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#167478 Issues with Wii U and its Gamepad

Posted by Arun241 on 05 February 2013 - 09:04 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

My cousin's house burned down a few weeks ago (and only two days after he bought the Wii U). Among the few things that didn't get burned was the Wii U Console. And by console, I mean just the console. All of our controllers (the Wii U Gampad included) were burnt to a crisp as well as the ac adapter (for both the gamepad and console) and the sensor bar.

Recently, they moved in with us and as a present, I thought I would get all the parts I need to play the Wii U. However, as I'm sure most of you have already realized, is that the Wii U is virtually unplayable without the Gamepad, which in Nintendo's infinite wisdom decided to base the whole entire Wii U on. I don't blame Nintendo, after all the Gamepad was one of their main points about the Wii U, but their decision has left me with a whole host of problems. For starters, I can't create a mii character (and thus can't even access the Wii U menu screen to choose a program or play any game) because I can only create a mii with the Gamepad. I could go on and on but essentially, without the Gamepad, all my efforts will be wasted.

I don't know what to do. Nintendo has decided to not sell any of their accessories (I had to buy the ac adapter from a third party) and that means they aren't selling the Gamepad. I really want to make him happy after he lost so much and, after speaking with multiple people from Nintendo support, have not had any luck either acquiring a new Gamepad or trying to get them to alter their software so that it's playable without the Gamepad. Can any of you guys help me?

P.S. Thanks in advance.

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