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There have been 17 items by TotalSynthesisX (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#188738 Spam Battle

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 31 March 2013 - 08:28 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games


#186974 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 27 March 2013 - 12:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The purpose of a tier list isn't to stop you from playing the character you like.


A large part of the tier list is based off of tournament results. The top players show how good a character can actually be, or show the character at it's current max potiental. Unless your Mewtwo kicked *** at tournaments with players who are actually good at the game & you consistantly place high with him, you only prove that your mewtwo can beat random scrubs/intermediate players, which of course means absolutely nothing if we are talking about which characters are the best at the game.


I've also noticed a trend, majority of the people who believe the whole "tiers 4 queers" crap are the bad-intermediate players. They NEVER actually disprove the tier list accuracy.


I was referring to how people label lower-tier characters as "crap" as if they're garbage and completely unusable. Lower-tier characters more or less put their user at a slight disadvantage.


And how do you come off judging my skill level based off my opinion of a character I use? As a counterexample, I've seen a lot of crappy players that use high-tier characters to compensate for their lack of skill at the game. Last time I checked, Meta Knight was banned from tournaments because he was so high on the tier list.

#185977 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 24 March 2013 - 08:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hahaha I so agree, Lucario had no place in Brawl. He's a goner. Mewtwo was so much cooler, even if he wasn't that good :/


lol, Tiers R 4 Qu- yeah. And I really don't see why so many people deemed him a "bad" character. I kicked *** with Mewtwo. He was my second favorite character, next to Falco.



#185761 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 24 March 2013 - 04:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

For me personally, I don't want to see Ice Climbers, R.O.B., Sonic or Jigglypuff.


Ice Climbers is a good franchise but as of now it they don't seem to last very appealing unlike another redesigned old character like Pit's. R.O.B is a nice tradition to Nintendo, but as a fighter, not so much, just a cameo character. Sonic, for the love of god stay away, as much as i love the blue hedgehog since i was a kid and now, Sonic almost destroyed Smash's competitive vibe it had from Melee, also this is a one time kind of thing, this crossover thing won't continue for long and Jigglypuff.......Just no.

I agree. Although, I enjoyed Sonic in Brawl (pairing up two level 9 CPUs of Mario and Sonic was always interesting), but I still think it would be best for the franchise to stay away from third-parties completely. I liked the way it was in Melee where it was purely Nintendo characters. Brawl strayed away from that and it felt watered-down.


I just want Mewtwo back. GTFO, Lucario.

#185678 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 23 March 2013 - 05:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Is it true this game is possibly coming out this year? I saw it listed for this year on the Wikipedia list of Wii U games, but couldn't find much elsewhere.

There's no definite release date, but it's very possible it could be out this year. I hope it does, at least. I'm sure we'll get some release date info on it at E3 in June.

#185931 Origin of your username

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 24 March 2013 - 03:19 PM in The Café

> When I was 11, I was a member on the Nsider forums on Nintendo.com and the randomly-generated username it gave me was "Luigi_Star."

> After Nsider shut down, I became a member on the MarioKartWii.com forums, and I went by Luigi_Star for a while.

> Back when I was a snot-nosed 14 year old, I thought Shadow the Hedgehog was the kewlest vidya gheym karicter evar and I changed my name to "Lucid_Shadow."

> People kept being trolls by telling me, "LOL SO UR LIEK A LUCID DREAMER OR SOMETHING?"

> Changed it to "Lurid_Shadow."

> Got an Xbox 360 in 2009, and since it wouldn't allow me to put an underscore ( _ ) in my gamertag, I went with "LuridShadowX."

> Same name ever since. I've wanted to change it multiple times, but I've grown attached to my internet alias.


Also, if anyone is wondering:


#145746 Using Turtle Beaches with Wii U?

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 08 December 2012 - 09:51 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks for the help and everything, guys, but it looks like I'm S.O.L. for now. There's currently no way to rig my current setup, and the Wii U headsets currently on the market only connect to the GamePad, which isn't what I was aiming for. I wanted to get the audio coming straight out of the Wii U itself (the audio that goes into the TV). I'd like to use my Turtles to hear original Wii games through the headset while playing them on the Wii U, which isn't possible with the GamePad.

Anyway, I appreciate you guys taking the time to help!

#145424 Using Turtle Beaches with Wii U?

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 08 December 2012 - 07:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

First of all, I'm new here. Hi! :D

So anyway, on topic: I have a pair of Turtle Beaches (X12) that I'd like to use with the Wii U, but the Turtles only support Red/White audio input and the Wii U only supports HDMI. Is there a way to continue running HDMI but still be able to use the Turtles? Is there an adapter I'm not seeing when I search for one on Google? Or will I have to wait for one to be developed?

Any help is appreciated!

#185920 Mature gaming?

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 24 March 2013 - 02:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Call of Duty

Target audience: Adults

Actual audience: Children


Super Mario

Target audience: Children

Actual audience: Adults


I'm not saying there are no exceptions, but that's essentially the gist of it. I'll be turning 20 years old in two months and I proudly say I love Mario games, and Nintendo games as a whole. I still love playing Halo, Mass Effect, and Battlefield, however. Not CoD though. CoD can GTFO.


what hapens is that parents dont pay attention to the rating system and then get pissed off that their kids are imitating the game but instead of sitting their kids down and telling them right from wrong, the btch at the company and ruin it for everyone else bc apparently according to the parents, its up to the media to control and raise their kids, not them. why should they have to raise their kids when the media is there and is a great scapegoat for bad parenting? 


Nail on the head, Cozmo.

#186848 Nintendo gives a glimpse of faster loading times with comparison video

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 27 March 2013 - 09:24 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm glad Nintendo actually listens to their consumers. Coming from a guy that has been a primarily Xbox 360 gamer for the past 4 years, this isn't something I'm used to. :P


Big N for the win. (lol, dem rhymez)


Edit: ERMAHGERD I'M A SPIKED GOOMBA NAO. Time to break out the booze.

#187670 Future Miiverse Improvements Detailed

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 29 March 2013 - 09:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

only thing missing is voice chat lobbies that work between games.




Other than that, this is great! Tournaments will be AWESOME for Smash 4, and I'd never put NSMBU down if it had a level editor.

#186043 What's ur favorite video game Soundtrack/Theme ?

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 25 March 2013 - 04:52 AM in The Café

I have probably 20 or more favorite songs from video games, so I'll just post the one I recently rediscovered that I've been listening to a lot lately.



dat guitar

#186594 What brand of external hard drive would be best for the Wii U?

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 26 March 2013 - 03:53 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm planning to get a 1 TB external hard drive for my Wii U and I wanted to know what the best brand would be. Price, reliability, compatibility, etc.

#187907 A request for a profile song

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 29 March 2013 - 02:57 PM in Site News and Feedback


copy http://youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdzY9TGu1c
Profile Information Edit my About Me page
paste http://youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdzY9TGu1c


Well that was a lot easier than I expected. Thanks, Nollog.

#187821 A request for a profile song

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 29 March 2013 - 01:00 PM in Site News and Feedback

It's already possible.

She's asking for someone to help her do it.


Well I must be as clueless as she is. How do you do it?

#187815 A request for a profile song

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 29 March 2013 - 12:52 PM in Site News and Feedback

I think having the ability to add a YouTube video to your profile would be a good idea. With the option to turn off auto-play, of course. I have to admit the current profile customization options are severely limited. I mean, a background image and that's it? Come on.


lol @ Zinix

#185357 lol sup

Posted by TotalSynthesisX on 22 March 2013 - 11:59 AM in Introduction Central

Greetings, random people! I'm LuridShadowX, but you can call me Lurid or Michael -- whichever you prefer. I've been a member of this site for a few months but I'm only now trying to become active, mainly because I'm expecting the Wii U to pick up steam within the next few months and I'd like to make some new friends.


I'm a big fan of Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Metroid on Nintendo consoles and Halo, Mass Effect, and Battlefield on the Xbox 360. My ID is LuridShadowX on both NN and XBL, so feel free to add me if you wish. On the Wii U, I own only NSMBU and Nintendo Land at the moment, but I'll definitely be getting the new 3D Mario, Mario Kart U, Smash Bros 4, and Zelda U once those release later this year (at least I hope they release by the end of the year; the Wii U needs some new games!) The main games I play on 360 are Halo 4, Mass Effect 3, and Battlefield 3 (I own a few others, but I don't play them as often).


Anyway, that's about it for me. See you around!

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