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#157697 Official Nintendo Network ID Sharing Thread

Posted by neo28340 on 08 January 2013 - 05:35 PM in General Gaming

Mine is neo28340. Everyone add me

#157677 New guy on the block

Posted by neo28340 on 08 January 2013 - 05:00 PM in Introduction Central

Here are some tips for ZombiU:

Scavenge in between missions. (Especially if you need ammo)
Take your time and don't rush into things. (You can easily die. I figured that out the hard way lol.)
Store Items you won't need in the metal container at the safe house. (I usually get a lot of health packs. Store them just in case you die.)
Use your Prepper Pad often. Whether it be scanning for items or using your radar to find Zombies. Use it often.

Got it. Thanks for the tips. So far i havent died. I am out of ammo, havent dropped anything into the container and am pretty good at scanning lol. Can i have your nintendo ID? I can add you on my Wii U?

Ok, i just really got freaked out. I was exiting from the super-market, to find a zombie that had some sort of electricity power. Bringing the infected back to life. I seriously jumped and stayed on the edge of my seat as i headed back to the safe house shortcut lol.

#157669 New guy on the block

Posted by neo28340 on 08 January 2013 - 04:38 PM in Introduction Central

The one advantage the Wii U version has over the other ones, is that you can do remote play with the gamepad. So if you feel like kicking back in bed, just switch to the gamepad.

One other thing you can do is take all the HUD off the main screen.

And ZombiU is really entertaining. I'm working on my 2nd playthrough right now.

Nice, i had heard alot of mixed reviews of Zombiu. But i'm a Zombie lover. Anything Zombie.  So far, i like it alot. Love the use of the controller.

WELCOME to the forums enjoy your stay

Thank you.

#157658 New guy on the block

Posted by neo28340 on 08 January 2013 - 04:09 PM in Introduction Central

Thanks bro. Im currently getting into a game of Zombiu. Just started it. Hope that it keeps me entertained. I should have purchased ACIII, but i already have it on PC. Felt that it would be pointless.

Welcome to the forums, bro!

#157654 New guy on the block

Posted by neo28340 on 08 January 2013 - 03:59 PM in Introduction Central

Hey everyone, my name is Ryan. I just got a Wii U Deluxe set today. Loving it so far. Currently have Zombiu, and nintendoland for it. I am looking to add friends on the wii u. I have no friends with the console. Would anyone mind adding me?? Just to have people to talk to from time to time?? My username is neo28340, just as it is on here. What cool apps can i download for the console?? Thanks ahead of time to everyone  who posts/adds me. Thanks

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