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There have been 3 items by King Nero (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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Posted by King Nero on 06 April 2013 - 09:38 AM in Wii U Games and Software

i would like to see something similar to guild wars or wow on the U.  I personally favor the online rpg.  But the key to any new game nintendo puts out is "ADVERTISEMENT".  They just don't put it out there as much. Also, as much as love the old zelda games i personally feel its kinda cheap to re-release them (just my opinion) .  I won't buy the old ones i have played but any new one i will purchase.  

#190752 Hardcore multiplayer FPS needed

Posted by King Nero on 06 April 2013 - 05:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

ok maybe i should have put my age.  Im 30 married with three kids.  Owning the nintendo systems since 87 should have given something away.  But i get yalls points. Maybe what i should have said is "COMPETITIVE" FPS.  And as some of you mentioned not another cod clone either.  Doesn't have to be nintendo who makes it just exclusive to our system.  It was simply an idea i had not a dying wish or demand.  I really just want our system to do well and it was something i thought might help.  sorry if i got anyones panties in a ruffle.

#190624 Hardcore multiplayer FPS needed

Posted by King Nero on 05 April 2013 - 08:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I am big fan of the COD series and it currently bites the big one on the U.  We COD players don't know who's fault it is.  Now i am not here to complain about that.  But it has given me an idea.  Nintendo needs to build a massive multiplayer FPS exclusive to the U. We are talking from the ground up, not just some port.  Something that would make xbox cry because they can't have it.  I love my U and i have owned Nintendo systems since 1987.  However we are seriously lacking in the Hardcore department.  The Wii U COD community its at its current wits end and its causing players who love the motion control system to give up and go back to other systems.  Not only a FPS but also an Excellent Hardcore RPG.  Not something all cute or tame like zelda and MH3U.  Which by the way i have logged in some 100 or more hours on so far.  Bottom line is i want the Wii U to be everything it can be.  Face it come november wii u will be out done by the 720 and PS4..  If this has been brought up before i apologize.  I am new to the forums and this is something thats been bugging me for a bit.

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