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#142202 For those of you with multiple systems

Posted by cholifoli on 02 December 2012 - 03:44 PM in General Gaming

um Amazon have a bunch of the PS3 slims in stock along with the super slim

Hmm, I guess I must have overlooked them. I'll take a look.

My bad, I saw "bundle" and didn't read into them. Thank you for the correction.

#142199 For those of you with multiple systems

Posted by cholifoli on 02 December 2012 - 03:34 PM in General Gaming

If it wasn't for only being able to find the new "super slim" PS3's, I'd go for it. My friend has a new super slim, and it is super loud. Not to mention it feels extremely cheap. I've searched every online retailer, and called a few local stores. They all say the only have the holiday bundles available. I would like to play the new GOW, but at the same time I absolutely hate a loud system. I may still consider a PS3, but I traded in the 2 games I had for it. I'm not one to keep games once I've grown bored with them, so the games are a non issue.

#142209 For those of you with multiple systems

Posted by cholifoli on 02 December 2012 - 03:49 PM in General Gaming

I found them, now I just have to decide if I want to spend the money on the extra hard drive space. The only 160GB instock in the US are outrageously priced.

#142254 For those of you with multiple systems

Posted by cholifoli on 02 December 2012 - 05:33 PM in General Gaming

I'd imagine if you looked, you could find the 250 GB Slim PS3 black friday bundle that came with the inFAMOUS Saga and the Uncharted Dual-Pack for about $300 or so.

everything i own collects dust, hell, my wii u already does, i play everything atleast a day a week, my pc though, this thing is sparkling clean..... ya im a pc person, but still like consoles.

I've never gotten into PC games (I've always owned a Mac), but I can see their appeal.

They have the bundle you were referring to with the first "slim". I'll just decide if the regular slim is worth the extra $40.

Well crap. I just came across another game I will be salivating over that will not be available on Xbox, Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn. I guess it really is not an issue in the long run, since I'll be buying either the PS4 or new Xbox when they come out :P.

#142276 For those of you with multiple systems

Posted by cholifoli on 02 December 2012 - 08:26 PM in General Gaming

I like all my systems, but the Xbox 360 is used most for cross platform games. But I like the PS3 exclusives better (Uncharter). If you are not a fan of PS3 exclusives the Xbox is better imo. Controller feels better, frame rates tend to be better.

Honestly, I am largely impartial to most exclusives. I do like Fable on the Xbox, while I also enjoy GOW and Ratchet&Clank on Playstation. Since FF went multiplatform, that made the decision even more difficult. What I like most about the 360 is having the option to install the game to the HDD.

Found a $199.99 Infamous/Uncharted bundle in stock at Target via online store stock checker. Must have been left over from Black Friday, it's hard to pass up at that price. I called them to confirm stock, and the nice lady was kind enough to set it aside for me until tomorrow afternoon.

#142184 For those of you with multiple systems

Posted by cholifoli on 02 December 2012 - 02:42 PM in General Gaming

Thank you for all of the replies :). I've never felt the need to own more than one system, but it feels wrong to not have the ability to play Final Fantasy 13 or Skyrim lol. I'll be picking up a 360 tomorrow then.

#142166 For those of you with multiple systems

Posted by cholifoli on 02 December 2012 - 02:17 PM in General Gaming

I want to begin by saying that I absolutely love my Wii U. I had a launch day PS3 that died shortly before the Wii U came out, and I have not replaced it. I am considering purchasing a Xbox 360 as my second console, my partner would rather have the 360 over another PS3. The sole purpose would be for playing games on it that do not make it to the Wii U (Lightning Returns for example). I have concerns that is will gather dust and I hate to spend money on something that will not be utilized. For those of you with multiple consoles, do you find that one ends up just sitting around?

#136430 Game Selection Help

Posted by cholifoli on 22 November 2012 - 03:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Wow, thanks to everyone for the replies! I'll go for AC3 then :)

#136389 Game Selection Help

Posted by cholifoli on 22 November 2012 - 02:29 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I've had my Wii U since launch day and I am absolutely loving it. So far I have Zombi U, and Mario Bros. U. I have already decided on Darksiders 2, but I need some help deciding between Assassin's Creed 3 and Mass Effect 3. I have never played either series but they both look tempting :). I know that I will be late to the game with both titles, but I would like some opinions on both series. Thanks guys!

#136507 Game Selection Help

Posted by cholifoli on 22 November 2012 - 06:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

ACIII, so you can play like this:

Posted Image

Nice :)

#131986 Wii U Available at Walmart

Posted by cholifoli on 18 November 2012 - 05:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

Coolies, What's Walmart like I live in the UK and walmart own a supermarket called ASDA.

I normally do not shop at Walmart, but when I am more than happy to make an exception for the Wii U. Their grocery items are not usually very good (around here anyway).

#132575 Wii U Available at Walmart

Posted by cholifoli on 18 November 2012 - 02:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

Walmart.com said they had the deluxe in stock at my local store, but when I got there they said they had already run out. It was a 25hr Walmart so who knows when, but probably sometime much earlier in the morning. I got there at 9:20ish.

Hmm, I ordered mine online with in store pickup without a hitch. I was kind of concerned, but absolutely no issues here.

#132803 Wii U Available at Walmart

Posted by cholifoli on 18 November 2012 - 06:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

I saw your original post, which is what gave me hope this morning. When I went on the website it would not allow me to order online for in-store pickup. Regardless, I ended up getting one at Best Buy across the street 20 minutes after I went into Walmart.

Sorry that Walmart did not work out, but I am happy to hear that you found one :)

#131950 Wii U Available at Walmart

Posted by cholifoli on 18 November 2012 - 05:13 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hi everyone,

I am new here, and the Wii U will be my first Nintendo system since the GameCube. Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that Walmart has the Wii U available to purchase online for in-store pickup. I didn't get a preorder in, so I am extremely lucky I am able to find one :). So, anyone still looking, check Walmart :).

#151427 Recommended distance from sub to entertainment center?

Posted by cholifoli on 24 December 2012 - 12:59 PM in General Gaming

We received a Bose Cinemate Series II as a early Christmas gift. I am kind of "dumb" when it comes to technical stuff of home audio equipment so please forgive my ignorance. At the moment I have the sub (Acoustimass) about 1 foot away from my entertainment center, should I be worried about magnet issues at that distance? Don't want to run into any problems with my Wii U.

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