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There have been 129 items by Dankey Kang (Search limited from 09-June 23)

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#271576 Bring Kingdom Hearts 3 To The Wii U!

Posted by Dankey Kang on 10 February 2014 - 05:54 PM in General Gaming

I thought the thread title read kingdom hearts 3 coming to wiiu......




I cri everytim :'(

#271572 Bring Kingdom Hearts 3 To The Wii U!

Posted by Dankey Kang on 10 February 2014 - 05:19 PM in General Gaming

lolno. That would be a miracle though XD If it picks up steam I'll increase the number.

We need to have a Pokemon Showdown rematch this week -_-

#271570 Bring Kingdom Hearts 3 To The Wii U!

Posted by Dankey Kang on 10 February 2014 - 05:05 PM in General Gaming



Hey guys! I'm sure a lot of you have heard about the game Kingdom Hearts :D I'm sorta upset about this game not coming to the Wii U though and I wanted to see if anyone felt the same way! If you wanted to see this game come to the Wii U, please sign the petition below: For now, this is just to see if it will pick up steam. If it continues though, I'll definitely see if I can get the word out about it more :D




Thanks again guys! You rock!

#271065 Double Fine Interview

Posted by Dankey Kang on 07 February 2014 - 09:41 PM in General Gaming

Hey Yoshi/Sora, am I the one assigned for this interview? Would be nice so that I can do a good second article on Always Nintendo soon. (Yep, I somehow am a writer there now :D


Yeah, I was thinking we could set up a google drive meetup for all the writers and work on the interview together since it's such a HUGE developer we're interviewing :D I'll let you know when it is :)

#271056 Double Fine Interview

Posted by Dankey Kang on 07 February 2014 - 07:51 PM in General Gaming

Umm. Yeah, I'm too lazy to put all of that into a question. Would you be able to put what you just said in to a question or multiple questions?

#271036 Double Fine Interview

Posted by Dankey Kang on 07 February 2014 - 04:34 PM in General Gaming

Alright, I'll definitely make sure to ask these questions. Keep em' coming :D

#271030 Art of Balance to Wii U

Posted by Dankey Kang on 07 February 2014 - 03:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The game looks meh, but I love the art style.

Believe me, this game is amazing and very relaxing :D If you get it, you won't regret it :D

#271029 Double Fine Interview

Posted by Dankey Kang on 07 February 2014 - 03:56 PM in General Gaming

Hey guys! I have an interview with Double Fine coming up soon, and I'm planning to post it here :D Are there any questions that you guys want asked?

#269828 Rumor: Up To 14 New Characters Coming To Super Smash Bros. 4?

Posted by Dankey Kang on 01 February 2014 - 03:22 AM in General Gaming


I’ve never been much of a snooper on websites, but today, I think I’ve come across something very interesting that might just be true:


I’ve been monitoring the Smash Bros. 4 site for a long time now, but if you check out the full site, you’ll see that all the character slots are taken, or so you might think…




I looked at the bottom of the official Smash Bros. 4 site where all the character copyright’s were and I saw a peculiar company name. Who you might ask? ©Creatures Inc. that’s who! Creatures Inc. was formerly known as Ape Inc. and was involved in the development of the first two games in the Mother franchise as well as Pokemon X/Y, Pokemon Emerald, PokéPark, and some other lesser-known Pokemon titles. Back to the story. If you take a look at the current Smash Bros. 4 character roster and compare it to Creature Inc.’s wiki, you’ll see that no characters from games they’ve developed are present in it. The only thing that I’ve seen so far is Xerneas from the Pokemon X/Y game (who isn’t playable at the moment):




If you’re completely lost right now, take another look at the list of names that I posted near the beginning of the article and read closely beside the characters list. Seeing Creature Inc.’s name got me thinking. Every other company name in that list has a playable character. Where is Creature Inc’s? Now think about it. As I mentioned before, Creature Inc. was one of the developers working on the Mother series (and Earthbound) which featured Ness and Lucas among other characters. Ness has been in all of the previous Smash Bros. games and Lucas was newly introduced in Brawl, so it wouldn’t be too hard to believe that the characters from the franchises would make another appearance, would it? But wait, all the character slots are taken:




If you DID think all the character slots were incorrect, think again! In your browser, open a new tab and head to the Smash Bros. 4 official site and zoom out as far as possible. It should look something like this:




That’s enough blank space for at least 14 more characters!


If you test zooming in a bit, you’ll see that the website automatically adjusts the characters to the size of the browser, so why isn’t it adjusting when I zoom out all the way? The answer is pretty simple. There aren’t enough characters to fill up the space! Just another reason why it might mean that not all the characters have been introduced as yet. Keep in mind though, this is only a rumor.


Of course, 14 characters would be overkill right? Well I do recall Masahiro Sakurai saying this:


“The reality of the situation unfortunately is that there are certain limitations on the 3DS,” Sakurai said. The 3DS and Wii U versions of the next Smash Bros will have the same library of characters.


“So we’re forced into the situation where we may need to reduce some characters to a certain degree, but we’re really working hard in order to include as many characters as possible.”


So maybe it will be a few newcomer-sized blocks (the width of 3 returning character-sized boxes) mixed in with the normal ones. What do you think about this rumor? The chances are very slim, but hey, with Nintendo, anything is possible!

#269702 Gaijin Games Interview

Posted by Dankey Kang on 31 January 2014 - 10:35 AM in General Gaming

Thanks :D

And I'll see what I can do :)

#269324 Gaijin Games Interview

Posted by Dankey Kang on 29 January 2014 - 11:54 AM in General Gaming

So I recently did an interview with Gaijin Games on my site, and I thought you guys would be interested in hearing what Nintendo has to say :D If you weren't aware, Gaijin Games is the maker of the Bit. Trip series so this was a pretty interesting interview. Without any ado! I present the Gaijin Games Interview!:




Always Nintendo got in touch with Gaijin Games’ Dant Rambo, to talk about their inspirations and what might be on the horizon for the team.



1. Gaijin seems like the perfect name for you guys, as you seem to like to approach gaming from the perspective of an “outsider”, looking at how conventions can be manipulated. How would you describe your process of coming up with new game ideas?

The process changes from project to project for us. Inspiration can come from anywhere! Destructamundo, for example, is a concept that Jason Cirillo AKA Robotube Games has been kicking around in his head for a while. The BIT.TRIP series, as you might imagine, was birthed from an interest in both music and retro, Atari-era games. So, really, I don’t know that there’s a steadfast “process” to it. We constantly throw around ideas, and if something sticks, we give it a shot.


2. Where did the idea for “Commander Video” come from? Any story behind this character from a production standpoint?

The concept of CommanderVideo has existed since the dawn of man. We were simply the ones lucky enough to dip our hands into the Idea Pool and catch it.


3. Music is a big part of your games, and most of it appears to be original compositions. Do you have in-house composers you work with regularly? Describe how your musicians might work with the programmers on a normal project.

We don’t have an in-house composer, though we’ve been fortunate enough to work with some incredibly talented musicians.

There’s a little bit of trial and error involved when creating the music for our games. With that said, because all of the music was created specifically for our games, it was nowhere near as difficult as it could have been. It was simply a process of constantly speaking with the composer, feeding them notes on what we needed, and going from there.


4. What would you say is the most important thing about designing a new game?

I’d say that’s largely dependent upon the type of game you’re making. For a title like Gone Home, for example, story probably comes first and foremost. For a BIT.TRIP game, on the other hand, gameplay really takes the center stage. I’m presenting two extremes here, but I’m sure you see what I mean.


5. What are your inspirations? Particularly, what inspired the BIT.TRIP series?

I discussed this a bit above, but the BIT.TRIP games were inspired by a love of retro games, as well as a passion for rad music. It was also an opportunity to play around with some known gameplay archetypes, and present them in a new, interesting way.

Beyond that–and as you’ll surely realize when we announce what we’re working on–we really glean inspiration from anywhere and everywhere. It could be an awesome song, a well-made movie, or even just a goofy conversation amongst ourselves. In fact, rarely a day goes by without someone in the office presenting a new idea for a game. Most of these ideas are just jokes, but still! We are bursting at the seams with inspiration.


6. What’s on the horizon for Gaijin Games? Any new games in the works?

New games indeed! In the immediate future, we have the impending release of Destructamundo, which is an awesome little puzzle game from our Robotube branch. We don’t have a release date just yet, but rest assured that it’s coming soon.
Destructamundo is currently headed to the iOS and OUYA, with other consoles as a possibility. Here’s a look at the trailer:



We’re also hard at work on some other stuff, although we haven’t made any formal announcements just yet.


7. Runner 2 looks like a whole new level of production for you. Can we expect to see more games of this caliber in the future? Or do you like returning to the 8-bit theme?

All I can really say at this point is that our future projects are going to be a significant departure from our previous work. Your mind will be blown! But if you’re jonesing for a little retro-flavored goodness, be on the lookout for Destructamundo! Have I mentioned that game enough yet?


8. What do you consider when choosing which platforms to port to? What have your experiences with Nintendo been like?

As you may have noticed with Runner2, we’re not opposed to releasing our products on A BILLION PLATFORMS. It’s important to us that our games are available to everyone who wants to play them, and we try to let that be the driving force behind our porting decisions. With that said, being such a small company, we do need to be a bit particular when deciding where to bring our games to. As for working with Nintendo, they’ve been wonderful to us. If I had to complain, though, I’d have to say I wish they’d do more with the Birdo character.


Here here! She would make a good Smash Bros addition! Speaking of which…


9. I think Commander Video would make a great Smash Bros character, what would his moves be if he were in Smash Bros?

Thanks! He would shoot music beats at other combatants, and then melt their brains with deep, existential questions. It would be glorious.


10. Any advice on how to succeed as a developer today?

Dare to be different. Dare to be loud. Go to conventions and meet everyone you possibly can (and be nice to them).

Thanks to Dant and Gaijin for answering our questions. Watch out for Destructamundo, coming to iOS, OUYA and other platforms, and if you haven’t tried the BIT.TRIP series yet, you can get BIT.TRIP Saga on the Nintendo eShop, that’s 6 games for about $15 USD. Once you’ve been absorbed by the beat, you can join the rest of us in waiting for what the fellas at Gaijin come up with next!


Thanks again for reading! Who should I interview next?

#267924 Yo Yo Yo

Posted by Dankey Kang on 21 January 2014 - 05:00 PM in Introduction Central

YO YO YO Welcome to the forums :D

#264212 Happy (Almost) New Year!

Posted by Dankey Kang on 31 December 2013 - 02:08 PM in The Café

Happy (Almost) New Year!!! I wish you luck in 2014! Remember, when making your goals, remember to:




cheesy, yet true! Good luck everyone :D


#258631 Notification and mail graphics not showing up

Posted by Dankey Kang on 02 December 2013 - 02:50 PM in Site News and Feedback

Hope it get's fixed soon :( When's the last time Feld0 was even here? lol

#258339 Sonic Lost World Update Coming December 11 in Japan

Posted by Dankey Kang on 30 November 2013 - 03:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software


Sega has confirmed via email that they will be releasing a brand new patch for the competent Sonic Lost World on the Wii U. The patch will be coming on December 11th in Japan and should see a number of issues fixed. Some of these issues include seizure-inducing imagery and other problems that need to be sorted. Hopefully it shouldn’t be too long before we get a patch list, as well as a release date for the west. Thanks to My Nintendo News for letting this article! Check out their site at: mynintendonews.com


#258338 Developer Behind Rune Factory Series Closing Down

Posted by Dankey Kang on 30 November 2013 - 03:21 AM in The Café


The Rune Factory games are Japanese RPGs that invite you to fish, farm and socialise as well as make weapons, fight monsters and dive into dungeons. Fans would tell you that it’s taken the Harvest Moon concept in more interesting directions than the core series in recent years. -IGN

Neverland, the developer behind this game series, says that the development process of games it has made have been sluggish in recent years due to recent changes in the business environment, and as a result has ended the company up in a huge financial situation.

Unsuccessful attempts have been made to keep this company up and running but sadly, Neverland says that Rune Factory 5 isn’t likely.

What are your thoughts on the company’s decision to close down? Do you think there could’ve been a greater effort put in to keep this company running?


#258336 Notification and mail graphics not showing up

Posted by Dankey Kang on 30 November 2013 - 03:18 AM in Site News and Feedback

Lol sorry guys, Keanu's been kind of caught up with our site lately. I'm sure he'll be able to help you with the new images. Also if you need help applying the background images and icons, I know a lot of HTML5/CSS3/Javascript/jQuery so if your attempts at restoring the graphics are unsuccessful, you can PM the code that's in the styles.css file and I'll see if I can fix it :D Cheers!

#257901 Look Out For Pikachu at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

Posted by Dankey Kang on 25 November 2013 - 04:40 PM in The Café


If you’re a fan of Pokemon, don’t miss your chance to see a giant Pikachu wreak havoc on the city streets in 3 days! If you’d like to know where to see him, check out the details below:

Early risers like to camp out starting at 6am along the west side of the street on Central Park West from 59th to 75th Streets, where the Parade runs from about 9am until 10:30am. If you prefer to arrive later, further down the route on 6th Avenue may be best–the Parade reaches this area around 9:30am. We don’t suggest viewing from 6th Avenue between 34th and 38th Streets or in front of Macy’s Herald Square, which provides very limited viewing due to the national television broadcast. -Macy’s

So there it is folks. Here in Canada we won’t be able to see it but check it out on T.V! Thanks for reading and stay tuned for other fun Nintendo stories!


#257570 AlwaysNinty Presents: 5 3DS Games You Need To Play This Holiday Season

Posted by Dankey Kang on 23 November 2013 - 07:36 AM in General Gaming

The holidays are near and you know what that means, loads of epic games coming to the 3DS and Wii U! Although most of the titles that are featured on this list may have already been released in the past couple of days, these titles combined should be more than enough to keep you entertained for a long time!

1. Pokemon X/Y

(Right here lies the spot of what would be the Pokemon X and Y Game Case, but there's a dumb limit on images and I want you guys to see other games so just pretend you see it.)




My first choice is Pokemon X and Y. This is because like every other game in the series, Pokemon X/Y brings something new to the table whether it be 3D models, new (and old) Pokemon being featured, or cool new environments! As a matter of fact, Pokemon X/Y now has the title of 3DS title to hit the 1 million units sold mark faster than any other 3DS game!


2. Bravely Default








As you can see above, the next game on my list for games you should pick up this holiday on your Nintendo 3DS is Bravely Default: Flying Fairy. I personally don't know too much about this game, but from what I've seen, there is plenty of things that keep people coming back to this game. I can see the beautiful environments and fun rpg elements but there are plenty of other things that keep the games fans coming back. If you would like to know more about this game, check out the official Bravely Default trailer uploaded by Nintendo of YouTube right here!


3. Mario & Luigi Dream Team





My third choice for a 3DS game you need to play this holiday season is Mario & Luigi Dream Team. I chose this game because it is the Year of Luigi after all, and I think he needs some more love. This game really delivers on interesting gameplay mechanics but I think what really drags people in is the fact the game is Luigi-centered. When I say this I mean that Luigi is the base of many attacks including bowling ball-like clumps to huge hammers and ladders made out of Luigi's. I haven't played this game yet so I'm not too sure about the story, but come on, I know you want to slam Luigi's face into anything you can. A brick wall? A floor maybe?


4. Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl









My fourth choice for a 3DS game you need to play this holiday season is Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl. I decided to choose this game for a lot of the same reasons I chose Bravely Default. Aside from crisp graphics and anime sequences, the rpg elements of the game really set it apart from other games in the genre. If you get the chance, you should definitely play it this holiday season as it requires lots of your time to finish.


5. Animal Crossing New Leaf





The final game I've decided to choose is Animal Crossing: New Leaf. This is a very popular game worldwide because of the vast amount of content that the game features. You can literally go years and years on this game and still find new content everyday. No lie. There's also new content constantly being added via Spotpass so make sure to stay tuned!


So I've posted my five games. Do you agree with all of my choices? Any thing you would take away? Add? Let me know below!

#256535 So This Is What Feld0 Is Up To...

Posted by Dankey Kang on 16 November 2013 - 07:03 PM in The Café

what what? (Macklemore appears in the background)

#256531 So This Is What Feld0 Is Up To...

Posted by Dankey Kang on 16 November 2013 - 06:36 PM in The Café


#256527 Broken PS4s discussion

Posted by Dankey Kang on 16 November 2013 - 06:24 PM in General Gaming

Alright thanks for the clarifiaction :D

#256522 So This Is What Feld0 Is Up To...

Posted by Dankey Kang on 16 November 2013 - 06:04 PM in The Café




I dunno.

#256517 Broken PS4s discussion

Posted by Dankey Kang on 16 November 2013 - 05:24 PM in General Gaming

A sony representative said: 


"A handful of people have reported issues with their PlayStation 4 systems. This is within our expectations for a new product introduction, and the vast majority of PS4 feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. We are closely monitoring for additional reports, but we think these are isolated incidents and are on track for a great launch.

There have been several problems reported, which leads us to believe there isn’t a singular problem that could impact a broader percentage of systems. The number of affected systems represents less than .4% of shipped units to date, which is within our expectations for a new product introduction."


So how could 30-40% of a message board be having these problems?

#253815 Corny jokes

Posted by Dankey Kang on 30 October 2013 - 12:28 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games


Anti-Spam Bots!