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#291026 Nintendo: Third-party publishers will return as Wii U sees more system sellers

Posted by Sargiel on 20 June 2014 - 09:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm not sure it will make a difference. If the world was a logical place and companies were run by competent management then it would. But just look at the Rayman debacle and what Ubisoft did with Watch Dogs..


I think that the Wii U is going to stand up pretty well against the competition this generation - but 3rd parties will still cut off their noses to spite their faces. And if they are not going to bother to bring quality ports/games to the Wii U then we're better off without them. 


The only optimistic position to take is that one day soon the big games companies will realise how badly they have been failing both financially and in terms of what they are bringing to the market and then we'll all be better off. 

#291025 Playstation Now expensive?

Posted by Sargiel on 20 June 2014 - 09:00 AM in General Gaming

That is horrifying … I really can't stand the direction gaming/entertainment is moving. It's like we're supposed to be happy just renting content and paying through the nose for the privilege. 

#291023 Ubisoft Explains Why Watch Dogs On PC Had Hidden Graphic Options

Posted by Sargiel on 20 June 2014 - 08:55 AM in General Gaming

While they are probably right that just enabling them may have adverse effects in some circumstances depending on your set-up… it is still clear that they could have made an effort and brought the E3 levels to the PC as a supported setting. Sure you may need a really nice machine to get the full effect but it's hard to avoid the fallout from this. The fact they delayed the release for so long just makes it worse. And they had fair warning given all the complaining about the graphics downgrade.. 


It's just strange that in all these cases (I'm thinking of Rayman as well) it doesn't even appear to make financial sense.. Ubisoft have crashed in my estimations with such poor management.

#259851 Deus ex. should I?

Posted by Sargiel on 08 December 2013 - 12:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Amazon.com has it for $18 more than the PS360 versions :(


Ouch that sucks.. It is a good game - but it's always best to buy at the price that suits you even if that means waiting. 

#259841 Deus ex. should I?

Posted by Sargiel on 08 December 2013 - 11:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm not sure this is the game to make such a stand on. In the UK it was released at similar pricing across all platforms and if you shop around it's still much of a muchness. On Amazon the Wii U version is marginally more expensive - £16.82 vs £14.99 Xbox and £14.84 PS3. PC versions of a given game tend to fall in price quicker in general and on Amazon it's £10.03 and £12.85 on Shopto.  


Basically we're not seeing a case of complete rip-off pricing for this game in the market the OP was enquiring about. 

#259777 Deus ex. should I?

Posted by Sargiel on 08 December 2013 - 08:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Just to chip and say get it for the Wii U. I played through the ultimate edition for Mac and still was glad I picked up the Wii U version. The gamepad adds a lot, the graphics are good and the tweaks improve on the original. It is the definitive version and a bargain at the current prices considering how recently it came out.

ONM also gave it a well deserved 90 I was pleased to see - this really is one of the best 3rd party efforts so far.

#258945 Knack out sales Mario in UK

Posted by Sargiel on 04 December 2013 - 06:53 AM in General Gaming

This also illustrates why it was insanity to delay Rayman Legends. If you have a captive audience just looking for any good game to buy you can make a killing. 


The retailing of the Wii U in the UK is poor. If you look in any supermarket the Wii U games are mixed in with old Wii titles and you're lucky if there's one console boxed set on display. Couple that with relatively little advertising and it not a big surprise it's been a damp squib here. 


However I'm optimistic. It's a great console and as more games come out and more people buy it or see it in action it will drive more sales. Also as it's at least £200 cheaper than an Xbone bundle… 

#258746 Wii U Black Friday/Cyber Monday Thread

Posted by Sargiel on 03 December 2013 - 09:49 AM in General Gaming

Deus Ex 3: Directors Cut - £16.85 at Shopto.net which is a great price for a quality game.



#258493 NPD Report: Digital Sales surpass Physical

Posted by Sargiel on 01 December 2013 - 03:16 PM in General Gaming

Physical still has a definite edge for me. Not only do I get around the problem of my slow internet connection (the patches are bad enough without facing the nightmare of a 30GB game download :D ) but I retain the ability to resell in the future. 


Also when it comes to console gaming it feels like you're more likely to get a bargain buying the boxed game versus the download from a digital store. 


I'm not overly surprised by the report (though it would be interesting to see where their data came from, how they analysed it etc.) due to the DLC factor as already mentioned. One could assume that even if a consumer bought the physical version if they buy DLC they're adding a digital sale. 

#258258 Wii U Black Friday/Cyber Monday Thread

Posted by Sargiel on 29 November 2013 - 12:56 PM in General Gaming

Shopto.net has Rayman Legends for £17.86 which is pretty awesome. 



#256436 Post Your Wii U Library and Collection

Posted by Sargiel on 16 November 2013 - 05:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software




Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Zombie U

Nintendo Land

Assassins Creed III

Lego: City Undercover

Mass Effect 3: Special Edition

Batman: Arkham City

Need 4 Speed: Most Wanted U

#253153 Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut (Wii U) Review

Posted by Sargiel on 25 October 2013 - 11:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I've had a couple of sessions playing it and it is a good effort in enhancing a great game. It is cool having the datapads/news/inventory on the gamepad and does add to immersion to actually be entering the key codes/hacking on the gamepad. 


The graphics are good ingame and actually better than the cutscenes - which is something I think was the same on the Mac/PC version. 


I'm struggling a bit to adapt from having completed it on the Mac with keyboard and mouse to using the gamepad. Maybe I shouldn't be going lethal on the Give me Deus Ex difficulty - I'm not at all a console FPS expert :D


Well worth the money even if you've played (and enjoyed!) the game before and even more so if you missed it the first time round. 

#253152 New Game - Shrink wrapped?

Posted by Sargiel on 25 October 2013 - 10:54 PM in General Gaming

Which store was it?  Gamestop is notorious for re-wrapping opened games and passing them off as new.  In fact, most stores have a shrink-wrapping machine in the back.  I've stopped buying games from them a long time ago.


I was being a bit coy initially but did admit later it was GAME (game.co.uk) who operate online and on the highstreet. I actually quite like the store so was surprised with my bad online experience. 


Luckily someone had replied to me in the Deus Ex:HR thread and recommended ShopTo for my pre-order so switched over Deus Ex and the other purchases to them and had a good experience.

#252806 New Game - Shrink wrapped?

Posted by Sargiel on 25 October 2013 - 10:00 AM in General Gaming

Thanks for the replies everyone! 


I did contact their customer services who just gave me an almost copy/paste reply about their games being sealed and how to request a refund. I'll pop into my local store this weekend and get my money back.. 


Edit: Also just found the game for sale on ShopTo for £13.85 so have ordered that and I'll return the copy I bought from GAME. Hopefully will be able to report a happy ending to this later this week! :)

Good news in the end. My ShopTo order arrived today giving me a nice, brand new and shrinkwrapped edition of Mass Effect 3. I also picked up Need For Speed: Most Wanted as that was on offer too for £15.85 and which came the same day. So these two plus Deus Ex: Directors Cut which arrived yesterday gives me more gaming than I have time for. 


Now just need to get my refund for the naff copy I got from GAME :) 

#252624 New Game - Shrink wrapped?

Posted by Sargiel on 22 October 2013 - 12:17 PM in General Gaming

I just bought Mass Effect 3 online from a reputable retailer. It was purchased as 'New' but when it arrived it wasn't shrink-wrapped and the case itself looked less than pristine. The condition is actually what I'd expect from a pre-owned game although there is a seal sticker holding the game shut. 


I've emailed their customer services to query this but thought I'd put this out there in case this isn't exceptional. Shouldn't all new games be shrink-wrapped if they are genuinely new? 

#252502 Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut (Wii U) Review

Posted by Sargiel on 21 October 2013 - 11:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Thanks for the tip! I've switched over to give Shop To a try (not used them before). 

#252322 Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut (Wii U) Review

Posted by Sargiel on 20 October 2013 - 12:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

On amazon.co.uk it's still £23.99 for the Wii U version which is the price I pre-ordered at. Looking forward to giving it my own review once it's shipped :) 


The only disappointment in the Nintendoworld review is the wording around the graphics with them being described 'as good as' the Xbox and the PS3. My thought is that given that the Directors Cut started life as a Wii U exclusive and there was all the talk about making use of the graphical capabilities of the Wii U shouldn't there be a noticeable difference when compared to previous gen hardware? 


The reviews so far have been good although none of them have been very in depth so we just have to wait and see. I've already played through the Mac version of DX3 so have something to compare against. 

#247899 Shin’en: It’s not the hardware’s fault if devs can’t create good looking games

Posted by Sargiel on 25 September 2013 - 04:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

Most Americanisms come from regional dialects. For example in my home counties dialect fall was used for autumn as well. Admittedly it's use is dying out here in the UK along with most other regional dialects but there is definitely a connection.

#241972 Who buys a Nintendo console for third party multiplats, anyways?

Posted by Sargiel on 27 August 2013 - 11:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

I like the innovation Nintendo bring with their consoles but am interested in 3rd party titles as the Wii U will be my only console this generation. 

#241238 Rayman Legends Review ONM- 92/100- Source GAF

Posted by Sargiel on 23 August 2013 - 10:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If they had released this game for Wii U months ago and then released on the other platforms subsequently I would have more sympathy. But breaking the promise about exclusivity and then making us wait until it was ready for the other platforms was never going to earn brownie points. 


I'll likely return the favour and leave Rayman a few months until I've got the other games I'm interested in first. 

#237409 What can Nintendo do to fix their relations with third-party developers?

Posted by Sargiel on 06 August 2013 - 09:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm not sure there is much else Nintendo can do other than release games and increase the number of systems out there. While support for third parties was a bit sketchy at launch developers like Criterion spoke highly of Nintendo's support for them in getting Most Wanted running well etc. so I don't think you can say Nintendo aren't playing ball and helping studio's get the most out of the Wii U. http://www.eurogamer...hind-the-scenes

#236947 Wii U version of Splinter Cell Blacklist will lack offline co-operative play

Posted by Sargiel on 04 August 2013 - 03:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Reading the interview I'm a little confused. So basically we are getting online multiplayer and online co-operative play... but no offline co-operative play. What is the difference besides the obvious? Does it just mean you can't have one player on the gamepad and another playing with a wii-mote on the same Wii U system but that if you both had Wii U's and linked up online you could play the co-operative missions? 


Edit: Also just to chime in RE the emotive side to these announcements and say that I don't think we should be grovelling and snapping up any old inferior version of a game. If a 3rd party developer makes an effort to bring a good game to Wii U and ensure they've put the time in to make it as good as it can be I'm happy to buy. For example Need for Speed: Most Wanted by Criterion or the forthcoming Deus Ex port which I've pre-ordered. But I find it extremely hard to be happy enough to pay out for a game I know the developers nerfed and were unwilling to put any time into just because it was for the Wii U. In the case of Splinter Cell it's not necessarily the case and I will wait and see. 

#236533 Nintendo Wii U 'flogging a dead horse'-BBC UK

Posted by Sargiel on 01 August 2013 - 09:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's a bit of a pointless observation as clearly sales will pick up as the bigger titles are released.. And as more are sold this will generate additional sales as the console gets more exposure/recommendations from friends etc.

#236528 According to GameInformer, Batman AO for Wii U will not have Online Multplayer

Posted by Sargiel on 01 August 2013 - 09:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This does put me off and I'm unlikely to buy the game now. No-one likes to know they're getting an inferior version just because the publisher/developer doesn't care about my custom. 

#236365 Dyack discusses why Precursor chose Wii U for Shadow of the Eternals, too early

Posted by Sargiel on 01 August 2013 - 08:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well this helped convince me to go ahead and become a backer. It really is too early to write off Nintendo. 

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