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There have been 12 items by Greg1040 (Search limited from 08-July 23)

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#230439 Iwata discusses the issue of third party developers on Wii U.

Posted by Greg1040 on 10 July 2013 - 02:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

I still think even if a game comes to all 3 platforms at the same time it still wont sell anywhere near as many on the wii u as say ps4 and xbox. Most people that are after 3rd party will have the wii and also a 2nd console I would imagine. So who is going to buy an inferior game for 1 system when they can have an improved version on another.

Wii u has its place for those who love nintendo games but for everything else it just doesn't seem to cut it sadly

#224903 A decent gaming tv

Posted by Greg1040 on 21 June 2013 - 01:53 AM in General Gaming

Panasonic plasma no need to look anywhere els get a decent size for cheap.. Had a 50inch gt30 thought the picture was outstanding with low response time then upgraded that to the 65inch vt50 series and can't fault it wouldn't look at any other make now. U can get a decent st series size for cheap which is meant to be a great set just not as much options for calibration or thx mode as standard.


New toy replacing old 1 :)

#225343 A decent gaming tv

Posted by Greg1040 on 22 June 2013 - 01:24 PM in General Gaming

Thanks. Maybe I should mention I'm onlly a 17 year old teenager with the most rainbowty job ever, that also needs to buy a new PC because the old one is from 2006, likes guitar playing and needs lessons and gear, need a driver's license and the list goes on and on... so no, I won't be able to buy a 40", even though my cousin's 40" looks horsing brilliant.
Can also someone answer my 50hz question?
That's some nice stuff!

Cheers mate I'm big on hd and gaming need to get myself a proper audio set up but gaming and hdmovies are a treat with the set. Really want to sell up and get the new vt/zt 65 set reference level quality meant to be best quality u will get from any TV set.

I'm not a fan of all this overly bright led TV sets, I like a proper true colour and plasma at night time won't be beaten for picture quality. Each to there own have friends who can not see past all these bright colours but any1 that sees a decent plasma set been calibrated with a blue ray will not be disappointed and gaming go look at your response times plasma as well will be up top.

Seriously urge u to look at the st50 panels great reviews all around for them at a decent price.

#225020 A decent gaming tv

Posted by Greg1040 on 21 June 2013 - 10:24 AM in General Gaming

I wouldn't recommend a plasma... every one I've seen has had sticking issues
And I was referring to this tv http://www.amazon.co...3/dp/B0050SZ49Y
Which I suppose is actually a 24"

What you mean sticking issues? if u mean image burn or retention it is practically non exsisting these days in decent plasmas. Both my pennies have been perfect. Just wear them in correctly and don't leave an image on for hours and hours the first day u get it and you will be fine. And with there mega low response time for gaming what more can u ask for.

#253825 PS4/XBOX ONE Launch = DISASTER?

Posted by Greg1040 on 30 October 2013 - 02:25 PM in General Gaming


straight from iw

#253693 PS4/XBOX ONE Launch = DISASTER?

Posted by Greg1040 on 30 October 2013 - 12:43 AM in General Gaming

if that 1080p Wii U rumor turns out to be true the fanboys are gonna SH!$ themselves... Wii U native 1080p and xb1 ps4 native 720... but who am i kidding they will spin it some way to make Wii U look bad and underpowered.

ps4 is already confirmed 1080p native xbox on the other hand is a different story

#235716 RUMOR From Digital Foundry: 3.5 GB RAM allocated to OS in PS4

Posted by Greg1040 on 29 July 2013 - 03:32 AM in General Gaming

Many game developers are saying this is rubbish and that some games in development are using 6gbs of ram. Either way ps3 has what 512mb of ram and look at what that can do. So 4/5/6 what ever is accessible to games is still a huge improvement over what we have atm.

#258164 Post Your Gaming Setups

Posted by Greg1040 on 28 November 2013 - 02:49 PM in General Gaming


New tv replacing old and ps4 going next to ps3 and wii tomorrow :)


New tv replacing old and ps4 going next to ps3 and wii tomorrow :)

#258203 Post Your Gaming Setups

Posted by Greg1040 on 29 November 2013 - 04:37 AM in General Gaming

50 inch to 65 the new set dwarfs the old 1.

#280865 Post Your Gaming Setups

Posted by Greg1040 on 10 April 2014 - 07:43 PM in General Gaming


An update of the previous set up :)

#252246 Why do you think 3d world only runs in 720p upscaled to 1080p?

Posted by Greg1040 on 20 October 2013 - 01:22 AM in Wii U Hardware

Thats because the games aint graphically as demanding as ps4 and xbox one game. Still looking good though

#252272 Why do you think 3d world only runs in 720p upscaled to 1080p?

Posted by Greg1040 on 20 October 2013 - 06:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

I was reffering to the comment before my post saying more wii u games are 1080p than next gen yet it being weake. I meant take a ps4 game and run it on the wii u it wouldnt handle it yet take a wii u game on ps4 would play it no bother

Btw im not hating on the wii u used to own 1 :)

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