wii U logo at the end of that trailer.  That is another game I would have liked to have.  Yea sorry, but I am moving on to the PS4, was a loyal Nintendo gamer all my life (only owned Nintendo consoles).  But they are so out of touch.

#215815 Nintendo denies Wii U basic recall rumor

Posted by Shogo on 04 June 2013 - 07:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

What do you expect on a fourm of dedicated Nintendo fans? Have fun with your Airstrip One though!



IMO he came here only to incite rage and to get reactions.



Actually if you would have bothered to read any of the things I have said before since I joined this forum.  I been playing Nintendo games for years (probably longer than you 2 combined).  I have only owned Nintendo consoles all my life.  For the first time in my life I am getting a PS4, because I am tired of missing out on all the triple A games that get released on other consoles and not on Nintendo consoles.  Since the Wii U launched I already missed: Bioshock Infinite (Nintendo even showed Ken Levine of Bioschock at E3 2011 praising the Wii U, yet 2 years later Bioshock Infinite gets released and the Wii U doesn't get it.), Metro Last Light, Crysis 3, and probably we wont get GTA5 either. All those games appeal to me. That list will keep growing and growing. (And excuses can be made and made but it doesn't change the facts).


Most people that bought the Deluxe Model wasn't exactly for the 32GB hard drive, 32GB is nothing nowadays (like 2-3 average sized games, one next gen game probably will be that size).  So people that bought the Deluxe model for the 32GB are just postponing the inevitable of having to purchase and external hard drive later.  Of all the reasons to purchase the Deluxe model the little extra space is the least important.


Nintendo should have just released the basic model at the price of the current Deluxe model, and Nintendo instead of wasting that money on an internal hard drive for the system they should have made the console more powerful.  We wouldn't have all that "the Wii U is underpowered doom and gloom" talk to begin with.  And 3rd party developers would be more willing to make games for the system.  Now not only we also not getting FIFA games but also the PES games from Konami.

#215713 Nintendo denies Wii U basic recall rumor

Posted by Shogo on 04 June 2013 - 04:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

Just shows how poorly Nintendo thought about the Wii U.  People were more willing to pay a bit more and buy the Deluxe model.  I personally would have preferred to pay and extra $50 to get a more powerful console, at least 3rd party developers would be more willing to port their games to the Wii U.  But excuses can be made for everything wrong that they do, because they can't do anything wrong and the "shining Nintendo knights"  will be out in force flaming me for stating my own personal opinion.

#215132 Wii U for young kids?

Posted by Shogo on 03 June 2013 - 11:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion. I hope you don't think my reply was an attempt to flame you, because that's not how I intended it. I just disagree with what you say, that's all. I can understand the appeal of games that you never get to play. That's why I bought a 360 last time around. However, I am an adult as well and I love Pokemon and Mario. No shame in that.

I didn't take your reply as a flame at me.  But many  times that I have stated my opinion I have gotten flamed and attacked here (like if I was some "troll" that never played Nintendo games, when I probably been gaming longer than a lot of those people attacking me have).  I loved playing Goldeneye on the N64, Perfect Dark, Wave Race, 1080 (I liked Wave Race and 1080 for example, it not like if all games that appeal to me have to be mature).  I liked the Gamecube... Eternal Darkness,Timespliters 2, all the Metroid games, even the Tony Hawk games, I have dozens of games). I been gaming for years.  I was disappointed with the Wii, not many games appealed to me.

  That is also for example when I say Mario or Pokemon or whatever games don't appeal to me,I'm not saying they wont appeal to others, or that they are "bad games".  They just don't appeal to me.   There lots of games that do appeal to me that I have missed out on, and I am tired of that.  (and I did miss out because I was a loyal Nintendo gamer).  I liked Zombi U, currently I am playing Resident Evil Revelations also on Wii U.  I would have liked to play all those games I mentioned on my post above but they didn't get released on the Wii U so I missed out on them.  Right now the only thing I look forward to on E3 is Retro's game and probably Bayonetta 2(and I hope it is Metroid or a new IP  that appeals to me), all the other things they have showed don't appeal to me.  I hope they have some surprises.

#215111 Wii U for young kids?

Posted by Shogo on 03 June 2013 - 10:45 AM in Wii U Hardware

If having a bunch of excessively violent M rated games makes something more mature and adult, then that is just sad. As much as I enjoy Gears of War and Bioshock, I don't believe that not having those sorts of games makes something 'kiddie.' 

  Well, as I have said before, I been gaming on Nintendo consoles all my life.  The Wii was a big disappointment for me.  For the first time in my life I am getting a non Nintendo console (a PS4).  I am tired of missing out on all the triple A games that I never got a chance to play due to them not being released on Nintendo consoles. I'm not interested in Mario, Pokemon, Kirby and whatnot games.  I'm an adult, those games don't appeal to me at all.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that is the way that I feel.  But each time I state my personal opinion I get flamed here because apparently I can't have one.  I will keep my Wii U for the occasional good game that appeals to me that might come its way.


Posted by Shogo on 01 June 2013 - 06:05 AM in General Gaming


 Yep, that pretty much sums them up.

#214157 Wii U for young kids?

Posted by Shogo on 01 June 2013 - 06:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

2) It seems the U is aimed at the more serious gamers? Does this mean new activity games will be forgotten, and everything will be battlefield games (sorry, I don't know the names of the titles).



Nope, it the same kiddie game console the Wii was.  I already have missed multiple triple A games since the Wii U launched.  No Metro Last Light, No Crysis 3, No Bioshock Infinite and probably no GTA5.   :(

#208703 Why didnt Nintendo just make wii u more powerful?

Posted by Shogo on 19 May 2013 - 05:14 AM in Wii U Hardware


There's also other rumours among some people who worked on the game which range from QA to designers.

The game changed a lot and turned into something completely different for release because it wasn't working out.


That's what I mean by "barely", it was plagued by problems.

 Well all the excuses in the world can be made for each game that doesn't get released on the Wii U.  It was the same throughout the life cycle of the Wii.  I missed out on all the major triple A games because of the same excuses.

#208699 Why didnt Nintendo just make wii u more powerful?

Posted by Shogo on 19 May 2013 - 05:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

Crysis 3 was cancelled due to EA.

Bioshock was in development for years and barely got released on the platforms it did release on.

Metro was THQ published, which meant bankruptcy would dampen the possibilities.

GTA5 is unlikely, for the same reason Bioshock never happened, and tomb raider etc. Games in development with years are unlikely.


Nintendo could have moneyballsed them all if they wanted to though, doubt it'd pay off but they could have.

Bioshock Infinite barely got released on the platforms it did releason on?
I wouldn't call selling 3.7 Million units since launch "barely"...


#208565 Why didnt Nintendo just make wii u more powerful?

Posted by Shogo on 18 May 2013 - 02:46 PM in Wii U Hardware

The fact the fan boys aint ripping me apart says it all, im a fan boy and have had nintendos for over 15 years! I just cant believe tech giants at the top there game can let this happen. Heres what really bugs me,
Nintendo at the end of the wiis life obviously pitched wii u to investors, promising HD next gen graphics, like they did to us, they wanted to bring back core gamers, wowed us with clips of games (that have been canned now) and yet nobody has said "where is all this?" Win back core gamers ! What a joke, forget no gta5 theres no blooming fifa ! Mario kart aint gonna save Nintendo this time, and if heads dont roll at nintendo there properly f..........


I agree with all that.  I also been a loyal Nintendo gamer for the past 20+years.  I have only owned Nintendo consoles.  I am tired of missing out on all the triple A games that get released on other consoles and not on Nintendo consoles.  On E3 2011 Nintendo showed Ken Levine of Bioshock praising the Wii U, 2 years later Bioshock Infinite gets released yet we don't get a Wii U version...why?  I am tired of missing out on so many games that appeal to me, this is the reason why I am getting a PS4, it will be my first non Nintendo console I will ever own.  I will keep my Wii U for the occasional good game that might appeal to me (Retro's game, Eternal Darkness successor...).  And I also get flamed here for expressing my opinion because apparently I can't have one, I can't feel the way that I do because Nintendo can do no wrong.


List some games you want.


To name a few of the games that have been released since the Wii U launched...Crysis 3, Bioshock Infinite, Metro Last Light.  I'm not even sure we are going to get GTA5.  All those games appeal to me.  

#208419 How many people watched the last Nintendo Direct?

Posted by Shogo on 18 May 2013 - 05:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

I got told USA had 1.7 million viewers

Also probably the reason Europe had so low views is because most (Or almost all) watched the US one.

I saw the whole thing and it peaked at around 22K-23K viewers.


And Nintendo's own Youtube Nintendo direct video has about 74.9k views as of now and that is counting total views since it was posted there. 



That 1.7 million number is not true. The average person/gamer doesn't even know about the Nintendo directs.

#207658 A Call To Arms: Nintendo Fans, This Is The Time!

Posted by Shogo on 16 May 2013 - 06:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well you're getting trolled because you joined a WII U Forum site which talks mostly about the WII U which is full of NINTENDO FANS yet you aren't getting a WII U... you see where am going with this right?

I already have a Wii U.  I bought it on launch.  But I am tired of missing out on the triple A games that get released on other consoles and not on Nintendo consoles.  On E3 2011 Nintendo showed Ken Levine of Bioshock praising the Wii U, 2 years later Bioshock Infinite gets released yet we don't get a Wii U version, why?  I missed Crysis 3 also because it wasn't released on a Nintendo console.  Metro Last Light was another game that appealed to me that I missed out because again, no Wii U version.  I'm not even sure if we going to get GTA5, another game that appeals to me.  So how many more games will I miss out.  That the reason I will get a PS4 (the first time I will own a non Nintendo console) to play the triple A games that I am tired of missing out on and will keep my Wii U for the ocassional good game that might come its way.  That Eternal Darkness successor game might be good and probably will be only on Wii U (other than PC), so that will be one of the games I will have my Wii U for.

#207213 A Call To Arms: Nintendo Fans, This Is The Time!

Posted by Shogo on 14 May 2013 - 09:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

I actually been doing that all my life (buying 3rd party games on Nintendo systems).  I only have owned Nintendo consoles and most of the games I have are 3rd party games.  A lot of the Nintendo games don't appeal to me  ( I don't care about Mario games and Kirby games and Pokemon and etc). I do have some first party Nintendo games.(I have Wave Race on the N64 and Gamecube, 1080,  Goldeneye was published by Nintendo,Perfect Dark, etc).   I like mature games that appeal to me.  The Wii was a big disappointment for me , because not many games on it appealed to me.  But I am tired of missing out on all the triple A games that don't get released on Nintendo consoles, so I already made my mind and will get a PS4, (it will be the first non Nintendo console I will get in my 20+ years of owning only Nintendo consoles.)  And I been saying this since I joined this forum  ( I said so on my introduction when I joined this forum), but each time I give my personal opinion on this site I get trolled and flamed and attacked by everyone because apparently I can't have my own opinion and I can't feel the way that I do.  I feel Nintendo is out of touch with the type of games that I like, that just the way that I feel, it is my opinion and I am entitled to one.  I hope Retro Studios is working on a Metroid game or at least a new IP of a mature game that appeals to me.

#204408 Shadow of the Eternals

Posted by Shogo on 06 May 2013 - 09:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

There is a 9 minute gameplay vid from IGN




#183804 how was the wiiu suppost to attract core gamers again ?

Posted by Shogo on 18 March 2013 - 05:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

They have done a terrible job.  Why they show Ken Levine at E3 2011 praising the Wii U and 2 years later we aren't getting Bioshock Infinite.  I am tired of misssing out on so many games that appeal to me.  I am getting a PS4 for the triple AAA games and my Wii U for the ocassional good game that might come its way.

#174152 Exactly how large is the power gap between the Wii U and the PS4?

Posted by Shogo on 21 February 2013 - 12:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

Hope not. I would have fallen for their marketing towards "hardcore" gamers. Lets get some perspective, however, the console has been out for 4 months. Not even half a year, out of possible 5/6 year cycles? Don't get carried away too early.

I'm not selling my Wii U.  I will wait to see how it goes.  But if the Wii U is going to be another Wii then I will jump ship.  After being a Nintendo gamer for so long it not necessarily something I want to do, but they will leave me no choice.  I am getting Need for Speed for WIi U on March, I like the extra work Criterion did on the Wii U port of this game, it looks good.  I am hoping Nintendo will announce some games that appeal to me come this years E3.  I would be interested in a 3D Metroid game.  I am glad to hear the Wii U is getting Watch Dogs, (Disappointed there is no Bioshock Infinite even though they showed Ken Levine praising the Wii U on E3 2011).

#174074 Take notes Nintendo

Posted by Shogo on 21 February 2013 - 09:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I agree that Nintendo has to cater for both New Nintendo fans for the ages we were when we were kids, but they also need to start catering for the Nintendo fans that grew up. Sony has been doing this ever since Playstation. Their games got more mature as Playstation got more mature/older.

Not to say that I still enjoy the old IPs, a lot of them are very layered and appeal to all ages. However Nintendo do need to get some M-rated titles on their console too. It's what the parental lock they have is for ;)

Agrees :)

#174062 Exactly how large is the power gap between the Wii U and the PS4?

Posted by Shogo on 21 February 2013 - 08:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

Newsflash: Nobody cares if you were disappointed by the Wii and its awesome 1st-party games, and nobody cares if you're disappointed by the Wii U. I have also been playing Nintendo consoles for 20+ years - want a cookie?

If you were so disappointed by Nintendo last generation you shouldn't have been an early adopter of the Wii U. You should've waited and only purchased this offering if it turned out to be "less disappointing" to you than the last one.

Exactly and that is why I am getting a PS4 and spending my money there.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. In your narrow Nintendo fanboy mind if someone has an opinion that doesn't go with yours "nobody cares".
I got a Wii U because I was giving Nintendo one last chance. (I even said so on my introduction when I joined this forum).

#174059 Exactly how large is the power gap between the Wii U and the PS4?

Posted by Shogo on 21 February 2013 - 08:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

"Another Wii..."

You mean the best-selling console of the generation with tons of awesome exclusives?

You mean the console full of kiddie games? I been playing Nintendo consoles for 20+ years and the Wii was a big disappointment for me. I'm tired of all the kiddie games. I am more excited for the PS4 than for my Wii U.

#173968 Take notes Nintendo

Posted by Shogo on 21 February 2013 - 04:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I been gaming on Nintendo consoles for 20+ years. The Wii was a big disappointment for me. I'm tired of all the "kiddie games". I want mature games that appeal to me. I'm more excited for the PS4 than I am for my Wii U.

#173733 killzone ps4 trailer

Posted by Shogo on 20 February 2013 - 05:22 PM in General Gaming

Yea I'm more excited about the PS4 than for the Wii U. Why does Nintendo always have to be so secretive about whatever it is doing? Last years Nintendo E3 presentation was a big disappointment for me.

#173030 Addressing the Wii U’s Sales, Problems, and Future

Posted by Shogo on 19 February 2013 - 09:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

"I hear critics bash Nintendo for not bringing new franchises, yet they have failed to play Xenoblade or the Last Story"

Really? It took "Operation Rainfall" to try to convince Nintendo to bring these games to the West because Nintendo itself didn't believe in them in the first place. By the time they were released in the West it was too late... nobody cared.

"Nintendo is destroying the Sales Charts in Japan"
We talking about the Wii U right?, last weeks figures show they sold only 12.9k Wii U units, that less than the 7 year old PS3.

And this weeks sales aren't any better, they worse... 10.7k units. The 3DS is doing fine though. But I'm talking about the Wii U. The 7 year old PS3 is selling better than the Wii U. And there isn't a single Wii U title in the top 10 software list.

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