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There have been 52 items by Ecorsbie (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#263215 Wii U is on a roll!

Posted by Ecorsbie on 24 December 2013 - 02:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think that Nintendo will come around.  i have started seeing a lot better commercials on tv  now.  I remember when the wii u came out, there was not one single commercial for the wii u.  Its kind of hard to sell a product if its not advertised well.  I think the new commercials showcase that its a completely new console.  I like to see rhat more people have been buying.  Patience is a virtue....you dont win a race in the beginning!

#290553 Which game do you think is the best out of this selection?

Posted by Ecorsbie on 16 June 2014 - 04:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Pikmin!!! I am addicted to that game!

#292179 What should I do?

Posted by Ecorsbie on 02 July 2014 - 06:34 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Pikmin 3 is a solid game, I love it.  I would definitely recommend Pikmin 3!!

#263976 Wazzap!

Posted by Ecorsbie on 29 December 2013 - 11:44 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum.  Hope you enjoy your wii u.  Did you have the wii before the wii u?  I am looking forward to Mario Kart 8 for the wii u.  Going to be some fun coming!!!

#266653 Star Fox Academy

Posted by Ecorsbie on 14 January 2014 - 08:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I am definitely up for some kind of Star Fox, I loved that game.  Bring it on Nintendo please!

#246045 So got a new Mac

Posted by Ecorsbie on 14 September 2013 - 11:11 PM in The Café

Nice!! iMac is awesome.  Been an Apple/Mac user since my first computer which was an Apple IIe, still have it and it still runs.  I have never owned a PC in my life and never will...specially after seeing how awful Windows 8 is.  Only time I use is windows is at work and I dread going to work just because I have to use Windows....lol!

#258425 Small features that will greatly improve Wii U for me

Posted by Ecorsbie on 01 December 2013 - 12:55 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I am not sure of how big of a deal this is...but the one thing that is bothering me is that its kind of hard to know when someone posts something on miiverse while you are playing a game.  You have the little blue blinking light when something happens, but when you are immersed in a game you are not always looking at the gamepad.  So what i would like is a noise indicator.  Can be a simple few blirbs or something to notify you that something was posted or even when a "friend" has come online.  Pretty simple but I think that would be a great addition to miiverse. 

#292222 Replaced my wii u with a new wii u console and i forgot to unlink

Posted by Ecorsbie on 02 July 2014 - 04:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software

You will definitely have to call Nintendo, I had to do it once...took a day or two to get things straightened out but they were very helpful!

#272563 New, have questions!

Posted by Ecorsbie on 15 February 2014 - 07:41 AM in Introduction Central

I would definitely concur with the lackluster of 3rd party support.  However, the new mario kart is going to be killer.  The graphics are insane.  I like the fact that you can add a hard drive to the system..  I wish that we had more sports games.  I am a dedicated Nintendo fan since 1985 and I am really struggling if I should buy another system for sports games or should I hold out and maybe nintendo will get good sports games.  Over all the system is a great system.  I think it will get better this year with some great titles coming in 2014.

#273620 New Wii U owner saying Hello!

Posted by Ecorsbie on 19 February 2014 - 08:42 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum.  I am too a bit concerned about 3rd party support, but I believe Nintendo's future is still bright.  I bought the Wii U on launch date and it truly has given me a fresh look at console gaming.  For the longest time I quit the console gaming and went to the darkside and starting playing World of Warcraft.  The Wii U gave me that fresh start.  I love my wii u.  You will love 3D Mario World for the Wii u....i love the game. 

#273410 new Wii U owner let me introduce myself

Posted by Ecorsbie on 18 February 2014 - 10:11 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum!! I too love my Wii U.  I cant even imagine buying another console. I will say my only complaint is the lack of good sports games.  I know they have FIFA and also Madden, but I heard they were not all that great.  But I am excited for some awesome games...like Mario Kart 8(graphics look insane), and Super Mash Bros!!!. 


My NNID is Ecorsbie720.

#285789 New kid in town!

Posted by Ecorsbie on 19 May 2014 - 08:23 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum....I grew up on Nintendo..got my first console in 1985 with the NES, then got the SNES.  The next few years I had to buy the next consoles myself(finally had my own job and in college)...which was the N64, Gamecube, Wii, and now the Wii U.  I also have the 3DS now...and owned most of the previous handheld models.  I have to say...i always try new games but i always seem to come back to any kind of Mario game.  I am super excited for Mario Kart 8.  And excited to try out Super Smash!!!  Rock on Nintendo!!!

#263620 New & Already Helped, Thanks!

Posted by Ecorsbie on 27 December 2013 - 08:16 AM in Introduction Central

THis has been a wonderful site with awesome people.  Glad you were able to find help within this site.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Hope your son enjoys the wii u...and what the heck jump in and play some games with him!!

#297134 Mario Kart 8 V2.0 Patch Screenshots!

Posted by Ecorsbie on 27 August 2014 - 11:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software


#288050 Mario Kart 8 Thursday Thunder Tournament

Posted by Ecorsbie on 03 June 2014 - 07:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This is what I am talking about...I wont be on duty watch so I can play!!!

#278476 Mario Kart 8 may be coming in April? MAYBE

Posted by Ecorsbie on 24 March 2014 - 06:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I really hope they dont try to release this before it should.  Lets no rush, lets make sure the product is ready.  This is going to be epic!!

#290353 Mario Kart 8 DLC

Posted by Ecorsbie on 14 June 2014 - 11:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think a track editor would be awesome..and have the function where you could upload those tracks for everyone to play!!  Awesome idea!!

#283258 Mario Kart 8 Direct - Not Live - Direct Upload to Youtube

Posted by Ecorsbie on 30 April 2014 - 10:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think Nintendo is really making a great effort to gain more positive feedback.  Nintendo made some mistakes on how they promoted the Wii U, and now they are really making some great strides on show casing what I believe is thier best console ever!!  Lets bring it home Nintendo..been a loyal fan since before NES when there was also the Famicom!!

#260633 Mario Kart 8

Posted by Ecorsbie on 11 December 2013 - 11:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I am definitely for having Nintendo Power Magazine back, I loved it, specially back in the early 90s!!

#260391 Mario Kart 8

Posted by Ecorsbie on 10 December 2013 - 09:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I am not sure how much I want to be revealed, for me I like suprises...it keeps me anxious.  I already know what Mario Kart is about.  I like to wait.  But I can understand wanting to have better trailers.

I am not sure how much I want to be revealed, for me I like suprises...it keeps me anxious.  I already know what Mario Kart is about.  I like to wait.  But I can understand wanting to have better trailers.

#290354 Just Got an Xbox One as a gift.

Posted by Ecorsbie on 14 June 2014 - 11:15 PM in General Gaming

Just as long as you like it..that is all that matters.  I will never buy PS4 or X Box One....because I am a dedicated loyal fan of nintendo.  That being said it is most important that you like whatever you play.  In my opinion I do think that nintendo is next gen..I think the gamepad is a great idea....and I think if Nintendo would get 3rd party support it would be right up there with Xbox One and PS4!

#287550 Is your MK8 case red?

Posted by Ecorsbie on 31 May 2014 - 10:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

My case is in a black case saved on a hard disc....aka digital copy...Wii U...lol

#286385 im coming back to the wii u :)

Posted by Ecorsbie on 24 May 2014 - 09:08 AM in General Gaming

I have never liked Sony products...I owned a sony car stereo for my truck and it was horrible.  I love my nintendo!!!!

#294467 I got a wii u

Posted by Ecorsbie on 29 July 2014 - 11:41 PM in Introduction Central

I totally understand having a special place in your heart on a console.  I owned every console nintendo made wight the exception of the Virtual Boy.  I got the original NES in 1985 for my birthday, received the SNES also as a gift.  I then was old enough to make my own money and got the N64, Gamecube, Wii and now the Wii u.  The original NES is the one that holds that special place in my heart.  


I definitely pleased with the Wii U and am excited to see what else it can produce.  I definitely hope for a new Star Fox that was one of my favorite games that wasn't a Mario Game as I love any thing Mario.


Well welcome to the forums!!


#294459 High capacity battery?

Posted by Ecorsbie on 29 July 2014 - 10:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

It was definitely worth it, I utilize it with battery extender too and it makes for a long amount of play time before I have to charge both. 

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