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#141160 Error Code

Posted by framp1 on 30 November 2012 - 10:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

I got this error after moving a downloaded program to a USB drive and then attempting to play the game. The game start screen appeared for several minutes then this code showed up with the massage to shut off the console - the console would not shut off. Any tthoughts?

OK! I solved my own problem - it was the USB hard drive. It was a new drive - 1TB and USB 3.0 (Backwards compatable with 2.0) I swaped it for an older 500GB drive (USB 2.0) - same manufacturer - and it worked fine.

#140483 Transfer game disk to console memory

Posted by framp1 on 29 November 2012 - 12:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

No, your not on a PC so this is not possible. Consoles do not copy physical discs images or install full games to the HDD/SSD. The closest you get to installing is similar to some PS3 games & some later released Xbox 360 games, & that still requires a disc. The Wii U does not have this feature and no clue if Nintendo would ever add it, so your out of luck.

That's what I thought - if I'm not mistaken, downloading the game from Nintendo does load it on the console or external USB hard drive (connected to the console). If this is correct, then I would be wise to purchase games via Nintendo's web site. Am I correct?

#140449 Transfer game disk to console memory

Posted by framp1 on 29 November 2012 - 11:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

New to this Wii U. Can I copy a game disk to the console's memory so I don't need to load the disk to play the game? I'm thinking of the Wii fit program.

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