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There have been 104 items by TheDoctor_13 (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#310807 eShop WayForward sale March 12 - 19, three games 75% off

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 19 March 2015 - 10:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Totally forgot about this, I really need to use sticky notes... I just hope there is a semi-good/decent deal again sometime. :/

#310731 Post your steam library!

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 18 March 2015 - 05:32 PM in General Gaming

Do you have time to hear about our Lord and Savior HumbleBundle?

Haha, my $600? Some of the games were free, or just a really good deal. I would never spend no where near that much for games. I have bought some stuff from the Humble Bundle store, and Humble Bundle for Android, which I've got none of my games from, I can't get the retrieval method to work. 

#310728 Post your steam library!

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 18 March 2015 - 05:00 PM in General Gaming



According to my SteamGauge its:
- 513.6 hours

- 45 items

- $593.62

- 220.3GB
Fnaf 1-3, Goat sim, and a few others arn't mine but my brothers. And most of the time is probably him too.  


#310687 Nintendo gone Mobile/Nintendo NX system

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 17 March 2015 - 03:14 PM in General Gaming

Heh I kinda hate this, but whichever. I hate the articles and saying about time and too late (emulaters, people who can't read). I can't wait for the new CN and for the rest of the announcement though. I think Nintendo should've kept the game thing secret, and release things like a eShop and Miiverse app first, and people get mad that Nintendo has apps but their not games, haha.

#310682 Say Hello To A Forum User With A Matching Image

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 17 March 2015 - 11:46 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Hello MatrixChicken!

Find the loser user here: 


And I'm putting the image in a spoiler as it a real, kinda distubing image. Nothing like NSFW or anything.


#310478 Level 5 set to reveal big project

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 13 March 2015 - 03:54 PM in General Gaming

It feels too soon to hear about a FL2 especially for the type of game it is. But thats only for the localizations, Japan has had it for a while it is good for them. Still haven't got pick up FL yet. New Pr. L is cool, still on the first. Then also two new Yokai Watch games (one spin-off), and a secret game? Lots of goodies coming.

#310345 Game Freak and Sega teasing something

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 11 March 2015 - 01:31 PM in General Gaming

I'll admit I am a little dissapointed, game looks decent. 

#310318 Does Nintendo NEED new IPs?

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 10 March 2015 - 08:41 PM in General Gaming

tI'm not saying the NEED them. I know their coming out and have came out with loads of new IPs, I gave examples in the op.

Of course they need New IPs to survive, I wasen't suggesting to get rid of them, that would be mad lol. Just saying that those people that say that kinda stuff are wrong, as ryudo pointed out the new ips to years number. I'm just saying they've released plenty of new ips that they can put some focus on re-imagining old ips.

#310314 Does Nintendo NEED new IPs?

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 10 March 2015 - 07:23 PM in General Gaming

Pretty much all the time you'll hear "Nintendo needs new IPs!" or "They re-hash Mario / Zelda, thats all they come out with!" or most likely both. But does Nintendo really need New IPs?

I say they do a good job at keeping old franchises fresh, even sacrificing New IP potential for a old IP, Mario Galaxy probably could've been something, Kirby's Epic Yarn defiantly, and more. Not saying thats a bad thing, but does give fuel to the fire. I think their doing a good job now, Pushmo/Crashmo, Dillions Rolling Western, Rusty's Real Deal Baseball, Splatoon, Codename Steam, BoxBoy, Harmo Knight, I'm probably forgetting some. Ok maybe a little heh to include like Rusty, BoxBoy, and Harmo Knight. 

Though I think they can do old IPs also, most are forgotten or well just so old you have full creative realm.  Kid Icarus was a good hit return. Ice Climbers can come back as a Never Alone like title. Theres Star Tropics which can be a third person Action-Adventure. Custom Robo. Always been a fan of Balloon Fight. They can maybe turn Pilot Wings into a more realistic simulator, but not too far. 

Then of course there is like Sin & Punishment, F-Zero, 1080*. 

#310233 Open world Western game on Wii U (2016 release)

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 08 March 2015 - 07:13 PM in Wii U News

How much games can this team work on? UCraft, A Cowboy's Tale, Ride, Ball or Nothing, Dance of the Damned. I didn't even know about Ride until I looked at their site.  It has potential, though showing this early might hurt them in the long run like UCraft. 

#310135 Never Alone & Don't Starve & Octodad coming to Wii U eShop!

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 06 March 2015 - 05:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Wow, thought there would be more positive reactions I guess, at least from Wii U getting these titles. I don't own any, but will probably pick up Never Alone. Octodad and Don't Starve depends on my brothers, I might play them, but will not buy them for myself. :P I owned some games, but when they came to Wii U, I bought them there if I had the cash.

@Zombie Max, the fact that its on the Wii U means its automatically definitive. :P

#310107 Never Alone & Don't Starve & Octodad coming to Wii U eShop!

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 05 March 2015 - 06:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The indie love continues! 

I wasen't going to post a thread, but I figured why not, their fairly large games. I'm suprised really, I mean I love the Wii U but it getting three big name indies? What do you guys think? Will you pick these up on Wii U?

Octodad, Dadliest Catch I should mention, not the first one. 

#310079 First Print Run of Rodea the Sky Soldier for Wii U will include Wii version

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 04 March 2015 - 08:37 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hmm I picked up NIGHTS for the Wii a while back and I can't say I enjoyed it, it was a cool idea, but kinda meh. I am thinking about this one, was thinking digital if available, but the first print run with the wii version is tempting just to have it and see how its like.

#310029 eShop WayForward sale March 12 - 19, three games 75% off

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 03 March 2015 - 08:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't really know what Mighty Switch Force is, but at those prices.. haha. I agree that Shantae still seems a little steap.

#310026 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 03 March 2015 - 08:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Everytime I see the title, I think Legend of Korra is coming to Wii U. But oh well, I'm happy some old school game I haven't heard of is coming too, especially at that price, I liked that gen of games. Would love to see the remaster gameplay though.

#309841 How To Make Your Own Clay Kirby

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 28 February 2015 - 10:19 AM in The Café

Can you give me the steps for a Yarn Yoshi?  :wacko:

Yarn Yoshi:

1) Get a nice and talented Grandma

#309788 new fighting indie game for Wii U... Strength Of Sword

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 27 February 2015 - 02:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

^ Yeah but that game dosen't have swords. :P

That one does look better with the effects and all, but the sword one dosen't look two bad especially since its only 2 people. Plus I like the art style. What happened to the devs that were going to make a old school WWE game or something like that? or is that the Last Fight game? who knows.

#309737 How To Make Your Own Clay Kirby

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 26 February 2015 - 09:09 PM in The Café

Didn't they say they made a clay kirby as inspiration for this game? :P

Not sure, I know they made a yarn Yoshi though. 

In-case you don't have two minutes.
1) Get some pink clay
2) Roll a ball


#309388 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 21 February 2015 - 12:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So not very big then, probably won't be as big as Skyrim lol

#309067 Nintendo Financial meeting February 17th

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 16 February 2015 - 07:48 PM in General Gaming

So the Amiibo thing is just for a demo? Isn't that basically Smash's masterpeice? I mean come on, who dosen't own smash. A full VC game would be better. 

#308950 Smash Bros Rayman - confirmed FAKE

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 14 February 2015 - 05:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

have the game on both 3ds and Wii U. surprisingly I haven't played it that much on the U.

Not sure what that has to do with this, but I am the other way around. :P

I would love love to see Rayman Playable, he's one of my favorite third party characters, and its so good to see, I probably would get rid of a few characters if thats what it meant to add him. 

#308854 Super Mario Bros. 3 25th Anniversary.

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 13 February 2015 - 10:08 AM in General Gaming

My favorite Mario game, still.

#308595 Mekazoo Wii U,PS4,XBO

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 09 February 2015 - 08:32 PM in General Gaming

Looks like it had some work put into it, I like it. Kinda reminds me of Sonic Book (3DS) a little bit also. 

#308099 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 03 February 2015 - 07:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Neither have I, but I want to see how the remaster is going. I'm interested

#307997 metroid prime trilogy wii u

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 01 February 2015 - 11:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Wait, its really just a downgrade over the disc? Maybe the disc price may be worth it. I mean digital is a steal.. But I wouldn't spend 35 or more, so I would have to look around I guess.

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