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There have been 144 items by SparktehFox (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#86732 My Ideas For a New Ice Climbers Game

Posted by SparktehFox on 13 July 2012 - 09:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Actually, Non-specific Action Figure, those ideas are amazing! the would actually go perfectly with the Multiplayer segments. You could have each type of game categorized accordingly with your ideas sorted through them as stages for selection. Things like "The Elevator Broke" would fall perfectly under Survival and others like "Summit" would go under King of the Hill. It fits perfectly! I wonder who would handle the game better, Sakurai or Retro? Or maybe a different team altogether? I plan to somehow make a demonstration of this (which would in no way be anytime soon) and find a way to send it to a developer within the company. I've submitted Ideas before that eerily found their way into games but I want to guarantee that this has a chance of at least being seen. If that doesn't work, I'll hold the Idea for a couple of years and revive it after I complete college as a Graphic Design Artist.


#86734 Batman looks better on PS3 than wii u?

Posted by SparktehFox on 11 June 2012 - 01:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Both screenshots look fine to me. The 2 joker ones look identical. As for the batman one, the city really isn't shown, so can't really compare that. As for Batman himself, his suit just looks shinier in the U version.

Honestly, those are two different pictures taken at different areas of the game, at different angles and with different suits. The PS3 suit being leather and the Wii U suit being METAL.

#86501 My Ideas For a New Ice Climbers Game

Posted by SparktehFox on 10 June 2012 - 08:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I wrote a blog about this that was actually featured on IGN a while back. The ideas are very different from yours, though. Yours could be really interesting, but they may as well make a new IP if they do this.

Link? Also, seeing as Ice Climbers was basically an arcade time-waster, there's nothing to actually build on without completely restructuring the franchise. Going by the logic that games that take a different route should just be new IP's, then we wouldn't get sequels or reboots that do any justice to their original counterparts. I'm thinking of Kid Icarus when I think of this game.

#86416 My Ideas For a New Ice Climbers Game

Posted by SparktehFox on 10 June 2012 - 12:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm back with another Idea! (I've already posted these on GameFaqs)

Starting off, I'd like to explain the visuals. I believe the look of the Ice Climbers themselves, Nana and Popo, has become an image Smash Bros players have become familiar with. I don't think this should change. I propose the characters would continue to be very cute visually while their clothing and items, as well as the world around them would be near photo realistic. Reminiscent of the visuals found in Pikmin. I imagine beautiful scenery with visuals that change through the day from astounding sunrises to terrorizing pitfalls, all on a blanket of snow and frost.

Posted Image

Next I picture a hub world. A small yet robust village teeming with the innocent cheeriness of Christmas. There are a few faces that you will become accustomed to and will meet plenty but it wouldn't be right to leave out normal civilians, workers, and fellow spelunkers that you could interact with voluntarily. However, I would not want any voice-overs present as it would ruin the atmosphere; with Popo and Nana themselves only speaking through actions. I imagine each person would look similar in design to Popo and Nana, with varying degrees in height and appearance like Pushmo. From there you would be able to access shops of different kinds that would allow you to purchase differing goods important to people of your profession, and a bulletin board with varying jobs and announcements, as well as a leaderboard of best times and records. Add a hot spring, home, and a few additional areas with mini-games such as ice skating and you've got a winter wonderland!

Posted Image

Gameplay wise, I expect something completely different. As you progress through the game I can see players encountering different mountains and paths, each with unique builds that require differing strategies to climb. As time goes by, thanks to blizzards, snow slides and the like, I would expect mountains you've already been on to change randomly with each job. By "each job" I'm implying a mission based progression system centered around the hub town and bulletin board I mention previously. Seeing as the game takes place in such a dangerous atmosphere, and Popo and Nana are considered the best regardless of their young ages, I could see plenty of people turning to them for assistance. Missions could range from finding supplies to saving lives or more.

Continuing further, I have an idea pertaining to the way they play in brawl. Seeing as these two are explorers, I can picture a new survivalist system. Making sure your body temp is kept in check and that you are constantly energized and awake is important for mountain climbers. These would need to be taken advantage of for a truly immersing experience, however, mini-games are a no-no and should be an avoided incumbent. Failing to protect your partner, or yourself, would result in you having to continue your mission alone. As for the climbing part, I suggest using something similar to Shadow of Colossus with a upgradeable grip system alongside your stamina. Now, considering that these two are quite young, I don't think a combat system would be viable. Yes, they should use their mallets but I believe that those should be limited to shattering ice, or at most stunning certain enemies. I suppose Topis (the small yeti-like enemies) would become harmless in this game and your main sources of threat would come from the polar bear and condor. I do expect more enemy types based on tundra wildlife but I don't expect much to do with fighting as this game (in my head) is a pure adventure game. I suggest wildlife be added that may be completely random, such as the Dragos from Mother 3 that could be potentially dangerous but are not inescapable as I would like the main focus to be on escaping rather than attacking, similar to the preview in Monster Hunter 4.

Next I would like for their to be a few types of multiplayer modes available. Those I had in mind were King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, Survival, Racing (climbing), and Co-Op. Any suggestions?

I would also like to address their origins. I do not believe they should be thoroughly revealed. Nintendo has set it so that the player decides what the relationship is between the duo and I believe it should stand that way, with the most we get being something as vague as "two orphans raised by the village". Other than that, I have no suggestions as that would ruin the game for me as well, haha!

Lastly, I will mention music. I picture something soothing and orchestrated, with the main theme sticking around the hub world. The main song that rings through my mind when I imagine it is "Snowman" from Mother 3.

1)Cartoon meets life-like visuals ala Pikmin
2)Hub world featuring plenty of interactivity
3)mission based gameplay framed by mystery dungeon style stages
4)survivalist features including a grip and stamina gauge
5)no fighting mechanics, focusing on escape
7)vague back story if at all
8)orchestrated music

#55203 The Food you can eat forever

Posted by SparktehFox on 17 January 2012 - 11:40 AM in The Café

Another food that is addicting is Ramen noodles! I could eat those things for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.

I used to eat Ramen a lot, and I mean A LOT, but now whenever I think about it I get nauseous.

#53647 Your hired to change the Wii U's name. What would you call Nintendo's...

Posted by SparktehFox on 12 January 2012 - 06:48 AM in Wii U Hardware


No! The Bad-Ass Motha' 4000! Goes twice as fast as your ass!

(thumbs if you get the reference)

But seriously, I would either let it stay named Wii U, drop the Wii part so it's just The U, make it Wii Ultra, or name it the NStream.

#52701 Why Having Gamecube Backwards Compatibility Only Makes Sense

Posted by SparktehFox on 08 January 2012 - 07:44 PM in Wii U Hardware

As it's been said on other mediums, it is not as simple to allow backwards compatibility as a simple line of code. There is a lot of work behind making a console backwards compatible and we're already getting full compatibility with Wii games, an entire generation. At least Nintendo allows a single previous gen's compatibility unlike Microsoft and Sony's PS3 who only allowed limited backwards compatibility and now gives none at all. It doesn't matter that it CAN be done, it's all of the extra work that makes it possible. People tend to forget that the Wii was an entire gen and we've already got that. It's not like it went from GCN to WiiU.

#47685 Your Favorite Of Link's Companions.

Posted by SparktehFox on 16 December 2011 - 06:55 PM in General Gaming

This is truly what I think of the King of Red Lions...


#47617 what do you want the Wii U to be????

Posted by SparktehFox on 15 December 2011 - 08:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

You fail for two reasons Eskimo
1) you responded INSIDE your quote
2) your claim of lost faith in Nintendo for Motion Control, especially since the U uses the Wii's motion controller anyway so I guess you won't be getting it?

#47428 I'm new here... ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

Posted by SparktehFox on 13 December 2011 - 10:41 PM in Introduction Central

I dislike ponies, Sam I am

#47426 what do you want the Wii U to be????

Posted by SparktehFox on 13 December 2011 - 10:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Eskimo_sam you FAIL! lol.

And this is for Turboblaze!!!

#47349 what do you want the Wii U to be????

Posted by SparktehFox on 13 December 2011 - 04:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm guessing people missed my previous post.
Wii U’s final form to be shown at E3 2012

And here's the rumor regarding Downloadable GCN games

Downloadable GameCube Titles could arrive on the Wii U

#47251 what do you want the Wii U to be????

Posted by SparktehFox on 13 December 2011 - 12:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

dont know if you followed the rumors pre e-3. there was a developer that said there was a big feature (game changer system seller) that is going to make this console sale that nintendo didn't announce. he said it wasn't the controller. i still have that stuck in my head. there is a LOT not known about the console. nintendo will piss me off if they try and make me wait until e3 2012 for a full reveal.

Nintendo already stated that the full reveal would be at E3 2012. Don't be so selfish, it's not like they're actually trying to make YOU wait.


#47239 what do you want the Wii U to be????

Posted by SparktehFox on 13 December 2011 - 09:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

I just want to play it.

#47036 The Food you can eat forever

Posted by SparktehFox on 11 December 2011 - 08:23 PM in The Café

I can safely say I've never gotten sick/tired of well-made tacos/burritos.

#46616 New Sonic Game

Posted by SparktehFox on 10 December 2011 - 02:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

These are the people who make me ashamed to be apart of the fan base. These are the same people who won't let go of Sonic 06' and the bad rep it brought to the series, despite the game being released almost 6 years ago. These are the same people who cancelled their pre-orders for Sonic Generations because Silver was a BOSS FIGHT (a really good one IMO).

This is a pretty good idea, but I'm not big on having the different Sonic's impersonating the other characters, when the other characters could easily be implemented into the game. All SEGA has to do is find a way of making each character unique and fun. I believe if you replaced the werehog in Sonic Unleashed with Knuckles, and made the levels to match Knuckles's speed, it could have gotten more applause then hate, but that's just me.

I feel you man. I too hate Sonic 06 but I don't keep bringing it up, unless it's to say it was the only truly bad Sonic game, and I thought of the Werehog stages as nothing more than Knuckles replacements. I never really understood the "fans" disdain for it.

#45680 Your Favorite Of Link's Companions.

Posted by SparktehFox on 07 December 2011 - 11:37 AM in General Gaming

My vote goes to Fi. She's just so much more useful, especially given that she's your sword.

#45671 Grand Theft Auto V officially announced

Posted by SparktehFox on 07 December 2011 - 10:01 AM in General Gaming

rockstar have said a wii u version is possible but they are motivated by "economic opportunity" so basically they want to see how well it sells first

With the game just now going into development it's safe to say that they'll be at least 1-2 years before it releases and they haven't released any platform information yet. So we'll have to see where they go from here.

#45649 Grand Theft Auto V officially announced

Posted by SparktehFox on 06 December 2011 - 09:51 PM in General Gaming

This may be old new or it may not but Rockstar has released a teaser trailer for the upcoming GTA5. From what I've gathered, the game will be returning to Los Santos giving the player even more space than San Andreas did and CJ will be returning as an older man who tried to get a stable life.


From Rockstar Games

"We are very proud to officially announce that Grand Theft Auto V is in full development.

Developed by series creator Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto V heads to the city of Los Santos and surrounding hills, countryside and beaches in the largest and most ambitious game Rockstar has yet created.

A bold new direction in open-world freedom, storytelling, mission-based gameplay and online multiplayer, Grand Theft Auto V focuses on the pursuit of the almighty dollar in a re-imagined, present day Southern California."

#45562 New Sonic Game

Posted by SparktehFox on 06 December 2011 - 01:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Never have I agreed more with anything in my whole life. I'm sick of SEGA trying to substitute different forms of Sonic for other playable characters. I just want to play as Tails and Knuckles again (without the mech-shooting and treasure hunting).

The entire reason Sega began to drop supporting roles in Sonic games was because "fans" kept mother doging about it. These are the same "fans" that say Sonic games are bad because he is skinny and has green eyes.

#23791 Caption the avatar above you!

Posted by SparktehFox on 24 August 2011 - 04:22 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

*Impossible to explain face*

#23587 Caption the avatar above you!

Posted by SparktehFox on 23 August 2011 - 01:14 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

"And they said only humans could be pokemon trainers. Pff."

#23263 Ban the last poster!

Posted by SparktehFox on 22 August 2011 - 03:11 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Banned Because
Posted Image

#23042 Ban the last poster!

Posted by SparktehFox on 20 August 2011 - 07:58 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Banned because I haven't :c

#23034 Ban the last poster!

Posted by SparktehFox on 20 August 2011 - 07:04 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Banned for failing to make anyone join your fad.

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