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#4685 I think there's a handheld better then the 3DS.

Posted by Guest on 11 June 2011 - 11:06 PM in General Gaming

Red is my favorite color for Link in both SSBMelee and Soul Calibur 2, so I would LOVE it if he had red clothes in the next Zelda =)

#4684 WiiU 's AMD GPU supports Eyefinity

Posted by Guest on 11 June 2011 - 10:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

This thread originally was about that the WiiU is likely to get a Radeon HD 5XXX, but if you guys want to derail this thread that badly, I will join in :DIs there some possibility that Nintendo could use some kind of short range W-LAN to connect additional WiiUMotes? This "U-LAN" would be WiiUMote-only, another W-LAN device wouldn't be accepted by the console. The controller is able to play games without the console, so it should be able to have some kind of config screen where you can see all U-LAN networks nearby and join once you're approved of by the console. The controller that is shipped with the WiiU uses "his" WiiU as a standard connection, so it will join there automatically without having to be approved of.W-LAN is a very fast kind of connection, so there most likely won't be any bandwith issues. Do you think this is possible?

#4648 Hey, How are ya?

Posted by Guest on 11 June 2011 - 12:01 PM in Introduction Central


#4613 WiiU 's AMD GPU supports Eyefinity

Posted by Guest on 11 June 2011 - 04:12 AM in Wii U Hardware


In this press release, AMD mentions the custom Radeon HD GPU made for the WiiU to have "...high-definition graphics support; rich multimedia acceleration and playback; and multiple display support."
The multiple display support hints at Eyefinity, which is a feature of 5XXX or newer Radeon HD cards.

Because the GPU Nintendo uses is a custom one, it may still be that they took a 4XXX Radeon HD card and modified it to use Eyefinity, but that's unlikely as the 5XXX series uses less power at a similar performance. And by the way, Eyefinity supports up to 6 screens AFAIK, so we can still hope for the WiiU to allow more than one/two new controllers at the same time...

#4564 Alleged PSN hackers caught

Posted by Guest on 10 June 2011 - 11:26 AM in General Gaming

Before you guys start ranting about cruel hackers, let me say that the word "hacker" is commonly misused. "Real" hackers usually don't brick other people's PCs and don't steal data from servers. Please remember to use the word "cracker" in a case like the PSN one - that's the name "good" hackers use for "bad" ones. If you see someone sp34k1n9 l33tsp34k or talking about h4xing n00bx0rz, it's a h4x0r brainless cracker.

#4562 I think there's a handheld better then the 3DS.

Posted by Guest on 10 June 2011 - 11:04 AM in General Gaming

Saying the PS3 does everything VIta does better is just an odd statement

Well, I didn't know that the battery life actually is that long. Ignore that particular statement, it only makes sense (at least a bit) if you think of the Vita as a handheld with limited mobility, which it would be with a battery life of less than 2-2.5 hours. I've got to admit it's better than I thought, though it's still not innovative enough. Sony did make a step forwards, but they have to innovate on a much bigger scale if they want me to like them :P.

#4552 I think there's a handheld better then the 3DS.

Posted by Guest on 10 June 2011 - 06:23 AM in General Gaming

The posts are gettin offtopic enough so let's derail the thread even further.

Here's some gameplay of the new Kirby Wii

On topic: You know, it's just that Sony should quit the gaming business from my point of view or at least stop making new hardware.

Firstly, they hardly make any money with their hardware. It took years for the PS3 to start to pay off (if it even pays off at all, I don't know), and it most probably will be the same for the PSVita.
It will be almost impossible for them to include a decent battery if they want to make money, and with 1-2 hours of battery life, there really is now way any intelligent person is going to buy it.
There simply is no reason why to buy it. Everything the PSVita can do can be done better by the PS3, except the touchscreen thing.
On the other hand, the PS3 has motion controls, the PSVita doesn't. This means, the PSVita is either going to fail, or Sony will once again lose lots of money.

Secondly, graphics won't be as important anymore for future gens.
The only thing you buy a Sony console/handheld for is high-end-tech, whereas Nintendo loves to invent things the dudebro/"hardcore" crowd likes to call "gimmicky".
In my eyes, these Nintendo inventions are what distinguishes console/handheld gaming from PC gaming. CPUs, GPUs and memory are getting better all the time, it's ridiculous to base one's console on better specs once they don't matter as much anymore.
Don't understand me wrong, I usually don't take the Nintendo-fanboy-"graphics don't matter!"-approach. IMO, graphics have been a driving force in video game history, but many up-to-date video games already look extremely real. I'm perfectly content with sub-PS360 graphics if I get unique gameplay in return.
Sadly, Sony showed with the PSVita that they're going to follow their path of including cutting-edge processing tech and using every Ninty innovation twice.

What I want to say, is... Look at the SNES controller. It has two shoulder buttons. Then, the N64 controller adds some other buttons and an analog stick. The PSOne controller has four shoulder buttons and two analog sticks. Wohoo, using an innovation from the competitor twice should appeal twice as much to the gamers, right?
Later, one player could use two black WiiMotes with an ugly orb at the same time. Two swords instead of one sword would be cool, right? Frankly, yes, but it isn't innovative.
And now the latest Sony invention: take a PSP, give it a second analog stick and use Nintendo's last innovation twice. There you have it, two touchscreens. EXTREMELY innovative.

#4551 Wii U Graphical Demo in case you missed it.

Posted by Guest on 10 June 2011 - 04:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nice picture I've found at deviantart.

Attached Thumbnails

  • zelda_hd_for_wii_u_____by_nintendowiiu-d3iey4v.png

#4487 New Controller Limitations?

Posted by Guest on 09 June 2011 - 10:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

Ah, it's the BoyCube+. To be honest, Nintendo already revealed it yesterday, admitting that the WiiU was a bad joke. The Zelda demo was a bad camera recording from one of those controllers, the BoyCube+ is capable of 4k at 120FPS =D

#4443 How powerful do you think project cafe will be?

Posted by Guest on 08 June 2011 - 10:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

There's a rumor going on on NeoGAF saying that the WiiU's CPU is based on Watson's Power7 CPU. Although that doesn't mean that your WiiU could beat you in Jeopardy because Watson's a gigantic cluster with 2880 cores and 16 TB of RAM, it still means that the WiiU uses considerably newer tech than PS360. Let's hope the GPU will be good enough not to bottleneck the CPU.

#4442 Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun

Posted by Guest on 08 June 2011 - 09:42 PM in The Café

The Mars belongs to me! Everyone who wants to research it has to pay me 1,000,000 € for every day the research lasts! Take that, NASA!

#4440 I think there's a handheld better then the 3DS.

Posted by Guest on 08 June 2011 - 09:32 PM in General Gaming

You said the new Kirby game's gonna be the best Wii game ever. C'mon, Kirby isn't bad, but you either don't know what you're talking about or you're a Kirby fanboy. Or a troll. Seriously, even Epic Kirby, who seems to be less active recently, should agree that while Kirby is fun, it's not quite on the same level as Mario and Zelda. At least it wasn't in the past, and we don't have enough information on the new Kirby to judge how it's going to be.

#4394 Wii U Graphical Demo in case you missed it.

Posted by Guest on 08 June 2011 - 12:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

Look at the attached pictures of the Spaceworld Zelda tech demo and Zelda: Twilight Princess. There's quite a big difference. If the new Zelda tech demo is already beyond PS360 level, a Nintendo IP at the end of WiiU's life cycle is going to look awesome.

Attached Thumbnails

  • HNI_0003_JPG.JPG
  • HNI_0004_JPG.JPG

#4387 Wii U is the perfect console!

Posted by Guest on 08 June 2011 - 11:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

I really like the controller's size because I noticed the 3DS to get uncomfortable after two hours of Street Fighter :DJokes aside, what excites me most is the ability to have two different views of a scene. For example, imagine a Zelda where you can travel between different times. You have to visit a dungeon twice, and in the future, you have to solve a riddle, like lighting some torches in the right order. In the past, there's some kind of hint how to do it, and you're able to make a "screenshot" of it. Then, in the future, you display the screenshot on the controller's screen and can compare it with the future dungeon you see on your TV. You "hover" the controller over different parts of the TV like showed in the reveal video and write on your touchscreen in what order you have to light the torches. Your notes appear on the TV after that and you can happily move on =D

#4354 I think there's a handheld better then the 3DS.

Posted by Guest on 08 June 2011 - 08:58 AM in General Gaming

First of all COD sucks...just sayin...


I am of course referring to Kirby Wii...which will completely pwn every Wii game...

You forgot about Okami. This game'll never be owned. I gotta admit, though, that it originally was a PS2 game.

Wertville, you vastly overrated the difference HD makes...

You on the other hand are either vastly underrating the difference 3D makes, or you are wearing fanboy glasses yourself and can't admit that 3D rulz (would be strange as Sony likes 3D, too).

#4209 Hello Everyone

Posted by Guest on 07 June 2011 - 07:37 AM in Introduction Central


#4056 NES Vs. SNES

Posted by Guest on 06 June 2011 - 05:47 AM in General Gaming

SNES because of Mega Man X.

#3986 Discussion for Nintendo E3 2011

Posted by Guest on 05 June 2011 - 03:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

A new Okami wouldn't be bad either :P

#3985 New Posts?

Posted by Guest on 05 June 2011 - 03:25 AM in Site News and Feedback

By the way, it shows content that was made after your last signout. If you don't sign out but only close your browser/tab, you can keep new content that you didn't read yet in the list. By signing out, you will get a completely new list the next time you sign in.

#3984 Anime Discussion

Posted by Guest on 05 June 2011 - 03:19 AM in The Café

I can't really say anything about Dragon Ball 'cause I've watched it quite some time ago when I was four years old, but I can comment on DBZ and DBGT. Well, DBZ had some comedy, but the story is one of the worst anime stories out there. It even acts as an example of how not to make a story at various anime forums. I don't want to talk about GT, it traumatized me with its awesome badness. Not badassness, badness. GT sucks. Z is still acceptable, being a typical shounen anime, but GT should be removed from world history.

PS: I'm gonna edit this comment soon. Gotta add a lot of things, but I'm currently lacking the time for it.

#3860 Can't wait for E3 2011!

Posted by Guest on 04 June 2011 - 06:55 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome! I'm a real Okami fanboy, and now that another Okami fan joined the Wii2Boards, I'm totally gonna make Amaterasu more popular than Yoshi. Believe it!

#3859 Thread of Legends

Posted by Guest on 04 June 2011 - 06:50 AM in General Gaming

Kurow from Okamiden also is pretty badass.
Well, if we're already talking about the Moon Tribe, I wonder whether (extreme spoiler ahead, don't read it if you didn't finish Okamiden yet)

Last but not least, I'm pretty sure that EVERYONE who played Okami(den) loves this guy here:

Issun from Okami

Posted Image

He wasn't really important in Okamiden, but he's one of the funniest characters in Okami by far. His comments are epic :P

#3858 I Won't Forget to Post an Introduction This Time. . . .

Posted by Guest on 04 June 2011 - 06:30 AM in Introduction Central

All hail Amaterasu! Welcome!

#3857 Hi, i am silvermudkip

Posted by Guest on 04 June 2011 - 06:28 AM in Introduction Central


#3856 Hi! I like Nub Cakes :P

Posted by Guest on 04 June 2011 - 06:28 AM in Introduction Central


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