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#315027 Upcoming PlayStation VITA Games | E3 2015

Posted by Marcus on 19 June 2015 - 09:25 AM in General Gaming

Trails of Cold Steel looks quite promising! 


Also crossing my fingers they don't mess up the RE:Revelations 2 port.


(someone should freeze-frame that video and list all of those logos shown at the end too)

#309152 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by Marcus on 17 February 2015 - 05:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

And then EA and the like throttle down the PC version so that the console versions are "Competitive"


Ha, I've got a mediocre gaming PC. I'm happily unaffected. Although some incidents like Dark Souls PC port are just ridiculous. 

#309148 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by Marcus on 17 February 2015 - 05:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

I still can't figure out for the life of me Why Microsoft and sony went with x86..


To close the difference with the PC gaming, which has had a massive explosion of popularity?

#308718 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by Marcus on 11 February 2015 - 04:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Nobody's hyping it up ether. Still have no idea if its going to be good then.


Well they've been almost silent about it. And the stuff we have seen looked incredibly last-gen and lacked any memorable style or character. Compare some of the screens to Bayonetta 2 and it's just an instant loss.

#308625 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by Marcus on 10 February 2015 - 11:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Haha I hope they're not spending too much on the budget for Devil's Third. Cos no-one's buying the damn thing.

#313064 What's in store for the 3DS?

Posted by Marcus on 16 May 2015 - 11:47 PM in General Gaming

English translation for the new DQ7 out as well. Many times companies like this pay to use fan translations. Xseed almost entirely uses them for Falcom games. DQ8 also sold rather poorly..only half a mill in the US and that was only because it included a demo of FF12.DQ7 didn't sell great either but it was released late.  That said they sell on DS but then again this is the same company who hyped people up at a conference to announce a port of a port of a port and so far yet to release it over a year later.


Where is the english translation for DQ7?


I wasn't just basing that on speculation, they did admit that was the reason: http://www.siliconer...rect=no&oswrr=1

#313036 What's in store for the 3DS?

Posted by Marcus on 15 May 2015 - 07:50 PM in General Gaming

To be honest, they could end the 3DS today and it'd still have enough awesome games to last another few years. There're also a ton of DS games I haven't got round to.


As for up and coming games. Fire Emblem is the main one. Then I'll be waiting for localization announcements for Bravely Second, Final Fantasy Explorers and the recently announced Dragon Quest 8. Especially Dragon Quest, I never played that and have repeatedly read it's the best in the series. Hope they add C-stick camera controls.

#313072 What's in store for the 3DS?

Posted by Marcus on 17 May 2015 - 08:15 AM in General Gaming

I think they were saying that the full world of FF7, if remade with the detail of FF13 would take ten times as long (which I suspect was hyperbolic). That's not necessarily the same as saying the version they would remake would take that long. If they ever did remake it, chances are the world wouldn't have that same amount of detail. Almost no "open world" games do. A remake of FF7 would probably be about the same size a project as FF15 I would guess. But would probably take less time cos they'd already know what they were making, instead of all the dilly-dallying they've had with 15.


And where exactly did they say that Kingdom Hearts and FF15 will run on anything with DX11. That would be an insane thing to claim.

#313074 What's in store for the 3DS?

Posted by Marcus on 17 May 2015 - 09:02 AM in General Gaming

Right, but there's a difference between supporting the same (or a similar) graphics library and having the same graphical power. The Wii U could have the identical architecture and hardware functions as the PS4 but if the game's being written mainly for the PS4, the Wii U wouldn't be able to handle it in terms of the CPU and GPU power. Which means they'd need to do the whole graphical downgrade thing to get it working on the Wii U. Which I'm guessing puts them off! It sounds like they're having enough trouble trying to get the Xbox to keep up as it is.

#313042 What's in store for the 3DS?

Posted by Marcus on 16 May 2015 - 03:20 AM in General Gaming


DQ8 3ds will never come to the west. DQ7 still has not nor has Joker. Good thing is 3DS is BC and grab DQIX on DS and 4,5 and 6. Funny how stupid Square is. DQIX sold 1 million in the US and overall best selling DQ in history..Brave sold 1 million..yet they say they won't bring it over in afraid it won't sell. Personally I think older DQs on SNES are much better than DQ8. DQ8 in a sense if FF7 in peoples first real exposure but best? Hmm debatable. Great game but not sure about best. Personally enjoyed DQIX more but not saying it's better. Speaking of DQ I am hyped about Dragon Quest Heroes west. Yeah we are getting that but no main games Square has made clear. Maybe E3 they shock us all.



DQ8 already has an english localization. DQ7 was remade and would've needed a new one. That's a huge difference and it's the main one that tends to be the deciding factor, especially with such a text-heavy game.

To release this in the west, all they have to do is go back to their english script and just copy it into the new game and then probably get at least half a million sales out of it. They'd be absolutely insane not to do it! Whereas with DQ7, it's a huge game with lots of translation to do. It's also a lesser known game in the west. That's a much bigger gamble for them. DQ8 is no gamble at all, it's guaranteed profit.

#313079 What's in store for the 3DS?

Posted by Marcus on 17 May 2015 - 11:36 AM in General Gaming

Well of course it COULD do it with optimization. Almost anything could. But how much? It has 1/4 the RAM for a start. It's unlikely they're designing the game to just leave most of that unused. You'd need to know exactly how they're putting the resources to use to know how easy it would be to port to the Wii U. That makes a huge difference. If they're using most of that memory for high-res textures, well it's simple enough to just scale those down in a few clicks. What if they're using all of that for rendering really high poly models en masse? Well then they'd have to go through all of those models and make alternatives at 1/4 the poly count. That's a lot more work than downsizing a texture.

Recall, it took Ubisoft about 6 months longer to release Watch Dogs on Wii U, and it still came out as a bad port. That was even designed for last gen consoles. Do you think they're all just really crap at their jobs or do you think maybe it's just quite hard to do?

#308668 What's Your Favourite World In New Super Mario Bros. U?

Posted by Marcus on 11 February 2015 - 08:38 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Always loved the first worlds in 2D mario games. The nice green grassy places. Can't remember what it's called in NSMBU though. I've really stopped paying attention to any of the lore in Mario games.

#312430 Who are YOU voting for?

Posted by Marcus on 27 April 2015 - 12:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Liberal Democrats probably. Oh wait......I sense I've confused the context here.

#315989 Who would buy a Wii U now?

Posted by Marcus on 11 July 2015 - 11:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

It's absolutely worth getting. You can find them fairly cheap if you hunt around and there're enough good exclusives to justify buying one.


I'm guessing Xenoblade Chronicles X and Zelda will probably be the only 2 AAA games left though. Just a hunch. (no, I'm not counting Star Fox as AAA)

#315990 Who would buy a Wii U now?

Posted by Marcus on 11 July 2015 - 11:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

With both Xenoblade X and Zelda still coming, yeah it's definitely worth the purchase at this point. It'd be nice if we get a few more AAA games announced. But if not, plenty to keep busy with for sure. The quality of games on the console has been incredibly good imo. Much better than the Wii in general.

#311598 Wii U - Shin Megami Tensei & Fire Emblem Crossover Project Gameplay Trailer

Posted by Marcus on 07 April 2015 - 01:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It kinda looks like they took the parts of both series that people dislike the most and brought them together. It's almost the exact opposite of what I was expecting. Graphically quite impressive though. I'd probably only go near something like this if it gets outstanding reviews though cos there's only so much anime I can take.

#309932 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 11:33 AM in General Gaming

Haha, I still buy DVDs!

And I still have a VCR.

#309920 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 09:29 AM in General Gaming

Does the XBONE not have a Bluray player too? It's a bit ridiculous that the Wii U doesn't to be honest.

#309929 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 11:23 AM in General Gaming

honestly no its not.


think about how many people have dvd players or blu ray player. Why would you need your system to also play it.

In all of my life i have only play 1 movie on a system. It was long time ago i play a DVD on a ps2. Then i got a dvd player when i started to get more movies.

Got a blu ray player when i upgraded from then. I was never into wanting a system to play movies. Its meant for games.


Lol that is exactly the same for myself too. DVD with PS2 was a big deal. I still don't have a Bluray player though so I would've welcomed it.

#309535 Wii U SRPG Liege (If you like Fire Emblem)

Posted by Marcus on 23 February 2015 - 04:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah, I just saw this posted on Vita sites. I'll almost definitely get it, although probably the Vita version, as it does tick a lot of my boxes.

The art style is great and the environmental design reminds of something like Final Fantasy tactics, which is a surefire way to grab my attention certainly.

My only negative so far is that the combat looks rather dull.

#309396 Wii U top 3 games (for new owners)

Posted by Marcus on 21 February 2015 - 02:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Pretty easy really.


1) Mario Kart 8- The best Mario Kart imo. The tracks are great, it looks incredible and DLC tracks is an awesome addition.


2) Super Mario 3D World- Very safe for a 3D Mario game. But perfectly weighted platforming with varied and creative levels. It's pure mindless fun.


3) Wind Waker HD- A Zelda is needed for every home console. This isn't the best and imo the sparsity of the ocean works against the pacing of the story (which is otherwise good). It'll do until we get the big Zelda we're all waiting for.

#309404 Wii U top 3 games (for new owners)

Posted by Marcus on 21 February 2015 - 04:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software



Lololol "it's good but I'm offended".


My impression of Bayonetta was that the character was supposed to be pro-woman but the camera was supposed to be pro-perv. Seemed like a fair balance.

#311411 Wii U Zelda Map Analysis

Posted by Marcus on 02 April 2015 - 04:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They need to give us something to actually analyze!

#310126 Wii U Zelda Map Analysis

Posted by Marcus on 06 March 2015 - 01:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm keen for populated areas like clock town or twilight's castle town


I like those too. I hope they have a fairly big settlement this time. Something equivalent to New LA in XCX would be cool. I like that sort of thing because it creates a greater contrast between civilisation and the wilderness.

#313869 Wii U/3DS Rodea story details

Posted by Marcus on 04 June 2015 - 07:30 PM in General Gaming

Hmmmmmm a story, eh?

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