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#214236 Bayonetta 2 going to appear in the Nintendo Direct

Posted by Rapth on 01 June 2013 - 11:19 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Can't wait for this game. Loved the first one. I hope it's shown an E3, and releases later this year.

#213836 How will you feel if the PS4 and NEXTBOX launch price is similar to the WII U?

Posted by Rapth on 31 May 2013 - 11:15 AM in Wii U Hardware


We shall see here in a few weeks friend.

#213835 Would you get a Luigi bundle?

Posted by Rapth on 31 May 2013 - 11:13 AM in Wii U Hardware


Lmfao!!! Oh my, what a picture.

#213833 Would you get a Luigi bundle?

Posted by Rapth on 31 May 2013 - 11:10 AM in Wii U Hardware

Samus bundle oh my!

The possibilities are endless my friend. But we all know Peach can beat up Samus. :)

#213829 Would you get a Luigi bundle?

Posted by Rapth on 31 May 2013 - 11:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

I would not get a Luigi bundle, but if it were a Peach bundle....

#213824 New Super Luigi U Trailer

Posted by Rapth on 31 May 2013 - 11:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Am probably not going to get it, its a game il buy, use once and never pick up again.

Same. I will probably be skipping this one. I own NSMBU, and have yet to complete it. Think i only logged like six hours into that game, and have no motivation to pick it up again.

#213573 Your favorite Video Game music

Posted by Rapth on 30 May 2013 - 07:38 PM in General Gaming


This one is kind of long... :(


#213557 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by Rapth on 30 May 2013 - 07:15 PM in The Café

I've decided to post two videos. :P Enjoy.



#213506 Cosplayers: A way to dress as a fan favorite or a way to sexually attract?

Posted by Rapth on 30 May 2013 - 06:01 PM in The Café

I agree with the OP.

There is a difference between being apicrot, and being attractive. I love Elfen Lied. The cutest outfit is the black dress with a shirt underneath. If I were to dress as her, I would choose that one. But for some reason, people only know of when she is wrapped in rags, covrring her areas. Like, god, get real, wtf.

#213500 Nintendo Characters you find attractive?

Posted by Rapth on 30 May 2013 - 05:48 PM in General Gaming

You know somthing amazing OP, real world women exist!!!

Wait, woman like these posred here are in the real workd as well???? REAL WORLD PRINCESS PEACHES!!! I WILL FIND YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!

#213496 How will you feel if the PS4 and NEXTBOX launch price is similar to the WII U?

Posted by Rapth on 30 May 2013 - 05:30 PM in Wii U Hardware

I doubt PS4, or Xbox One will be less than $500. The reason I say this is. Typically console, or portable hardware is more than desktop hardware. To buy a desktop computer with equal specs to my tablet would be less than $250, though my tablet was $450. A desktop equivelent to PS4 would be more than $500. Meaning the pricecwill be upwards of $500. Now in 2006 Sony released a system wuth a high price tag, and ate rainbow for it, and is unlikely to do it again. At the sametime, I doubt they are willing to take another loss on each console sold. It could happen, but realisticly, its doubtful.

#213492 Shadow of the Eternals 'Unlikely'

Posted by Rapth on 30 May 2013 - 05:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I find it ironic that a site that sells out like IGN would call someone else out on that.

Yes IGN is a rather sad news website, but in reality, they are the biggest, and most popular. I would argue the best though. They are biased, among other things. I typically frequent Destructoid for my multi platform news personally.

#213367 COD Ghosts Outed By E3Insider

Posted by Rapth on 30 May 2013 - 01:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

After the reveal of this game, I got a little excited about it. Normally I only purchase a COD game every other year, and since I purchased Black Ops II, I was going to skip the next. Not to mention the fact I try to support Tryarch, over Infinityward. But when they release more information on the game at E3, will be the deciding factor. But as of now, I plan to purchase this one.

#213364 Shadow of the Eternals 'Unlikely'

Posted by Rapth on 30 May 2013 - 01:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think there is another thread about this somewhere, but as I said in the other one, I knew it was unlikely the moment the kickstarter started. They got a lot of crap for having two crowdfunding campaigns at the sametime. I think this may have been the cause. People viewed them as greedy. IGN has posted an article about it.


I would have bought this game for sure, it truely is a sad day for gamers everywhere.

#213361 PSVita help

Posted by Rapth on 30 May 2013 - 01:43 PM in General Gaming

Often when I power off my Vita the PS icon on the bottom left stays on and I can't turn it on again until the battery runs out and I recharge it. This is beggining to revel in the beautiful sunshine me off. I dump my money into Sony only to get a potentially defective product. Please help.


Better safe than Sony. :P

#212984 Wii U for young kids?

Posted by Rapth on 29 May 2013 - 05:21 PM in Wii U Hardware

     Has not a single thing to do with a game rating, nor did i have any kind of attitude.... When the big N stated they would be getting core/serious gamers back, i expected to see Nintendo grabbing those big 3rd party releases, not fumble on most of them to still being psbox/pc titles. I understand that Nintendo has been and probably always will be primarily a mario and zelda ect console, but when a company that big (and a legit one at that) makes a claim like that, i think "wow this is awesome, i can have nintendo exclusives AND the third party titles i normally have to have another console for". That sounded like a dream come true to me. Wii U is a great console (which will answer your question as to why i frequent these forums), however, say what you will but Wii U will not pull in the core/serious gamers from other consoles at this rate, and believe me, i would love nothing more than for Wii U to get that ball rolling but i feel that time is running out until the Wii U is a first party console. 

      Also a side note, My 3DS get hundreds of hours more play time than both my 3g and crystal white Vita before you pull the fanboy card next after coming up with that whole game rating tangent.


See sir, now I understand where you are coming from. I do not recall ever calling you a fanboy, not sure where that came from. Simply expressing my feelings, as were you, about the comment you posted. Might have been a better idea to clearify your comment a bit more.


Like coming to a forum like this, making a post titled "Wii U Sucks". Than when people ask what you are doing here, you go on to explain that what you meant was, "Right now Nintendo is not doing so well. I love Nintendo, but they really need to get some bigger titles on the system, to get sells moving."


That's all I am trying to say. Seems i've upset you a little, and that was not my intention. I apologize, and have a nice day.

#212982 Nintendo Nation

Posted by Rapth on 29 May 2013 - 05:16 PM in The Café

This forum is awesome, I love it here so glad I found it, I've been a member for nearly 7 months :D


I've just joined the community, but so far I am enjoying it...

#212550 Wii U for young kids?

Posted by Rapth on 28 May 2013 - 08:44 PM in Wii U Hardware

Might be aimed at more serious gamers but they arent hitting the target....

Lol. Just wondering why you are on a forum such as this, with an attitude like that? I think out of my eight U games, one is rated below "Teen", not that it matters. If all you want is adult themes, go be an adult, work your life away, and quit enjoying awesome games. I had a friend like that. We were all 14, playing, being kids, he was always working. It was sad. No one should throw away their childhood.

#212546 Watch Dogs Versions help

Posted by Rapth on 28 May 2013 - 08:33 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I did not even realize there were different versions. Propbably just getting normal version though, lol.

#212543 Do you think Nintendo should make a change to their Wii U game prices?

Posted by Rapth on 28 May 2013 - 08:29 PM in General Gaming

Who voted no????? All games need to come down in price not just Nintendo ones.

Seems 16 people think its fine. Just be happy games are not $90 like some of N64 games. Lol.

#212542 8th Generation Game Cases

Posted by Rapth on 28 May 2013 - 08:26 PM in General Gaming

I think the Xbox One, and Wii U looks the best. Ps4 just looks kind of plain to me, for whatever reason.

#212538 Destiny Wii U Bound?

Posted by Rapth on 28 May 2013 - 08:19 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I hope this game does come to Wii U, but I doubt it will. They won't release because the game will not sell well. Although, the game will sell well overall. Sadly.

#212520 Who hates this show?

Posted by Rapth on 28 May 2013 - 07:46 PM in The Café



I was watching TV today, and this show happened to be on... Seems kind of stupid I thought. Watched Cops in place of this show, lol.

#212413 Nintendo Nation

Posted by Rapth on 28 May 2013 - 03:45 PM in The Café

It's usually slow during E3 time, due to companies being surreptitious about information not being leaked. That's why there's hardly anything "juicy" It'll pick up again in the next few weeks. 


Good, can't wait for some E3 goodness. :P

#212410 What Do You Think of the Name "Xbox One"?

Posted by Rapth on 28 May 2013 - 03:43 PM in General Gaming

Yeah true. That's what everyone will probably wind up calling it too.


Yea, even right now I hear a lot of people call the Wii U, "The U". Typically personally, I call it the Wii.... which is a bad habbit.

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