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#249918 When did you get your Wii U?

Posted by Sachmach29 on 06 October 2013 - 03:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

I got the delux for the same price as the basic because they priced it wrong and did not want to dispute it with me haha.

This was from EB games, Gamestop in America.

Wow you probably rewarded yourself with some games right?

Zelda pack yesterday for 300. Much better than Nintendo Land for 350, glad I waited

Nintendo Land is actually great for friends, I thought it would just sit lonely like my Sonic Generations for 360. It turns out the lonely one was Scribblenauts until I suddenly spent bourse trying to beat it and I did :) But of course Wind Waker HD IS DA BEST GAME ON WII U!

#248802 What games do you plan to get?

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 11:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hey guys so I personally was looking forward to a lot of games like:
• Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U
• The Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds
• Super Mario 3D World
• Mario Party: Island Tour
I was wondering what games you guys planned to get too?

And Mario Kart 8

#249987 What forum rank are you?

Posted by Sachmach29 on 06 October 2013 - 12:17 PM in Introduction Central

I'm Shy Guy. To check go to your profile and it should say something. Is this good considering I joined September 30th?

#249998 What forum rank are you?

Posted by Sachmach29 on 06 October 2013 - 12:35 PM in Introduction Central

Supreme overlord.

K Smith (what the hell is that!) and that I mean it says u are Smith

Isn't this in the wrong area? Seems like this would be more suited for cafe or something.

Lies, you're at rank "Smith"!

Sorry didn't even know where to post it and what the cafe is. What is it?

#251195 The Wind Waker HD only took 6 months to develop

Posted by Sachmach29 on 13 October 2013 - 06:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I did notice the framerate dropping while passing battleships that were firing on me.

Same. Basically whenever people fired bombs at me.

i don't see why people are surprised it took only six months it is essentially a port, the issue i have is that Nintendo are charging full price for it, in fact it costs more then W101 for example, costs more than any other WiiU games atm.

i have played ZWW on the GC i might get this when it gets to the £18-20 mark.

not full price actually 10 dollars less. I don't know why people are so upset. With the Picto Box, Swift Sail, HD, and how well the Gamepad works with this game I think it is well worth 50 dollars and even full price 60!

Speaking of dropped framerates, has anyone else notice the game locking up for a moment when you launch the tingle bottle creator?

Hmm maybe a little. But I haven't been using that feature a lot since I was banned from Miiverse for two weeks :( In fact I just finished the part when you learn who Tetra is and when I journey to Windfall to pick up a Swift Sail, I realized I never got the Picto box and had to get it! Yeah but I love the way Nintendo added selfies in!

6 months and how long did the gamecube to develop? I will never get the HD version I rather play the Gamecube version cause of the 8 tri force shards then the stupid 3 tri force shards in the HD version.

What there is 8 shards? Why did you think only three??

If they remade an HD game in 6 months than Nintendo has a great future ahead of them.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 HD. Majora's Mask HD. Metroid Prime Trilogy HD.

#249361 Super Mario 3d World Nov 22

Posted by Sachmach29 on 02 October 2013 - 12:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software



#249189 Super Mario 3d World Nov 22

Posted by Sachmach29 on 01 October 2013 - 03:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

People didn't know this? I have it listed in my calendar months ago and it is released the same day a Link Between Worlds and Mario Party!

#251903 Sooo any mobile gamers here?

Posted by Sachmach29 on 18 October 2013 - 02:55 AM in General Gaming

Nah, I'm about as much into mobile gaming as I am PC gaming, which is for the most part, a non existence.

The functions my phone holds are calls, texts, alarm clocks, internet browsing and media, music player, photos and porn videos.

I honestly couldn't ask for more.

LOL porn.

#251256 Sooo any mobile gamers here?

Posted by Sachmach29 on 13 October 2013 - 01:57 PM in General Gaming

If I want to experience gaming regress 30 years to shallow coin op fodder, ill go check out an old time novelty arcade.

I use my phone purely for emulators, as real games on real systems ive played 100's of times over the past 20 years wipe the floor with 'mobile gaming'.

Have you ever played Infinity Blade? Then you will see a story better than Mario and gameplay that no console can do. Ever heard of ingress? Look it up and you will see how awesome that game is!
And are you jailbroken for emulators or get them from the App Store when they show up? I can never catch those things. I do have one emulator which is GBA4iOS pictured above!

I'm in the same boat as 3Dude, but I like Tetris and Rayman Jungle Run as well.

They have CoD, GTA, Asphalt, FPSs to be reckoned with that include no gameplay that Xbone, PS4, and Wii U are able to capture!

#251198 Sooo any mobile gamers here?

Posted by Sachmach29 on 13 October 2013 - 06:48 AM in General Gaming

I personally live on my iPod and I love it's wonderful games. It has the Infinity Blade Trilogy, GTA, Modern Combat, Angry Birds, Temple Run, Asphalt, Injustice, Arkham Orgins Lockdown, some emulators, Subway Surfers, Jetpack joyride, Cut the Rope and much much more. I know people used to laugh at Mobike Gamers but right now games are getting as big as Console games and I think it is becoming the age of mobile games now! Anyone else mobile gamer? Tell me what games you play!

Here are my games and Angry Birds!

Attached Thumbnails

  • image.jpg
  • image.jpg

#248969 Smash Bros Pic of the Day

Posted by Sachmach29 on 01 October 2013 - 02:31 AM in General Gaming

Lol why'd you get banned?

Said stuff about emulators for iOS.

#248824 Smash Bros Pic of the Day

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 01:06 PM in General Gaming

Same, sad I can't see these pics on my iPod every morning on miiverse after I got banned for who knows how long?

#251197 On the Fence of picking up the WIiU

Posted by Sachmach29 on 13 October 2013 - 06:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

God dammit buy it now man. With Super Mario 3D World, Sonic Lost World, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros 4, and an eventual Zelda U now is the time! They have great Virual Console and some not bad eshop games! And if you 3DS the linked accounts are on the horizon and Nintendo will be unstoppable. They already have New Super Mario Bros. U, Nintendo Land, Wind Waker HD, Scribblenauts, Pikmin, and ZombiU. They have Legend of Zelda, Earthbound, Super Mario World, Mario 2, and Cloudberry Kingdom. Wii U Chat, Miiverse, WaraWara Plaza, and still dedication to the Wii with a Wii Menu app! The Wii U will eventually be kickass and its start will be Christmas. Now is the perfect time. Say no to PS4 and Xbone! WIIIIIII U!

#249579 Nintendo Minute - Kit and Krysta Play Through Level of SM3D World

Posted by Sachmach29 on 06 October 2013 - 03:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I just meant Super Mario 3D Land on the 3ds. I've never played a 3d mario on any other system.....

I know they are two different games!

God I hate that girl in the video...

#249414 Nintendo Minute - Kit and Krysta Play Through Level of SM3D World

Posted by Sachmach29 on 02 October 2013 - 03:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

the game looks cool tho.... Didn't think I'd want this until I played the 3ds version....

THERE IS No 3DS version two different games people!

#248803 Nintendo direct tomorrow at 3pm bst

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 11:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Was about to post about this stole my thunder :(

#249921 News feed

Posted by Sachmach29 on 06 October 2013 - 03:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

yes its true . wii u is much easier to code for i even found out that when a most 3rd parties make games they begin by wii

EA doesn't hate Wii U !

i researched the internet and contacted EA and found out that the real reason behind EA bad support is online.

Ea indicated that they need more access to Nintendo network to establish Origin service.

( Wii U is almost capable of ignite)

on paper yes Wii U is almost capable of running ignite and as we know its fully capable of running forsbite 3

this was gaming news for this week by Mahmood Ahmed Basheer.

What. I heard this a long time ago. Go to school and learn some grammar, boy!

#249925 My Limited Edition WWHD at GameStop...

Posted by Sachmach29 on 06 October 2013 - 03:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

GameStop actually told me they were selling some guys deluxe Wii U to me, poor guy.

#248826 Miiverse Ban Question!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 01:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So I got banned on miiverse and I wanted to know how to find out how long I'm banned. Can anyone please help?

#249730 Miiverse Ban Question!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 05 October 2013 - 02:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

That's not it. Emulators, in Nintendo's eyes, are illegal. So, they didn't like you talking on how to circumvent buying their games... even if they aren't sold anymore. (i.e. Don't talk about piracy on there. Not the right place.)

Yea I realized that and it is a two week ban guyyyys!

#249771 Miiverse Ban Question!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 05 October 2013 - 08:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Not sure if it will work but you should be able to creat a new user account with a different nnid to switch to until your ban is up. Not sure if it works but I made one just in case.

It actually almost done cause I couldn't figure out when until around now so doesn't matter!

#248850 Miiverse Ban Question!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 02:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Said stuff about some emulators for ios. Saw one get deleted and 30 mins later in banned :( hope it's not forever. Thanks for the replies everyone ;)

Read the article and it might be because advertising for the website that has the emulators oh well. Just upset I can't brag about having Wind Waker HD early from the eShop. By the time it's over everyone will have it :|. Here is the advertising thing:


This includes any post containing commercial or marketing content, as well as any attempts to sway public opinion for the purpose of financial gain.


Posted by Sachmach29 on 23 October 2013 - 03:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hell yeah!


Posted by Sachmach29 on 23 October 2013 - 04:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I do dislike the Tanooki suit (SMB3) and Cape (SMW) power-ups, though.



Posted by Sachmach29 on 24 October 2013 - 02:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

lol meant to post that on a different thread that was the same as this one. This is awkward lol.

They merged my thread with this one, that's why!

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