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There have been 167 items by Occult Satanist (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#216609 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - E3 Trailer

Posted by Occult Satanist on 06 June 2013 - 10:43 AM in General Gaming

this looks promising I cant wait for Lords of Shadow 2, i liked the first one a lot then again im a huge fan of Castlevania

#196278 Chat Down?

Posted by Occult Satanist on 17 April 2013 - 05:42 PM in The Café


#181375 Gaming PC question

Posted by Occult Satanist on 10 March 2013 - 03:19 PM in General Gaming

Get NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 680



#182795 wii u newbie!

Posted by Occult Satanist on 14 March 2013 - 07:30 PM in Introduction Central

You'll never get your honor back.....Hi

#211930 My name is Hannah Rose

Posted by Occult Satanist on 27 May 2013 - 03:17 PM in Introduction Central


#214923 Hilariously stupid things in the gaming world

Posted by Occult Satanist on 02 June 2013 - 07:52 PM in The Café






Late last night the offices of Los Angeles-based independent game studio Robotoki were stormed by the Los Angeles Police Department after a curious designer pressed the building’s “panic” button, studio founder Robert Bowling told Polygon.

The 911 response ended in a tense showdown with a life-sized statue of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2‘s Simon “Ghost” Riley, which the police mistook for a gunman.



#193385 North Korean Missile Test Delayed by Windows 8

Posted by Occult Satanist on 11 April 2013 - 04:46 PM in The Café

They are discovering that they are indeed not the most superior nation in the world and that they are in fact so weak even a simple upgrade to their computer has them beat 

#192194 your favorite rappers

Posted by Occult Satanist on 09 April 2013 - 03:12 PM in The Café


#234512 Research study finds calorie info on McDonald's menu is counterproductive

Posted by Occult Satanist on 24 July 2013 - 11:37 AM in The Café

All i do is eat protein rich foods and do p90x, however i must say mcdonalds is horrible for you and i dont know how on earth some people can eat it so much....i mean really i had a few mcdoubles a few months ago and i had this grease taste the rest of the day it was disgusting, maybe with all these new health kicks they will be forced to change their ways like they are now but then again it might not happen in America 100% because we are a fast food nation and it's cheap as dirt.

#239176 Egypt imposes state of emergency after 95 people killed

Posted by Occult Satanist on 14 August 2013 - 09:35 AM in The Café

Revolution is coming, and that aside, there is NO reason for Snipers to EVER be called out to attack protesters, riot police would be the understandable type of unit to use after all they can handle the crowd and if it is too violent they can use some tear gas to smother a riot, so no matter how you look at this all of these deaths were murders  

#193381 Like error

Posted by Occult Satanist on 11 April 2013 - 04:42 PM in Site News and Feedback

Here try on this one and see if it lets you like it

Pure genius

#213393 Hi

Posted by Occult Satanist on 30 May 2013 - 02:09 PM in Introduction Central


#238698 Ever had a painful moment you couldn't forget in your life?

Posted by Occult Satanist on 11 August 2013 - 10:43 PM in The Café

these insane topics are a pain, but other then that the most painful thing i ever had happen was going down hill on a dirt bike and having it flip over on me when i was 10, the worst thing i ever had happen was in the mountains shooting a .44 cal magnum, when the guy went to raise his arm to aim it discharged and hit a rock close by....and for those of you who dont know, rocks make bullets ricochet and go in almost any direction including back towards the user

#180489 Hello <(^o^<)

Posted by Occult Satanist on 07 March 2013 - 08:51 PM in Introduction Central

WELCOME to the forums enjoy your stay

#189378 Mournblade: A Documentary

Posted by Occult Satanist on 02 April 2013 - 05:55 PM in The Museum


#239256 California state court gives final approval to gay marriage, dismisses Prop 8 ap

Posted by Occult Satanist on 14 August 2013 - 05:33 PM in The Café

one step closer to a world with more acceptance, this is awesome

#235402 Soldier returns from Afghanistan to learn his beloved dog is gone

Posted by Occult Satanist on 27 July 2013 - 04:38 PM in The Café

what a ruthless person, this man trusted that guy with his most loved possession and the guy had the nerve to just....get rid of it

#235242 What did you do in 6/6/06?

Posted by Occult Satanist on 27 July 2013 - 10:35 AM in The Café

i thought it hilarious how everyone was freaking out and just lived life like normal

#194658 What phone do you currently have?

Posted by Occult Satanist on 14 April 2013 - 08:09 PM in The Café


#235821 2000AD launches petition for Dredd sequel

Posted by Occult Satanist on 29 July 2013 - 12:49 PM in The Café

Im not sure if it really should get a sequel i mean the first one was really cool so a sequel may shed bad light on it

#183725 A call to friendship in the chat

Posted by Occult Satanist on 17 March 2013 - 05:24 PM in Site News and Feedback

stop making threads about chat

#183729 A call to friendship in the chat

Posted by Occult Satanist on 17 March 2013 - 05:27 PM in Site News and Feedback

then do so with out bringing negative attention to chat.......us members dont want it removed we love it and use it a lot but you are going to get the privilege revoked

#194421 Wii U vs Sniper Rifle

Posted by Occult Satanist on 14 April 2013 - 06:45 AM in The Café

This was entertaining actually especially since they took their time just to use a sniper rifle

#234910 12-year-old girl caught writing bad checks for $3,440 worth of candy.

Posted by Occult Satanist on 25 July 2013 - 07:43 PM in The Café

Who on earth would trust a little girl paying with large amounts of money in check form.....wouldnt you at least want to know where her parents are and if the purchase is what the parents really want in the first place

#194045 An idea

Posted by Occult Satanist on 13 April 2013 - 08:32 AM in Site News and Feedback

I think the staff/Mournblade should discuss adding a video game review app. It would make the forums not look ugly and then everyone could post their reviews in the app. 

ya there are stupid battles that happen sometimes on this forum over out looks on a game .......for example the angry face guy and mario party

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