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#137719 Which games do NOT include Club Nintendo points?

Posted by Inland on 24 November 2012 - 10:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Oh silly me. I meant to say that all retail games that come with a Club Nintendo code are eligible for those surveys, sorry for the misunderstanding.

No worries, I saw unboxings on Youtube that verified the lack of registration cards. I appreciate your taking the time to help. :)

#137263 Which games do NOT include Club Nintendo points?

Posted by Inland on 24 November 2012 - 01:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

NOTE: All retail games are eligible for registration surveys, post play surveys, and intend to buy bonuses.

How can you get those surveys for retail games that come without a Club Nintendo registration card?


Posted by Inland on 22 November 2012 - 06:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Nintendo digital downloads are really goofy. It says in the Wii U for the Wii transfer that all my wiiware can be redownloaded later. So, just like the original 3DS 2gb to 3DS XL 4gb transfer, I reformatted my system with the intent of just redownloading my bought software instead of transfering SD card data around back and forth multiple times from Wii systems and my PC. (I mean, Why would I want to swap out my brand new 4gb 3DS XL card for my old 2gb card?)

Figured it would be the same for the Wii since it says that all wiiware can be redownloaded...but, Umm...Now I can't download the Wiiware games.

#137669 Noisy Disc Drive

Posted by Inland on 25 November 2012 - 12:42 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wow, you're right. Discs never stop spinning unless the console is powered off. Same went for regular Wii discs as well.
When a foreign media such as a blu ray movie is inserted, the disc drive stops spinning once the console deems it unrecognized.

I'm sure Nintendo will address this with a firmware update ASAP. There is no need for the disc to be spinning until infinity like this.

For now I guess I would advise everyone to eject all discs when not in use to save from unnecessary wear and tear on the drive.

Since apparently we as consumers are the Beta testers, please contact Nintendo about this issue. They of course can't resolve a problem that they aren't aware of without our feedback.

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