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#251019 I think you should read this

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 11 October 2013 - 05:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

seems exagerated but bets are still on the PS4 winning the race, and microsoft eventualyl dropping out after they are done throwing money around.

I'm thinking a repeat of the 6th generation: PlayStation will completely dominate the gaming scene; Xbox will have a respectable showing, but wind up on life support in Japan; and Nintendo's offering will have slow sales but be full of cult classics. But I do see Valve playing a part with their new Steam Machine. 

#249685 Battlefield 4 petition

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 04 October 2013 - 02:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Wii U isn't powerful enough to run battlefield 3.
No chance of running Battlefield 4.

Please tell me you're sarcastic  :blink:. Anyway, to my understanding the Wii U is two 360s taped together in the same sense that Wii was two GameCubes taped together, so it could indeed run it just fine. 

#245174 Exactly how much of a downgrade would a PS4 game suffer on Wii U?

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 09 September 2013 - 06:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

Lets take Battlefield for example, you have a giant map filled with buildings, grass, detail etc. The only real thing taken away would be the amount of grass on the field (The Ground Clutter) and tone down a tiny tiny bit on the detail. Overall, it wouldn't effect your personal gameplay experience unless you're a graphics whore. The game will run just as good as other consoles, just slight alterations. 


But for less detailed games like fighting games, there wouldn't be any downgrade at all since their isn't really much there to begin with. 

Seems about right, and most graphics-junkies usually go for ludicrous $900+ PCs and brag about them on /v/ anyways. But many fighting games do have quite detailed graphics from what I've seen.  

#242668 PS4-XBox One 4K Collection

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 29 August 2013 - 12:44 PM in General Gaming

I don't even have a 1080p TV, let alone some multi-thousand dollar 4K monstrosity; so I don't see the point. 

#242310 Nintendo announces 2DS?

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 28 August 2013 - 01:23 PM in General Gaming

I don't think it has a target audience

I assumed it was for kids too young for the 3D feature; those who can't see the 3D feature, or it just makes them sick; or those who couldn't afford a normal 3DS but still want to get their hands on Pokemon X/Y

#241548 8 year old kills Grandmother after playing GTA IV

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 25 August 2013 - 04:40 PM in General Gaming

I have to agree with Blake. GTA I beieve is rated T for teen by the ESRB. A child that's still growing up really shouldn't be playing it.

And guns should always be kept secure in the hands of people thained in the use and storage of them.

Actually, Grand Theft Auto IV  is rated M (the equivalent of R), which is even worse for a kid to have. But really, what kind of failure of a parent/guardian let's their kid around a actual gun? 

#240655 Why is Sony getting so much indie love...

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 20 August 2013 - 09:45 PM in General Gaming

I understand the Wii U... but I was talking about the 3DS! That thing is selling crazy dude!

Exactly my point, and even breaks their "Nobody's buying it, so it's not worth our money." argument over Wii U development. The 3DS is selling extremely well and yet somehow it's not good enough for them; but the Vita is apparently fine with them despite much lower sales. 

#240612 Why is Sony getting so much indie love...

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 20 August 2013 - 05:24 PM in General Gaming

The least they could do is put the indie games on the 3DS too! This is just biased when they put the games on the vita which no one has... and not on the 3DS!



That is insane! Developers won't put games on the Wii U because it won't sell, but they'll go ahead and shove them on the mostly-dead Vita. I'm sadly going to main PlayStation 4 this generation (as I said earlier, developers don't care for the U); but the Vita can go ____ itself for all I care. 

#239841 Mysterious Pokemon Screenshots Shown At Pokemon Game Show - New Wii U Game?

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 17 August 2013 - 02:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

People are getting there hopes up too high, this is oviosly new version of the Pokedex 3D app on 3DS.

I agree, the background does look too realistic for a Wii U game.

Huh, that's around PS3-level looking graphics to me, the Wii U could probably pull it off. 

#238892 3ds XL question....

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 12 August 2013 - 05:27 PM in General Gaming

Is it better to go ahead and get this version?

Yes, yes, and yes. 

#237874 Who buys a Nintendo console for third party multiplats, anyways?

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 08 August 2013 - 02:04 PM in Wii U Hardware

I agree with you but, for people who can only get one console and want the Nintendo exclusives it sucks because then they can't play some of the great multiplatform games like GTAV 

I always found myself getting bored of the Grand Theft Auto games after about six hours. Once the initial shock value wears off the game starts to get mind-numbing, it's like half the shows on [adult swim] in that respect.

#237044 Do some games look better on SD screens?

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 04 August 2013 - 12:52 PM in General Gaming

I've noticed that Wii games look better on my TV when I turn down the sharpness. Virtual Console games generally look fine in HD, but their actual *on the original system* counterparts look far better on an older CRT. 

#236721 Would you buy a Knuckles' Chaotix remake?

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 02 August 2013 - 04:28 PM in General Gaming

Personally I would love to see a 2.5D remake of this *relatively* forgotten 32X gem, with the characters having their modern designs and a remixed soundtrack. Sadly, I doubt that Sega would actually go for it; they seem to prefer that this game never existed. 

#236665 Pokémon X/Y is 1.7 GB

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 02 August 2013 - 12:38 PM in General Gaming

I go for physical copies of games anyhow, but with all the moves and models using polygonal models on top of non-MIDI music I'd assume at least 3 gigs! I suppose that everything has been compressed to minuscule size to save on memory. 

#236459 IGN: Nintendo should look to new hardware, If Wii U doesn't pick up

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 01 August 2013 - 04:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

"We have a console with practically no games, so let's make another one right away with even less!" is what I'm getting from this. 


Because Western media pundits have no attention span and can't grasp the concept of long-term thinking. Hell, Western gaming in general can't seem to think long-term as evidenced by reducing themselves to living from one AAA release to another. Not exactly a stable model to live on.

More and more Westerners (mostly PC games, but console users are getting better) are going for indie titles to tide them over until the next big release. Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo all have indie-friendly ways to get their games onto the Live Arcade, PlayStation Store, and eShop respectively. Self-published indie games carry far less risk than their multi-million dollar big brothers; and as all three companies make a profit of each of these (numerous) self-published titles, they're loving it. 

#236257 Cant play MH3 without a laptop besides me!

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 31 July 2013 - 03:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Don't know how to capture or are you killing the Peco too quickly? Or something completely different, of course.


If the former: Whenever the monster is low enough on health, catch it in a trap (Shock or Pitfall, either works), then toss Tranq Bombs at it. Typically takes two, though RARELY it takes three. 


If the latter: Get Great Jaggi armor. It gives you an ability that tells you when a painted monster is low on health. The symbol on the screen will start blinking white instead of just staying pink.

The problem is that it just doesn't want to get low enough to capture, and it's a pain to juggle items (Reggie help you if you mess up using a Sonic Bomb). I guess that I'm not good at these kinds of games. 

#236233 Cant play MH3 without a laptop besides me!

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 31 July 2013 - 02:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I for one cannot get past Trapping a Trickster to save my life (I have about nineteen hours in), it's embarrassing. 

#236232 Artist Intro / "Spyro U" Fan Made Cover

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 31 July 2013 - 01:59 PM in The Museum

That would imply they'd make another Spyro game. 

#236008 Europe getting Pokemon X &Y Bonus

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 30 July 2013 - 01:29 PM in General Gaming

Well it holds all 3 Pokemon 3DS game in a pokeball. Its just cool. Would you rather carry 3 3DS cases, or a pokeball for your pokemon needs?

Who says there is going to be a Pokemon Z? The reason I haven't played the fifth generation games is because I was banking on a Pokemon Gray Version

#235905 Europe getting Pokemon X &Y Bonus

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 29 July 2013 - 08:22 PM in General Gaming

I... I don't see the point of this, 3DS games already come in hard cases so it wouldn't really be useful.

#235904 Your Video Game Budget for the rest of 2013?

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 29 July 2013 - 08:21 PM in General Gaming

Sonic Lost WorldThe Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, and maybe some Virtual Console games that come along for the Wii U

Pokemon XCastlevania: Mirrors of Fate, and Mario & Luigi: Dream Team for the 3DS

•A PlayStation 4 console (really don't want to, but you have to go where the games are) with Battlefield 4 and maybe some downloadable titles.

•Some hats and keys for the PC version of Team Fortress 2


A rather costly endeavor, when I think about it.

#235298 What happened to platformers this generation (on non-Nintendo consoles)?

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 27 July 2013 - 12:39 PM in General Gaming

Because they're considered "kiddie crap", along with everything else that isn't a M for Money FPS, Family Guy knock-off that is somehow worse, and reality TV so forced that it becomes actively unpleasant to watch. I would make a comment about explosion-filled exploitation blockbusters, but they're actually a guilty pleasure for me. 

#235071 Wonky GamePad Magnetometer?

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 26 July 2013 - 02:58 PM in Wii U Hardware

I got Game & Wario and noticed that some of the mini-games (namely Pirates and Arrow) tend to control a bit strangely as they go on, like the GamePad goes out-of-sync and can't tell where it is anymore (the other games, and everything else about the GamePad, seem to work); has anybody else had issues with this?

#235060 According to GameStop, Wii U will be getting CoD Ghosts Pre Order Bonus Map

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 26 July 2013 - 01:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

For a game that no one on this forum seems to like, they seem to be very interested in it now that it's coming to the Wii U.

Call of Duty is a good game, but not to the ueber-amazing-epic levels that your average Xbox fan seems to think. 

#234893 Look what came in the mail today :DDD

Posted by TheDoritoKing on 25 July 2013 - 05:22 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That's right, 1 month before the NA's release! We're also getting The Wonderful 101 earlier and we already got Mario and Luigi: Dream Team. Seeing a trend here...

I suppose that makes sense, as English, French, and Spanish are all spoken in Europe they can put it there first.

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