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There have been 158 items by ChrisTerror (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#165114 Lego City Undercover release date here...

Posted by ChrisTerror on 31 January 2013 - 01:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

Im definitely getting both on their release dates :)

#165113 EA on Wii U: Not a next-gen console

Posted by ChrisTerror on 31 January 2013 - 01:11 AM in Wii U Hardware

I didnt get my Wii U for anything other than the uniqueness and pure fun that Nintendo brings with its systems and games. Got too wrapped up in "hardcore" gaming for many many years and tbh, im completely 100% burned out on PS and MS. The Wii U is exactly what i wanted, and that is a more traditional fun sense of gaming where i can pick up and goof off in quirky games, and when i do get the urge to get into something more mature or serious i know that the Wii U is capable of providing that itch. My only hope is that we dont get left out in the cold too much with 3rd parties and can see a wide range or titles for our beloved new system as it grows. (many games on my day 1 purchase list already :)

#163532 Can the Wii U support Frostbite 2

Posted by ChrisTerror on 26 January 2013 - 09:26 PM in Wii U Hardware

Just putting this out there for people that think 8 core processors at 3.4 are better that 4 core processor at 3.4 clock speed doesn't have direct impact on processors functionality if a 8core has 1mb of L2 and L1 cache and a four core has 16 for each level the four core can process at around three times faster than the eight core. People stop thinking that a faster core produces faster better outcomes cause that's not the factor. I'm guessing you never built your own computer before

and if im not mistaken, its my understanding that (basically without going into the details and specs) the Wii U's gaming performance is going off of its GPU primarily than the CPU, correct me if im wrong though... The gpu in the Wii U is actually quite nice and powerful.

#162818 Can Wii-U be connected to Computer Monitor?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 24 January 2013 - 11:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

Say what if I use one of these guys?
HDMI to DVI Converter
Will it work?

You can use that to hook the Wii U to the monitor. As someone mentioned the other day but i dont see their post now, the graphics card ports are for Video "out". DVI, HDMI, Dual DVI's S-Video, they are all outputs on most graphics cards and wont work the way you are asking. Go with the link you provided, i did that for a while for my pc monitor when i wanted to play my Wii U in solitude and worked perfectly fine :)

*Side note, when you convert HDMI to DVI your going to lose the sound as DVI carries the video signal only. There-for you will have to use the headphone jack on the gamepad to some headphones or to some external speaks to get all the sound.

#162440 New Xeno Title!

Posted by ChrisTerror on 23 January 2013 - 11:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I never got into the Xeno games in the past, but when i saw this video on nintendo direct, i instantly wanted to jump in and play it. Looks great!

#161849 NFS Most Wanted Wii U announced!

Posted by ChrisTerror on 22 January 2013 - 11:06 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I have to disagree with that. It's actually one of the best as its developed by Criterion and takes some of the best elements of NFS and Burnout.

Im with this guy ^ this is far from their worst NFS game, I enjoyed this game very much and i have played every single one since the original on pc (installed using floppy discs, many of them.) This Most Wanted is exciting to play.

#161698 NFS Most Wanted Wii U announced!

Posted by ChrisTerror on 21 January 2013 - 11:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I didnt have the framerate issues on it on my pc, loved it tbh. Buying this day 1.

#161695 Interesting new article on Wii U's RAM bandwidth

Posted by ChrisTerror on 21 January 2013 - 11:45 PM in Wii U Hardware

All i know is that named developers from CryTek said themselves that they ran CryEngine3 on the Wii U and it ran "beautifully" and the system could handle any current engines just fine. They also stated it could handle Crysis 3 fine but didnt happen bc at the time wasnt financially in their best interest.
Crytek also said from what they have learned so far is the Wii U is at the very least as powerfull as the xbox 360. Personal opinion, but If i was to trust a developer then that is one i would have faith in as they aim to push EVERY platform.
Also just remembered CryTek said there is currently a game in development using CryEngine3 for the Wii U and it looks great they claim, note its not being made by CryTek as they said they were too involved in Crysis 3 development at the time.

#160478 NFS Most Wanted Wii U announced!

Posted by ChrisTerror on 18 January 2013 - 04:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Have it on Vita already and played it on PC, i will def get it for Wii U. I think with how awesome Criterion did on the vita version squeezing out a very near console experience on Vita that they will do a great job for the Wii U.

#155553 2013 Wii U Games

Posted by ChrisTerror on 03 January 2013 - 09:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Need for Speed: MW
Monster Hunter
Lego City

#154461 First Update

Posted by ChrisTerror on 31 December 2012 - 10:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

mine was around an hour..... . Do not under any circumstances turn off or let anything happen to the console during the update process.

#154399 What I'd like to see on the WiiU - Amy's wishlist!

Posted by ChrisTerror on 31 December 2012 - 08:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Im with you 100% on Battlefield, Bioshock and Animal Crossing....

#154238 Next Gen Graphics?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 30 December 2012 - 09:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Crytek said there is a game being developed for the Wii U with their Cry 3 engine.

This i would love to see happen on Wii U....... :o

Found this regarding Crytek Confirming CryEngine 3 is running on Wii U and Crytek states they full support Nintendo's new console :)


Then i found this (newer article than the last).... Crytek confirms there is a game in development for Wii U using CryEngine 3 and "it looks really great". Though its not being made by Crytek due to working on Crysis 3.


Also here is some good insight on Wii U spec's from Crytek (pretty nice to hear coming from such a reputable developer)...

"Yerli had more praise for the Wii U when it comes to the hardware specs, saying that he doesn’t understand the concern that the Wii U isn’t powerful enough, adding, “from my perspective the Wii U is minimum as powerful as Xbox 360″.

CryTek said last year that the Wii U specs were very good, and that its studio in Nottingham have access to dev kits in order to port the CryEngine 3 to the platform. CryEngine 3 isn’t the only modern game engine coming to the Wii U — the console also supports Unreal Engine 3, id Tech 5, to name a few. It’s also rumored that the new Unreal Engine 4 will be available on the console."

#154234 The Zombiu Survivor Thread (more survivors = more loot!)

Posted by ChrisTerror on 30 December 2012 - 09:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This has made the game even more interesting as im seeing other people as zombies all over now and its so entertaining haha, and very good loot to help get through the maps :D this thread was a great idea, thanks wezbloke :)

#153742 The Zombiu Survivor Thread (more survivors = more loot!)

Posted by ChrisTerror on 29 December 2012 - 09:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

added you guys too, time to play :)

hahahaha opened the door leaving the safe house and BAM right there on the other side of the door is DanJiblets, that corpse was LOADED with goodies :D

#153442 The Zombiu Survivor Thread (more survivors = more loot!)

Posted by ChrisTerror on 29 December 2012 - 07:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Added Dan and Wez, taz it had your friend button greyed out so i couldnt add you. Will try to play when i get home from work tonight.

#153257 The Zombiu Survivor Thread (more survivors = more loot!)

Posted by ChrisTerror on 28 December 2012 - 04:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

add me--> ChrisTerror <-- I need to start playing this again and this will be a good excuse to start as i like the idea of seeing friends as zombies in game hahaha

#152787 HELP HELP! D:

Posted by ChrisTerror on 27 December 2012 - 07:03 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

Agreed, just unplug it, no update = safe. Have had to unplug mine like 4 times now and no harm done, playing darksiders 2 right now actually :P

#152391 Can all audio output from gampad?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 26 December 2012 - 08:30 PM in Wii U Hardware

I have noticed it might be a matter of if it was implemented as an option in the actual games options, and i cant remember which out of the 5 games i have but i remember very specifically one of them had an option for all sound to play through the gamepad, so give that a check.

#152358 Capcom has more games beyond MH3U in developmenr

Posted by ChrisTerror on 26 December 2012 - 06:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

POWER Stone 3...It's all I want..

omg yes.....  :o

#152136 Finally got my Wii U...

Posted by ChrisTerror on 26 December 2012 - 09:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

hoping mine arrives tomorrow cant wait to play nsmbu and darksiders on it hoping zombi u isnt as bad as the reviews are making it seem.

ZombieU was actually my first game when i got my Wii U, I love it tbh and its no where near as bad as the official reviewers make it, but it you look at the user reviews scores its higher than the official review scores.

#152092 Darksiders 2

Posted by ChrisTerror on 26 December 2012 - 08:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Ive got this game to other day (On WiiU) as it was only £30 new from granger games. Its a fab game, but is it me...or does this suffer from frame rate issues? i am currently playing apocalyptic mode and it is not smooth 60% of the time.

I can agree to this, i notice in larger open areas and the further i get into the game the less stable the framerate gets.

#151977 Darksiders 2

Posted by ChrisTerror on 25 December 2012 - 08:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

About 5 hours into this game so far and im liking it a lot, i also agree the use of the gamepad screen is wonderful use of items/equip//ect and not too gimicky, anyone have a rough idea how long the game is, in hours? (just curious, not one to rush to beat a game)

#150602 3rd partie games for wii U in 2013

Posted by ChrisTerror on 21 December 2012 - 04:33 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Grand Theft Auto on a Nintendo console? I might faint.

As much as i would absolutely LOVE for this to happen, I would have to see it to believe it......

#146881 Connect Wii U to Computer Monitor?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 12 December 2012 - 01:13 AM in Wii U Hardware

Here is what im doing in a similar situation as yours. I'm running the hdmi to my computer monitor (24" samsung led) for video, Then i use an audio cable that has a male headphone connection into the gamepad's headphone jack, and on the other end of that audio cable is a red/white plug that is connected to one of my surround sound's inputs. Works great :)

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