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#314598 Nintendo e3 - Digital Event Thread

Posted by LinkKennedy on 16 June 2015 - 08:50 AM in E3 2015

Well that was a let down....

#314769 Grade each conference

Posted by LinkKennedy on 16 June 2015 - 09:30 PM in E3 2015

Microsoft-B+. I liked Gears 4, as well as the indie titles looked intresting. Also backwards capability is freaking awesome.

Sony-A. Last Guardian pretty much sealed its victory, the new title by the Killzone guys looked fun. Uncharted was as expected, fantastic. Shenmue is something I need to see and play in order to truly know it's real(but if it is AAA+++).

Ubi-D. Where's my beyond good and evil 2!!!!

EA-C.(really wanted a full gameplay reveal of Mass Effect to be shown). Mirrors Edge was probably my fav out of EA.

Nintendo-D. Xenoblade looks great but it was only a trailer, Yoshi game looks fantastic but it was nothing new. It gets a D because I was mostly disappointed by the WiiU output, but the 3DS stuff is awesome(although metroid didn't look like metroid but it looked fun).

#316012 Satoru Iwata passed away

Posted by LinkKennedy on 12 July 2015 - 05:36 PM in General Gaming

This is very sad, I'm shocked, angry and just depressed that this happened. What ever your beliefs were/are about Nintendo, this is bad. This sucks for everybody, I personally never knew the man, but he seemed like a good person. One thing is for sure though, he is a legend and will always be remembered. RIP.

#317302 What do you want the NX to be or what do you think it will be?

Posted by LinkKennedy on 22 November 2015 - 05:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

It needs to be a strong console, as strong as a ps4( if not better). It also needs a proper controller similar to the Xbox one controller(preference). Nintendo's gonna have to take a hit early on(in terms of money) but it will bring back its fans that left them(due Nintendo F'ing them over. The system will be similar to what's on the market but is their games that will differentiate them from the competition.

#317303 2016 games you are looking forward to! List away!

Posted by LinkKennedy on 22 November 2015 - 05:58 AM in General Gaming

Uncharted 4
Mass Effect
Street Fighter V
Gears 4
And a bunch of new games that I'm forgetting for the PS4 and X1 ;)

#317237 Best gaming CASE(clamshell case) this gen.

Posted by LinkKennedy on 12 November 2015 - 03:01 PM in General Gaming

Hmm I am confused as to what we are voting on as maybe others are too after reading their input.
Are we voting on our favorite system this gen? You typed box, which I took as system or device but then I see you posted a bunch of games you like from the different systems. I also then saw the poll header, Best Packaging ....
Then it dawned on me.. are you talking about favorite box art? Cause the poll may be no good then :P


I quoted you guys because you may have voted in the poll based on the wrong notion.

Dude that totally flew by me lol thanks for pointing it out.

#317227 Best gaming CASE(clamshell case) this gen.

Posted by LinkKennedy on 12 November 2015 - 06:47 AM in General Gaming

I believe the X1 and PS4 have had a great year with releases such Forza (which is really fun), halo 5 (killer online if your into that kind of stuff), Rare Replay, and on the ps4 side there was Bloodborne and Until Dawn (both are fantastic games) and Helldivers which is a great co op game. There is also the timed exclusive Tomb Raider for X1 which I have yet to play but I'm guessing it's good. Also the third party suppor for each system is awesome with games like Witcher 3, Batman, Fallout 4, etc.

As far as Nintwndo goes, the wiiu has been hurting due to the third party support(nothing new) but Mario Maker is killer and hopefully X can live up to the hype(at least my hype). I haven't touched the 3ds this year so I can't comment (although I want to play Zelda tho).

For the most part I'll give a tie for X1 and PS4 (although I might be leaning PS4 but idk).

As a whole though I'd say the 3ds wins easily but the X1, PS4 and Wiiu would battle for the second spot (which probably would go to wiiu due to it having more years under its belt). Still by this time next year the ps4 and X1 will probably have as many awesome exclusives and awesome 3rd party support which then this conversation will be really tough.

#309916 Top five games of the last (7th) generation

Posted by LinkKennedy on 02 March 2015 - 02:51 AM in General Gaming

Mass Effect series (can't just choose one)

Mario Galaxy 2

The Last of Us

Mortal Kombat

FallOut 3

And a lot more....

#315321 The 6 Problems With Third Person Shooters Splatoon solved

Posted by LinkKennedy on 24 June 2015 - 05:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Why must we bash good games(Gears online is fantastic) in order to validate another?

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